I Take Thee (6 page)

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Authors: Red Garnier

BOOK: I Take Thee
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It was instinct that drove her, pure animal instinct that made her take that new, big, thoroughly attractive cock into her mouth. And it was hunger that made her suck it deep, swallow the taste of this stranger. A stranger she could meet on the street one day, and know she’d known intimately. Her pussy clenched tightly when he groaned, the vibration reaching the length of his cock, quickening the pulses of blood inside it.

“Suck him.”

Marcus’s hot, heady voice made a fresh wave of liquid pool between her legs, a wanton shudder fluttering down her back.

Marly quickly followed orders.

Sucking that broad, rigid, unbelievably long cock as deep into her mouth as she could.

“I want you on all fours, wife. I want to play with both your little holes while you suck him.”

She didn’t know what had made Marcus sound so domineering, so clearly intent in displaying his power. As if he wanted—needed—their guest to know it was Marcus who was allowing this, Marcus who owned her, Marcus who decided if the gigolo would get fucked by her or not.

Whatever it was, Marly was grateful.

She loved this new side of him.

Her womb felt bursting with heat, anticipation tightening her pussy with harsh, quick contractions.

She struggled to her knees, leaving Jake’s cock for only a second before her lips enveloped him again, sliding down the length of him until she could take in no more of his rigid flesh.

A low, hungry purr tore out of her, her incisors dangerously close to his cock, framing it as it slid over her tongue.

“That’s right, don’t stop sucking me, pretty,” Jake cooed, curving a hand around her skull and gently cradling her head as she moved it up and down his cock.

“You like the way she sucks you?” she heard Marcus ask. He’d bent behind her, now slowly teasing the tight, pink ring of her ass with his thumb.

“Fuck, yeah.”

“Wait until she fucks you.”

Jake groaned as if the thought alone was too much to bear. “I want to come in her mouth,” Jake said hoarsely, pumping his hips now.

Marcus plunged his thumb into her ass. “Do you want his cum, Marly?”

Marly moaned deliriously, so eager for Jake’s come and so overwhelmed by Marcus’s thumb digging into her ass she felt her own climax so near, even while nothing stroked her sensitive spot but air.

“Do you want to eat his cum, Marly?” Marcus insisted, his thumb stabbing her ass with deep, insistent plunges.

She could feel him watch what he was doing to her, and she could feel her ass clench and her pussy quiver under his gaze, begging him to penetrate both of them.

“So you want cum?” he repeated.

“Yes!” she cried before she dipped her head and took that huge cock into her mouth again.

She mewled, body rippling like a cat’s, limbs and arms feeling loose and flexible.

“Do it,” Marcus commanded. “Come in her mouth. Have her swallow.”

Jake groaned. Groaned louder. And then spilled himself.

Marly trembled at the first savory taste of him, moaning against his cock as she busily swallowed him whole, the pumping movement of his hips gradually subsiding.

“Now come here.” Before she had a mind to comprehend his words, Marcus had lifted her to her feet and turned her around to face him. “We’re going to fuck you, just like you’ve wanted. You’ll have both your openings filled to the brim…and you’ll be screaming to the top of your lungs for more.”

Marly noted his clenched jaw, the harshness of his features, the dark, tumultuous emotions in his eyes before she clamped her lips onto his and kissed him. Hard. So he could taste another man in her mouth, and now fill her up with his.

When he tore away, he stared at her with a haunted look in his eyes and said, “He may fuck you, baby, but you’re mine.”


“Never forget that, Marly. Ever.”

His hand shook as it ran down her cheek, and she caught it, pressed the tips of three fingers to her lips. “Never,” she vowed.

“Man, I can barely stand just watching,” a third voice joined.

Jake had risen to his feet and now pressed behind her, sending a bolt of awareness down her spine. She could feel one cock stab between her buttocks, the other brushing against her belly, both warm and rigid—and just what she needed to subdue her raging hunger.

“Does she want a two-way?” Jake asked behind her, his breath on her neck.

Marcus’s shoulders stiffened, then he said, his voice rough, “Ask her.”

“Yes,” she breathed before Jake could even ask.

Her gaze clashed with her husband’s fiery one. Jaw set tight with tension, Marcus’s hands felt like iron bands on her waist, pressing her closer to him in a gesture filled with possessiveness.

