I'm Doin' Me (4 page)

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Authors: Anna Black

BOOK: I'm Doin' Me
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Chapter Five
Tiffany was dressed and ready to leave the house, but she couldn't relax. She felt like she did the night she lost her virginity to her boyfriend Shawn Knight, in her senior year of high school. The same butterflies she had then were flying around in her belly as she made her way to her car. When she walked into the restaurant, she felt sick. She rushed into the ladies' room and took a couple of deep, cleansing breaths. “Get it together, Tiffany,” she told herself. “You are a grown-ass woman, and you should not be trembling.” She took a couple more breaths before exiting the ladies' room. As soon as she opened the door, she spotted him.
He is looking damn good,
she thought as she moved toward him. When she got closer, she noticed a woman standing near him, and she almost fell on her face when she saw him put his hand on the small of her back. Just then, he saw Tiffany and waved her over.
“Tiffany,” he called.
Caught off guard, she put on a smile. “Hi, ummm . . . Hi.”
“Tiffany, how are you?” he said. “This is my fiancée, Tressa. I hope you don't mind her joining us. When I told her that I ran into an old friend from high school who happens to be the producer for her favorite show,
Boy Crazy,
she begged to come along,”
“Well, I didn't beg,” the woman said. “Okay, I did, maybe a little.” She extended her little, pretty hand. She was drop-dead gorgeous. There was not one imperfection about this woman that Tiffany could see. Even her hairline was flawless.
Code red. Code. Code red. Or blue. Hell, I don't know, whatever code they call when a person is dying,
Tiffany thought as she shook Tressa's soft hand.
She needed Rose to call at that particular moment and say there was an emergency. She couldn't stay because she was sure she'd pass out.
“No, of course I don't mind,” she said. “Why would I mind a fan joining us for dinner? And you are getting married, that is great.” She hoped it didn't sound as fake as it was.
“I knew you wouldn't,” Kory said. “Are you ladies ready?” He held out his arms to escort both of them in.
They sat and Tiffany ordered a martini and asked for a shot of vodka. She felt herself shaking, and she kept blinking as she watched the love of her teenage life sit across from her with his beautiful fiancée.
They made small talk during their meals and Tiffany mostly poked at her food because she knew she'd vomit if she ate. Tressa was perfect, from her even white teeth to the deep dimples in her cheeks.
This was the longest dinner ever,
Tiffany thought, hoping the server would bring the check soon.
Tressa took a sip from her glass. “So, Tiffany, please tell me what's going to happen next season. I know it's going to be awesome.”
“Tressa, you know I can't spill. That would go against my contract. But I will say that we are going to go out with a bang. KCLN is going to regret not renewing us after the next season.” Tiffany waved for another drink. She knew she was overdoing it, but she wanted to relax. She was trying not to break out in tears.
“What? The other woman sounded shocked. “Get out. This is going to be
Boy Crazy
's last season?”
“Sadly, yes,” Tiffany said despondently. “Unless we can get another network to take us.” The waiter came back with another apple martini and she grabbed it as soon as he placed it on the table.
“Well, why don't you come to us?” Tressa said.
“Us who?”
“TiMax,” she said as if Tiffany should have known.
“Come again?” Tiffany said. Now she was interested in what the young beauty had to say. TiMax was a premium channel: a network on cable and dish where they said dirty words and had sex scenes.
Tressa slapped Kory's arm. “You didn't tell her, Kory?”
“Tell me what?”
“Langley Green is my father. He is one of the network's owners,” Tressa proudly announced.
“Shut up!” Tiffany yelled in disbelief.
“No, he is.”
“Shut up!” Tiffany said again in a higher pitch.
“Yes, and I can set you up to meet with him. And once I tell him that
Boy Crazy
is my favorite show and maybe whine a little, okay a lot,” she said (Tiffany quickly realized that was her thing, her way of expression), “I'm sure my favorite show will have a slot, and boom, everybody wins.”
Tiffany no longer felt sick to her stomach. “You'd do that for me?”
“Of course. You are my fiancé's old best bud.”
Tiffany nodded, although she and Kory were never best buds. He didn't know about the hearts she drew around their names on all of her notebooks or the fact she would name her sons Kory One, Kory Two, Kory Three, and Kory Four. George Foreman did it, so why couldn't she?
“Tressa, that would be great. I don't know what to say. Thank you, I mean, wow.” Tiffany was overjoyed. She couldn't wait to tell her team. This could be
Boy Crazy
's big break. More money and more creative freedom.
“No, it would be my pleasure. Just give me a card and I'll have someone get in touch with you soon.” Tiffany handed Tressa a card so fast she almost knocked over her drink. “Now, I need to run to the ladies' room,” Tressa said and stood. She smiled and walked toward the rear of the restaurant.
