Husbandry (14 page)

Read Husbandry Online

Authors: Allie Ritch

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Erotic Romance, #Menage

BOOK: Husbandry
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The truth was I didn’t know what I was feeling. Maybe I was
naive, but it had never occurred to me they’d want to do this.

Chad must have taken my silence for rejection because a
flash of pain crossed his face before he drew away. He might have left us if
Charles hadn’t grabbed his wrist. Before I could blink, Charles shoved Chad’s
hand between my legs.

“Does that feel like a no to you, Chad?” Charles’s voice had
lowered an octave, rubbing over my skin like satin gloves. “She’s wet, isn’t
she? We’ve shocked our Fila, but we haven’t turned her off. That pretty pussy
of hers is blooming for us.”

Fire burned through my cheeks even as my nipples pinched
into tightly furled buds. He was right. My mind wasn’t made up, but my body had
no such scruples. I wasn’t just wet; I was drenched. The pulsing water from the
showerhead wasn’t enough to wash away my cream.

Chad slid his fingers into my vagina with excruciating
slowness. Then he lifted his gaze, penetrated me even more deeply with his
stare, and shot me a wicked grin that made my channel clench around his
fingers. His pupils dilated.

“You see?” Charles sounded as calm and in control as always.
“We don’t have much time, but why don’t we give her a taste of forbidden fruit?
Come here and masturbate us, Fila.”

They waited side by side facing me, their eager cocks
standing tall with droplets of water tracing the dark veins of their shafts. I
took Charles’s dick in my left hand and Chad’s in my right. Both were hard and
thick, with the same soft skin over the steel core. My bossy husband didn’t
make a sound, but Chad groaned after the first stroke.

“That’s right.” Charles slid his hands up my torso to clasp
my breasts. “Pump us like that. Our cocks are identical, made especially for
you. For your hands and mouth. For your tight, hot pussy.”

“Genetics ‘prick’d’ us out for your womanly pleasure,” Chad
added. Only he could paraphrase one of Shakespeare’s sonnets at a time like
this. He watched me as I continued to fist their cocks.

Charles chuckled, low and strained.

My brain had turned to mush, my focus torn between the feel
of Charles plucking my nipples and the glide of their dusky cocks in my hands.
Charles had called this forbidden, and that was what it felt like—a naughty
fantasy I would never have dared voice.

“Stop.” Charles snapped the order with cool authority and
shoved my hand away.

My other husband freed himself by taking a step back.

Charles moved to sit on the small bench in the corner of the
shower stall. “Down on your hands and knees, my wife. I want you to suck my
cock clean.”

“You expect me to crawl to you?” I offered him a bold stare
in return, aware I was challenging him.

The green of his eyes deepened until his irises seemed to
glow. “I want you to come here and worship the most virile part of your

Part of me rebelled while another part yearned to do just
that. I took my time lowering to my knees. When I tipped forward onto all
fours, I had to brace my legs shoulder width apart to keep from sliding too
much on the slippery tile. I held on to his feet and looked up at him through
wet lashes.

He could be as bossy as he wanted to be. In this moment, I
knew who held the real power. I could see the desperate hunger in his eyes.

Taking my time, I licked tiny circles around the tip of his
cock and lollipopped it before I took the shaft into my mouth. The salty tang
of his precum hit my tongue before the crown slid to the back of my throat. I
would have liked to have played with him more, but time was of the essence.
Water sprinkled off my hair as I began bobbing my head.

I was so absorbed in what I was doing, I forgot about Chad
until Charles spoke to him.

“You haven’t had a chance to get under the water yet,”
Charles told him. “Get behind her. Slip your cock into her and give her a good

The sound of the falling water was disrupted as Chad shifted
position somewhere at my back. His gentle hands caressed my hips and buttocks.
Although the sensation made me pause, I would have resumed my blowjob if
Charles hadn’t chosen that moment to fist my hair and pull me up so that my
lips barely kissed his glans. He held me there until Chad wedged his hard prick
between my folds. Charles shoved my head down again in the exact instant Chad
drove home between my legs.

I cried out and nearly choked.

