If I Loved You (Hollywood Hearts 1) (4 page)

BOOK: If I Loved You (Hollywood Hearts 1)
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“Never have slept with strangers and don’t intend to start now.”

“Never tempted?”

“I wouldn’t go that far. I’m human. I’ve had my share of women. When you’re twenty-two in your first musical out of town, hey sure, it’s tempting…very tempting. I may have fallen a few times. You learn quickly. Better to find someone in the cast….oops. TMI here.”

Megan saw color creep up his neck for the first time and it made her smile.

He embarrassed himself.
She suppressed a giggle.

Suddenly, he didn’t seem to be Chaz Duncan, movie star. He was just a man looking for a woman, a woman he could trust.
That’s me. Trustworthy as hell….

“I’m trustworthy,” she blurted out.

What am I saying?

“Are you applying for the position?” She saw the gleam of humor mix with a glint of desire in his eyes.

“Me? Oh no…no. I didn’t mean to imply…no, absolutely not. No siree…nope.”

“You don’t have to be insulting about it. I’m told being my bedmate isn’t at all bad.”

“I didn’t mean to imply…” Megan stopped speaking, realizing she was only digging herself in deeper.

“Open mouth, insert foot?” He cocked an eyebrow.

She laughed. “Guilty as charged. Could you get the check, please?”

“Of course.” Jean Pierre appeared two minutes later and Chaz requested the check. Megan fumbled in her purse, looking for her American Express card, but Chaz already had his out.

“This is business. Let Dillon and Weed treat you to dinner.”

“I never let a woman pay.” Chaz placed his card on the table.

“Think of me as Harvey Dillon.” Meg snickered.

“You have assets old Harvey doesn’t. I insist.”

“I’ll get in trouble with Mr. Dillon if you pay.” Satisfied that she finally outmaneuvered him, she smiled and sat back.

Chaz sat thinking for a moment. “In that case…must I call you Harvey?” He put his American Express card back.

Megan laughed out loud. She peeked at his wallet before he put it away, looking for the telltale ring…the outline of a condom…but didn’t see one.
Maybe he was telling the truth…he doesn’t sleep with groupies.

After they put on their jackets, Megan noticed Chaz’s shoulders rise a tad and his body stiffen slightly as they prepared to go out into the world again.
The price of fame. Loss of privacy. Seven million bucks doesn’t come without some consequences.

He picked up his cell phone and pressed a button.

“Ready,” he said, his mouth close to the phone. Slipping his phone into his pocket, Chaz took her elbow, guiding her to the front door. “The car will pick us up in a minute. I’ll drop you home. Where do you live?”

“Central Park West and Eightieth Street. What about you?”

“I’m bunking with a friend. Quinn Roberts.”

“Quinn Roberts?” She followed him out the door.

“We did regional theater together.”

“Isn’t he your rival?”

“That’s what the press wants everyone to believe.” He glanced down the street, watching for the car.

“But surely…”

“It looks that way, I agree. Quinn has a contract for two more of his WWII adventure flicks. I’m contracted for three more
West of the Sun
films. One has nothing to do with the other. All that media hype…guess it sells papers. Here’s the car. Ladies first.”


* * * *


Chaz held the door open for Megan. The limousine glided silently up the noisy avenue and pulled over to the curb in front of The Royal, Meg’s luxury condo building. “See you Wednesday. Thanks for the hard work and great dinner.”

He kissed her hand again before his gaze dropped to her lips.

Fearing more inappropriate behavior on her part, Meg quickly jumped out of the car, closed the door behind her, and waved. She stood in the doorway of her building as the car sped away. Briny, the doorman, tipped his hat to her after he opened the door. Once inside her apartment, Meg checked for messages on her cell phone, which she had turned off during dinner.

There were two from Penny, who was probably dying for an update. Rather than admit to her budding feelings for Chaz to her sister-in-law, Meg sat down at the
upright piano in the living room and did exercises. While her fingers were warming up, she thought about what to play.

Show tunes, of course! What musicals did he do in summer stock? Remember to ask.

After about ten minutes of exercises, she stood up and opened up the piano bench. Rummaging through the sheet music, she came upon an unfamiliar book containing all the songs from the musical

This must be Penny’s.

Megan thumbed through the book, recognizing a few of her favorite pieces—“June is Bustin’ Out All Over,” “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” and “If I Loved You.” She tapped her way through each piece before yawning, closing the piano, and heading to bed.
No celebrities. Don’t become a groupie. Stay away from him. Yeah, right.

She drifted off to sleep thinking about Chaz.


* * *


Megan awoke early and full of energy. She bounded out of bed and bounced into the office fifteen minutes earlier than usual. She couldn’t stop grinning, remembering Harvey Dillon’s words from the day before:
“Chaz Duncan’s account would be one of the biggest personal accounts we have. This could be a huge win, Megan.”

She gazed out the window as she sipped her
coffee. A knock on her open door caused her to swivel around in her chair. Harvey Dillon stood in her doorway, a look of anticipation on his face. “So?”

Megan made a thumbs-up gesture.

“You got Chaz Duncan’s account?” He raised his eyebrows.

“I did.”

“The whole thing? All seven million dollars?” He held up his hands, spread apart.

She nodded.

“Fantastic! Megan, I’m so proud of you! You’ll get a bonus for this, you know.”

“Thank you, Mr.…
uh, Harvey.”

“Every employee who brings in a new piece of business gets a bonus. This will be a hefty one, I imagine. We need to celebrate.”

Brielle came down the hall toward her office. Harvey stopped her.

“Brielle, Megan won Chaz Duncan’s account. Would you arrange a celebration tonight? Champagne and
hors d’oeuvres
. Thanks.”

