I'm Doin' Me (6 page)

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Authors: Anna Black

BOOK: I'm Doin' Me
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“Sure, of course. I am so happy you came. Vi texted me this morning asking for a rematch since we whipped their asses so bad last night in bid.”
“Yes, we tore them a new one,” she said.
“We are going to have to get together and do it again soon.”
“Yes, indeed.” They lapsed into a weird silence until she spoke again. “Well, I don't want to keep you. I just wanted to thank you and Tressa for having us.”
At the mention of his fiancée's name, he blinked. The pleasant sound of Tiffany's tone had given him a brief moment of amnesia. Reesy tapped on the glass and he ended the call and hit the lock.
“Who was that?”
“Keith,” he lied. He didn't want to get anything started with Tressa. He just wanted to drop her and get to Keith's so they could head to the game.
“Oh, okay,” she said.
Chapter Eight
Tressa was up before Kory the next morning. She got up, and went over to his side of the bed, and eased his cell phone from the nightstand and went into the bathroom to check his call history and texts. She went to call logs and there it was. An incoming call from Tiffany at 1:06 p.m. from the day before. She'd known he'd been lying when she got back in the car. She went to his texts and was relieved to see that there were only four messages. One from Tiffany asking how was the game, Kory replying that it was great, her saying okay good night, and him saying it back. That was harmless, but she didn't want them to be talking and texting on a regular. She went to his contacts and was about to delete Tiffany's number, but decided she'd better not. If she did, he'd know she'd been in his phone. She wanted to keep that on the low so she could check it again at a later date.
She placed his phone back on his nightstand and got back into bed. They got up later and he got ready to head to the jewelry store, while she dressed to head to TiMax.
“Babe, don't forget to holla at your dad about Tiffany's show,” he reminded her again. “She really needs this break.”
“I won't, for the last time. I will see you later,” she said and kissed him bye.
When she arrived to her dad's office, she chatted with him for a bit, but never said a word about Tiffany's show. Leaving his office, she ran into Wallace. He was one of the producers there and he was madly in love with her. She had a brilliant idea.
“Wallace, how are you?” This was the first time she addressed him before he spoke to her. She usually avoided him at all cost because he was an annoying-ass groupie.
“I'm great, Miss Green,” he said with a bright smile. “How are you?” He was a geek, but he was good-looking. The package he was in was all wrong.
A good
looking square. What a waste of fine,
she thought because he was a joke.
“I'm good. And you are looking good today. Is that a new shirt?” He looked surprised and she knew he was shocked she'd said that many words to him.
“This old thing? I've worn it a million times.” She knew he was telling the truth, because it looked as if he had worn it two million times.
“Well, that color is working on you,” she lied. “Listen, can I talk to you in your office for a minute?”
“Sure,” he said, giving her a nervous smile.
“Listen,” she said once he closed the door. “I have this dilemma and I was wondering if you could help me out.” She knew he would be eager to help her.
“Anything for you,” he said.
“I have this friend who is trying to bring her show over to TiMax, but I don't think it would be a great fit. Being the sweetheart that I am, I sorta promised her I'd set something up with my dad to share her proposal. But you know, I don't want to bother Daddy with this. I was only being polite, but now she is hounding me, and I need someone to let her down gently. So, I was wondering if you'd see her, hear her out, and tell her you will get back to her after you present this to my dad. Then, in a couple days, call her and tell her that he declined.”
“Wow, who is she?”
“Tiffany Richardson.”
“At KCLN?”
Tressa frowned. “Yeah, do you know her?”
“No, but I've heard great things. She took her show from number six to number one in one season.
Boy Crazy
is hot and could be a good fit for TiMax. Is KCLN not going to renew her contract?”
“Wallace, I'm not sure. The thing is, TiMax cannot take her show.”
“Okay, Wallace, I'll be straight with you. She is my fiancé's ex-girlfriend from Chicago. Until Kory and I are married, we don't need any distractions.”
“Okay, Miss Green, enough said. When do you want me to meet her?”
“Whenever you want. Here is her number.” She slid Tiffany's card across his desk and he picked it up. “Just decline her before my engagement party,” she instructed.
“Done,” he said.
She stood up and walked over to the other side of his desk and got into his face like she was going to kiss him. “If you pull this off, I will make sure you have a long career here at TiMax.”
“No worries, I got this,” he said.
“I'm sure you do, daddy,” she said, flirting a little. She knew his nerdy ass got a hard on. She gave him a little wink and reminded him that this needed to stay between them and he winked back.
She wanted to laugh in his dumb-ass face, but she held on to her laughter until she made it down the hall. She left and hit a few stores and went by to visit her mom before she headed to Kory's. When she walked in, the aroma of food hit her nose and she knew he was cooking.
