How to Write (29 page)

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Authors: Gertrude Stein

BOOK: How to Write
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In an ineradicable arrangement with them they eschew their delight in rising alone in the afternoon of the middle of the planning for their release by means of it at one time as left to the more nearly having an advantage in politely adhering to their intentional robust devotion to their tidings. It is mainly so.

If fairly well she saw it sell and it was not very good because it was so large that if it were reproduced there would be and is the largeness of the grains that make it inedible and it is particularly there are as many as if there is in estimation of believing that if it is to fall it can come to be all out but not as with it as a purpose just as he is which is manifestly not fairly well established in allowance because and with it in a peculiarity of their containing and whether it is more than delicious it makes it narrowly have it more than if in impenetrable rapidly without and peculiarly in outwardly having chances of their applying for it in the partly chosen expression of their pleasure in it as much as they may care to do which when certainly more having it fairly prepared and on this account they may be theoretically be chosen as more than when it is by word of mouth in copying from this to that in order to have it be no more than it was a pleasure which can be at last more than half and half in the preparation of their intermingling which without and by the mention of their not unreliably attaining to more than forty of all the most which has been as very well seen by reason of the behavior that makes it have within and laterally laid down without their having sent it a little way further which when it can be mostly reliable is with it as an authority in the meantime as an arrangement of their relation to the pleasure of their surrounding and mostly it is a very good thing to like it very much. They might be very much as if they were left to be having more than is usual in no time at all and they may without any question have it in view and perhaps when after it is to be called when they can it may if there is a pleasure in their not letting it be more than a pleasure at that time it is fortunately because of their wishes that they do not betray themselves in the habitual resolve to be cherished with nearly that which is indubitably and made it in renumeration when they have not without release of more than fifty birds made it without and a pleasure to have managed to be artificially related to the next to prepared interference with their leaving it as it may by very much of it in integral independence more than it is without and leaving and it may be more than they have by reason of it elevating their certainty to the exposure of release which when without their amounting to their ocasional resemblance do more than change which is very jointly their deliberation which is in the occupation of their bewailing made plenty of traditional liking for the next and very much appointed union of independence and denial of why they came which they did in time and widely as it is shown that they will place partly more than it is more than notoriously without hindrance in so far as they do search and more pleasantly advise the nearly possible advantage in their deliberation which is when it is more often aware of the renewal of the most willing to be needed as how and why they do not behaving as unitedly as they need within the more than their praise of the aftermath of settled arrangement to prepare to come to have it do. It is very nearly very well liked as it is which is the most available release of their beside this when it is nicely postponed to the artifice which makes it usual in the so to speak liberty to radiate the capacity to withhold which when common to the needle and the pleasantness of possible silk using this as a withdrawal of their appointing it to be what is if when there is no use for it the best of their habit of having in plenty of time nicely rearranged to their advantage which when it is of benefit may accrue to the more advised pleasure of their relieving it at once of the nearly played part of their payed attention in excuse and apology for following one with another. It is partly a trial of the pleasure of their knowing that it is possibly a reminder of which it is that is in the ordinary allowance of more than having half of it in repealing the most that can be said if they were to replace another which can always be an arrival of their precision in being along when they came which they did as they heard that they were to be sure to be able to go where when they did they must at all times be not very much disposed to have an attention to the disappointing leaving of it as it is to be in the future mainly without and a pleasure to their having it more than it is within the way that they say they can account for without it being at all their fault. This is why they do not have it without any pleasure in particular places of which more hereafter when it is more suitable to have it known that they will go away and it is by various practices that they make it of some account which is just why it is when they are very often told to be better known and very likely they are exceedingly reduced to the most entertaining form of deliberation because while within a given space of time they might be disclosing just the thing that they want known which is very presently what they will do and in this way they might without reason have half of it continually which is just what they will do as they said. They were more than very likely pleased to say so as well as to do so which they do and they were very lucidly leaving it to the best known avoiding it more than it could have been done by this when that is where they are to leave it when it is done and so forth.

It is a way of letting it be partly hers and theirs and it is also a way of their leaving it one at a time as often as it is of any use to any one. It is moreover as much as they care to allow them to arrange it and it is by the time that they are ready very much as ever plainly put their for their pleasure and they enjoy it which very likely they do.

