Howl of the Wolf (26 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Howl of the Wolf
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“It was a chance I was willing to take.”

The Lady placed her hand in the center of his chest. “Your heart is heavy, Mordecai. You are whole once again, your soul returned to you, your animal half joined with your human half once again. Because of that, you are now free from the curse and from Hades for all time.” She shook her head and sighed, sadness filling the very air around her. “But you will never be the warrior you once were.”

Sabrina reached out and took Arand’s hand, wondering what was going to happen to Mordecai.


Arand was stunned, and there were similar expressions on the faces of his fellow warriors. Mordecai had tricked Hades and then willingly gone into his domain to try to help the rest of them. All this time they’d thought he was a traitor he’d been trying to help them.

But the Lady was right. Mordecai was changed by the experience. There had always been a darkness surrounding him, but now it seemed a permanent part of him, clinging to his very skin.

Arand was grateful for Sabrina’s touch. He held her hand, wishing they were alone so he could make love to her. After so many long centuries in captivity, it still stunned him to realize he was free. They all were. And according to his brethren, his Sabrina was now immortal, his forever.

His cock stirred, but he willed it back into submission. Now was not the time for such thoughts, but later, later he had plans for his woman.

The Lady removed her hand from Mordecai’s chest. Power surrounded the goddess, pulsing like a heartbeat. Arand felt the hair on his arms stand on end. He swallowed hard, wondering what the Lady was going to do to his former friend. No, Mordecai was still his friend. He’d tried to help them, putting himself in peril.

Arand gave Sabrina’s hand a squeeze before he released it and stepped away from her. He took the two steps necessary to bring him to Mordecai’s side. “My Lady, I beg you have mercy on my fellow warrior.” He looked at Mordecai, seeing the depth of pain in his eyes. Arand kept Mordecai’s gaze as he added, “My friend.”

He looked toward Sabrina, willing her to understand. She offered him a soft smile and her complete understanding. Arand could see in her eyes that she knew this was something he had to do. He truly was lucky to have her in his life. And he could thank the Lady for that miracle.

It was Stavros who broke ranks next, coming to stand on Mordecai’s other side. “I beg mercy for my brother.”

Mordecai glance at both of them, looking overwhelmed. He swallowed hard and inclined his head at both of them. “I thank you, but I am ready to stand alone in my judgment.”

“But you are no longer alone.” It was Phoenix who joined them next.

Roric heaved a great sigh and stepped up to join them. “You always have to be difficult, don’t you, serpent?”

“It’s a gift.” Mordecai’s quip made Roric smile.

“What the heck.” Marko joined them, leaving only Leander.

The lion glared at Mordecai but grudgingly came forward, the floor buckling slightly beneath his heavy footfalls.

The Lady’s gaze fell on all of them. Arand could sense she was both pleased and disappointed, and she confirmed that with her next words. “You think I would punish one of my warriors for trying to protect his brothers?” She twined a lock of her hair through her fingers. “I have failed you.”

The warriors protested at once, their voices rising in a cacophony of sound. She said nothing until they fell silent once again. “It is true. I did not listen to your warnings about the Greek gods until it was too late. It was because of me you ended up trapped and cursed for five thousand years.”

“You saved us,” Roric protested.

“The Greek gods would have attacked no matter what you did,” Mordecai stated. “They are always power hungry.”

The Lady shook her head. “I failed you so I now offer you compensation. You are free. The women who freed you and lived now share your immortality. You no longer owe me service.”

His fellow warriors protested, but Arand’s gaze went to Sabrina. She appeared to be as shocked as he felt. Free from the Lady. He wanted to be with Sabrina, but it felt wrong to cut ties with his Lady.

Sabrina met his gaze and shook her head. His heart swelled with a love he knew would never fade and die, would only expand and grow richer over the coming centuries.

Arand once again went down on one knee before the Lady of the Beasts. “I thank you for the gift of Sabrina. My heart is full. But I would also serve you as you wish.” He stood and smiled at his goddess. “I can do both.”

“As can I,” Roric added, bowing before the Lady.