“Sweetheart?” she yelled and stepped out of her shoes.
“In here,” he yelled from the kitchen.
When she walked in, he had on a tank, some basketball shorts, socks and slippers, and his
apron. Kory was a little over six feet, medium brown, and had a strong jaw line that made his tapered beard look like layers of chocolate waves. He had a nice grade of hair, but wore it low, and his line was never overgrown. He had hazel eyes that she had learned he got from his mother, and his lashes were so long they looked like girl lashes. He was fine and smart and had a cockiness about himself that she admired.
“Hey,” she said and went over to kiss him.
“Hey, baby, how was your day?”
“It was great. I got some shopping done, went by the network, and stopped by to visit my mom.”
“Speaking of the network, thanks so much for hollering at your dad for Tiff. She got a call today already from that cat, Wallace Mitchell, and she was like on ten.”
“Sure. I told you I would.” She grabbed the red wine from the fridge and poured herself a glass. “Now that she has the interview, maybe she'll quit blowing up your phone.” She took a seat at the island.
“Tiffany has not been blowing up my phone,” Kory protested.
“Whatever.” She took a sip of wine.
“Okay, Reesy, if you say so.”
She watched him put the foil back over the salmon and put it back into the oven. “Oh, and after dinner, we have to do this invite list.”
“Listen, Reesy, you handle that. Most of my people are in Chicago. My parents, uncles, and my cousin Kennedy are coming into town next Thursday. There will be less than twenty-five people on my list.”
“So write them down,” she snapped and shot him a look.
“Grab that pad from the fridge,” he instructed.
“Okay,” she said and when she did, he gave her his quick list. “Oh, and Tiffany plus one,” he added.
She rolled her eyes. “I hope she brings a date and not her girlfriend.” She made air quotes when she said the last word.
“You will never quit, will you?” Kory poured rice into a serving dish from the pot.
“First she wants me, and now she's a lesbian? Come on, Reesy, babe, cut it out. If you would get to know her, you just might like her.”
She laughed.
“What's funny?” he asked, taking the fish out of the oven.
“I don't need to get to know her. I have enough friends. It doesn't matter if she is gay or straight; what matters is what she wants with you.”
“Okay, cut.” Kory put the pan down. “Let's clear this up right now. And after I say this, I would like for you to let this go. I want you and only you. I proposed to you. Tiffany is an old friend; that is it. Let's just say your theory is right, and she wants me. It doesn't matter, because I am with you.”
“No buts, Tressa. I love you.” He walked around to the other side of the island and kissed her softly on the lips.
She smiled. “Okay, Kory, okay.”
He kissed her again. “So no more ‘terrible Tiffany' conversations.”
“Okay,” she agreed and tried to let it go. Maybe she was overthinking things. She was L.A.'s queen, so why was she so intimidated by Tiffany, who was a nobody? She felt better.
“Okay, now let's eat,” Kory said.
Chapter Nine
“Okay, everyone, listen up,” Tiffany said. Feeling like she was about to burst, she waited until everyone settled down. “Today is, like, one of the most exciting days of my life. I have good news and great news.”
“Come on, already,” Myah yelled.
“Okay, do you want the good news or the great news?”
“Tiff, I'm dying here,” Darryl yelled and rolled his eyes.
“I got a meeting with Wallace Mitchell at TiMax on Thursday,” she announced. Everyone applauded.
“How did you get in the door?” Darryl asked.
“Well, an old friend from high school is engaged to Tressa Green, the daughter of a Mr. Langley Green and she hooked me up.”
“Your old high school bud is engaged to the queen of L.A.? This is like her tenth fiancé,” he said.
Tiffany hadn't known that. “What?” she asked, wondering if Kory knew.
“Yes, girl, you only been here, what, a minute. When you have time, I got the inside track on that ho.”
Tiffany decided to get back to the meeting. “Anyway, now on to my good news.”
“There's more?” Myah asked.
“Yes, over the weekend, I got to meet the great Julia Valentine and she has agreed to appear on the show and sing a song,” she announced and they went nuts. Julia Valentine was bigger than her twin sister was when she was alive.
“Shut the front door,” Darryl said.
Tiffany wondered how he could be gay on that level. He bypassed Sugarland a thousand times on the gay scale. “I'm not lying. She even gave me her cell number. She's the sister-in-law of an old friend. He is married to her sister, Janice Valentine, from the gospel group Victory.”
“Oh, there is a God,” Myah shouted.
“Listen up, everyone, seriously. We need to put everything we have into this last season. I mean, we have to sit in this room and write 'til our hands bleed.” She turned to the three main cast members. “And you ladies have to come with it this season. I am going to need you to give it more than your best. Moving over to a premium network means we can do whatever we want. No censorship, so you ladies are going to have to be prepared to step up your game and be ready to work. I mean, profanity, nudity; there are no limits with TiMax, and I want to make sure we are all on board.”