With a quick wave to Megan, Harvey Dillon turned toward his office. He didn’t see the ugly face Brielle made at his back, but Megan did.

Brielle strolled into Meg’s office. “Did you sleep with him?” Brielle lounged against the doorjamb.

“Strictly business. He liked my investment plan.”

“Yeah? I’ll bet that’s not all he liked.” Brielle stared at the neckline of Megan’s silk top, causing heat to rise in Meg’s cheeks.

“Business between a man and woman doesn’t have to involve sex, Brielle.”

“Oh?” She raised her eyebrows. “Maybe…but it helps.”

Harvey Dillon returned to poke his head in Megan’s office.

“When is Chaz coming in to sign the papers?”


“Perhaps we should wait, have the party then. Not that I don’t believe you, but people have changed their minds before. So, Brielle, schedule it for Wednesday.” He turned to leave, but Megan’s voice stopped him.

“Mr., uh, Harvey…I can’t on Wednesday.” Megan chewed her lip.

Harvey raised his eyebrows at her.

“Chaz and I are supposed to celebrate at dinner. I thought…”

Harvey raised his hand. “No problem. Client comes first. Brielle, change that to Thursday.”

“It’s not personal, Harvey…we talked about it, and I thought…”

“Of course, having dinner with the client after he signs is standard. No worries. Submit the expense.” He disappeared as quickly as he’d reappeared.

“Innocent celebration dinner? I bet.” Brielle put in before sauntering back to her own office.

Andy came in right after Brielle. “You signed Chaz Duncan?”

Megan nodded, before returning to her office.

“Wow! That’s amazing! You’re awesome, Megan. How’d you do it?” Andy followed her.

“Our brilliant plan plus a little charm.” Meg plopped down into her chair, a big grin spread across her face.

“You’re my hero.” Andy beamed his admiration at her with a huge smile.

“Time to get to work, Andy. We have to execute this plan. On Wednesday, I need to tell Chaz…er…Mr. Duncan exactly where we plan to put his money. So, you’ve got a ton of research to do. Get your pad and let’s get started.”

Right after Andy left, her cell phone rang. It was Chaz. “Are you strutting your stuff? Did old Harv give you a pat on the back?”

“How did you know?” Megan sat back in her chair.

“I’m a big fish. I’d expect as much.”

“You are. Andy and I are going to start work on your investment plan as soon as I hang up.”
Sitting back in her chair, Megan put her hand up to stop Andy from entering her office.

“Who’s Andy?”
Was that a hint of jealousy in his voice?
She grinned.

“He’s my assistant. Too young for me anyway.”

“Oh. Good. Won’t keep you, then.”

“Where are you today?” Meg rested her feet on the waste paper basket.

“Over at
, shooting an American history series.”

“Who are you playing?” She tapped a pencil on her desk.

“Thomas Jefferson…with a red wig.”

“Oh my God!” Megan burst into laughter.

“What’s so funny?”

“Covering up that gorgeous brown hair with a red wig, I…”

“Gorgeous, huh?” He snickered at the other end of the phone.

Megan’s hand flew to her mouth.
Shut up, Meg!

“Well…yeah…it’s kinda nice, I guess. If you like brunettes.”

Chaz laughed. “And you prefer blonds?”

“I prefer…to end this conversation.” Meg sat up in her chair.

“See you Wednesday at six.”

After she hung up the phone, Megan fanned herself with her hand. Andy entered the office. “You’re red as a beet. Was that a business call?”

“None of your business. Write down these stocks. I want you to get the p/e’s plus closing prices for every week for the past two years. Make a graph. Let’s start with General Electric…”


* * * *


Tuesday night, Megan kept Andy at the office. They worked until nine o’clock to perfect the plan for Chaz the next day. Exhausted, she finally dragged herself home. After tossing her keys in the silver bowl next to the front door, Megan toed off her shoes, removed her jacket, and padded into the kitchen for a glass of wine. She carried the wine back to the living room as she checked her cell phone. Five messages from Penny.

Deciding to get the interrogation over with so she could relax, Megan dialed her sister-in-law’s number. “What’s up?” Megan asked, as she plopped down on the sofa while stifling a yawn.

“Tomorrow is your second date with Chaz. Figured we needed to talk about what you’re wearing.”

“It’s business, Penny. I’ll be wearing one of the new suits we bought together. Remember those?”

“And what top? Which earrings? Are you wearing a scarf? Don’t forget the new perfume.”

? I know. I bought a small bottle to keep in my desk.”

“Good girl! You never told me how your date…er, your first dinner with Chaz went. Mark is watching game footage so I have plenty of time.”

Megan put her feet up on the coffee table. “Nothing to tell. I closed the business deal, that’s all.”

“Yeah, right, dinner with Chaz Duncan is nothing. Whenever you’ve clammed up about a guy before, I always knew it was because you liked him…a lot. So give.”

“There’s nothing to tell. Just dinner, business talk, and then he dropped me home.”


“Honestly…” Megan sipped her wine.

“Not even a kiss goodnight?”

There was silence. Megan chewed her lip.

“I thought so. Come on…it’s me, Penny, here.” She sounded pleased with herself.

“Okay, okay, one kiss. When he said we had the business…” She tucked her feet under her on the sofa.

“One kiss?” After getting one bite, Penny kept fishing.

“Maybe…two. Two…that’s all.” She stretched out on the sofa.

“Hmm. Two kisses? More than ‘thank you’ going on there.” Penny dissolved into giggles on the other end of the phone.

“Oh and a screen kiss. But that doesn’t count because it’s not like a kiss at all.”

“Really? Does it involve touching lips? Then it’s a kiss and it counts. Three. We’re up to three and counting.”

BOOK: If I Loved You (Hollywood Hearts 1)
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