Impact (7 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Impact
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She rolled her eyes. “It’s not in my best interest for people to know I was there either, Conner. Your secret is safe with me.” She sat down in the chair beside her, suddenly exhausted even though she’d just woken up. “So what you’re saying is you’re willing to keep having sex with me but nothing else?”

She watched as his jaw clenched and then unclenched. “That’s right.”

“Well, I have to say that sucks.”

“It’s all I’ve got to give right now, darlin’.”

“Don’t call me darling,” she tossed back, rising from the chair and heading for the bathroom. “We’re done here. You can show yourself out.”

“Don’t you walk away from me.”

She slammed the bathroom door and locked it. It rattled a few times and then she heard him snarl. A couple of minutes later the door to the room opened and shut. She started the shower and set it as hot as she could stand so she could wash the sting of humiliation off. Noisy sobs racked her as the searing-hot water flowed down her aching body. She’d been the worst kind of fool and now she’d have to face him for the remainder of this year’s tour, at the very least. Resting her head against the shower wall, she wished for the strength to forget him. But though she stayed in the shower until her skin had turned prune-like, she was no closer to figuring out how.

* * * * *


Conner went back to his room to shower, change and grab his stuff for the first day of competition. He wanted to check in and then call Brady. He and his best friend were planning on getting some “guy time”. Hanging out at bars, drinking beer and watching sports. Conner was looking forward to it—he missed spending time with his friend. Guys weren’t supposed to miss their friends, but he and Brady had been close for years and Conner wasn’t afraid to admit Brady was a big part of his life.

Feeling even more depressed than he was when he left Jessica’s room, he hurried through his morning routine and went to the arena. Things were already in full swing. He and Jessica had slept late that morning, so he grabbed his number and went straight to the riders’ area, calling Brady on the way. “Hey, man, where are you?”

“In the med tent. My wrist’s acting up again. I’m getting it taped. You?”

“Just got here.”

“You’re shitting me. Why so late?”

“Tell ya later,” Conner mumbled, and Brady laughed.

“Oh, so it’s like that.”

“Not anymore it isn’t.” His answer came out as a growl and Conner couldn’t believe how angry he felt. Despite what Jessica had said he couldn’t help but feel duped—as if she’d set him up for all this.

“Okay,” Brady answered. “You gonna be in the setup area?”


“I’ll come find you in a bit.” Brady hung up and Conner made his way to an open area.

He got out his rosin and began to prepare his bull rope, his mood black as he recalled the conversation with Jessica. The bitch of the whole thing was, he’d fucking love to have Jessica submit to him. He could easily picture her, naked and on her knees in his trailer, waiting for him. He’d come in, kiss her, and then thread his hands through those crazy curls of hers to hold her head on his cock while she sucked him off. Then he’d take her to bed and spend hours making her come. He’d kill to bind her breasts, and he’d be willing to bet she’d love every minute of it.

The images weren’t helping his state of mind, and to top it all off, now he was sporting a monster erection in the middle of the prep area.

Great. Just what I need—guys wondering why I’m popping woodies around them.

Brady finally appeared and plopped his stuff down. Beginning on his own bull rope, he looked at Conner out of the corner of his eye. “You wanna talk about it or do you wanna ride now and talk later?”

Conner shrugged. “Not much to talk about.”

“Is this mood because of the girl you told me about?”


“So what happened last night?” Brady asked in a low voice only Conner could hear.

“I fucked her. I chased her down in the hotel bar and took her back to her room and fucked her.”

“I take it something went wrong?”

Conner turned to him, leaning in. “Get this. She freaking knows I’m a Dom.”

Brady’s face showed his confusion. “How?”

“She saw me at the club I go to in Dallas.”

“Okay, but so what if she knows about the,” he glanced around, “Dom thing?”

“She wants me to, I dunno, tutor her or something. I was right. She’s a sub, but she’s new and she wants me to teach her about the lifestyle.”

“And I’d have to guess by your current mood you said no?”

“Of course I said no. I told you—I can’t be doin’ that shit on tour.”

“What did she say when you refused?”

“She got all pissy. Then she stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door.” Conner looked at his friend, who was trying to fight down a smirk. “What?”

“You got yourself a live one.”

“I don’t have shit. She walked out on me.”

“Because you said no.”

“I told her we could keep having fun, we just couldn’t be doing BDSM stuff.”

“So basically, a relationship totally on your terms?”

“I guess so,” Conner admitted, narrowing his eyes at his friend. “Whose side are you on?”

“I’m on the side of whatever makes you happy, and right now you look pissed enough the bulls might be scared of you.”

Conner chuckled. “Those bulls better watch out today. I’m in no mood for their shit.”

“So what’re you gonna do?”

“I dunno, man.” He grabbed his rope and threw it over his shoulder before pulling out his gear to start his inspections. “I guess I’ll have to play it by ear.” He clammed up and Brady let the subject drop. Soon they took their gear and headed out toward the chutes. The competition was starting and both men wanted to scope out what they were up against.