“Marcus…” She gasped, swallowed, her throat dry as sandpaper. “Please.

Stop…making me…wait.” A tremor shook her, and she leaned against him, her eyes longing to close, her body aching for release. Her legs and arms felt strained like a bow, and the muscles in her sex were pulsing painfully.

For a moment, neither man moved.

She almost suspected they viewed each other as an opponent, and they were waiting for the other to make the first move. She squirmed between them, a hand coming behind her to clamp on Jake’s tight butt, the other doing the same to Marcus’s. She pulled both men to her, gritting, “Fuck me, dammit.”

It was Marcus who moved, rubbing his cock against her pelvis, his jaw squared by the fierce way he clenched it. “I don’t know how I even thought I could watch him fuck you without participating.”

She ached. Would die if she didn’t have him. Her air hissed past her lengthened teeth. “Marcus…please…I need it now. I need you. Now.”

“Come here.”

He cupped her buttocks and gently lifted her. Marly wrapped herself around him, limbs and arms encircling him completely, her breasts flattened against his chest. She was surrounded, flesh to flesh with the smooth, warm flesh of two horny males, and her body felt like it burned in a hellfire.

She whimpered when Jake’s calloused hand brushed across her sex, smoothing the cream that dripped down her pussy up to her ass, rubbing it over the tiny entrance.

“Got a rubber on, pal?” Marcus’s voice rumbled in his chest, vibrating against her breasts and filling her with even more longing.

“Of course.”

Before Marly realized what Jake was doing, she felt it, the tip of his cock rubbing the outside of her ass.

She tensed with anticipation, her thighs clamping around her husband’s hips, the move pressing her closer to Marcus’s throbbing length while Jake continued to touch the crown of his cock to her entrance.

Her head fell back, eyes drifting shut now, and all she could think or say was, “Oh, God.”

“Do it. Fuck her. She wants you to.” Marcus’s low, raspy command sank into her brain at the same time Jake penetrated. Her nails sank into her husband’s shoulders, her cry ringing loud in the room as Jake pushed and pushed and pushed until he’d lodged himself deep inside the tight channel.

Marly wasn’t even breathing anymore by the time Jake began to fuck her, slowly, thoroughly. Expertly. There was no pain, only pleasure in each slow, precise thrust of his hips.

“Christ,” Jake muttered. “You’re so damned tight and so damned hot…Jesus!”

Marly trembled as a fresh wave of heat washed over her.

“Harder,” was all she said, earning herself a grunt, and an increase in pace that made her whimper from the force. Every atom in her body seemed aware, alert of every little nuance, every breath, every touch, every scent, tensing all the bones and muscles inside her until she thought she couldn’t bear it.

Marcus cupped her face, his eyes glowing on hers. “Marly,” he said huskily, nipping on her lower lip.

“Marcus, I want you.”

More than ever.

Even as the man behind her stabbed into her so brutally she felt she’d be torn apart.

She wanted Marcus.

Ached for her husband, her body somehow needing his own as if he were a part of her.

She knew there would be no pleasure, no glory in her orgasm, if there wasn’t Marcus.

Her hips nudged him, coaxing him to move. “Come inside me, please.”

“Baby, I can barely stand upright, I want you so much.”

His words brimmed with as much emotion as his glittering eyes on her. Marly stared at his handsome face, so strained by his desire, whispering to him, “Take me.”

Gritting his teeth, he held her still, his hands like vises as he slowly parted his way through her entry. Her pussy was slick with juices, awaiting his entry. She felt the moist tissue clench around his girth, massaging his cock with a rhythmic tightening, easing and contracting meant to juice every last drop in him.

Marly sobbed with pleasure as she felt him slide in, inch by inch. He stretched her, filled her, and when his cock had been buried to the root, he pulled out, causing her to whimper in complaint, only to feel him plunge back in her again, harder this time.


Harder and faster.

The stretch of another cock from behind, both of them so close, pumping her together, took her to euphoria.

In her life, Marly had never felt so many things, all at the same time. Incoming earthquakes. Tornadoes. Rainbows. And rain showers.

Forming a big chaos that overwhelmed until she felt everything, and knew nothing.

She clung to Marcus like a lifeline, arms around his neck, her lashes pressed tightly to her cheekbones.

