Read Illegitimate Tycoon Online

Authors: Janette Kenny

Illegitimate Tycoon (5 page)

BOOK: Illegitimate Tycoon
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hadn’t known it was inscribed with
until later when her mother had asked to see them up close and she’d
reluctantly demurred removing it, the action seeming wrong to her newlywed
status. Her pompous mother had scoffed at both the cheap set and the

Leila’s heart had melted to know he’d done this, for while Rafael was
passionate, he wasn’t prone to flowery words. She could still count the times
he’d told her he loved her.

was enough, for she believed they’d had a strong marriage based on love. They’d
had ordinary dreams of a home and family.

but neither of their lives had been average. She’d attained great heights with
her career again. And with new demands and opportunities came huge rewards.

for Rafael …

boy born outside the privilege denied him reached success that trumped her own.
That made her achievements pale in comparison.

short, Rafael was a force to be reckoned with in the business world. More so

changed the past year. He now had a ruthless edge that had only been hinted at
before. An edge to him that she wasn’t quite sure how to deal with.

they regain what they’d once had? Did he even want the same things anymore?
Would he still want her when he learned what had happened?

the first time in her marriage, Leila felt suddenly unsure of her place in
Rafael’s life. If he didn’t want her anymore, if he tossed her aside, she didn’t
know if she could find the strength to go on. And yet she’d already suffered
with worse. Hadn’t she?

sharp rap came at the door. She whirled to face it and froze, still caught up
in the old pain and guilt, caught in that very human urge of fight or flight.
Before she could move beyond the fear that was crippling her, the door swung

filled the opening, resplendent in black tie, his tux fitting his broad
shoulders, muscled torso and long strong legs to perfection. He was, in
essence, the embodiment of sexual charm and masculine charisma.

she’d been startled when she’d stepped from her shower earlier to find him
waiting to do the same, she was thunderstruck now.
He could have joined her under the warm spray and she wouldn’t have
God knew he had done the same many times before.

why hadn’t he done so this time? Why hadn’t he pulled her back into the
enclosure and made love with her?

had gripped the counter to steady herself as a wave of hot desire had washed
over her. He was simply beautiful. Well toned. Tanned. And aroused.

been no mistaking that part of him.

moments later as he’d stepped from the shower gloriously naked and padded into
the bedroom, he’d not spared her a glance. She’d wanted to follow. Wanted to
run her hands over his body, wanted to kiss him, taste all of him. She’d wanted
to ease his need and hers as well, for in his arms she felt whole. Safe. Loved.

help us both,” she’d muttered to herself, and had set to work finishing her
hair and makeup. By the time she’d entered the bedroom, he’d been gone.

now he was back. Tall. Solemn. Sexy as hell.

dark gaze licked over her, slowly, exacting, a visual caress that left her
trembling with need again. Finally, those dark magnetic eyes lifted to hers.

saw appreciation there and some other emotion that defied explanation. It was a
look she’d never seen before, there and gone in a blink. Yet it fed her earlier
unease just the same, allowed it to gain a foothold. To grow into another
obstacle she didn’t need or want.

need to leave in five minutes,” he said, his voice calm, steady, when her
emotions felt as if they were bouncing off the walls.

swallowed the sudden dryness in her throat and nodded, realizing she still held
the blue diamond pendant in her hand. “I’m ready except for my shoes and this
stubborn necklace. I can’t manage the clasp.”

brows tugged into a disagreeable line for a heartbeat, then quickly smoothed again.
“Maybe I can help.”

pushed from the doorway and came toward her, long legs moving with masculine
grace. A predator tracking his quarry.

she certainly felt trapped, for the guilt of withholding the truth from him was
ballooning within her.

shiver rocketed through her as he took the necklace from her and studied the
clasp. Yet a smile touched her mouth as she watched him, knowing that
rapier-quick mind of his was likely already designing a better clasp for the
necklace, one that was user-friendly.

odd heaviness expanded in her as Rafael fitted the necklace around her neck and
managed the clasp with surprising ease. If only he could do the same for her
health issues. But she’d seen a specialist, and the doctor hadn’t been able to
assure her that she wouldn’t suffer another miscarriage.

