I Never Metaphor I Didn't Like (30 page)

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Authors: Mardy Grothe

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Garland, Judy, 96

Garner, James, 194

Garner, John Nance, 267

Garrick, David, 88

Gaulle, Charles de, 99, 263

Gauthier, Théophile, 106, 312

Geisel, Theodore (Dr. Seuss), 229

George, Henry, 49

Gephard, Paul H., 209

Gibbon, Edward, 229

Gibran, Kahlil, 23, 49, 103, 108, 116, 127, 148, 167–68, 190, 231

Gide, André, 31, 115

Gifford, Frank, 278–79

Gilbert, W. S., 87–88

Gilliatt, Penelope, 244

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 127

Gingrich, Newton Leroy “Newt,” 71

Ginott, Haim, 190

Giovanni, Nikki, 168

Gipp, George “the Gipper,” 275

Giraudoux, Jean, 108, 148

Gladstone, William E., 49

Glasgow, Arnold H., 62, 70, 127

Gleason, Jackie, 244

Gleiberman, Owen, 88

Glyn, Elinor, 147

Godard, Jean-Luc, 244

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 32, 53, 102, 128, 202, 265

Golding, William, 117–18, 229

Goldsmith, Oliver, 88, 128

Goldwater, Barry, 88

Goldwyn, Samuel, 245

Gonzales, Alberto, 260–61

Gore, Albert Arnold, Jr. “Al,” 261

Gorky, Maxim, 113, 190, 297

Grant, Cary, 209, 245

Graves, Robert, 303

Gray, Madeline, 210

Green, Michael, 284

Greene, Graham, 206, 229, 302

Greenspan, Alan, 261

Greenstreet, Sydney, 249

Greer, Germaine, 88, 210, 216, 273

Griffith-Joyner, Florence, 284

Grizzard, Lewis, 128

Groening, Matt, 168

Guedalla, Philip, 303

Guisewite, Cathy, 70


Haardt, Sara, 194

Hadrian, 40

Haig, Douglas, Earl, 89

Haley, Alex, 301

Half, Robert, 113

Hall, Joseph, 49

Hamill, Mark, 245

Hamilton, Alexander, 254

Hampton, Christopher, 210

Hand, Learned, 128

Harper, Frances E. W., 145

Harrison, Rex, 245

Hartley, L. P., 112

Harwell, Ernie, 290

Haskell, Mary, 168

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 32, 148, 210, 300

Hayes, Helen, 184, 190

Hazlitt, William, 64

Healy, Denis, 89

Hefner, Hugh, 210

Heine, Heinrich, 190, 191

Heinlein, Robert A., 191

Hemingway, Ernest, 284, 293, 304

Henri, Adrian, 168

Hepburn, Audrey, 98, 245

Hepburn, Katharine, 85, 119, 148, 168

Herbert, Alan P., 191

Herbert, Frank, 265

Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 36

Heston, Charlton, 246

Hewson, John, 90

Higgins, George V., 265

Hightower, Jim, 89, 258

Hill, Benny, 70

Hill, Graham, 279

Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 60, 61

Hirsch, Mary, 70

Hitchcock, Alfred, 149, 246

Hitler, Adolf, 247

Hobbes, John Oliver, 49

Hobbes, Thomas, 229

Hockney, David, 67

Hoffman, Dustin, 246

Holiday, Billie, 69

Holmes, Larry, 284, 289

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 81–82, 121, 229

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 32, 42, 62, 149, 168, 191, 229, 304, 313

Horne, George, 29

Horney, Karen, 129

Howard, Marion, 129

Howe, Geoffrey, Sir, 89

Hubbard, Elbert, 191, 230, 284

Hughes, Howard, 89

Hughes, Langston, 129

Hughes, Robert, 89

Hugo, Victor, 32, 49, 93, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 169

