If You Dare (5 page)

Read If You Dare Online

Authors: Liz Lee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: If You Dare
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He tilted his head to the side as he ran one finger down her arm raising chill bumps in its wake. “I’ve wanted to touch you all night.”

Oh me too, me too, me too.

Cordelia gulped down her thoughts. “And yet you didn’t once everyone showed up. Well, other than to dunk me.”

“Did you want me to?”

I want you to touch me with a heck of a lot more than a finger on my arms! Cordelia shivered and licked her lips as he ran his finger down her other arm. “I don’t think it matters.”

She stepped closer to him, feeling his wet suit against her bare skin, smelling the chlorine in his hair and thinking it was quite possibly the sexiest scent she could imagine.

A single droplet of water from his hair fell against her face as she worked her hands up his shoulders. “I think what matters is here and now.”

And then she was done waiting. By God, if she was going to play the bad girl she was going to do it right.

She felt the lightning strike of heat as she stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his. Felt the world close in again leaving only them, only now as his mouth opened under her searing kiss.

She felt completely liberated as her tongue touched his in a dance of its own making.

And when she heard his groan of pleasure, she wanted to jump for joy. But she settled for trailing her hand down his bare chest.

This was so much better than she’d dared to imagine.

She could barely believe it, and then she didn’t care because he was done letting her have all the fun.

He pulled her closer, pressed her against his erection, let her feel the heat of it against the coldness of his wet trunks.

Completely at odds with the frenzied feeling of their kiss, his soft fingers drew lazy circles on her bare back. Up and down and around as he slowly walked her across the concrete in an erotic dance set to their own music all while never ending the kiss.

She wanted his hands everywhere, not just on her back. She wanted her hands everywhere, her lips everywhere. But the sweet taste of their kiss was too enticing, too intoxicating to pull away.

At least it was until she felt the cold plastic of a lounge chair against her calves.

Slowly he lowered his mouth to her neck. She heard the gentle whirring of the pool filter and strangely it seemed to pump to an erotic beat just for them.

She felt his cool, damp hair against her hot skin as his lips found a spot right under her ear that left her gasping out loud and him moaning in response.

That moan made her hungrier, greedier for the moment she suddenly felt she’d been waiting for all her life.

Finally she pulled away and looked at his face. His lips were swollen from their kisses, his eyes were darker than before and filled with a promise that would’ve left her breathless if she weren’t already.

She laughed softly as he raised an eyebrow in question. And then with her simple push they were lying on the lounge chair. Or rather he was. She was lying on him, and she couldn’t think of a better place to be right then. She didn’t care who might see them. It didn’t matter.

All that mattered was him and now. And the fact that she was finally, finally going to taste something other than his lips.

She trailed her kisses to his neck and back to his mouth. She pushed the hair off his forehead and settled her pelvis against the hardness of his erection.

Where his bare chest pressed against her skin, she felt liquid fire. Soft and hot and uncontrollable. Their legs tangled first one way and then another as she slowly worked her lips down to his chest until she heard his sharp intake of breath as she took his pebbled nipple between her teeth.

“Jesus, Cordelia.” His whispered words, his hot response, his hard erection left her smiling in wonder. She was doing this. She had this man, this incredibly sexy man, completely, totally turned on.

She pushed up on her elbows and blew on the wet skin where her lips, her teeth had so recently been and laughed softly as he groaned in response.

He opened his eyes at her laugh, and she felt her smile slip as he pressed his hips up and against her. One small move, barely noticeable, and yet she felt so much.

She closed her eyes and let her head fall back as he pressed again. Her hair fell against her back, its wet tendrils brushing on her bare skin adding to the intensity of feelings rushing through her body.

When he trailed his hands over her back, through her hair, she felt her own moan of pleasure before she heard the whispered sound.

With exact precision he linked his hands in the small of her back and pulled her against him as he pressed up.