blue diamond pendant felt heavy and cold resting between her breasts. Not so
for his hands that felt hot and possessive as he briefly skimmed her bare

look stunning,” he said. “Thank you. So do you,” she said, pulling away from
him as smoothly as she could so it didn’t look as if she was running from him. “You’ll
clearly attract the eye of every woman here tonight.”

laughed, a rich sound she hadn’t heard in far too long. And even that did odd
things to her insides.

heavens, she would never be able to force a bite down tonight as nervous as she
was in his company. Not the way her stomach had been of late.

slipped her feet into strappy heels, the silver stilettos giving her added
height. Now she was nearly eye level with him. On more of an equal footing. And
that put her even closer to that devastatingly sensual mouth of his that she
longed to kiss.

Why was she suddenly so obsessed with sex?

she quipped.

you are,” he said in that same rich tone that hummed along her senses.

moved to the door. If they didn’t get out of this quiet suite, they’d end up in
each other’s arms. In bed. Locked in passion.


because she couldn’t keep her secret much longer. And she knew he’d be angry
when he found out the truth.

didn’t want to fight with Rafael tonight. This was special to him. To them.

hope the lines aren’t too long,” she said, focusing on what was to come instead
of Rafael da Souza.

soon see.”

closed the door behind her and kept pace at her side, not touching her but so
close his aura seemed to encircle her. Dwarf her. That was an odd comfort that
she grasped on to.

always been her protector. Always had been the one person she could confide in.

And yet she hadn’t been able to when it had
mattered most!

fangs of guilt eating at her faded away as they stepped into the limelight.
Even in his presence, she still felt like a rare bird in a cage, photographed
and ogled endlessly. Being out among the masses was vastly different from a
shoot where it was just her and the lens. When she was in control.

never liked this side of her career. This star worship that was as shallow and
fake as the artificial minilights twinkling above them.

they reached the elevators, she saw the people clustered in the lobby waiting.
An old panic began bubbling inside her and she immediately slowed, her gaze
searching for another means to avoid this crush.

hand came up to rest at the small of her back. “Take a breath,
meu amor.”

did, then another longer, deeper one. “I don’t see anyone I know, at least not

was no shortage of celebrities waiting in their finery for the elevator. Though
she was comfortable strutting her stuff in front of a camera, she hated
competing one-on-one with her peers face-to-face!

her eyes, she always came up lacking. She was still the chubby girl whom her
mother had taken in hand and had taught how to rid herself of weight. Who’d
learned a dangerous lesson that had nearly taken her life.

way,” Rafael said, herding her to the last elevator on the left where three men
and an elegant woman waited.

didn’t know them, but it was clear by their welcoming expressions that they
knew Rafael well. It was the first time that she could recall someone
recognizing him before her and the feeling was startling. Almost freeing.

to see you, Rafael,” the older of the men said as he extended his hand. “The
new phones look fantastic in the gift bags. Before the festival is over,
everyone will be clambering for one of them.”

smiled as he shook hands with the man. “I certainly hope so. Please, allow me
to introduce my wife, Leila Santiago. Leila, this is the producer of
Bastion 9.”

were quickly made, and Leila discovered the woman was the producer’s wife. The
other gentleman was the writer, having just won an award for his original
script on a previous movie.

daughter is a true fan of yours,” the woman said, surprising Leila. “She dreams
of being a model one day and you are the woman she’s determined to emulate.”

wish her much success,” Leila said. And none of the heartache.

fervently hoped that the girl was blessed with a body that remained lithe. That
she avoided the pitfalls that had nearly cost Leila her life. That if she did
fail, she would be able to find help quickly at a place like her private
clinic, where Leila had already given aide to countless other young girls.

elevator doors opened and they trooped into the waiting car. Before others
could crowd in behind them, she saw Rafael punch the button to close the doors.

flashed him a grateful smile which he acknowledged with a nod and wink that did
odd things to her insides and calmed her as none of her inner talks could. If
only he could shut out the rest of the world so easily.

have an exciting surprise lined up at the party,” the producer said. “You must
make an effort to be there at the launch of it.”

course,” Rafael said before she could say a word. “We wouldn’t dream of missing

BOOK: Illegitimate Tycoon
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