“What’s that, wife? I didn’t quite hear you.” Charles used
his grip on my hair to hold me steady so he could pump his dick in and out of my
mouth at his own pace. “Come on, Chad. We’re breaking all the rules today.
Don’t play nice. Take her as hard as you’ve always dreamed. Make her scream for

I thought at first he wouldn’t do it. Chad had the most
finesse of my lovers and usually liked to take me face-to-face so he could
watch my every reaction. Even now, he ran a comforting hand along my spine
before he gripped my hip. Then he thrust into me so sharply my back bowed.

Trapped, I keened around a mouthful of cock. Chad did as
instructed and reamed me. My moisture and excitement turned what could have
been a painful bombardment into pure bliss. It felt more like Charles was
taking me, except my domineering husband was in front of me, still forcing his
thick cock in and out of my mouth. The dichotomy of the penetration had an
explosive orgasm coalescing at my core.

No honeyed words escaped Chad as he took me hard and deep
and fast. Instead, he only managed a few shouts between grunts, using what I
was pretty sure was the
word in
French along with something about his
—his hard cock. His solid length made me surge closer and closer to
orgasm with every forward lunge. The smack of wet skin filled the air.

Then Chad canted his hips and hit the sweet spot that made
my whole body quake. It was too much, the pleasure so intense it was
unbearable. I tried to twist away, but their dual grip kept me pinned. He hit
the bull’s-eye again and again until I screamed. Then my climax ripped free,
and I didn’t have enough breath to holler.

Charles pushed down and made me swallow his cock as my
sheath contracted in endless spasms. Chad drew up tight and barked out his
release, spurting hot semen inside me with quick jerks of his dick. My channel
continued to ripple and convulse until he came up dry.

I didn’t realize how desperate I was for air until Charles
released me. He offered me a clear view of his rigid erection as he lifted my
head. At the same time, Chad pulled his wilting cock out of my pussy. He sat
down on the tile behind me and tugged me back to lean against his chest.

“Grab her under the knees and pull her legs back,” Charles
told him.

Unable to bear the thought of more stimulation, I tried to
escape, but Chad didn’t let me get away. He used his superior strength to haul my
legs toward my breasts and split them open. Charles came down over me to fit
the slick head of his cock to my opening.

“Don’t worry, Fila. This won’t take long.” He kissed me and
gave my lower lip a quick bite before he shoved his whole length into me.

I squealed.

At this angle, Charles was almost driving straight down as
he thrust. I expected another primal assault, but instead he moved with slow,
smooth deliberation. On every in-stroke, he wiggled his hips round and round
like he was threading a screw. The rotation made him hit every nerve my sheath
had, electrifying me all the way to my scalp.

Each time he filled me, he moved a little faster, though he
maintained the pattern. Soon he worked my vagina like a power drill, all
friction and force, impossible to resist. I would have squeezed him with my
thighs, but Chad had me pinned wide open.

“Come on, baby.” The look of determination on Charles’s face
was almost frightening. “Be a good girl and come for me. Grab my dick with
those lovely pulses.”

I tossed my head back and forth against Chad’s shoulder. The
spray from the shower got in my eyes, but I didn’t care. The next time Charles
corkscrewed that magnificent cock deep, he ground against my clit and triggered
my release. I panted and jerked as this second orgasm tore through me, making
my pussy suck so hard on his dick he was practically vacuum sealed inside me.
The spasms of my orgasm double-timed it, causing me to wail before he shoved
his cock a little deeper and released his seed.

When he was done, he gave my mons a gentle pat before he
pulled out. Chad had to help me to my feet and prop me up as we all rinsed

“Better than espresso,” Charles announced. “But now I really
have to get going. I’ll see you tonight—on time, as promised.” He gave me a
quick kiss and stepped out of the shower.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or throw something at him. It
was a good thing Chad was still there, holding me close and running his hands
up and down my back. At least he had more tact.

“Are you all right?” He helped me towel off when we got out.
“We weren’t too rough with you, were we?”

I was definitely sore, but in a good way. “You were
wonderful. I would have let you know if it was too much. You guys would never
hurt me.”

“Never.” Chad caught my lips in a long, passionate kiss as
if to give his oath on that.

