IBM and the Holocaust (98 page)

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  1. "Ribbentrop Charges Allies Plotted with the Lowlands,"
    , May 10, 1940; see Jacob Presser,
    The Destruction of the Dutch Jews,
    transl. Arnold Pomerans (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1969), p. 221.
  2. William L. Shirer,
    The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany.
    (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960), pp. 738, 746; Saul Friedlander,
    Nazi Germany and the
    Jews: Vol. 1: The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939
    (New York: HarperCollins, 1997), p. 220; see
    Encyclopaedia Judaica
    , s.v. "France," pp. 32-33.
  3. Bob Moore,
    Victims and Survivors: The Nazi Persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands
    (New York: Arnold, 1997), pp. 25, 37;
    Encyclopaedia Judaica
    , s.v. "Holland," pp. 983-984.
  4. Encyclopaedia Judaica
    , s.v. "France," p. 32.
  5. B. Erwich and J.G.S.J. van Maarseveen, eds.,
    Een eeuw statistieken. Historisch-methodologische
    schetsen van de Nederlandse officielle statistieken in de twintigste eeuw
    (Amsterdam, 1999), pp. 71, 74, 357; James Connally,
    History of Computing in Europe
    (IBM World Trade Cor po ration, circa 1967), p. 20; Jan Van den Ende,
    Knopen, kaarten en chips. De geschiedenis van de
    auto matisering bij het Central Bureau voor de Statistiek
    , (Amsterdam: CBS, 1991), pp. 53-54.
  6. Connally, pp. E-12, 14; H.J. Carter, "Confidential Memorandum NY-256," December 20, 1943, pp. 2-3, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  7. Van den Ende, p. 58; Harold Ungar, "Confidential Memorandum NY-356: The Use of Standardized Accounting and Business Machines in the German Economy," June 28, 1944, p. 4, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; H.J. Carter, "Card Production and Sales Statistics," 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  8. Connally, p. E-14; Letter, J.G. Phillips to The Netherlands Consulate General, June 10, 1941, DNA, Archive of the Ministry of Justice in London 1940-1945, number 2.09.06, Box 7, Letter 4; see "Appendix to Nederlandsche Staatscourant of February 6, 1941," cited in Document of Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce, DNA 33054214/Commercial Register.
  9. Van den Ende, p. 58.
  10. Letter, J.G. Phillips to The Netherlands Consulate General, June 10, 1941, DNA, Archive of the Ministry of Justice in London 1940-1945, number 2.09.06, Box 7, Letter 4; Letter, J.G. Phillips to the Netherlands Consulate General, September 17, 1940, DNA, Archive of the Ministry of Justice in London 1940-1945, number 2.09.06, Box 7, Letter 1.
  11. "Appendix to Nederlandsche Staatscourant of February 6, 1941," cited in Document of Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce, DNA 33054214/Commercial Register; Letter, General Consulate of the Netherlands, New York, NY, to U.S. Commission of Mobility of Law, December 4, 1940, DNA, Archive of the Ministry of Justice in London 1940-1945, number 2.09.06, Box 7, Letter 2.
  12. Connally, pp. E-3, E-5, E-6; Groupe Bull chronology,
  13. Connally, pp. 34, E-9, E-10, E-11, E-14; Groupe Bull chronology,
  14. Connally, pp. E-12, E-13; "CEC I.B.M. Subsidiary in France: Confidential Report 332," pp. 2, 12, submitted by Harold J. Carter, April 10, 1944, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; Note, Fellinger, circa 1944, T-73 Reel 11 RmfRuK/297 Frame 1057532.
  15. "CEC I.B.M. Subsidiary in France: Confidential Report 332," pp. 2-3, submitted by Harold J. Carter, April 10, 1944, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; H.J. Carter, "Card Production and Sales Statistics," 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  16. H.B. Fellinger, Enclosure 5, July 30, 1945, IBM Files; Lieutenant Colonel Schultz, "Demands of CEC," circa June 1944, NA RG242 T73, Reel 8, RmfRuK/173, Frames 1057532, 496 1057535, 1057536; "Inventory of Machines Taken Over by German Authorities as of December 31, 1940," Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; also see Letter, Dr. Springer to Captain Luedtke, February 19, 1944, NA RG242 T-73 Reel 8, RmfRuk/173, Frames 1053860-1053861; "List of CEC Machines and Rental Costs," circa June 23, 1944, NA RG242 T-73 Reel 8, RmfRuk/173, Frames 1053881-92; "Confidential Report: War Economics and the Armament Office of the German High Command," December 1942, p. 29, PRO FO 371/35431.
  17. "Leased machines of CEC," January 7, 1944, NA RG242, T-73 Reel 8, RmfRuk/173 Frame 1057440; "List of Inventory at MB-Headquarters and Field Offices," NA RG242, T-73 Reel 8, RmfRuk/173 Frames 1053927-1053932; H.B. Fellinger, Enclosure 3, July 14, 1945, IBM Files.