“Kory, wow, I had no idea that you were engaged. That is awesome, and I am just, like, blown away right now trying to take it all in.”
“Thank you, and I am still trying to take it all in myself. Tressa and I haven't been together too long, but she is amazing. A little whining, okay a lot of whining,” he said imitating his fiancée. “Before I knew it, we were at the store picking out an engagement ring.”
“Well, if you're marrying her, she must be special.”
“Yes, she is. Spoiled, but special. My family has money too, but we grew up working hard. Reesy, Tressa, hasn't worked for anything.”
“Well, I'm with you on that. My family didn't have money. My mom struggled with me and my brother, and when my brother was killed, my mom had a depressed moment and I became the woman of the house. I had to take care of her and me, so it was difficult.”
“I remember that. I'm sorry; I forgot your brother was killed.”
“It's okay,” Tiffany said and gave a faint smile.
“Listen, we are having a cookout on Saturday. You should come and bring your boyfriend.”
“What makes you think I have a boyfriend?”
“Come on, Tiff, you gotta be dating somebody. Look at you; you are smart and gorgeous as ever. I knew you'd blossom into a gorgeous woman.”
She couldn't tell if he was sincere or being polite. “Come on. Kory, you barely noticed me in school.”
“I noticed you; you just didn't know that I noticed.”
Tressa returned to the table. “So, do we need another round or should we call it a night?” she asked.
“I think we should call it a night,” Tiffany said. She tried to keep her eyes on Tressa to keep from looking Kory in the eyes. At that very moment, she wished Tressa would have never gone to the ladies' room and left her alone with him. His words were so smooth and tender. She wondered if he meant them or if he was just trying to make her feel good.
When she got into her car, she immediately dialed Rose. “What's up, diva? How was your date with your first love?” Rose asked.
“You mean with my first love and his fiancée? It was fabulous,” Tiffany said with sarcasm.
“Hold the damn phone. Did you say fiancée?”
“Yes, his drop-dead gorgeous, perfect size-four fiancée. She looks like she just stepped out of
magazine. She isn't
's beauty of the week beautiful, no. No, she is Nia Long, Paula Patten, slap yo' momma beautiful. Her skin, flawless. Her legs, silky. Her ass, plump. Her waist, tiny. And her breasts, oh my Lord, Rosie, only surgery could get my breasts to look that beautiful. I felt like an idiot.” Tiffany took a breath. “Here I am, primping in the mirror, thinking I looked like Janet Jackson. But standing next to her, I look like Freddie Jackson.”
Rose laughed.
“It's not funny, Rose,” Tiffany moaned.
“Listen, Tiff, it couldn't have gone that bad. And you know skinny don't make you pretty,” she reminded her. That's what they always said to cover their spite for the slimmer girls.
“I know, Rose, but she is truly gorgeous. I just wish he had told me he was engaged. I would have never asked him to dinner if I knew he was engaged.”
“Awww, Tiff, I'm sorry it didn't go well,” Rose said.
“Well, actually it did. Turns out that she is the daughter of Langley Green.”
“Who is Langley Green?”
“One of the owners of TiMax. She is going to hook me up with a meeting with him to save my show.”
“Get out. Tiffany, that is wonderful. See, it was meant for you to go on that dinner date.”
“Yes, the Lord does work in mysterious ways. Oh well, I guess I need to stop dreaming about Kory. He is not available.” She sighed. “My love life sucks.”
“Girl, join the club. Whose doesn't?”
“Tressa and Kory's,” Tiffany said.
Rose laughed again. “Girl, you are silly.”
“Oh, and let me tell you this. Tressa goes to the bathroom and Kory tells me that he noticed me back when we were in high school.”
“Noticed you when?”
“That's what I'm saying. He gon' say he knew I'd blossom into a gorgeous woman. I was like, ‘When did you notice me in high school,' and he was like, ‘You didn't know that I did, but I did,' and threw me way off, because I don't know what the hell that was supposed to mean.”
“Maybe he did, Tiff,” Rose said.
“Yeah, maybe, but it doesn't matter now.”
“Well, just focus on your show for now and let love happen when it happens.”
“You're right, girl. Let me go so I can call Asia and fill her in and ask her to go to this barbeque with me on Saturday.”
“What barbeque?”
“Kory invited me to a barbeque. I guess he will call me with the details because when Tressa came back to the table, he didn't mention it again.”
“Damn, I wish I lived in L.A. It's getting cold here and there ain't no barbeques going on here,” Rose said sadly.
