How to Love a Blue Demon (40 page)

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Authors: Sherrod Story

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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“So, tell me.”

“Yes, my dear?”

“Do you think your momma will wanna have a big wedding? ‘
Cause my people will insist on one.”

Certainly. There’s my family, the court, the celebrations for our merchants and close political connections,” he said, listing those who would have to be invited so as not to offend anyone. Then he brightened. “I know, let’s have two weddings!”

Cass burst out laughing. “Hell, why not? You only marry an alien once in a lifetime, right?”

He grinned, but the grin faded as he wondered: would they be at war before the wedding could take place?

“That’s it.
What’s up? And don’t even try that innocent look. I’m not buying it. You’ve been distracted all day. We’re planning our damn wedding and you just check out? I want to know what’s the deal.”

Eyoen opened his mouth to tell her the truth, but then he fell silent. He’d only just got her to marry him, and now he had to tell her that the life he’d promised her was in jeopardy. He couldn’t do it.

“I love you.”

Cass smiled. “I believe you. But I know you’re just trying to distract me.”

“Yes, my dear,” he agreed, pulling her into his arms. “Is it working?” he nuzzled her neck, and had his answer when she shivered and arched to give him better access.

She pressed herself against his erection.
“Of course. But it might not always, you know.”

He lifted his head to look at her. Slowly he shook his head. “I re
fuse to contemplate such a day,” and he kissed her.

A soul kiss,
Cass called it, because he took his sweet time about it, and by the time he’d moved on to the next stage in their lovemaking she was so fundamentally shaken she hardly knew right from wrong.

“It’s right,” he whispered, when she f
irst named their lengthy clinch. Now he ate at her mouth just as he had then, slowly, thoroughly, sweetly, and with infinite patience.

What Cass didn’t unde
rstand was that even as her blood heated, as she grew impatient for the hard, driving thrust of his body within hers, even as his blue blooded heart beat deeper and faster and he shuddered with need and want, he was in no hurry.

She gr
oaned as he slowly carried her to their bed. He waved a hand and the booty she’d collected shopping that day vanished. Her clothes were next, and Cass laughed, as always delighted with what she called his “little magical maneuverings.”

“Now, if you were really on the ball, your clothes would be gone too,” she whispered, and no sooner than the last word fell from her lips, he was naked too.

“I love magic,” she breathed, opening her legs so he could get comfortable in his spot, his hardness pressed flush against her softness.

Eyoen stretched languidly, Cass naturally mimicking his movements until it was almost like they were dancing. He sighed as he licked between her lips, one hand wrapping her throat as his lips found their way up to suck gently on her ear lobe. This was what he’d wanted when he came looking for her.

With her scent in his nose and her in his arms, nothing else mattered. No enemy of state, no long ago slight, nothing mattered to him but her sweet softness under his hands.

He turned her head to the side as he rained sucking kisses down the side of her neck to her collar bone, which he investigated thoroughly with tongue and teeth before transferring his ravenous attention to her breasts.

Each slope and dip bore witness to his mouth’s adoration, the gentle nudge of his nose, the silken rasp of his long, black hair as it brushed the curves he worshiped. His heart swelled along with his cock as she shuddered, moving restlessly beneath him.

“Still,” he whispered in Cyani, and with a whimper she did. In reward he moved slowly down her torso, kissing and nibbling every bit of skin he passed along the way. Sucking mouthfuls of Cass into his cheeks,
he bit down until her gasping breaths caressed his ears.

He could feel her heart thudding fast, its vibrations soothing and enflaming him at on
ce, and it was his turn to groan when he reached her clit and pulled her into his mouth. Her taste exploded on his tongue, the pleasure making him dizzy, and her back arched as she thrust her flesh against his rapidly moving tongue.

He could sense when her orgasm approached and with a wicked laugh he backed off, loving her groan of disappointment, the way her hands tugged at his thick hair and
the faux threats of a most pleasurable torture that fell from her full lips.

“I’m gonna get you,” she promised, eying him through a slitted, sexy gaze.

“I look forward to it, my dear,” he said, meandering his way back up her body to lick leisurely at her pebbled nipples. “Will it be soon do you think?”

She just laughed. “Don’t get too cocky, demon.”

He thrust teasingly against her. “I thought you liked me cocky.”

Her raised brow promised all sorts of wicked things. Things she was more than able and willing to deliver. “Did I tell you I was working on a new song?”

“No, Cass.”

She just
grinned and began to sing. She’d discovered her power that first day in his bath when she realized he came while she was singing.

Mildly scandalized that he’d orgasmed in front of his siblings, Eyoen had shrugged at her shocked eyes and gaping mouth. “There is no shame in enjoying you, my
dear. No matter who may be near. You,” he’d shaken his head, unable to articulate what her voice raised in song did to his body, to his spirit.

“That sound,” he whispered
now, touching her throat reverently even as he shuddered, his body rushing toward the feeling only she created in him.

, whenever she wanted to turn the tables on him, she’d sing a few soft words in his ear. Or she’d croon him a few lyrics as she touched him. She did these things when they were alone and smiled as she reaped the pleasurable benefits of her teasing. She also did them while they were in company, enjoying his struggle to maintain decorum, and using her vibrato like a weapon to torture him with the best kind of feeling when they were surrounded by servants, family and friends.

“I love you,”
she whispered, turning in his arms and snuggling close as he held her tight.

“I love you more.”

