Husbandry (13 page)

Read Husbandry Online

Authors: Allie Ritch

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Erotic Romance, #Menage

BOOK: Husbandry
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I had to raise my arms so he could strip my top over my
head. Freed from the irritating fabric, I returned the favor by pushing his
unbuttoned shirt off his broad shoulders. In an instant, we had our hands all
over each other’s skin.

Chad dipped his head to kiss the sensitive spot behind my
ear. The caress was so gentle it sent a sensual shiver down my back—an effect
he chased with the stroke of his hand. I reveled in his raw, honest passion and
the urgency I felt growing with every touch. The pressure of my bra released as
he popped the clasp with one hand. Then his mouth was on me, sucking my nipple
with such expertise he sapped all the strength right out of my body.

My legs wobbled, and only his arm around my waist saved me.
This was no carefully planned seduction or sophisticated foreplay. He used his
mouth and hands in a savage assault on my senses, worshipping and claiming me
so thoroughly I had no choice but to submit.

I cried out when he lavished the same devotion to my other
breast. Chad backed me toward the island counter and propped me against it so
he could undo my fly. Even with the support, I almost collapsed when he broke
his mouth’s suction on my breast and yanked my pants to the floor.

He clasped my hips and hoisted me up to sit at the edge of
the counter. I spread my thighs for balance, which offered him the perfect
welcome. He penetrated my pussy with two fingers and rubbed his thumb over my
clit. Without prelude, he began working his fingers in and out of me.

His unexpected impatience worked like an aphrodisiac. I was
already dripping wet, giving his fingertips the perfect glide over my most
intimate tissue. More than anything, I needed him to fill me, to connect his
body and his life with mine in a reaffirmation of our bond.

Gone was my poised, controlled lover. Chad’s free hand shook
as he tore open his fly to free his erection. He didn’t even bother removing
his pants; he let them drop to bunch around his ankles.

J’ai besoin de toi
I need you.” He removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock, driving as
deeply as he could go in a single thrust.

I arched my back and keened, and he took advantage by
capturing my left nipple between his teeth. There was no steady buildup. The
moment he sheathed the full length of his cock, he set to pounding that
masterful organ between my thighs. Pleasure spiraled through me with each
jarring lunge, and his natural masculine scent intensified as sweat gathered on
his brow.

The most verbal of my husbands, Chad didn’t pleasure me with
touch alone. While his hips churned, he continued to deliver declarations of
love in French and Italian that sounded even more erotic now that he was

Non posso vivere
senza te
. I can’t live without you. I need to be here. Right here.” He
pumped his shaft into me with an extra bombardment of thrusts. “
Tu es l’amour de ma vie
. You’re the love
of my life. My happiness, my heart.”

Just as he was mine. He and Chuck and Charles.

The heels of my feet banged against the cabinet doors in
time to our rhythm. If my orgasm were a bomb, you would have seen the final
countdown ticking down where we joined. His words, his tight grip on my hips,
the friction of his shuttling cock—all combined to rush me toward critical
mass. I could tell by the sharp digs of his hips and the strain of his muscles
that he was just as close.

. That’s
so good.” His words were clipped, his sentences shorter. “Come for me.”

My sex obeyed the command as if it had been waiting for the
order. I clutched his shoulders so hard my fingernails left half-moon imprints
in his skin, and I’m not sure how to describe the squeal I made. It wasn’t
quite a full-throated scream, but it was damn close. The walls of my vagina
shuddered and clutched, quaking with a series of spasms that milked his cock.

Ecstasy and torture became inseparable. Chad continued to
force his hard cock in and out, right through the center of my orgasm. The
added stimulation was too much, especially when my delirious pussy just wanted
to hold him deep. His continued movement stretched out my climax to an
impossible length.

A dozen thrusts later, he finally shoved up hard and tensed.
My sheath locked around his length now that it had something to hold on to, and
I could feel the hot splash of his cum against my womb. He ejaculated in short
bursts that seemed timed to the pounding of our hearts. His low moan made it
sound like he was dying.