“Tell me about it. I do not miss Old Man Winter,” Tiffany said, and they laughed.
“Well, let me know how it goes with the meeting, and again, I'm sorry you lost Kory again.”
“Yeah, me too. Love ya, girl.”
“Love you too,” Rose said and they hung up.
Pulling into her driveway at home, Tiffany dialed Asia.
Chapter Six
When Asia blew the horn, Tiffany came out. “Look at you, momma,” Asia called, smiling at her friend. “Showing off those pretty legs of yours.”
Tiffany had on a yellow halter and blue cutoff shorts. She had her hair up in a ponytail with a long extension added and her makeup was beautiful. She'd had one of the stylists from the show come over that afternoon to glam her up because she didn't want to be in the same room with Tressa without looking her best. “Thank you, Asia. I wanted to feel a little sexy today.”
“Well, I don't know how you feel, but you look sexy as hell.”
They headed over to Kory's. When they arrived, Asia was impressed to see valet. “Wow, Tiff, you didn't tell me it would be one of your celeb friends.”
“I didn't know it would be this upscale either, Asia,” Tiffany said. “Kory has money, yes, but I thought it would be a little outdoor family event, not all this.” They went inside. There were people everywhere.
“Tiff, you made it,” Kory said when he spotted her.
“Hey, Kory.” He gave her a quick peck and a brief hug. She turned to introduce him to Asia. “This is my girl, Asia. Asia, this is Kory.”
“Nice to meet you,” Asia said.
“You too,” he said, shaking her hand. “Listen, don't get lost, I have some people I wanna introduce you to. And my cousin, Keith, is dying to see you.”
“Keith lives here too? Why didn't you tell me?”
“'Cause we honestly hadn't had a chance to talk. Head out back, grab a couple drinks, and I'll be out in a sec,” he said, and he was off.
They made their way to the back and Tiffany actually ran into some people she knew. Tressa came over while she was mingling. “Tiffany, you made it. It's so good to see you.”
“Hey, Tressa, good to see you too. This is my girl, Asia. Asia, this is Kory's fiancée, Tressa.” Asia and Tressa shook hands.
“Well,” Tressa said, “you ladies make yourselves at home. I have people to greet.” Giving them a smile, she left.
“Wow, she is flawless,” Asia said.
“Told ya,” Tiffany said and took a sip of her drink.
“There you are,” Kory said.
When Tiffany turned around, she saw he was with Keith. “Keith, hey, how are you?”
He picked her up off the ground with a big hug. “I'm fine. Look at you . . . Tiffany Richardson. Girl, look at you,” he said, giving her a spin. “Kory was right, you are gorgeous, girl.” He gave her another hug.
“I told you,” Kory said.
Tiffany blushed. “Oh my God, this is like crazy. To run into you guys in L.A.”
“Well, I came out here first, and then Kory came and was back and forth for a minute, but business is booming out here. Celebrities are mostly our clientele out here, so the money is unquestionably better. We've been trying to convince Kennedy to come out here, but that girl is never gonna leave her daddy or Cher's side.”
“Oh my God, Kennedy and Cher are still tight like that? They've been friends for like a million years.”
“Cherae, yes, somehow they are still friends 'til this day. Kennedy and Cher are like two peas in a pod. You know Kory dated her for a minute.”
“Man, shut up, that was a brief minute,” Kory said. They laughed.
“You dated Cherae Thompson?”
“Yes, I did, now can we please change the subject.” Tressa called for him. “I'll be back,” he said and hurried over to see what she needed.
“So, where is this wife of yours, Keith?”
“She is on tour,” he said.
“On tour? Who is your wife?”
“Janice Valentine. She is one of the members of Victory. You know the gospel group.”
“No way. You married one of the sisters of Juliana Valentine? I know there was a huge scandal over her murder. I followed that story on the news. I'd love to meet her twin, Julia. I mean that story was huge. Wow, you married one of them?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, Julia will be here soon.”
“Julia Valentine is coming here today? She is like the biggest R&B artist on the planet. She is huge.”
“Wow, I wonder if she could sing our new theme song. Better than that, come on to my show and sing on an episode. That would be epic. Then my show may get its contract.”
“Just ask her, I'm sure she will.”
“What? Just ask her? You want me to just walk up to her and say, ‘Hey, I'm Tiffany Richardson and I want you to sing on an episode of my television show,
Boy Crazy
“Yep. Lia is a sweetheart, and if you ask, she will do it. I will introduce you to her when they arrive.”
“Keith, don't play. Are you serious? You think she will?”
“I know she will.”
“Wow, Keith, this is like . . . Wow. Wait 'til my staff hears this.”