She kissed his face, in love, desperation, starvation. His tongue slipped into her mouth for a tiny second, and for a moment she was afraid of nicking him with her teeth.

“Look at me,” he demanded, fingers digging into her waist.

When she opened her eyes, she felt the way they had dilated, glowing red, and he gritted, “I love you,” in a voice as tight as his features, before his lips crushed hers.

His kiss consumed her.

She went wild, her body writhing between his and Jake’s, her kiss as starved as the one he gave her. Lips fused, mouths melted, one into the other. Tongues sought, tasted, took and gave.

Her insides felt twisted into a million, billion knots that begged to uncoil, to release all at once. This energy, coiling within her center, was just waiting, waiting to explode.

Arousal rushed through her like adrenaline, spurring the needy, fast jerks of her body.

Jake panted behind her, Marcus before her, their flesh sweaty and warm and sensual as it brushed against her own. Her own body writhed and undulated between theirs, taking them both in. She whimpered whenever they left her, her body silently rocking, begging for them to come back and fill her more. Fill her with desire, with heat, with more.

Marcus’s kiss was earth-shattering. She felt the passion of it all the way down to her toes, and kissed him back in kind, her tongue ruthlessly exploring his mouth the way his did hers. She knew his taste by memory, the one single taste she could never get enough of. Sweet, warm, exhilarating.

He groaned into her mouth, his groan joined by another as Jake’s hands moved up her back only to brush her hair aside and let his hungry mouth explore her nape.

Her peak came closer. She began to ride both men fiercely, shoving to and fro, bouncing up and down, yelping, purring, hands clawing at Marcus’s rigid arms. Her nails were sharp, tearing out a hissing breath from him as they sank into his skin, but Marly couldn’t stop herself. She clawed at him, rode him, breasts jerking as she pumped down on his cock.

Marcus tore his mouth away from hers only to cup her face with shaky hands and brush back the dampened locks of hair from her jaw. “Sweet, sweet, baby,” he hissed against her mouth, his hips pumping hers harshly now. “You’re my baby.”

“Yes,” she said, the word only a breath.

They heard a growl, a grunt, a sharp indrawn breath close by.

Marcus stared past her shoulder. Something wild flickered in the depth of his eyes.

“He’s coming,” he whispered, eyes sliding back to hers.

,” Marly breathed before she heard a roar, felt the earthquake that rocked Jake’s body against hers, Marcus’s rampant thrusts catapulting her into bliss. In less than a heartbeat, Marcus followed with his own roar of release.

When she came to, what seemed like eons later, it was to find all sorts of limbs coiled and twisted together. Panting breaths filled the room. And Marly’s face could barely contain her smile.

“You alive, honey?”

She giggled at Marcus, his dry humor always managing to bring a smile to her face, even under the worst circumstances. Or in this case, the weirdest.

“You there, Jake?” he then asked, and Marly had to suppress another giggle when Jake’s answer came in the form of a snort.

“You’re crushing my wife, pal.”

“Oh.” She felt the air finally enter her lungs when a great deal of weight left her back. “Sorry.”

“That’s okay,” Marly said, straightening.

She made a point not to look at anybody when she did so. Maybe in fifteen minutes she wouldn’t give a damn if anyone thought her a whore, a slut, or a horny cat-girl. All she’d probably want in fifteen minutes would be a good fuck! But now, she was very much in her senses, and this right here qualified as an awkward circumstance with a capital A.

Marly busied herself fetching her bathrobe from the floor. It took her a very long time to get into it. An even longer one to tie a perfect knot around the sash.

When she righted herself, and managed to gather a little courage, it was to find the men—still naked—and plopped down on the couch talking…baseball?

“…Rangers…last season…game…”


Marcus was talking baseball with the gigolo.

And here he wanted to keep it impersonal!

By the rate they were going, pretty soon they’d be chums, he’d invite him over for dinner, and then Marly was really going to find herself in something A-W-K-W-A-R-D.

“Umm.” She cleared her throat, mortified when both pairs of eyes immediately landed on her. She focused on Marcus, pointed a thumb toward their bedroom. “I’ll be in our room.”

“That’s fine, hon. We’ll be there in ten.”

We’ll be there in ten?

be there in ten?

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