Although I remained seated at the edge of the counter, I
swore I lost consciousness for a moment. The next time my brain came online, I
registered that my skin had cooled, and Chad’s dick was softening inside me. He
had his hands braced against the counter to either side of me and his head
buried against my shoulder.

“That was—” An adequate description escaped me.

He finally lifted his head, though he didn’t withdraw or
step back. “You’re amazing.”

Leaning in, he gave me a brief, soft kiss like a sweet mint
after a big, satisfying meal.

“We’re pretty amazing together,” I told him. “All of us.”

His gaze remained tender.

The sound of a cleared throat from the doorway drew our
attention. Chad and I both turned our heads at once. I expected to see Chuck
standing there, looking awkward as he stared at the ceiling or at his shoes. He
was the most modest of my husbands, and the few times he’d walked in on me
having sex with Charles or Chad, he hadn’t seemed to know how to react. This
time, though, he looked right at us with a small smile. He was clearly glad
Chad and I had made up.

“So.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “What’s for

I blinked for a second. Then I felt a tremor in my tummy
that bubbled up into a surprised laugh. Leave it to Chuck to ask a question
like that at a time like this.

“You couldn’t have waited another minute?” Obviously
thinking the same thing, Chad was the first to respond.

Chuck shrugged. “I’m hungry.”

I continued to laugh as I pushed Chad back a step and jumped
down. “Poor baby.” I began putting on my clothes. “I’m afraid it’s leftovers
tonight, so we can all fix our own. I’ll cook something fresh tomorrow night
for when my parents get here.”

“Your parents?”

By Chad’s expression, I realized Charles hadn’t shared the
news with him, either.

“That’s right.” I waited until he pulled his pants on before
I told him all about my conversation with my mother and how she’d reacted.

Unlike the other two, Chad responded with open joy. “This is
wonderful!” He scooped me up and spun me around. “Oh, love, you have no idea
how happy you’ve made me. And don’t worry. We’ll win over your parents. Why
don’t you let me cook dinner tomorrow? Do they like Italian food? I can make
manicotti with a spinach and ricotta filling. Salad and garlic bread on the
side. Maybe a rosemary and lemon cake for dessert. What do you think?”

“I think I’m salivating already.” I knew from experience
Chad was a wonderful cook. “Just write down the ingredients you’ll need, and
I’ll go to the grocery store tomorrow.”

“I can do that if you want,” Chuck offered.

Although he was trying to be sweet, the idea made me wince.
The last time we’d sent Chuck on a grocery run, he’d returned with soda, potato
chips, the wrong type of milk, and a bunch of items that were just a little off
from what we’d written down, like salsa instead of sauce.

“That’s all right, honey,” I told him. “I appreciate it, but
I’ll have plenty of time. If you could clean the house and get one of the guest
rooms ready, that would be great.”

“Will do.”

Chad was still beaming with delight. “I’ll pick up some
bottles of wine on my lunch break tomorrow. Do your parents like red or white?
Do they have a favorite?”

“My mom will like any wine you pick. My dad usually drinks

“A man after my own heart,” Chuck announced. “I’ll take care
of the beer. Say, does your dad like sports?”

“Some. He’ll watch any game you want to put on, although he
doesn’t follow football or baseball. When they started trading so many of his
favorite players, he said he didn’t know whom to root for anymore. His favorite
sports are golf and hockey.”

Chad looked pensive. “What about the arts? Do your parents
enjoy painting or music or travel?”

“Coming here to visit is their idea of travel. My mom likes
to listen to the radio, and my father plays the piano if you catch him in the
right mood.” I realized why he’d asked and squeezed his hand. “Just be yourself
and wow them with your cooking. After that, if they don’t love you, then that’s
their problem, not yours. I don’t want you to be crushed if my parents can’t
handle the four of us. You already have a family standing right here with you.”

The vulnerability I saw in his eyes made me worry even more
about my parents’ reaction. Would they reject him? He wanted them as family so
badly I hoped he wasn’t setting himself up for devastation.

Chuck backed me up by giving Chad a brotherly slap on the
shoulder. “She’s right. We’ll meet the in-laws, entertain them for the weekend,
and then get back to normal life.” He added a smile. “And speaking as a member
of your family, I’m starving. Can we please eat now?”


