I Take Thee (7 page)

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Authors: Red Garnier

BOOK: I Take Thee
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She was out of breath when she reached her room, slammed the door shut and leaned back against it. Lock the door. Yes, she’d lock the door. And then she’d try to get some sleep.

For a full five minutes, she fumed and paced the bedroom. For five more, she tossed and turned on the bed. And her eyes kept landing on the doorknob. She would pretend to be asleep until the gigolo went away.

Yes. She’d do that. She was an intelligent woman. She’d still be manager of a fashion retail store with three locations across the state of Texas if she hadn’t been so baby-minded recently.

Yes, she was smart. And she could do this.

Only a couple of minutes later, not even three, and she was sweating over the bed, and had to yank off her bathrobe. Jeez, what was it with her body? Blood boiled in her insides, her heart rammed inside her ribcage, and she was already breathless and eager for…her husband. And the gigolo.

She gasped when she heard a knock, Marcus’s concerned voice following. “Hon.

You there? The door’s locked.”


Marly froze on the bed, her brain foggy with desire now, intent in replaying the scene of only just minutes ago. Two horny males, two rigid, pulsing cocks…and they’d both been inside her.

And they’d felt great!

All rational thoughts aside, her moves ruled mainly by the demands of her wanton body, she crossed the room and swung the door open. Then pretended to be serene.


Marcus grinned. “Hey.” He strolled inside like he was in the park or something.

“Come on in, Jake.”

Marly’s knees felt wobbly as she walked back to the bed. For an instant, she stared at her wedding picture, fluted champagne glasses clinking before a grinning Marcus and a dopey-faced herself.

They’d been married for a year. And already a third-party was in her bedroom.

Naked. And she was sweating from the heat, her teeth again stretching painfully inside her mouth, causing her jaw to feel achy. She licked her lips, a fierce hunger opening up inside her like a bottomless pit.

“This here’s our bedroom,” Marcus was saying conversationally. Jake eyed the simple woodwork and the bold navy blue and cream palette with a nod, his eyes coming to rest on Marly.

“Nice bed,” he said politely. But he wasn’t looking at the bed. His brown eyes were glued to her breasts, and she noticed the firm tendons in his neck ripple as he swallowed.

A nervous swallow of her own soon followed.

“And this beauty here…” Marcus sat down on the bed beside her, a hand curling around her nape. “This is my wife, in case you don’t recall.”

Jake smiled at her, not a tender smile, more like a…seductive smile. A smile full of intent. And though Marly told herself she wouldn’t look down, her eyes did of their own free will, only to find a huge, straight, long cock staring back at her.

She tore her gaze away. “Marcus…really.” Heat crept up her neck and cheeks.

“No need to be embarrassed, honey. He sees naked women all the time, don’t you, Jake?”


“See?” His hand glided down to her breast, idly playing with her nipple. “He’s just here to help. He’s a nice guy. He’s a fan of the Rangers, too.”

In Marcus’s book, yes, that definitely made him a nice guy. No matter how many atrocities he might have committed. All fans of Rangers were buddies of Marcus.

“You ready yet, Marly?” Marcus whispered against her ear, his breath warming her down to her calves. “We’re both more than ready to please you again.”

She closed her eyes as those words echoed inside her body, and when she opened them again, her sight had blurred. Her breath had hitched. And her sex had swamped with moistness. A part of her wanted the stranger to leave, and another part demanded that he stay, and make this horrible, wretched, wanton feeling go away. “Yes.”

“Good girl,” Marcus purred, cocking his head at Jake so he’d come forward. Marly melted into the bed when Jake sat on her other side and the men took each of her arms and began to slowly, languidly kiss her wrists, only to move their way upward. Marcus’s stubble scraped and tickled her flesh, and rather than use his lips, Jake was using his tongue.

She gasped when they reached her shoulder, Marcus moving his mouth to her breast.

Jake followed.

Marly had never known such bliss as the experience of two scorching pairs of lips sucking on her breasts. Every time each of them suctioned she felt her sex tighten in anticipation. She could smell Marcus, his scent as familiar as her own, and she could smell the scent of a different male in the room, the faint trace of tobacco in him, of sweat, and she found the combination very pleasing to her nostrils.