It was hard for me to pull away so I could go get dressed.
Unfortunately, shock deprived me of any further enjoyment of my morning when I
walked out and saw what time it was. It looked like I’d be eating breakfast on
the run today. I was already cutting it close.

* * * *

My rush to the office pretty much set the tone for the rest
of the day. I arrived at work to discover the office manager had quit, and a
couple of other people had called in sick. The place was plunged into temporary
chaos, and I hardly had a minute to breathe all day.

The only bright side was I was too busy to think about my
parents’ impending visit. As I wrapped things up at the end of the workday,
however, I could feel the anxiety hit me again. My mom and dad were coming.
Tonight. To meet my

There was no controlling their reaction, so all I could do
was make sure the initial meeting went as smoothly as possible. I remembered to
check my messages—something I intended to brag about to Chad—and wrote down the
list of ingredients my husband had dictated in his recording. List in hand, I
raced directly from work to the grocery store, where I almost had a meltdown
when I couldn’t locate the manicotti shells.

“Spaghetti, thin spaghetti, ravioli, penne, ziti…” I
muttered to myself as I went down the shelf reading the names on all the boxes.

You couldn’t serve manicotti without the actual pasta. Then
it would just be shapeless cheese sitting in a plate of sauce. Where were the
manicotti shells?

“…bow tie, vermicelli, fusilli, macaroni, fettucine,
tortellini. Orzo? What the hell is orzo? Is this some kind of conspiracy?”

“What are you looking for, dear?”

I turned to find a little old lady in eye-popping green
pants looking at me.


She pointed one soft hand toward the bottom corner.

“Yes!” I snatched it up and clutched the box to my chest.
“You’re a lifesaver. I was about to tear my hair out.”

Her smile was benign. “Making a special dinner tonight?”

“Something like that. Actually, my husband is doing the
cooking, so all I have to do is have everything ready for him. My parents are
coming for a visit.”

“Your husband cooks?” She shot me a wink. “Better hold on to
him, dear.”

The remark was so unexpected it startled a laugh out of me.
“Oh, I intend to.” From now till death do us part.

I said good-bye and booked it toward the dairy section.

Thirty minutes later, I arrived home with everything I
needed. I nearly had a heart attack when I spotted Chuck out mowing the lawn.
He killed the machine when I stepped out of the car and motioned him over.

“What are you doing? You’re mowing

“I want the yard to look nice.” Clearly unaffected by my
frantic state, Chuck leaned in to kiss me hello. “Don’t worry. I already put
fresh sheets on the bed in the spare room and gave the carpet in there a quick

“Which guest room did you choose?”

“The one at the far end of the hall. I figured that would
give us a bit more privacy, and there haven’t been any knocking sounds in the
bathroom since I tied down all the pipes in the walls.”

Okay, so we were in better shape than I’d thought. I hadn’t
been sure if he’d remember.

“That was good thinking.” I looked him over, trying not to
get too distracted by how his sweaty shirt clung to his skin. “You’re not
overdoing it, are you? You’re still healing from that fall.”

He shrugged off my concern. “The bruises look worse than
they feel. I’m a little tender, but I’m not in pain anymore.”

Although I was skeptical, I knew he’d get stubborn if I
tried to make him take it easy. “If you say so. Please finish fast so you can
clean up and get changed. My parents could be here any moment.”

“I thought you said they wouldn’t be here until five.”

“No!” Already on edge, I snapped at him more harshly than I
meant to. I had to take a deep, calming breath. “I said they
wouldn’t arrive until after
five. My mom didn’t give me a time frame. Since she knows at least one of my
husbands and I work, I’m guessing she and my dad won’t show up until they’re
certain we’ll be home, but I don’t know that for sure.”

“Why didn’t you call her back and ask what time they’d be

“Because my last conversation with my mother didn’t end
well. I didn’t think it was wise to attempt another call.” And because,
truthfully, I was a coward. If I could have put off the coming meeting, I would

I walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk.
“Please. I’m stressed, and I don’t mean to take it out on you. You’ll make me
feel a lot better if you hurry up and finish out here so you can help me

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