Chapter Seven

After dinner, Chuck, Chad, and I ate popcorn and watched a
movie together before we went to bed. When the alarm woke me the next morning,
my first thought was that I was thankful it was Friday. I was ready for the weekend
so I could sleep in. Then I remembered what was happening today, and I had to
fight not to cringe. The countdown to my parents’ arrival had begun.

Sandwiched between Chuck and Chad, I rolled over and groaned
into my pillow. I heard an answering chuckle from somewhere near the edge of
the mattress and glanced over to see Charles propped on his elbow. There was no
telling when he’d gotten home and slipped into bed last night, but he was
smiling at me over Chad’s shoulder now.

“Don’t want to get up?” He kept his voice low and teasing.

I made a grumpy sound. “Isn’t it Saturday yet?”

“Hush. Don’t wish the day away. There’s too much to do and
too little time as it is.”

“Don’t use logic on me. It’s too early.” Pushing up, I swept
my mussed hair back from my face while Chad roused beside me.

Chad’s sleepy grin made my heart turn over. You would have
thought I was the dawning sun the way he looked at me with such soft, green

“Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?”

I smiled at his gentle greeting and leaned down for a kiss.
“Yes, and good morning to you too.”

Chad sat up and distracted me with the bunching muscles of
his abs. Without conscious thought, I licked my lips. What I really wanted was
to trace every chiseled inch of his washboard stomach with my mouth and tongue.
There was also no ignoring the morning erection that tented the sheet not only
over Chad’s lap, but over Charles’s, as well.

I’d been married long enough to expect this daily salute. My
third husband probably had a hard-on too, except he was still unconscious and
lying on his side. Chuck grunted when I clambered over him to get out of bed,
but he didn’t fully wake. Though I was tempted to stay in bed and take
advantage of their aroused state, I forced myself to follow my routine.

I got the shower running and stepped under the spray, not
surprised when Charles hopped in to join me. What shocked me was the stall door
sliding open to admit Chad a minute later. Both men stared at me like they’d
eat me up.

Chad spoke first. “I was hoping for a little extra time with
Fila this morning,” he told Charles.

“Great minds think alike.” Instead of annoyance, there was
amusement and the husky undertone of arousal in Charles’s voice. “Nothing says
we can’t both enjoy her and double her pleasure.”

My husbands had taken turns making love to me before, so
this proposition wasn’t totally unexpected. One look at Charles’s face, though,
and I knew he wasn’t suggesting they form a queue. He was talking two identical
bodies at once: four hands, two cocks, and more testosterone than I was sure I
could handle. Uncertainty and lust bombarded me as my gaze bounced back and
forth between the two of them.

Chad traced the water droplets on my cheek. “I can see all
the thoughts and emotions flitting across your face.”

“She’s an easy read.” Charles watched me too. “You want it,
Fila. You’re just not sure you’re ready. I told you you’d be shocked if you
knew some of the things I’d like to do to you. Now you know one of my secrets.”

Without looking away from me, he ran his hand from my
collarbone to my nipple. My indrawn breath pushed my breast toward him.

“You mean you two…you really mean to…you want to share me?”
I could barely form a coherent thought, let alone a full sentence.

Charles had the nerve to laugh at me, clearly enjoying my

Chad was the one who looked a little worried. “You’re our
wife, Fila. We already share you in every other way. Why not like this?”

I shook my head in bewilderment, barely aware of the warm
water still cascading down my back.

“You married three men with very powerful sex drives,”
Charles explained. “We already make a lot of demands on you, so consider this
multitasking, if you like. Two men can do more than one.”

“And Chuck?” I couldn’t believe my straitlaced, handyman
husband would be so quick to agree to a ménage.

It was Chad who answered. “He’s not as interested. I’m far
more flexible.”

“And you know I have few inhibitions,” Charles said. “I like
giving orders, and I like to push you past your boundaries, Fila.”

“Will you let us pleasure you?” Chad appeared to brace
himself, and I could tell my answer was important to him.

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