She grinned as she looked up at him. “Where did you learn to say that?”

He raised a brow. “No one taught me that. It’s the truth.” He pulled back from her, just enough to align their bodies and take her with one, slow, inexorable thrust. Another followed, and another, until it was she who shuddered.

Slipping into her mind, Eyoen could feel how good he made her feel. He could feel her slip inside him as well, could feel her rubbing against his deepest thoughts just as surely as he rubbed against her flesh.

Her breaths came faster,
became more labored. She was trying to hold on, to draw out the pleasure. She smiled as she drew her inner flesh tight around him, pulling a groan from his throat as she rolled her hips and met him thrust for wicked thrust.

“Two can play that game,” she promised, her brown eyes shining with happiness before heavy lids drifted down to hide her from him.

“Open,” he begged raggedly. He wanted to see her come undone for him. To look into her eyes and see when the pleasure became too intense to bear and she fell into that place that only he could take her to.

Slowly her almond eyes opened. She arched, reaching up to pull a hank of his hair until his head tilted back, exposing his neck for her sucking kisses.

He groaned at the show of roughness. It meant she was close, that she had to push him, wanted to make him come before her.

He laughed, a soft, ragged exhalation. “You’ve been trying to make me come first since the very beginning. When will you give up?”

She licked her way up to his ear and bit down until he groaned, his lower body speeding up against his will. “Never,” she promised. “Not until I get what I want.”

He turned her then
. He loved the intimacy of loving her on their sides, entwined like spoons, but he needed leverage. He moved her on her back and began to fuck her in earnest.

She cried out, her back arching, trying to get closer
, to get more as the pleasure grew. Their hips moved like synchronized swimmers. She whimpered, her short nails scoring his back mindlessly as she kissed and pulled and stroked.

Eyoen loved
it all. After hundreds of years and countless women, he had never experienced the depth of pleasure he found in her body. But this kind of loving, this mindless, animalistic pleasure attack was what he loved best.

He would never hurt her, not even whilst out of his head in the throes of
a lust so consuming his sight grew narrow and his hearing the same. His focus was solely on her and what they were doing to each other. But at that moment he came close, so incredibly close to losing control, to becoming a selfish, mindless, clawing demon, the kind his father had warned him he could be whilst inside the woman he loved.

bit her. Struck fast and hard and clean, his fangs sinking into her soft flesh where neck met shoulder. She came, screaming out his name as though entreating him to follow. And he did, pumping hot strong, streams of himself into her and growling like an animal as the haze faded and slowly he came back to her and to himself.

For a long mom
ent there was only their breath and the faint, almost inaudible rasp of the silk sheets tangled beneath them. He began to lick her. Licking the puncture marks and making her shudder and shimmy as her tickling skin healed. With a last nuzzle for the disappeared wound she gave him a smacking kiss and stretched beneath him, nearly splitting her face with a yawn.

He stuck a finger in her mouth as it closed, and she laughed softly.
It was a trick she’d played on him on Earth after he’d drunk too much alcohol and was as sleepy as a pup trying to stay up past bed time.

“Silly,” she told him, nudging him off her.

He moved obligingly into their night time spooning position.

“We should go to the bath,” he murmured. “I don’t want you sore.”

“Hmmm,” she answered, already half asleep. “Later.”

Eyoen yawned. He had to get up, tend to his woman. He scratched idly at his shoulder.
He could use a soak in the waters as well. His back had been itching all day.

He rose and stretched, reaching down to scoop her into his arms. She was s
oft and pliable, lazily looping her arms around his neck and pushing her face into his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and sat down in the bath with her between his legs.

She lolled there, sighed contentedly as he rubbed the medicinal water over her arms and legs, down her back, cupping a full breast in each hand before he massaged her belly and gently cleaned between her legs.

“It’s strange how this water smells,” she said quietly.


“Mmmm. It took me a minute to place the scent, but when you’re wet it smells faintly of spearmint. Then as you dry it smells of gardenia.”

“Is that so.”

“You never noticed?”

“No, I never did.”

She shrugged. “That’s not so strange, I suppose. People often don’t notice familiar things that are around them all the time.”

When she yawned
again he pulled her out, dried her off and put her to bed.

“You not coming to bed?”

“No, my dear. I will join you later.”

She cracked open an
eye and grabbed his hand before he could leave. “Where are you going? I know you don’t think you’re going to visit those harem girls.”

Eyoen threw back his head and laugh
ed long and loud. “To do what? I don’t have a harem anymore, my dear. I gave all of my houris away to my unmated brothers.”

Both brown eyes were open now. “Is that true?”

“Yes,” he scowled. “She who insists upon doubting my word. I couldn’t just throw them into the street, my dear. I had to ensure they would be properly taken care of until their service contracts are up, and they either find other situations or employment.”

He lingered
, letting her see the truth of his words in his eyes, and slowly, she released him.

To answer your question, I’m going to see my father.”

“It’s late.”

“Yes,” he agreed, staring at her placidly. Too placidly.

You’re hiding something,” she opined, eying him skeptically. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” he answered.
At this moment, that was true. Things were calm. Too calm. He could feel that something was coming. For one thing, his back was itching like mad, and since his brothers were suffering the same malady, he was hoping he could get one of them to scratch it for him.

Cass looked at him solemnly, and he stepped closer, instinctively wanting to touch her, to banish the sadness he saw in her eyes.

“Are you ready for me to go home?”

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