Illegal Fantasies (Anthology ~ Behind Closed Doors) (8 page)

BOOK: Illegal Fantasies (Anthology ~ Behind Closed Doors)
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“Okay, I’m out of here,” he said, grabbing his cowboy hat and dropping it on his mop of sun bleached curls.

Jimmy Lee waved and waited for the man to head out before pulling his phone from his pocket. When the call was answered, he couldn’t help but laugh.


“Callie, he’s on his way. He left his gun here, so you don’t have to worry about getting shot.”

was grateful and amused at the same time. “Thank you, Jimmy Lee. I appreciate you helping me ambush him.”

“Are you sure he wouldn’t want a going away party? I feel like we’re screwing him over.”

Callie grinned. Oh, her fiancé was going to be plenty screwed, and this was the gift that would keep on giving. She knew he’d never forget Myrtle springs after this interlude.

“He’s good. But, when we come back sometime, we’ll have a party out at our place, okay?”

That cheered him up. “Good luck!”

She didn't think she’d need it. She had the element of surprise.

And it was going to be a doozy.




                         *      *      *



Quinton took his time driving over there. Each street he passed was a memory for him. He’d had his first accident at that intersection, worked at the local hardware store growing up, and even kissed a few girls
on the courthouse square.

Yeah, he’d miss it, but he was going to be getting himself a sexy little wife and kid.

To him, that was perfect.

Driving out
to the middle of nowhere, his phone suddenly rang, pulling him out of his daydream.

“Sheriff… I mean Quinn,” he said, catching himself.

“Hey, big guy! I called the office and they said you were heading home. I can’t wait until you get here. There are boxes to pack and closets to clean out.”

“Yeah, that doesn’t exactly sound exciting, Callie honey. At least you can tell me that we’re going to do them naked. That might make me a lot happier.”

She laughed, and it caused his body to react. God, he loved her voice. It was like satin over his naked flesh.

“Well, I’m wearing a tiny pair of cut off shorts. You know the ones.”

Yeah, he did. “The ripped up ones that show off that spectacular ass of yours?” he lecherously asked into the phone. “The ones that make me want to do felonious things to that sexy body of yours?” he inquired, his voice filling with heated lust.

“Uh huh
and oops, I forgot to put on any undergarments too. Does that make you a little happier?”

Yeah, she could say that. The laughter bubbled up as his lower body reminded him that he had no damn control around his woman. Quinn
loved those shorts on her, and now he was visualizing the mêlée to come. There were a few places in that big old farm house where he’d yet to trap his Callie. Tonight, he was going to hit them all.

What he was feeling wasn’t even close to happy. Quinton Gaines was damn giddy with the prospect of getting laid so much
that he would walk funny in the morning.

Yee haw!

“When I get my hands on you, Callie, honey, I’m going to spend the next two hours making you beg and scream my name.”

The tone in his whiskey smooth voice was causing every nerve ending in her body to react. In fact, she
was getting wet at that very prospect. Callie couldn’t wait until he arrived at the barn and she could seduce her cowboy.

“Promise, Quinn? You know how I like to get on top and scream my heart out.”

Yes, yes, she did, and thank God for that.

He was a lucky man.

She heard him swallow, and then giggled. “I’ll see you when you get home, big guy. You make sure you’re all hard and ready for me. I have a hankerin’ for some naked fiancé for dinner.”

“Ride ‘em, cowgirl,” he teased, looking forward to clearing the barn and getting on his merry way.
In the back of his mind, there was a voice trying to convince him that this was no longer his issue and to blow it off.

Then again, he would feel guilty putting his needs over those of the people he had sworn to protect.

Damn it!

He had a bad case of morals.

“On that note, Quinton Gaines, I’m going to get back to work. Be safe, handsome,” she said, disconnecting the call. Callie had a few things left to prepare before he arrived, and she didn't have much time.