Hume, David, 50

Humphrey, Hubert H., 88

Hurston, Zora Neale, 32, 50, 169

Huston, John, 89, 246–47

Huxley, Aldous, 180, 240, 268

Huxley, Thomas H., 50


Ickes, Harold L., 89–90

Imus, Don, 65

Inge, W. R., 8, 47, 230, 264

Ingersoll, Robert G., 105, 169

Inglis, Bob, 260

Irons, Jeremy, 237

Irving, Washington, 32, 50

Isaacs, Susan, 304

Ivins, Molly, 70–71, 90, 264


Jackson, Andrew, 85, 218

James, Clive, 82, 90, 279, 284

James, William, 51, 129, 293, 304

Jefferson, Thomas, 33, 110, 254, 265

Jeni, Richard, 71

Jerome, Jerome K., 169

Jerrold, Douglas, 169, 191

Jessel, George, 71

Jewett, Sarah Orne, 114

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 5

Johnson, Nunnally, 83

Johnson, Samuel, 51, 129

Johnson, Spencer, 108

Johnston, Lynn, 105

Johnston, Sheila, 90

John XXIII, 235

Jones, Bobby, 285

Jong, Erica, 51, 170, 192, 223

Jonson, Ben, 97, 180, 188, 265–66

Joubert, Joseph, 51, 110

Julius Caesar, 209

Jung, Carl, 33, 51, 149, 230, 247


Kafka, Franz, 18, 25

Kaiser, Henry J., 112

Kanfer, Stefan, 105, 113

Kasdan, Lawrence, 305

Kaye, Danny, 130

Kazan, Elia, 90

Keate, J. Stuart, 71

Keating, Paul, 90

Keaton, Diane, 140

Keats, John, 130, 149, 305

Keillor, Garrison, 83, 91

Kempton, Sally, 150

Kennedy, Florynce, 51, 140–41

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 21, 94, 122, 266, 276

Kerr, Jean, 71, 192

Kessler, Merle, 285

Key, Ellen, 192

Kierkegaard, Søren, 51, 52, 105, 168

Kightlinger, Laura, 149

Kilpatrick, James J., 17

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 21, 103, 114

King, Stephen, 15, 170

Kingsolver, Barbara, 192

Kingston, Maxine Hong, 192

Kingston, Miles, 302

Kinsey, Alfred, 83

Kipling, Rudyard, 25

Kissinger, Henry, 149–50, 206, 266

Klee, Paul, 111

Knight, Bobby, 286

Knox, Ronald, 270

Koestler, Arthur, 2, 52, 114, 230, 305

Korman, Harvey, 6

Krantz, Judith, 90

Kraus, Karl, 210

Krauthammer, Charles, 266

Kronenberger, Louis, 130–31

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 52

Kubrick, Stanley, 74

Kushner, Harold S., 131

Kutcher, Ashton, 98


Ladman, Cathy, 193

Laing, R. D., 126

Lamour, Dorothy, 247

L'Amour, Louis, 33, 305

Lanchester, Elsa, 91

Landers, Ann, 54, 193

Lang, Andrew, 289

Langland, William, 12

Lardner, Ring, 72

La Rocque, Paula, 16

Lauer, Matt, 39

Lavatar, Johann Kaspar, 105

Lawrence, D. H., 150, 211

Lawrence, Gertrude, 223–24

Lawrence, Jerome, 130

Lawrenson, Helen, 211

Layton, Irving, 170

Leahy, Frank, 108

Lebowitz, Fran, 72, 159, 305

Lec, Stanislaw, 52, 72

le Carré, John, 239

Le Corbusier, 110

Lederer, Richard, 10

Lee, Bruce, 171

Lee, Robert E., 130

Le Guin, Ursula K., 171

Lehrer, Tom, 131

Leifer, Carol, 72, 211

Leigh, Vivien, 253

Lenclos, Ninon de, 166, 227

Lennon, John, 171

Lerner, Harriet, 195

Levenstein, Aaron, 67

Levinson, Barry, 272

Lewis, C. S., 52, 171

Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter,” 267–68

Liberace, 94

Lichtenberg, G. C., 230

Limbaugh, Rush, 70

Lincoln, Abraham, 236

Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 52, 150, 231

Lipman, Maureen, 75

Liston, Sonny, 285

Little, Rich, 91

Liu, Lucy, 247

Livingston, Edward, 94

Lloyd George, David, 267

Lloyd George, Gwilym, 267

Lodge, David, 72

London, Jack, 33

Long, Huey P., 89

Long, Russell B., 255

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 34, 53, 172, 231, 297

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 91, 92, 193

Loos, Anita, 248

Lorre, Peter, 248

Louis, Joe, 284

Lowell, James Russell, 34, 106, 232

Lucas, F. L., 13

Luce, Clare Booth, 84, 106, 193, 211

Luciano, Ron, 285

Lyly, John, 172


Mabley, Jackie “Moms,” 172

MacArthur, Charles, 184

MacArthur, Douglas, 60, 228

Macaulay, Rose, 150

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 53, 92, 96, 241

McCain, John, 92

McCarthy, Eugene, 268

McCarthy, Mary, 53, 150–51

McCord, David, 131

McEnroe, John, 284

McFee, William, 151

McGaha, Kris, 151

McKinley, William, 81

McLaughlin, Mignon, 73, 131, 172, 193

McLuhan, Marshall, 11, 58

Macmillen, Harold, 232

McMurtry, Larry, 306

Madison, James, 254

Madonna, 93

Maher, Bill, 185

Mailer, Norman, 16, 211, 280, 305