Marko and Leander echoed Roric’s vow. Then Phoenix and Stavros renewed their commitment to the Lady. Arand felt bad for them. Neither of them had been lucky enough to find love as he had. He didn’t know how he could have survived if Sabrina had died or lived her life without him. He admired the bravery and fortitude of his friends.

Mordecai was the only one who didn’t pledge himself. They all waited, but he didn’t speak.

“What of you, Mordecai?” the Lady asked.

“I am not worthy.”

The Lady shook her head. “No, my brave warrior. You are very worthy. You are changed by your experience, your soul dark and weary, but you never wavered in your intent. Your courage is great.” She smiled at him. “I would be a very lucky goddess indeed to count you in my service.”

“Then I am yours, my Lady.” Mordecai pledge his life and service to the goddess who had created him.

“That is good.” The Lady smiled and turned toward the door. “We have many years until Hades starts to make trouble again, and then he will be someone else’s problem. I plan to roam the world and visit my favorite places. I suggest you all enjoy your new lives.”

“My Lady?” It was Mordecai who asked the question. “What will I do?”

The goddess glanced over her shoulder and smiled at him. “Rediscover the world and the many wonders it has to offer. Find happiness. Live. You all have your full powers again and can be by my side with but a thought. You have your fellow warriors. You are not alone.” She put her hand on the doorknob but paused. “Mordecai, you and Stavros and Phoenix need not be alone. If someday down the road you find your mate, you may share your immortality with her as the others have done. That is my gift to all of you for your years of imprisonment.”

The Lady left them then, disappearing out the door. Arand felt the moment she was gone from the area, her power taking her to the other side of the country. He smiled, pleased to be able to feel his goddess once again. He concentrated for a moment and felt the connection he had to his fellow warriors as well. It was as it once had been, only better. He now appreciated what he had much more than before and would never take it for granted again.

Arand pulled Sabrina into his arms, holding her close to his heart. “Thank you.” He didn’t have to tell her for what. He knew she understood he was thanking her for her unwavering support of his decision to remain with his goddess.

“She’s part of you.” Sabrina patted his chest and then her own. “Of us.”

Arand knew he couldn’t wait any longer. He scooped Sabrina into his arms. “My woman needs her rest. Feel free to stay. There’s not a lot of food, but you’re welcome to it.”

“Arand.” Sabrina gasped and started to speak, but he cut off her admonishment with a kiss.

Roric snorted. “Thank you for your hospitality, but I think we’ll all head into the city and find a hotel. We’ll meet again in a couple of days.”

“Works for me,” Arand called over his shoulder as he carried Sabrina into the bedroom. Marko’s booming laugh followed them as Arand kicked the door shut behind them.

“How could you do that?” Sabrina wailed. “They’ll all know what we plan to do in here, and it doesn’t involve a nap.”

“Sure it does.” He tossed her onto the bed and pounced on top of her, careful not to crush her with his weight.

“It does?”

He caught the disappointment in her tone and smiled. “Yes, it does. After.”

“After,” she repeated.

He kissed her as he ripped her top open and dragged it off her body. “Much later.”

Sabrina laughed and the sound went through him like a physical caress, making his spine arch with pleasure. He willed his own clothing to disappear, freeing his engorged cock.

Her laughter died as she reached for him. “Much, much later,” she agreed, wrapping her fingers around his erection.

Arand sensed the others leaving the cabin and the swamp. They were finally alone. He yanked off her shoes and the rest of her clothes until she was naked. He paused, as always, taken by her beauty and the way she gave herself to him, holding nothing back.

Humbled, he leaned down and kissed her, the caress gentle and filled with love. Sabrina stroked his heavy erection and the kiss changed, becoming ravenous in a heartbeat. They were both breathless when he pulled back, but he still managed to laugh. Sabrina had changed his life, made him feel alive once again. Happy.

He threw back his head and howled his joy. Then he made love to his mate, again and again and again.


Sabrina started to wipe some powdered sugar from her lips, but Arand beat her to it and licked away the sweetness left behind by the beignet she’d just finished.

“Mmm, tasty.” He licked his lips and sat back in his chair, a roguish grin on his face.

