Ice Rift (33 page)

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Authors: Ben Hammott

BOOK: Ice Rift
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One week after Richard had left Antarctica.


Richard studied the steadily increasing expressions of amazement that appeared on the publicity consultant's face as he flicked through the photographs of the alien spaceship and its ferocious inhabitants. Richard had done his homework. Clinton Henson was the best in the business and would ensure he received the rich rewards he wanted for his story.

Stunned by what he had just seen, Clinton placed the last photo on his expansive desk and looked at the man who had presented them. “This is incredible. I can hardly believe it's real.”

“It's real. I lived through the nightmare.”

Clinton glanced at the photographs spread out before him, calculating their worth and their validity. “But what happened to the spaceship?”

“It still stuck in the iceberg. As we speak NASA and the United States Army and Navy are attempting to salvage as much as its technology as they can before it slips beneath the sea.”

“As I said, Richard, it's an incredible story. Our problem is, even with these astounding photos, it's getting people to believe it. If you'd managed to get some physical evidence, there would've been no problem and no limit to the amount you could have made from this fantastical tale.”

Richard smiled, slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled something out. “Is this evidence enough?”

Clinton's eyebrows rose at the sight of the tiny creature covered in green velvet fur cupped in Richard's hand. He moved in closer for a better look. It had two small horns on its head, a black nose and large eyes that currently stared at him. He sorted through the photographs and selected the one of Haax holding Lucifer and compared the two. “Is this the same one, as it looks bigger in the photo?”

Richard shook his head. “Not exactly. The one in the photo is the creature I rescued from the spaceship. It saved my life, but this one is its offspring, which I've temporarily named Little Lucifer. When I handed its mother back, if indeed there is a male and female of this species, I later found this one in my pocket, much smaller then. I believe this species might be Asexual. I did some research and we have quite a few Earth life-forms with this ability, sometimes triggered during a decrease in its species resulting in a lack of males. But, of course, I could be totally wrong. What's important is that in my hand I have absolute evidence that alien life-forms exists and have visited earth. What I want you to do is market this alien, my photos and story, and me, in a way that will make me millions before the government and scientists take it from me, as they surely will when they learn of its existence. I want a book deal. I want to sell the movie rights and I want anything else you can think of to make money out of this. Can you do that, Clinton, or do I need to look elsewhere for someone who can?”

Clinton dragged his eyes away from the cute creature and looked at Richard. He smiled and held out his hand. “I assure you, Richard, I'll make you so much money you'll have trouble spending it.”

Richard shook the offered hand. “That's exactly what I wanted to hear.” He stroked Little Lucifer while Clinton pressed a button on the intercom to speak to his secretary.

“Kim, cancel all my appointments for the next month…yes, you heard correctly, the whole month…I don't care, tell her to find someone else, and send Matt in, I need a contract drawn up.” He released the button and smiled at Richard and the little alien. “You, Richard, have just become my most important client, and I believe, will soon prove to be my most profitable.”

Richard grinned. He tickled Little Lucifer under the chin. It purred in delight from the attention. “The kids are going to love you.”


Two days later, Richard's money-making machine was set in motion and the news of what had been discovered in Antarctica swept around the world.

Jane sat up in bed when Jack entered with a breakfast tray. He placed it on the side, picked up the newspaper and handed it to Jane. “You're not going to believe the headlines.”

Jane looked at the front page. In large bold letters the headline read:



Jane shook her head in dismay. “So much for keeping the story under wraps as NASA directed. That man would make money out of misery if he could. ‘
Battled with aliens to save his friends and the planet,
’ I've a good mind to tell my version of what really happened.”

“What's the point? Richard's not my favorite person, but we all played our part. Let him have his five minutes as, now the genie's been let out of the bottle, I'm sure your time will come. Also Theo, Scott and Pike will get to tell their story now.” Jack leaned forward and kissed her.

Jane placed the newspaper on the bedside table. “You're right. We have more important and pleasurable things to occupy our time.” She glanced at the tray. “How about you come to bed and help me work up an appetite for breakfast.”

“Your wish is my command.” Jack slipped into bed.


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During World War II, Nazi inspired archaeologists were convinced they had pinpointed its location. They packed a U-Boat with supplies and set a course for the Amazon Jungle. They disappeared!
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