“May I eat you?” Jake whispered to her, and Marly had to bite her lip to keep from screaming a loud, fervent yes. Instead she parted her legs in invitation, and opened her eyes to stare up at Marcus’s curious gaze on her.

“Hot, sultry sex-kitten,” he murmured, his eyes roaming her face with painstaking slowness. His words were tender, husky in tone, and as Marly felt a pair of lips rub against her pussy, she felt her body heat up even more.

Jake’s tongue probed her, tentatively at first, and Marly bucked only to feel Marcus’s hands clamp her wrists and pin her hands above her head. “You wanted this, now enjoy it.” The whiskers on his chin scraped between her breasts as he lowered his mouth to suck on her nipples.

Jake’s tentative strokes became brazen, and now his hands spread her legs wider apart and his tongue began to spear inside her with purpose. Marly cried out in tune to his thrusts, her hips moving by instinct up to meet his expert mouth.

When Marcus came up to kiss her, she shuddered beneath his lips, granting him instant access to her mouth. His kiss spoke to her, of hunger, need, love and lust. And she tried, she tried to speak back to him, to tell him in her kiss how desperate she was, how much she both loathed and loved the strange, rioting hormones inside her, and how much she loved him—Marcus. Always.

“I could explode right now, just looking at you like this.” His words were whispered against her lips, and Marly worked her hands free from his grip and clutched his jaw.

“I want to suck you.”

“Oh, baby, I want you to,” he said raggedly.

“Give me your cock, Marcus.”

“Are you surprised it’s up, baby? I feel so ready now.” He maneuvered so that his hips rested beside her head, and when she crooked her neck sideways, she found what she craved. And took him in fully.

Marcus groaned, his hips moving in accord to her lips along his width. If Marly thought she couldn’t feel an ounce hotter, an inch more desperate, a tinge more pained by the sheer intensity of her lust; it just went to show she knew nothing.

For she felt Jake’s tongue leave her completely, and heard a foil wrapping tear only a second before Jake knelt before her, gripped her knees to keep her legs to each side of him, and pushed his cock inside her.

She sobbed, the sound muffled by the cock in her mouth, and felt her body turn pliant as Jake began to fuck her. Drops of pre-cum dribbled down Marcus’s cock, and she swiped her tongue greedily across the tip, the move bringing forth more.

She knew Marcus was watching. Knew it in the pounding pulses in his cock. In the way his nails dug into her scalp, pushing her head to move faster on his cock. She could feel his eyes, his arousal, the heat in his body seeping into hers. His cock was so swollen, she felt it was even larger, and she could feel every ridge and ripple of it as it moved in her mouth, between her lengthened teeth. She sunk her nails into her palms, whimpering from the pain it caused, a pain so sharp it felt like pleasure.

“Your wife likes me fucking her.”

“Fuck her harder.”

Marly lost all coherent thought then.

All she wanted was more cock, more man, in her mouth, her pussy, her whole being.

She took Marcus’s cock all the way down until she could feel it up to her throat, and spread her legs even wider, wondering if Jake was looking at her breasts, or her glowing pussy as he sank inside her.

Jake’s breath tore from his chest, harsh and fast. “Damn it, I want to come.”

“She comes first,” Marcus hissed.

Marly was there. She was
. So close. All it took was sucking more. Taking in more.

All it took was more plunges, faster, deeper. One. Then another. And another. And she burst. Exploded. Felt her body shatter into a million pieces.

A hoarse groan echoed in the room as Jake came, and then came Marcus. His taste filled her, a succulent liquid swimming past her throat, warming her belly. Marly drank him up whole, his taste unrivaled by anyone’s, her love for him untarnished, even after this wild, kinky day.

Marcus was the first to move, stretching out beside her and pulling her into his arms, his face buried in the crook of her neck just like hers was. “You okay?”

“Hmm. I’m more than okay.”

“I was so damned hot I lost my mind.”

She smiled against his shoulder. “I thought you lost it the day you met me?”

His eyes widened as if he couldn’t believe he’d forgotten that. “See? I can’t even think right!”

She was so sated, so content and happy, she could’ve dozed off in his arms if it weren’t for the noises by the doorway.

Marcus lifted his face, then straightened beside her, causing her to sit up, too.