Malamud, Bernard, 10

Malraux, André, 232

Mamet, David, 82, 247, 248

Mancini, Henry, 245–46

Manion, Clarence, 267

Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 249

Mann, Horace, 34, 53, 79, 109

Mansfield, Katherine, 56

Marcus Aurelius, 27, 40–41, 113

Markey, Judy, 73

Marshall, Thomas R., 267

Martin, Billy, 281

Marx, Karl, 72, 280

Masina, Giulietta, 228

Mata Hari, 106–7

Matalin, Mary, 267–68

Mathewson, Christy, 285

Maugham, W. Somerset, 131, 151, 193

Maupassant, Guy de, 304

Mauriac, François, 17, 151

Maurois, André, 105, 193, 306

Mays, Willie, 285

“Meat Loaf,” (Michael Lee Aday), 275

Medawar, Peter B., 53

Meir, Golda, 232

Mencius, 142

Mencken, H. L., 73, 98, 131, 151, 161, 172, 193, 194, 211–12, 306

Menninger, Karl, 163

Mercer, Johnny, 246

Michener, James, 34

Mickins, Beverly, 212

Mikes, George, 73

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 175

Miller, Alice, 194

Miller, Arthur, 306

Miller, Dennis, 74, 253, 268

Miller, Henry, 34, 106

Miller, Larry, 189

Milton, John, 34, 53

Miró, Joán, 212

Mistinguette, 149

Mitchell, Paige, 151

Mitford, Nancy, 270

Miyazawa, Kenji, 35

Mizner, Addison, 248

Mizner, Wilson, 182, 247–48

Moliére, 298

Mondale, Walter, 268

Monroe, Marilyn, 82, 83, 94, 211, 248

Montagu, Ashley, 194

Montagu, Mary Wortley, 152, 194

Montaigne, Michel de, 35, 179–81, 232

Montalban, Ricardo, 86

Montalvo, Juan, 222

Morgan, J. P., 5

Morgan, Robin, 140

Morley, Christopher, 35, 48, 132, 152, 232, 313

Morris, Desmond, 132

Morris, Sylvia Jukes, 84

Morrison, Toni, 212

Morrissey, Steven Patrick, 93

Morrow, Lance, 212, 286

Moyers, Bill, 268

Muggeridge, Malcolm, 212–13, 268

Mull, Martin, 248

Mumford, Lewis, 54, 132

Murphy, Eddie, 154

Murray, Jim, 286

Murrow, Edward R., 54, 269

Mussolini, Benito, 266

Myers, Mike, 185


Nabokov, Vladimir, 132

Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 93

Nathan, George Jean, 8, 93, 195, 204

Necker, Suzanne, 152

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 121

Nelms, Cynthia, 213

Neruda, Pablo, 162

Newman, Paul, 237, 250

Nichols, Beverly, 182

Nielson, Leslie, 213

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 35, 93, 152, 168, 172, 221, 313

Nin, Anaïs, 35, 54, 110, 173, 230, 301

Nixon, Richard M., 96, 260

Noonan, Peggy, 62, 269

Novak, Ralph, 82


Oates, Joyce Carol, 286

Obama, Barack, 269

O'Connell, Daniel, 93

Odets, Clifford, 213, 248

O'Hara, Maureen, 91

Olivier, Laurence, 95

O'Malley, Austin, 107, 111, 152, 182

O'Neal, Shaquille, 286

O'Neill, Eugene, 132

Ono, Yoko, 82

O'Rourke, P. J., 6, 74, 195, 206, 269

Ortega y Gasset, José, 54, 132

Orwell, George, 55, 270, 278, 307

Osborne, John, 269, 313

Ostrovsky, Alexander, 260

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 85

Overby, Mark A., 173

Overton, Rick, 74

Ovid, 159–60, 173, 195


Page, Walter H., 93

Paglia, Camille, 213, 232

Paine, Thomas, 232

Palmer, Arnold, 287

Parker, Dorothy, 74, 83, 232

Parton, Dolly, 91

Pascal, Blaise, 48, 221

Pasternak, Boris, 132

Pasteur, Louis, 107

Patinkin, Mark, 152

Patmore, Coventry, 153

Pavese, Cesare, 55, 132, 173

Pearl, Minnie, 195

Penn, Sean, 248

Peppard, George, 246

Percy, Walker, 305

Perot, H. Ross, 133

Picasso, Pablo, 8, 89

Pirandello, Luigi, 133, 153

Plame, Valerie, 268

Plato, 35, 40, 158, 200–201

Player, Gary, 287

Plummer, Christopher, 248

Plutarch, 257

Pope, Alexander, 181, 233, 307

Porter, Katherine Anne, 98

Post, Emily, 241

Postman, Neil, 194

Powell, Anthony, 133, 233

Preminger, Otto, 94

Priestley, J. B., 64, 195

Prince, 88, 202

Prior, Matthew, 263

Proust, Marcel, 82, 153, 173

Pythagoras, 286


Quindlen, Anna, 230


Rabelais, François, 203

Rahv, Philip, 150

Raines, Howell, 281

Randolph, John, 94

Raphael, Bette-Jane, 153

Raphael, Frederic, 74

Ray, John, 55, 209

Reagan, Ronald W., 96, 258–59, 266, 269, 270

Reasoner, Harry, 249, 289

Rebeta-Burditt, Joyce, 195

Redford, Robert, 250

Reed, Rex, 94, 95

Reed, Willis, 287

Reeves, Keanu, 249

Reid, Harry, 261

Reik, Theodor, 174

Reiser, Paul, 75

Remarque, Erich Maria, 249

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