  18. "List of Requisitioned Machines," NA RG242 T-73 Reel 8, RmfRuk/173, Frames 1053881-92; Lieutenant Colonel Schultz, "Demands of CEC," circa June 1944, NA RG242 T73, Reel 8, RmfRuK/173, Frames 1057532-1057539; "CEC Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1942," p. 2, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  19. "CEC I.B.M. Subsidiary in France: Confidential Report 332," pp. 1, 2, submitted by Harold J. Carter, April 10, 1944, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  20. "CEC I.B.M. Subsidiary in France: Confidential Report 332," p. 3, submitted by Harold J. Carter, April 10, 1944, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; "Report on the Factory at Essones," March 24, 1941, p. 1, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  21. Letter, O.E. Hoermann to IBM Endicott, April 30, 1942, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  22. Letter, O.E. Hoermann to IBM Endicott, April 30, 1942, p. 2, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  23. "CEC Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1942," pp. 1, 2, 3, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  24. "CEC Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1942," pp. 3, 7, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  25. "CEC Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1942," Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  26. "CEC Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1942," pp. 6, 6-2, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  27. "CEC Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1942," p. 23, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  28. "CEC Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1942," p. 16, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  29. "CEC Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1942," p. 11, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  30. Westerholt Biography, May 1, 1933, NA RG242 A3340-MFOK-Y078, Frame 1532; see NA RG242 A3343-RS-G 5166, Westerholt, Heinz 25.07.1907 Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt, Frame 370.
  31. Transcript, Telephone Conversation between W.C. Lier and W. Borel, October 14, 1941, p. 2, IBM Files; Typed Running Notes, H.K. Chauncey, December 17, 1940, p. 2, IBM Files.
  32. Purport List, List of Papers, Political Affairs-France, September 23, 1941, p. 236, Entry 2409, NA RG59 851.00.
  33. Transcript, Telephone Conversation between W.C. Lier and W. Borel, October 14, 1941, p. 2, IBM Files.
  34. Transcript, Telephone Conversation between W.C. Lier and W. Borel, October 14, 1941, p. 2, IBM Files; Letter, W.C. Lier to F.W. Nichol, October 21, 1941, IBM Files.
  35. Letter, W.C. Lier to F.W. Nichol, October 21, 1941, IBM Files.
  36. Letter, W.C. Lier to F.W. Nichol, October 21, 1941, IBM Files.
  37. Letter, W.C. Lier to F.W. Nichol, October 21, 1941, IBM Files.
  38. Radiogram, C. Delcour to IBM NY, November 17, 1941, IBM Files.
  39. H.B. Fellinger, Enclosure 5, July 30, 1945, p. 6, IBM Files.
  40. "CEC I.B.M. Subsidiary in France: Confidential Report 332," p. 25, submitted by Harold J. Carter, April 10, 1944, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  41. "CEC I.B.M. Subsidiary in France: Confidential Report 332," p. 25, submitted by Harold J. Carter, April 10, 1944, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  42. Connally, p. E-14; Transcript, H.K. Chauncey Interview with K. Hummel, circa November 1940, p. 9, IBM Files; "CEC I.B.M. Subsidiary in France: Confidential Report 332," p. 12, submitted by Harold J. Carter, April 10, 1944, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; Memorandum, H.B. Fellinger to W. Beck, June 21, 1945, Item 9, IBM Files.
  43. Moore, pp. 30, 66-67; "Netherlands Churches Assail Ban on Jews in Government Service,"
    October 28, 1940; "Conditions in Holland," p. 1, Items 2, 8, PRO FO 371/26683.
  44. Moore, pp. 63-64; "Germans' Reprisals Open in Netherlands,"
    January 15, 1941; see "Netherlands Churches Assail Ban on Jews in Government Service,"
    October 28, 1940.
  45. Letter J.L. Lentz to Dr. Calmeyer, May 27, 1941, NIOD; see Moore, p. 124; also see Gotz Aly and Karl Heinz Roth,
    Die restlose Erfassung: Volkszahlen, Identifizieren, Aussondern im
    (Berlin: Rotbuch Verlag, 1984), p. 66; see Presser, pp. 38, 301.
  46. Moore, p. 196; H.W. Methorst and J.L. Lentz, "Die Volksregistrierung und das neue in den Niederlanden eingefuhrte System,"
    Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv (ASA)
    26 (1936/37): 65.
  47. Presser, pp. 38, 301; see Moore, pp. 124, 138, 66; also see Aly and Roth, p. 66 and Letter, J.L. Lentz to Dr. Calmeyer, May 27, 1941, NIOD, DOC I-1045, J.L. Lentz, map B.