They continued to catch up and Asia excused herself.
“So, what's up with your love life, Miss Tiffany? Who is the lucky man in your life?”
“Ha,” she said laughing. “There is no lucky man in my life. I had a man, but that went to shit.”
“What? What? What happened?”
“Well, short version, I came home a little early after hearing that my show is in its final season and found him in my bed with my cleaning lady.”
“What? No shit?”
“No shit. Then he showed up two days later apologizing and asking me for another chance. It was comical; it
comical, now that I think about it.”
“Damn, sorry,” Keith said sympathetically.
“It's cool. You win some, you lose some, they say.” She took a swallow of her drink.
“You know Kory had a thing for you back in the day?”
“What? G'on wit' dat, Keith.”
“He did,” he said.
“Why am I hearing about this now, over fifteen years later?”
“Because back then, he thought a smart girl like you wouldn't be interested. Remember when y'all had chemistry together because he failed biology his freshman year and he needed that science credit to graduate?”
“Yeah, I remember that,” she said, thinking back.
“Y'all worked on a project together.”
“Yes, and the day before it was due, he come telling me that he didn't finish his part, meaning he didn't do it at all. I stayed up all night doing what he had two weeks to do, just so he wouldn't bring down my grade.”
“Yes, and that A you made on that project helped him to pass with a D. If it weren't for you, he would not have graduated that June. He talked about you for the rest of that summer.”
“No way,” she said, shocked.
“Yes,” he said.
She looked over at Kory. He caught her eye and he smiled. She smiled back, and then Tressa walked over and put her arms around his neck and kissed him. Tiffany's smile faded.
She and Keith got up and mingled. When Julia finally made it, Keith introduced her to Tiffany, and it was as painless as asking and the singer agreed to be a guest on an episode. She gave Tiffany her cell number and told her to let her know when. She couldn't wait to tell her staff she got Julia Valentine to appear on a show.
“Hey, Tiffany,” Kory said. A man accompanied him. “I want you to meet Vi. He is a song writer at Universal Records. If you want a new theme song for your show when you get your new contract with TiMax, he is your man. And he from the Chi.”
“Southside, baby,” Vi said and gave her a quick friendly hug and kiss.
“Nice to meet you, Vi, and I definitely need your number, because when this new contract comes through, we gon' need a hot new theme song.” Tiffany was excited. She started to feel like things were going to work out just fine.
“No doubt. Now let me see you and Kory on this bid whist table. You can play right?”
“Fo'sho,” she said and followed them.
“Yo, Keith, we found a player. These L.A. fools don't know nothing about bid,” Vi yelled.
They were set to play. Kory gave Tiffany a high five. They were partners against Vi and Keith. Tressa hung on Kory's neck like a necklace the entire game, and when Tiffany and Kory beat them, she frowned at their victory celebration. Tiffany noticed the look on Tressa's face and decided to cut it short.
“I am going to get me another drink,” she said and headed toward the bar.
“And hurry back, so we can show these L.A. peeps how to step,” Vi yelled after her.
When Tiffany rejoined them, they all went out to the dance floor that had been laid over the grass under a gigantic tent. Stepping onto the floor with Vi, Tiffany heard Kory ask Tressa to dance. She started to dance, but watched them from the corner of her eye, still listening. Though the music was loud, the couple spoke loud enough that she was able to hear them.
“Come on, come dance with me,” he asked.
“No, Kory,” Tressa said, “you know I don't know how to step. I'm not gon' go out there and make a fool out of myself.”
“Come on, baby, I will show you.”
“No, I'm gonna look foolish trying to do that stupid step mess.”
“It's not stupid, Reesy,” he said pulling her close. “Come on, dance with yo' man.”
When she refused again, he shrugged and stepped onto the dance floor without her. He cut in and took Tiffany's hand out of Vi's. Vi didn't argue.
Tiffany had a ball. As the night came to an end, the crowd got lighter. When she was ready to go, she left the dance floor and found Asia. Asia had met someone, however, and wasn't ready to go, so Tiffany went out front and took a seat on one of the little benches. Shortly after, Kory walked out and found her there.
“Hey, there you are,” he said. She looked up. “I thought you left without saying good-bye.”
“No, I was ready to leave, but my ride is not ready,” she said.
“Well, I can give you a ride,” he offered.
“Naw, that may not be a good idea. Your fiancée may not approve.”
“Tressa isn't like that.”
Just then, Tressa walked out. From the look on her face, Tiffany could tell she wasn't happy to find him alone with her. “Sweetie, I need you real quick,” she said.
Tiffany smiled as Kory got up and went inside with her.
Keith ended up giving her a ride home.

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