Coming with and an arrangement of their being more than half placed in an allowance of the most elaborate and very careful interchange of left to them in case that at a distance he would not undertake to meet him which he did not refuse to do. It might be the most and very much a great difficulty to see that five are more than four when three of them are dead two not responsible for being living and one perhaps refusing in addition. And they were how to be left to them inescapably and with an enduring pleasure in surrounding it as with one. In so much they were of use to them and at the request of one who had refused the matter was arranged so they thought and so they did and as much as it is in hopes of their being more than quite often never mistaken. Never to remember any more of wishes. Just a little of the most that they can do. They need to have had it planned for them. They like to know to what extent it will be done. They must surprise them with what is not by any means rarely attained by their having without any placid fervor seen that it is more than an especially politely and whether or not pointedly praised insistence upon that at that time and if it is with when they come it is more than if without it there is to be left where it is in following blindly very well with eyes shut.

In speeches never to refuse what he has said coming handily from word to mouth in pleasure and excess of the more than ever usual having it plainly returned if it is possible to hear them turn the way they did in precisely a pleasure of having it placed upon the most uninterrupted jeapordising of their return to an advantage in an instance behind the merely added whether it is beside which it can be entangled very much as if in whether never to be said to be clearly an infringement of their patently admired reconsideration of their regular provision of having one taken out of two. One taken out of two two are there and one is taken one taken out of two.

In very much attending to this as the most when there is that it is difficult to know whether they wanted it to be so and it is a plainly admired presentation of their resemblance to the renewal of the advantage that they have in their allowing it not to be pointedly known as once and for all as they could attribute it to the nicely left admitting it to be more often in inestimable recurrence of their determining when it comes to be that there will be changing to the nicely thought out reversal of their uniting it to the more advantageously placed betrayal of evenly once to be not obliged to refer to them in choice which is because of the newly arranged flourishing bestowal of the might have been handled to be inarticulating it without more than because of their deciding leaving it more than it has more often to about arrange the continuance of their deliberately satisfying the choosing of the elaborate arrival of why it does not come to be furnished which is more than having it be in a preliminary charge of intentional restlessness as they say because of without the more left of the interpretation on their account it might easily be that they were discouraged by not half of it having the same as ending where they were beginning. It is doubtful if by beginning they mean in the first place.

Sound sight and sense around sound by sight with sense around by with sound sight and sense will they apologise truthfully. Come to allowing.

As often as not as often as not they as often as not were to be going away.

A plan that is made and causes it to be that if they were after all not behaving as if they could by an indifference to an extravagantly prepared advantage which is by nearly their importance advising them to be more than as well as if by the time that it is to be comparatively obtained in an intentional adjustment of the renewal and bestowal of whether by the chance of their adjoining they may be colliding without an impatience which can be changed to an addition of their bestowal which is in a way might it be shadowed as because of this which is an objection to their having whether it can be an interval of it just the same which is preferably not only a reason because they may be that is if it could be to notice that having looked to see. Tt should never be an exact copy. What is the difference between starting and starting and when may they like it looking part of the time as is very much their hope that they will be without in the meantime furnishing it as an advantage which it is to the more delighted explanation of their being very ready to send very many apples.

Politically do they have to be known as George Middleton or George Mayhew or George Wilson or George Arthur or George Leroy or George Watson or George Hardien or George Pleace or George Veron or George Arlen. Might they have measure in all things. Might they be politically orthodox and expect to place it where it is which is very well known that if she does not every day hear what she sees she may be mistaken but this is not at all likely because in the very best hope of glass and resistance there should never be any mention of either at once. One at a time makes it be very much as if when a large and larger to be doubtful lest they are wary.

Very much as they do they may be the most that they have as an advantage to delineate the more than hopeful withdrawal of their arrangement and may do more than with and they can have it be as much as in comparison which having it challenged and replaced they will without the most refractory denial be saving it as partly as they would in annoying it which is for them as a better than their usual ingratiating arrival of partly without it as with them that when it is most and preparatory to a renouncement of their indignation they can insultingly agree to be disposed to like to have not known that it is at all as they could which very prettily makes it do it as they have more than on that account beside the arrival of their disappointing wonder as to whenever it is to be thought very well of. It is very difficult to avoid parts of it. Once in a while they may cheaply leave coasts where they were. They must be very often told to look alike and they do not please every one as they should because if after all they are in the more than half of it as ready as they could illustrate their occupation of arising from a meal every three at a time in the interval of occasionally replacing theirs in estimation and coming comfortably to the most as an advantage they will call. It is more than they can as a surface follow fellow and the hope that it is said of them. Begin now. It is more practically as they like that it is as much as they ever have and it is more believed than it could be in the meantime that they are all in derision of never fearing as a word to be chosen because of the unitedness of their having had a home. How much can they be as much liked as ever. Anyway now. It is because of sighing that it is very much that they have of preparation in leaving it to them. Anything as an attachment whom did they used to know. It was as if they could be very likely as in an interminable using of collecting it as more than without an appointment to have it be coming to have with and precisely in comparison to be an arousing of the peculiar and more than effort to be known to be hourly which is in subdivision in lots to suit. It is plainly their desirability which creates what it is in the pointedly ineffaceably refusing of their reiteration of appointment to be nearly left to it alone which is more than has been attended to and may be of importance really. It is very absently altogether which is more than in transfiguration which means this is what they call them when they are very placidly disturbed by the name of a street. They like to do it. They are very early at it. They do not deny themselves what is more than having it and they are very much the better for it and they are using the best and very nearly their voice to decide it. It is as much as they care for. They do what ever they like. They never relax and they are very pleasant when they come to-day. They know the difference they look about them and they find it where they wish to put it and after all it is more than that. It is partly that they could contain what they heard in that way. It is very well to be open to influences. And it is not at all what they asked for. To continue to come and go come to them and they will come to you.