“Oh God.” The soft exclamation fell from her lips in response. The sound of it intensified her reaction, and she felt her nipples tighten even more against her bikini top.

Slowly he brushed his hands higher up her back and when he reached her shoulders, with one simple tug, she found herself lying closer, her head tucked under his chin, her ear pressed against his chest where she could hear the roaring beat of his heart.

She would’ve turned and touched her lips to his chest, but the sound of her name on his lips stopped her.


It was a question. She wasn’t sure she wanted to talk. Not now. Not when everything was so perfect. So right. Not when she was being so good at being so bad.

She took a deep breath and concentrated on the way his chest felt, the way his erection felt, the way she felt. “Yes?”

He trailed his fingers up and down her back and she closed her eyes in response as he answered. “I’m all for exhibition at some time. But I really don’t want to make love to you for the first time out here by the pool. I have a feeling when I make you come, it’s going to be a hell of a loud experience. And I’d really like that experience to happen in my bed. At least the first time. What do you say?”

Cordelia could barely force her mouth to work. Because when he’d said the words come and loud, she’d felt every bit of moisture disappear straight from her mouth and settle somewhere else entirely. And now she felt hot, breathless and dehydrated in the most wonderful way she’d ever imagined.

She cleared her throat and forced herself to answer. “When did you plan on this loud experience? I think timing’s going to make all the difference in my answer.”

She heard his laugh against her ear and she was thankful he couldn’t see her face. She was absolutely certain she was ten shades of red right now.

“You are something else. How about the sooner we get there, the better?”

“Can we kiss on the way?”


“And what about touch?”

She felt him nod. “Oh yeah.”

“And when we get there, what first?”

He pushed her up so he could see her face, so she could watch his as he answered. “First, I’m going to undress you so I can just look at your naked body for as long as I want.
See I’ve been imagining what it looks like all day.”

Cordelia felt as if he were doing just that even though all he was doing was talking.

“And then after I’m done looking, I’m going to touch every inch of you, kiss every inch of you.”

The water lapped against the side of the pool as he finished this promise and Cordelia felt its echo reverberate through her body.

“And then I’m going to do exactly what I’ve been dying to do all night. I’m going to bury myself deep inside you. I’m going to watch you come again and again. And when we’re done. We’ll start all over. Until you’re ready to quit. And hopefully, I’ll talk you into staying all night so in the morning we can start all over again. So what do you say? Hmm?”

Cordelia felt as if he’d done everything he promised. Her skin was hot, her body wet and she wanted to feel him inside her now.

She smiled at him as she ran a finger across his lips. “That’s easy. What are we doing out here?”

Joe practically carried Cordelia to his door. He wanted to feel her lips and took advantage of every stop along the way to do just that.

But, dammit, there was only so much a man could handle, and he felt like he was going to explode if they didn’t get to his place in the next ten seconds.

He wanted to see her naked, wanted to hear her scream his name as he sank deep inside her.

He reached his door in what he figured was record time and inserted the card to open it. Home. He felt like hollering, but he felt like making love a whole hell of a lot more.

As soon as the door opened he grabbed Cordelia and slammed the door shut at the same time he pressed her against the wall.

He didn’t bother to look, just felt as his lips devoured hers in a hungry kiss. He felt like a starving man. And her lips were his only sustenance.

He didn’t wait another second just filled his hands with her breasts. Kneaded them through the rough fabric of her swimsuit.

He heard her breath exhale sharply as he pushed a knee between her legs. Felt her hands in his hair as he undid the back of her suit and let the top fall to the floor. Heard her calls of yes, yes, yes as he lowered his mouth to take one tight nipple in his mouth.

And then a sound that didn’t belong at all.

A short clearing of a throat. And then another.

And finally a long, “Uhhhh.” Before a, “Sorry about this, Joe. I’ll just make myself invisible for a while. If you’ll just let me out the door, I’ll go, you know, anywhere.”