In the cab of his truck, all he could hear was his breathing and
the thumping of his heart. Now, Quinn was all hot and bothered. All he was thinking about was the woman waiting for him at home. Oh, he’d do this last task, and then hightail it home, and fast.

As he pulled up to the barn,
Quinn forced his mind on to the job, and not the raven haired beauty waiting for him at the house. Once out of the truck, he headed toward the big red doors. As he approached, he noticed they were cracked open, and that didn't sit right in his gut. Immediately, all other thoughts slipped away. After working the mean streets of Atlanta, he wasn’t crazy enough to not be on alert.

Someone had
definitely been here, that was for sure.

“Hello?” he called, sticking his head in. “Sheriff’s department. If you’re in here, you need to mosey on home. This is private property.”

No one answered.

Quinn listened for a second. There was nothing, but as he was getting ready to close the door, he heard it.

There was a creak.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Someone was definitely in there. Reaching for his gun, he realized it was already turned in.

Well hell!

He hoped no one was armed. For a brief second
, he thought about heading to his truck for his shotgun, but then decided it would be far worse to pull it on a couple of fornicating kids. He’d been young once. In fact, he’d done a little breaking and entering to get his lovin’ on too.

Kids would be kids.

Stepping in, he searched the shadows for anything that looked out of place. Then, he saw something flickering up in the loft area. He hoped that no one was lighting shit on fire, or the place was going to go up in flames and with him in it.

“Hey, is anyone here?” he asked, heading to the ladder. From the floor below, he could see shadows dancing. Someone was definitely up there.

Just as his hand touched the ladder rung, someone moved above him. There was a showering of dust from the cracks above and the telltale creaking of old wood. “Here’s your last chance,” he called, beginning his climb. “If you come out now, you can leave. If you make me play hide and seek, you’re going into jail. Do you hear me?”

, no one came out.

Just as his head cleared the opening, he
glanced around and couldn’t believe it. Someone had hung dangling mason jars filled with flickering candles from the rafters.

He was dealing with a certified nutjob.

“What the hell?” Quinn muttered climbing up. He stared around, trying to find someone, but there were only bales of hay and storage stalls.

“Who’s up here?” he called, heading to one of the jars. Just as he reached to extinguish it, there was a creak behind him. Quinn spun, ready to defend himself.

Instead, he stared with his mouth open.

“Callie?” he asked, finally recognizing the woman in front of him. She was indeed wearing the itsy bitsy cut offs she promised, but there was so much more. Along with the shorts, her midriff was bare, thanks to the red and white plaid shirt she’d knotted just under her breasts. Speaking of that part of her anatomy, they were pushed up and looked luscious.

Yeah, he didn't know what to say.

“Hi there, Sheriff. W
hatcha doing up here in my barn?” she asked, walking toward him as she played with one of her pigtails. They were tied with some innocent red ribbon and reminded him of so many of the fantasies that he’d had as a young boy.

didn't know what to say. His fiancée looked like some sexed up farmer’s daughter, and he liked it.

A lot.


Pulling off her cowboy hat, she tossed it
toward some hay bales and kept moving toward him. “Yeah, that’s my name, but it still doesn’t answer my question as to why you’re trespassing, sexy.”

He swallowed as she moved closer. His entire nether region reacted to the sight of her in cowboy boots with long bare legs
. The outfit was that of some horny teen, but the gait was reminiscent of some vixen who had seduced many a man.

Him included.

As she twirled one of the
long curly black pigtails, his heart thumped in his chest. Obviously, his sexy girl wanted to play a game. Well, he was definitely up for it.


His body was tighter than he’d ever remembered it being before. Doctor Callista Carter had a way about her, and he loved every second of it.

Let the games begin.

“We had a call, ma’am. It seems that there have been some trespassers here. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, now would you?”

She stared at him and licked her cherry red lips. When his eyes followed her every movement, even she was getting hot.
The sexy man before her was worth all the effort behind this little game of seduction. From his rugged good looks to the wide expanse of his shoulders, Callie couldn’t wait to mount this cowboy and take him for one hell of a ride.