  48. "To Register Refugee Jews,"
    July 4, 1940; see Letter, J.L. Lentz to Interior Ministry, March 25, 1941, NIOD, Generalkommissar fur Verwaltung und Justiz GK VuJ, Haupt-abteilung Inneres, 25-122b; Moore, p. 65.
  49. Aly and Roth, p. 66; see Moore, p. 197.
  50. Moore, p. 196.
  51. Aly and Roth, p. 66; Moore p.197.
  52. Presser, pp. 39-40.
  53. Moore, p. 58; also see Presser, pp. 33-34 and "Netherlands Churches Assail Ban on Jews in Government Service,"
    , October 28, 1940.
  54. "Netherland Jews Must Register,"
    , January 14, 1941; see Presser, pp. 35-37; B. Erwich and J.G.S.J. van Maarseveen, pp. 76-78; also see Van den Ende, pp. 52-59.
  55. Moore, pp. 61-65; "Jews Fight Nazis in Amsterdam Riot,"
    February 14, 1941; Presser, p. 36; also see "Amsterdam Fined for Nazi Clashes,"
    March 2, 1941; Letter, National Inspection for Population Registration to Dr. Calmeyer, June 14, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ, Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b; see Letter, Dr. Stuler to Dr. Wimmer, June 16, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ, Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b; also see Letters, J.L. Lentz to Dr. Calmeyer, May 27, 1941, NIOD, DOC I-1045, J.L. Lentz, map B, and Letter, J.L. Lentz to Dr. Calmeyer, July 26, 1941, NIOD, DK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b; also see Memorandum, Ministry of Interior Administration, March 25, 1941, NIOD,
    Ministerialreferat Innere Verwalung,
    GK VuJ, Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  56. "Netherland Jews Must Register,"
    , January 14, 1941; Presser, pp. 35, 36, 37; Diplomatic Dispatch, p. 3, January 29, 1941, PRO FO 371/26534.
  57. Letter, J.L. Lentz to Interior Ministry, March 25, 1941 NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  58. "Conditions in Holland," p. 1, Item 2, December 16, 1941, PRO FO371/26683; B.A. Sijes, De Februari-staking; 25-26 Februari 1941, H.J.W. Becht, Amsterdam 1954, pp. 153-155, 160-167, 176
  59. Letter, J.L. Lentz to Dr. Wimmer, March 25, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  60. Letter, Dr. Stuler to Dr. Wimmer June 16, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  61. Presser, p. 37.
  62. Presser, p. 37.
  63. Letter, Dr. Wimmer's office to J.L. Lentz, May 26, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  64. Letter, Dr. Wimmer's office to J.L. Lentz, May 26, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  65. Letter, Dr. Wimmer's office to J.L. Lentz, May 26, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  66. Letter, J.L. Lentz to Dr. Calmeyer, May 27, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  67. Letter, J.L. Lentz to Dr. Calmeyer, May 27, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  68. Letter, J.L. Lentz to Dr. Calmeyer, May 27, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  69. Letter, J.L. Lentz to Dr. Calmeyer, May 27, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  70. Dr. Stuler, Report to Dr. Wimmer, p. 1, May 30, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  71. Dr. Stuler, Report to Dr. Wimmer, p. 2, May 30, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  72. Dr. Stuler, Report to Dr. Wimmer, p. 3, May 30, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  73. Report, Inspectorate to Dr. Calmeyer, June 14, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  74. "Conditions in Holland," Attachment 18, Items 4 and 5, December 16, 1941, PRO FO 371/26683; Jacob Presser, p. 69-70; and H.B.J. Stegeman and J.P. Vorsteveld, Het Joodse Werkdorp in de Wieringermeer 1934-1941, Zutphen 1983, pp. 122-127.
  75. Letter, J.L. Lentz to Dr. Stuler, June 16, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  76. Letter, J.L. Lentz to Dr. Calmeyer, July 26, 1941, NIOD, GK VuJ Hauptabt. Inneres, 25-122b.
  77. Moore, p. 65; Presser, pp. 37-38.
  78. J.L. Lentz,
    Memoires I, Registratie van Joden (oorsprong en ontwikkeling)
    , p. 10, unpublished journal, circa October 1944, NIOD, Dossier I-1045; also see J.L. Lentz, Ambtelijke Herinneringen, unpublished journal, circa October 1944, p. 25, NIOD, Doc. Dossier I-1045
  79. Presser, p. 38.
  80. "Report No. 38: Netherlands, Census of Property in Foreign Countries, Series C: Report of Interests in Primary Allied Organizations," Form TFR 500, Department of Treasury/Foreign Funds, NA RG131.
  81. "Report No. 38: Netherlands, Census of Property in Foreign Countries, Series C: Report of Interests in Primary Allied Organizations," Section 6, Form TFR 500, Department of Treasury/ Foreign Funds, NA RG131.

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