Cordelia yelped at the same time he turned and blocked her from view of his very unexpected visitor. “Jesus, Taylor. What the hell are you doing here? Turn your head for a second.”

He helped Cordelia pick up her suit top and tried like hell to help her get it back on, but his hands were shaking from the sudden change in his body temperature.

Nothing like a baby sister to douse the fires of pure, unadulterated lust-filled sex.

A string of completely unmentionable words flitted through his mind.

“You always said I could come visit you whenever….” As she trailed off, he held up his hand to stop her.

Brushing his hands through his hair he turned to Cordelia. “I’m sorry. I… Jesus.”

Somehow he’d walked from his ultimate fantasy to his worst nightmare. He turned back to his sister and then to Cordelia. “Cordelia meet my sister, Taylor.” He waved his hand across the room. “Taylor, Cordelia.”

He turned back to Cordelia and leaned in close. “Listen, I think I’ve got to play big brother for a little while here. Can you give me a bit of a rain check? I can come over to your sister’s later tonight. What do you think?”

Cordelia’s lips were swollen and pink from his kisses. Her cheeks were red from what might have been passion or embarrassment. Her eyes were worried.

He was going to kill his sister.

After a second Cordelia nodded her head. “Duty calls. I’ll be next door.”

He watched as she peeked around his shoulder and smiled at his sister calling out a quick, “nice to meet you,” before disappearing out his door.

He was so going to kill his sister.

Cordelia couldn’t believe it. The fates were conspiring against her. With her luck, the gods were upstairs watching as she very nearly had an orgasm simply from listening to a man talk dirty. They’d probably seen her reaction and discussed all the reasons they couldn’t allow her to follow through with her plan.

She was doomed to good girldom forever.

Well crap!

And she knew all about little sisters. She was one. If Joe thought he was getting out of there any time soon, he was very much mistaken.

Which left her very much frustrated.

The action adventure book she’d tried reading earlier still sat on the bedside table, but it was just as uninteresting as before.

She rummaged through Irene’s bookshelf and settled on a new book, something she’d never read before but sounded perfect for how she was feeling.

Climax. The Art of Multiple Orgasms.

Somehow she felt absolutely sure the feat she’d only heard about from Irene and read about in her secret stash of Cosmo was destined for when she finally had sex with her seductive vacation neighbor.

Of course with his sister popping in for a visit, she might not get lucky after all. In a week, she’d return home. To her cat, her garden and her boring old everyday perfect daughter life.

Certainly not the life multiple orgasms were made of. Ugh!

Cordelia ran a hot bubble bath, lit a few candles and turned her sister’s stereo system on. With a flick of her wrist soft jazz tunes filtered through the bathroom.

As she settled in to the warm water she leaned her head against the bath pillow and exhaled sharply.

Just great. Fabulous. Fantastic.

Here she was in the perfect setting for an incredibly sensuous sexual experience and she was alone. Again. Just like usual.

Cordelia opened the book and hoped Irene wouldn’t care about the water spots. After reading the first page, she decided she’d have to go buy her sister a new copy. No way was she going home without this. She’d found the perfect textbook.

In fact, she figured she might as well start memorizing passages now.

Joe opened Irene’s door with the extra key card and closed it behind him.

Soft strains of saxophone sounded from the back of the condo and he smelled the light fragrance of pears at the same time he heard a splash from the bathroom.

With that simple sound he was back to just as hot, just as ready, as he’d been before Taylor’s surprise appearance.

He’d come over for a quick explanation and to make a date for later. As he walked closer to the back of the condo, he wasn’t sure later would work.

Damn he wanted her. Wanted her as if he’d gone years without sex instead of months.

It was almost as if she gave off some perfect scent he responded to. Animal attraction in its purest form. And resisting wasn’t only difficult, it was damn near impossible.

A soft moan accompanied another splash as he neared the barely open bathroom door.

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