“How do I know you’re not the trespasser, Sheriff?” she asked, moving to stand right in front of him. When her hands slid up his chest and to the buttons on his white shirt, he couldn’t even think.

With nimble fingers, Callie undid the first couple to get to the skin beneath. Quinn’s brain was incredibly foggy at the action. Here stood his sexy fiancée playing wanton farm girl.

“Because I’m the sheriff, that’s why.”

“Let’s see your badge and weapon,” she purred, pausing from unbuttoning his shirt.

“I seem to have misplaced them,” he said, knowing they were back at his office.

“Then, you’re not here as the sheriff, so you are the trespasser,” she offered. “When we catch people on the property, we like to take care of them ourselves,” she replied, running her fingers down his strong chest to his belt. There they lingered, teasing him. When his breath hitched, Callie flushed with need.

“What do you have in mind, ma’am?” he asked, getting excited. He was so enthralled by the outfit, the southern drawl, and game she was playing that he would have rode through town
naked and bareback, just to have at her.

“I think you need to get undressed, Sheriff. I seem to have a little time before my daddy comes looking for me. Maybe you and I can have a little fun.”

“What kind of things do you have in mind?” he asked, staring at her red slick lips.

Callie grabbed a handful of his white shirt and yanked him down to her mouth. The kiss
which followed was hot, explosive, and filled with nothing but pure unadulterated lust.

As her lips and tongue plundered, she ran her hand down the front of his well-fitting jeans and cupped him through the material. That alone pulled a moan from deep within his chest.

Yeah, he’d been dead wrong. He was definitely packing a big ol’ weapon, and she couldn’t wait to get her hands on it and discharge a few rounds.

When he pulled away, his eyes were filled with need, and his body was rock hard. Yeah, he was ready to screw around with the farmer’s daughter.

“It seems you lied,
Sheriff,” she said, licking her lips.

He couldn’t even speak as her fingers teased him through the denim. All Quinn could do was breathe
, and all the while praying that he didn't get caught fucking her in some dusty old barn.

I love weapons,” she purred, dropping to her knees in front of him. “Can I play with your gun, Sheriff?”

That alone made Quinn hot as hell. There was his sexy doctor on her knees
, dressed like some horny babe. Oh, he was a lucky man, and he knew it. 

“See what I mean?” she said softly, undoing the belt buckle and flicking the button open. “I
n fact, you could get yourself arrested carrying around something so damn dangerous.”

Quinn was
struggling to breathe as he stared down at her fingers lowering the zipper.

“But that’s okay, Sheriff Gaines. I’ll check to make sure your gun is firing properly. Maybe a few times, because it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

He watched as she tugged the front of his boxers low enough to set him free. Leaning forward, she ran her tongue from the base of his erection all the way to the tip, right before taking that part into her mouth to torment him.

leaned against the wall to regain his balance. There was nothing hotter than watching her red lips closing over the head of him.

Then, she started to work him with her mouth.

Yeah, he was wrong. That was just as sexy. Between the sucking, stroking, and visual, Quinn wasn’t sure how long he’d last.

His fiancée was undoing him.

“Oh, Callie! Shit, baby! That’s so damn hot,” he muttered, as she worked him harder into her mouth. He could feel his balls tighten and knew the inevitable was bound to happen. “Honey, if you don’t stop,” he warned, knowing that he was so close. Maybe it was wrong of him, but he didn't want her to stop. Not now, not ever.

It felt too damn good.

Quinn watched as her hand started doing this wicked twist on the down stroke, and he was completely helpless. He placed his hand on the back of her head and used it to guide her all the way down his shaft.

“Oh God, honey!”

She was frenetically blowing him with all she had. The need in his voice filled her with so much lust that Callie could barely handle it.

“Callie, I’m going to cum,” he hissed, closing his eyes and falling into the sensation.
“I can’t…”

Yeah, that was exactly what she was hoping for.

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