Everyone nodded, some yelling, “Hell yeah.”
“If we get this, we are going to reach a broader audience. It's game time people,” she said. The meeting went on for another hour or so, and then she went into her office. Within a few minutes, Todd came in. She knew Brad had been the one to spill.
“Todd,” she said nervously.
“Calm down, Tiff, I'm unarmed,” he announced.
Her tension released. “I supposed you heard?”
“Yeah, white peeps do stick together,” he joked with his hip-hop imitation.
“Are you pissed?”
“No, actually I'm proud. You stood your ground and I admire your drive.”
“Thank you, Todd. You know this network left me no choice?”
“I know, and you will be missed. You came in here and did your thing, and I hope you have even more success with the new network.”
“Thank you, Todd.”
“You're welcome, just remember me if I end up on the unemployment line.”
“No doubt. It was my luck walking in the wrong office, but you gave me my chance to shine and I won't forget it,” she said and smiled.
“Okay, kid, keep doin' you,” he said mocking her. Every time he asked her what was up, her reply was, “I'm doin' me.”
Tiffany sat outside of Wallace's office and her knees wouldn't stop shaking. She was excited, but nervous. She had her pitch down and she felt great. When he finally called her in, she blew out a deep breath and sent up another silent prayer. The meeting lasted a couple hours and it went so well she wasn't worried. Afterward, she got in the car and called Kory. She wanted to tell Tressa thanks again.
“So it went well?” He sounded excited for her.
“Yes, and I'm feeling high right now. I wanted to tell Tressa thank you again.”
“Well, I will tell her tonight when she calls. Her and her mom went to San Diego this morning to look at wedding gowns.”
“That's cool. I just wanted to thank her. I mean, I'm so excited I'm about to burst.”
“Where are you?”
“Heading home.”
“Why don't we meet for drinks? I can call Keith and we can go out and celebrate.”
“Great, do you mind if Asia tags along?”
“Of course not, the more the merrier. I'll text you the place,” he said.
They hung up and Tiffany called Asia. She was not happy to hear that she couldn't make it. She ran home and did a quick change and freshened up her face. When she got there, she texted Kory to say she was there. He texted back that he was at the bar. She spotted him and went over.
He immediately stood and hugged her. “Wow you look fantastic.”
“Thank you, so do you.” They sat down. “Where is Keith?”
“Well, he couldn't make it. His baby is running a fever, so . . .” He shrugged and took a sip of his drink. “Where is Asia?”
“She had papers to grade and yada, yada, yada.”
He signaled for the bartender. “Well, I guess it's just us. What would you like?” he asked when the bartender came over.
“Cosmo please,” she said. The man nodded and went to make it right away.
“So tell me all the details about your meeting today,” Kory said.
Tiffany grinned. “Oh my God, Kory, it was awesome. I went in there, right? Nervous as hell, but Wallace was so nice. He let me tell him the direction I wanted to go in for the new season and he said that
Boy Crazy
would be the next best thing since
Sex and the City
, only with black chicks.” She laughed. The bartender set her drink in front of her and she took a sip. “I'm so excited. I just know this is going to work out. I can feel it.”
“I know it will. Even though Reesy gets whatever she wants, I'm sure once you go in there and do you, they are going to be blown away,” he said sincerely.
“You really think so?” she asked, looking him in his eyes.
“Yes.” He took a sip of his drink. “Confession . . .”
“What?” she asked curiously.
“I purchased the last three seasons on DVD yesterday after Reesy left and I'm like three episodes away from season three.”
She was surprised. “You watched my show?”
“Yeah, I did, and to be honest, it's a good show. Now, my parents would have beaten my ass for some of the shit these girls do, but hey.” They laughed. “Like that episode when Joy took her parents' BMW on a joyride and wrecked it. Now, Kendal Banks would have torn me a new one.”
She laughed. “Or the episode when Claire's mom told her that she could not borrow her diamond studs and she dropped one down the drain. They tried to disconnect the pipe to get it out and flooded her mom's master bathroom. Now that idea came from me wearing a pair of hoops my mom said not to wear and I lost one in gym. Little did I know, they were real gold and my momma whipped my ass for that.”
They laughed some more and reminisced on their childhood. Two hours and a few drinks later, they were good and tipsy.
“Okay, I think we should get a cab,” he suggested.
“Yes, because I am in no condition to drive.” She stood and had to grab hold of the barstool because she lost her balance. That made her laugh.
“Are you okay?”
“Describe okay,” she said and they laughed.