Jake stood by the door, fully dressed. Marly hadn’t even noticed him leave the room, but now he was clearly ready to…go?

He was looking at them strangely, a forlorn expression on his face. A long silence ensued, then he softly said, “I lost my wife two years ago. We were married for five years.”

Marly’s heart suddenly felt squished. That was just

Marcus rose, nodding in acknowledgement and whispering an honest, “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry, too,” Marly quickly said from the bed.

Jake’s smile was so weak it saddened Marly even more. Poor Jake! Filling his days and nights with sex, to make up for a void that was clearly still very present. “I just wish…
you know
. That we hadn’t left so many things unsaid.”

Marcus nodded as he came up to him. “I understand.”

Jake smiled then, as if all was forgotten. “Thank you for a good time. Here’s my card in case you ever need me again.”

Marcus stared down at it as he took it. “Maybe we will, Jake.” And then Marcus did what he did with his poker buddies, wrapping an arm around him and slapping his back.

“Thanks for the help, man, I appreciate it.”

Jake nodded curtly. “Goodnight, Marly.”

Marly slipped into the covers and clutched the sheet to her chin in belated propriety, then dropped it when she realized how foolish she must look. She grinned, mostly to herself, and said, “Goodnight, Jake.”

When Marcus returned to the bedroom, he wore a solemn expression on his face, and went straight to point a finger at her. “Next time, it’s you and Miss April, sucking on me.”

Swallowing back a giggle, Marly flung a pillow at his face, just to let him know he should keep on dreaming about
that one

“Should we try to get some sleep, M?” he asked.

She nodded solemnly. “I promise to wake you up if I need anything.”

“Be sure to do that, honey. I wouldn’t want you to keep me out of the fun.”

He lifted the covers and slipped in beside her. Marly smashed her body against his, for it was the only way she’d ever find some sleep. She sighed until every inch of her was glued to an inch of his. He chuckled heartily, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

“Something tells me it’s going to be a long night.”

Feeling something stab into the center of her hips, she frowned thoughtfully. “I’d say more like a hard one.”

“I don’t know what’s happening to me. I feel sweaty and feverish, even a little trembly. You’ve no idea what it did to me, Marly…watching you.”

“Jake was nice,” she said truthfully, though now she was grateful that he’d left. All that awkwardness, every fifteen minutes, was just too much.

“Yeah. He’s a good guy.”

“I know, I know. He likes the Rangers.”

“Hell, yeah, that’s my man.” He squeezed her, kissed her noisily on the mouth. “And that’s my girl.”

“That I am, Marcus,” she said in a gentle whisper. “That I am.”

* * * *

He couldn’t work. All day. He couldn’t freaking work. Auto-parts just didn’t seem all that attractive compared to the images inside his head. During coffee, Marcus remembered last evening. During his drive to work, he remembered last evening. And during retail sales monthly conference session, he remembered last evening so vividly he nearly came under the table.

Hot damn, last evening had been hot!

Yes, he’d been jealous, and hell, he still was, his stomach churning at the very thought of doing it again. But his dick…ah, yes, his dick was of a different opinion.

He’d had a boner all day. And since he couldn’t very well walk with a paper across his lap, he’d had to brunt it out like a man. Proudly.

Whenever one of his coworker’s eyes strayed downward, he mentally counted up to ten and immediately all was better.

Until he thought of Marly again, and what he’d previously thought couldn’t get longer, firmer, couldn’t get more painful, actually
. Suddenly his libido had gone full-power. He’d never felt so horny in his life. He felt…feral. Like he had to fuck her

When he arrived home later that evening, he had a hard-on the size of Louisiana and felt as wound up as a firecracker about to burst.

Marly had rushed to the living room when she heard him pull into the garage, and when he burst into their home, he spotted her. She was in one of her flimsiest silk nightgowns, looking red and flustered and breathing so fast he feared she’d collapse.

Instead, she jumped on him.

He smashed his lips to hers, felt her desperation almost surpassing his own. His hands shook, pulling the straps of her gown down her arms so her breasts could spill out for him to see. “I missed you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Just thinking you were here…lonely and horny…”

She kissed him quiet, fingers slipping into the dark, silky hair at his nape. He shuddered as her tongue dove into his mouth, as hungry as his, as wet and hot and eager.

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