Read How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine Online
Authors: Trisha Greenhalgh
Secondary research is composed of the following
(non-systematic) reviews
, which summarise primary studies;
systematic reviews
, which do this using a rigorous, transparent and auditable (i.e. checkable) method;
, which integrate the numerical data from more than one study;
Question Three: Was the research design appropriate to the question?
Examples of the sort of questions that can reasonably be answered by different types of primary research study are given in the sections that follow. One question that frequently cries out to be asked is this: was a randomised controlled trial (RCT) (see section ‘Randomised controlled trials’) the best method of addressing this particular research question, and if the study was not an RCT, should it have been? Before you jump to any conclusions, decide what broad field of research the study covers (see Box 3.2). Once you have done this, ask whether the study design was appropriate to this question. For more help on this task (which people often find difficult until they get the hang of it) see the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) website (
Box 3.2 Broad fields of research
Most quantitative studies are concerned with one or more of the following:
Qualitative studies are discussed in Chapter 12.
Randomised controlled trials
In an RCT, participants in the trial are randomly allocated by a process equivalent to the flip of a coin to either one intervention (such as a drug treatment) or another (such as placebo treatment—or more commonly, best current therapy). Both groups are followed up for a pre-specified time period and analysed in terms of specific outcomes defined at the outset of the study (e.g. death, heart attack, and serum cholesterol level). Because,
on average
, the groups are identical apart from the intervention, any differences in outcome are, in theory, attributable to the intervention. In reality, however, not every RCT is a bowl of cherries.
Some papers that report trials comparing an intervention with a control group are not, in fact, randomised trials at all. The terminology for these is
other controlled clinical trials
—a term used to describe comparative studies in which participants were allocated to intervention or control groups in a non-random manner. This situation may arise, for example, when random allocation would be impossible, impractical or unethical—for example, when patients on ward A receive one diet while those on ward B receive a different diet. (Although this design is inferior to the RCT, it is much easier to execute, and was used successfully a century ago to demonstrate the benefit of brown rice over white rice in the treatment of beriberi [8].) The problems of non-random allocation are discussed further in section ‘Was systematic bias avoided or minimised?’ in relation to determining whether the two groups in a trial can reasonably be compared with one another on a statistical level.
Some trials count as a sort of halfway house between true randomised trials and non-randomised trials. In these, randomisation is not performed truly at random (e.g. using sequentially numbered sealed envelopes each with a computer-generated random number inside), but by some method that allows the clinician to know which group the patient would be in
before he or she makes a definitive decision to randomise the patient
. This allows subtle biases to creep in, as the clinician might be more (or less) likely to enter a particular patient into the trial if he or she believed that this individual would get active treatment. In particular, patients with more severe disease may be subconsciously withheld from the placebo arm of the trial. Examples of unacceptable methods include randomisation by last digit of date of birth (even numbers to group A, odds to group B), toss of a coin (heads to group A, tails to group B), sequential allocation (patient A to group 1; patient B to group 2, etc.) and date seen in clinic (all patients seen this week to group A; all those seen next week to group 2, etc.) (Box 3.3) [9] [10].
Listed here are examples of clinical questions that would be best answered by an RCT, but note also the examples in the later sections of this chapter of situations where other types of studies could or must be used instead.
Box 3.3 Advantages of the randomised controlled trial design
Allows rigorous evaluation of a single variable (e.g. effect of drug treatment versus placebo) in a precisely defined patient group (e.g. post-menopausal women aged 50–60 years).
Prospective design (i.e. data are collected on events which happen
you decide to do the study).
Uses hypotheticodeductive reasoning (i.e. seeks to falsify, rather than confirm, its own hypothesis; see section ‘Three preliminary questions to get your bearings’).
Potentially eradicates bias by comparing two otherwise identical groups (but see subsequent text and section ‘Was systematic bias avoided or minimised?’).
Allows for meta-analysis (combining the numerical results of several similar trials) at a later date; see section ‘Ten questions to ask about a paper that claims to validate a diagnostic or screening test’).
RCTs are often said to be the gold standard in medical research. Up to a point, this is true (see section ‘The traditional hierarchy of evidence’), but only for certain types of clinical questions (see Box 3.2 and sections ‘Cohort studies’, ‘Case-control studies’, ‘Cross-sectional surveys’ and ‘Case reports’). The questions that best lend themselves to the RCT design all relate to
, and are mainly concerned with therapy or prevention. It should be remembered, however, that even when we are looking at therapeutic interventions, and especially when we are not, there are a number of important disadvantages associated with randomised trials (see Box 3.4) [11] [12].
Remember, too, that the results of an RCT may have limited applicability as a result of exclusion criteria (rules about who may not be entered into the study), inclusion bias (selection of trial participants from a group that is unrepresentative of everyone with the condition (see section ‘Whom is the study about?’)), refusal (or inability) of certain patient groups to give consent to be included in the trial, analysis of only pre-defined ‘objective’ endpoints which may exclude important qualitative aspects of the intervention (see Chapter 12) and publication bias (i.e. the selective publication of positive results, often but not always because the organisation that funded the research stands to gain or lose depending on the findings [9] [10]). Furthermore, RCTs can be well or badly managed [2], and, once published, their results are open to distortion by an over-enthusiastic scientific community or by a public eager for a new wonder drug [13]. While all these problems might also occur with other trial designs, they may be particularly pertinent when an RCT is being sold to you as, methodologically speaking, whiter than white.
Box 3.4 Disadvantages of the randomised controlled trial design
Expensive and time-consuming, hence, in practice,
May introduce ‘hidden bias’, especially through
There are, in addition, many situations in which RCTs are unnecessary, impractical or inappropriate:
RCTs are unnecessary
RCTs are impractical
RCTs are inappropriate
All these issues have been discussed in great depth by clinical epidemiologists, who remind us that to turn our noses up at the non-randomised trial may indicate scientific naiveté and not, as many people routinely assume, intellectual rigour [11]. You might also like to look up the emerging science of
RCTs—a methodology for taking account of practical, real-world challenges so that the findings of your trial will be more relevant to that real world when the trial is finished [14]. See also section ‘What information to expect in a paper describing a randomised controlled trial: the CONSORT statement’ where I introduce the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement for presenting the findings of RCTs.