She laughed at him and glanced around the room, half-listening to all the conversations flowing around her. Café Ledet was closed to the public tonight, but there was a private party going on. All of the warriors and their women were here, along with Tilly and Jessica.

She and Arand had returned to the city this morning, and the first thing she’d done was find her friends. They’d had so much to talk about and share. Jessica had apologized profusely for not telling them about her grandmother’s journal, but both she and Tilly had waved it away. They were all friends and understood. Jessica and Tilly had put themselves on the line for her and Arand, and Sabrina would never forget that.

Her only sadness came from the realization that her friends would age and grow old while she wouldn’t. It was weird to think of herself as immortal. She couldn’t quite wrap her head around that one. She guessed she would given time, which was something it seemed she now had plenty of.

Mordecai seemed to be paying particular attention to Jessica. The two of them had been talking all evening. The other warriors were still a bit tentative around him, and Sabrina knew he had to feel still somewhat like an outsider. Jessica would be good for him, plus they had a connection through her grandmother.

Phoenix, on the other hand, couldn’t seem to take his eyes off Tilly. Her friend threw back her head and laughed at something the self-contained warrior said to her, her dark-brown eyes twinkling with pleasure.

Sabrina toyed with the handle of her coffee mug and studied both couples. The more she watched them, the more convinced she was that she might not be alone in her immortality. Not that she really was. All the other women were really nice. Kellsie, Aimee and Araminta had all gone out of their way to speak with her. They all belonged to a very special group—they were all mated to immortal, shapeshifting warriors. And being with an alpha male brought its own set of special problems. They’d already exchanged phone numbers and email addresses.

She liked them all, but she really hoped her friends joined the select group down the road. A girl could only hope.

Then there was Stavros. He seemed content to simply be among them all, and she prayed that he’d find someone to love too. As if he sensed her watching him, Stavros swiveled his head in her direction and his black eyes pierced her, as though he was trying to read her thoughts. And maybe he could, because a second later he smiled before turning back to his conversation with Marko.

All the men were handsome, not always in the traditional sense, but they all possessed an animal magnetism that was undeniable.

“Are you tired?”

Her heart swelled at the concern in Arand’s voice. “I feel fabulous.” She took a sip of her rich, aromatic coffee before continuing. “But what are we all going to do now?” The other conversations around them died and she suddenly found herself the center of attention.

Sabrina shrugged. “I mean, all us women have careers. So do we keep working or not. What do you guys want to do now that you’re free?”

Roric frowned. “It is harder to make a living in this world than I anticipated.”

“I will work in movies, I think.” Marko looked at Kellsie for confirmation.

“I can definitely get him work if he wants it.” Kellsie rubbed Marko’s arm. “My guy is hot and has major fighting skills.”

All the women laughed, while Marko sat straighter in his chair, a chair Sabrina was surprised hadn’t broken under his sheer size. He was the biggest of the bunch.

Mordecai cleared his throat, catching all their attention. “That won’t be necessary.”

Leander frowned. “Why not? We must earn money to live in this modern world.” They all understood they couldn’t do anything that might alert the humans to the fact they were immortal. Sabrina shuddered at the thought of how much trouble that would cause all of them.

“One thing I’ll say for the devil is he knows how to make money. I watched and learned.” Mordecai rubbed one hand over the leg of his jeans and it occurred to Sabrina that he was nervous, not sure how his fellow warriors were going to take what he was about to say. “I also spent much time in this realm brokering his deals for him and handling his business interests.”

It was Jessica who broke the tense silence. “Tell them,” she encouraged, and Sabrina knew that her friend was already aware of what Mordecai was going to say. She wondered how much time they’d spent together the past few days while she’d been holed up at Granny’s house making love to her wild wolf.

“Ah, I’ve been investing for decades now, primarily in oil and minerals.” Mordecai looked at all the other warriors. “We all know where to find such things. It wasn’t hard to start a company—Dragon’s Holdings. You’re all shareholders. There are bank accounts in your names with roughly a few billion dollars each. I also invested in a few startup computer and technology companies back in the eighties and nineties.” He raked his finger through his hair. “So, yeah, you’re all rich.”

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