“Okay, since I am less drunk than you, I will get you a cab and make sure you get home safe.”
“No, I can't ask you to do that. I will be fine, Kory.” She slurred a little. “You live on the hill where the rich citizens live. Our places are like forty-five minutes apart.” She giggled.
In her state, he didn't trust putting her in a cab alone. “Come on, Tiff, let's go, sweetheart.” He took her by the hand and grabbed her purse. She wasn't too drunk to walk, but she wasn't able to drive.
“Wait, wait, wait,” she said.
He stopped. “What's wrong?”
“I really, really, really need to take off these shoes.” She burst into laughter.
He laughed with her. “Okay, just step out of them and I will carry them.”
“Thank you,” she said and leaned against him to take them off.
With her purse and shoes in hand, he hailed a cab. When they got inside it, he asked for her address. She told the driver her street, but not her house number.
“Hold on,” Kory said and went into her purse. He pulled out her license and gave the driver the address. She rested in his arms and dozed off. When they arrived, he woke her. “Tiff, wake up.” He shook her.
“Huh?” Her head popped up.
“We are here,” he said.
“Oh, Kory, thank you,” she said taking her purse and shoes. She was a little more sober after her nap.
“No problem.”
“You should come in,” she suggested.
“Naw, I'm going to go home.”
“Kory, that's nonsense. It's late. I'll put on a pot of coffee. In the morning, we can cab it back to our cars.” He gave in and they went inside. She turned on the light. “Please make yourself at home. I am going to put on a pot and shower really quick, okay?”
He nodded and sat on the sofa. When he looked at his phone, he saw that he had five missed calls from Tressa.
“Where the hell have you been and why did you not answer my calls?” she asked when he called her back.
“Calm down, Reesy. I was out with Vi and we were having drinks. I just got in and saw I missed your calls.”
“Don't lie to me.”
“Reesy, where else would I be?”
“Kory, if you are lying to me, I swear this wedding is off!” she yelled.
“Reesy, I've had a few drinks, I'm tired, and I can't do this with you tonight. Either you trust me or you don't.”
“Okay, I will see you tomorrow evening. We won't be back until close to dinner.”
“Okay,” he said.
“Okay, Kory, I love you,” she said.
“I love you too,” he said before hanging up.
A little later, Tiffany came out in cotton PJs and her face scrubbed clean. Kory sat up when she approached.
“How do you take your coffee?” she asked.
“One cream, two sugars,” he said.
She went to pour both of them a cup. She handed him his and took a seat at the other end of the sofa.
“I'm sorry,” she said.
“For what?”
“For drinking too much and making you lie to your fiancée.”
He laughed a little. He hadn't known she'd heard him call Tressa. “You don't have to apologize, Tiff. I didn't lie for me. I lied for you,” he said.
“What do you mean?”
“I have no problems with telling Reesy the truth. I can handle her and my relationship. I just know how important your career and your show is to you, and I don't want to do anything to hinder that. You are talented and you are passionate about what you are doing, and I do hope Mr. Green contracts your show. It will be a hit.”
She smiled and he smiled back at her. Her smile was beautiful. He saw the teenager he had a thing for back in the day and he had to admit that there was more to it than there should have been.
“Thank you, Kory. And thank you for thinking of my career. I would never want to put you in a situation where you have to lie to her about hanging out with me, so after tonight, maybe we shouldn't hang anymore. I mean, I can understand why Tressa feels the way she feels, because if we were engaged, I wouldn't want you hanging with her.”
“No, we can't stop being friends, Tiff. Now that you are back in my life, I don't want to not ever see you again.”
“Huh?” she asked.
“I just don't think that us not being friends is the right answer, that's all,” he said, realizing he should not have said “back in his life.”
“I don't want to cause problems for you, Kory.”
He put his coffee down and moved to her end. “You won't,” he said. He hated that he wanted to kiss her. He looked at her beautiful face and caressed her cheek. “Listen, Tiff, it's been great seeing you again and hanging out with you. I just don't want to never see you again.”
“Okay,” she said and looked down. “Listen, I'm gonna turn in.” She stood up. “Let me show you to the guest room.” She led him to his room and turned on the light. “The fridge is full and you are welcome to make yourself at home.”
“Okay. Thanks, Tiffany,” he said.
Tiffany went to her room. She lay there and stared at the ceiling, telling herself not to get up and go back into the guest room. She wanted to lie next to Kory. She wanted him to hold her, but she knew it wouldn't be right. Finally she fell asleep, and the next day she woke up after ten.
She was late for work, but she didn't care. She headed straight to her guest room to wake him, but the bed was empty. She went into the front to look for him and found a note on her chalkboard saying, H
! He had drawn a smiley face.
She smiled and went back to her room to get ready for work.

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