Once in a while as any one can say it is very well to have it have it better as it is in case they should in place of after all knowing that it is the same as that. Do they like to have them.

In the morning and at noon and after noon they were occupied in reading and when not in other things which occupied them because having made a list it was practically never a possibility to carry out all the activities indicated because although there were no interruptions nor differences of direction naturally there would be a completion of each activity and in so much so there would be more time occupied in the interval of passing from one to the other even when that was ever so quickly accomplished that inevitably and also as there were small interpellations which not withstanding an allowance were allowed for might with the very best management add minutes to partly hours which makes of it without question a division of partly needing to add coming to relieving and were there as is very often a habitual accomodation to their reasoning that they were inevitably what would leave one poor would not make another one rich which was partly why they had prepared more than it was ever at all likely that they would partake of as in unavoidably referring to what may be in a management of indifference to an estimation of their appointing it as a principal failing of having it be believed as their own without an interview which made it be with renouncement and so if when because and fairly they were without and bestowed as changing they might which is in origin because of their willingness to be reproached which is in all at once without an arrival of their indulging possibly in the most as if when and believing it categorically as being without a doubtful pleasure in their renouncing the most advantageous arrangement of their successively desiring to be wondering about it. Coming to have it better than it was without more attraction than could be earnestly belonging to the more intricate plainly attributed the more often represented changing of theirs to them particularly as in an effort to not remember actually the color actually as they said actually to be sure more than it is by way of this which when it is aroused very well as they must with and by the mending of their applauding of it with and without especial leaving it as very well to be added to presently by that time which without any after laying it to be known periodically without their renewal of it as it can be shown which differently from when that and altogether it is not beside that that they are urged they might have it be very much to blame as they could without it being partly as if they were more than they could without their having been differently aroused to unite it in their particular variety of making it do. And now then allow then and not to be unequal to an apparent likeness to their approach which they may do and partly holding it as their arrangement which can without a part of their arrangement makes it have an application of their withholding because proverbially with it and by their with and all leaving it which when having rejected their announcement partly and enjoined with and more than which when they can indifferently rally to the most that they can do exclusively. It is more than they had with it they were very much pleased to have it be gaily adjoined to the realising of wherein they were more than acquitting themselves of the advantage of which when they had they were by the change of their being reasonable which is by the most of which they have beautifully released it from them which is why when they have it as a joy they were plainly allowing it to be more than they had without it being merely finally bestowing upon it in the more than ever that it is without their being thought very well of and they may by the time that they do and do have it as an employment they might and it is without their only pretence of having it be left yesterday may be without which and because of their very well choosing what is more than partly every little while they may interruptedly be more than it is to be nearly fairly every once more their own which is in a choice and they can be very well known as having been very much more briefly left to them very readily with it as an interval of their being not only more so but as wholesome which is a change from that it is by the time that they are with and without as they were more than as carefully as ever being when they were to be asking it of them centrally which may be an offence but can never be as much as they would have been known to have as an annoyance which they might very well to be left to it as it can be originally an allowance of with and more than peculiarly without an acceptation of why they were to do it too which they did as indeed is very well known because by the time that they are indifferent they may be more than having it made in methodically refusing to advance every time that it does make a difference which might never be what they wanted altogether if they were very well pleased with it because it is not by any manner of means what they liked they were to like it just as they did and they were to say so just as they said so and they were to go just as they went and they were to have it be partly at their disposition and they were to be disappointed as they were expecting to have more left for the next who were to see to it which is why they were praising it to every one and then after this they were to move it away and they were to allow it to be left where it could do the most good which it did in just that way and they were very well placed to see to it and it is not only because of that but by liking it very well that they were to be always more and more regularly left to go out as often as they came which they did and it was very much as often as they were pleasing it which they can without more ado have it shown and they may be perfectly right and they may not have to have it be left more than every twice in ten times which makes one in five times and they do like it and they were as often mentioned as they could be without any effect upon the ones who were leaving it to them.

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