They’d almost reached the rail when he noticed Jessica had turned and spotted him. Just as quickly she turned back and began to stride away. “Fuck that, you’re not running from me, sweetheart,” Conner rumbled and went after her. He heard Brady say something but ignored him as he pursued Jessica down the corridor away from the competition area. She peeked back once and then kept going, but Conner’s longer legs and hotter temper allowed him to catch up to her quickly. “Don’t fucking move another muscle,” he demanded once he got within a foot of her. She stopped dead, gulping for air and refusing to look at him. That was fine. For now.

Glancing to each side quickly, he spun, opened the door in front of him, grabbed her and ushered her inside a small utility room of some sort.


“What do you want?” she finally asked him when he didn’t say anything further.

“Why did you run out on me this morning?”

“Because there wasn’t anything else to say.”

“I disagree. There’s plenty to say. And I don’t like havin’ doors slammed in my face.”

She finally looked at him, her lips curled in distaste. “Tough.”

“You better watch yourself, babe.”

She sidled up close to him then and he inhaled her scent. Something sweet. Goddamn, he had a sweet tooth the size of Texas. He forced himself back to the conversation.

“Or what? You’ll spank me? We already established you won’t, didn’t we?” She gave him a smile, showing teeth, which would’ve intimidated a lesser man.

“Maybe I should rethink my stance on punishment.”

Running the fingers of one hand up her arm, he cupped the back of her neck. When he tightened his grip, she didn’t back down, just stared at him with eyes of molten lead, her skin flushed with desire. This was crazy. This girl made him crazy.

Pulling her head to meet his, he kissed her, hard, sweeping his tongue into her mouth. Swallowing her surprised gasp, he licked inside, searching her intimately. Then he dropped his bag and wrapped his other arm around her waist so no space separated them. Changing the angle of her head to his liking, he rooted deeper into her mouth, chasing her tongue with his. Drawing back, he gave her lower lip a hard nip and withdrew.

His breath caught in his throat as he saw the effect his kiss had on her. She looked like a woman who’d been well and thoroughly fucked, and he’d hardly touched her. A supreme sense of male satisfaction stole over him.

“W-what was that for?”

Conner shrugged. “Because I wanted to.” Keeping a firm hold of her nape, he ran his thumb over the side of her neck and watched as she tilted her head to allow him better access. He smiled. She was so unaware of the submissive things she did. “I also wanna fuck you. Right here, right now.” Her eyes widened but she didn’t say anything. “My cock’s harder than a fence post and all I can think about is gettin’ inside your warm, wet pussy. Do you get me? I’ve got a fifteen-hundred-pound bull to ride in an hour and the only thing I can think about in relation to riding is you riding my dick.”

He tightened his grip a little more. Dammit, he couldn’t help it—she made him want to howl at the moon. “I want to see you tonight. Hang around after the draft by the chutes. I’ll come find you.” He looked into her eyes. “You cool with this? Do you want me again?”

She blew out a breath. “Will you reconsider what we talked about this morning?”

He frowned. “We need to get to know each other a lot better before we start doing any heavy BDSM shit. You need to know me. You need to trust me. That doesn’t develop overnight.”

“I understand that, Conner,” she began, stroking her small hands up his chest. He forgot to breathe for a minute when she flicked his nipples through his shirt. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t do a little exploring. For instance, what would you do if I dropped to my knees right now and offered to suck your cock?”

“Fuck,” he choked out. She began to lower herself and his eyes bugged out of his head. “Are you shitting me?”

After pulling his belt open, she yanked his jeans down over the curve of his ass, enough to expose his turgid cock. All the while he fixed his eyes on her, tongue-tied. She swallowed his dick right to the root and he swore, barely staying upright as the pleasure washed over him in waves. Winding both hands into her hair, he gripped her head and kept his cock deep in her throat, giving her shallow thrusts. Then he pulled back and began to fuck her mouth with rapid, sharp thrusts. He was lost as he powered into her throat and she took him, swallowing around his cock head and humming her pleasure.

“I’m coming. You started this, you’re gonna end it.” He pulled out. “Open up.” He grabbed his shaft and began to jerk it into her open mouth, sending streams of his seed inside. He kept at it until his dick softened. Looking down, he saw his cum splashed on her tongue, her teeth, her lips, her chin, even a little bit on her cheek. He couldn’t help the growl working its way up from deep in his chest.

She smiled. “If you’re trying to scare me it’s not working.” She reached up and held the base of his dick with her thumb and index finger, working him with her tongue until she’d lapped up every drop of cum. Sitting back on her heels, she looked up at him. He wiped her face with the corner of his shirt before tucking himself back into his jeans and buckling his belt.

He offered her a hand, and when she was on her feet he said, “I wasn’t trying to scare you. You wanted to be dominated, I was dominating you. If you wanna do this BDSM thing in any capacity you’ll suck me again tonight first thing and then I’ll consider it.” She gave a little shudder. “That excites you, doesn’t it? Knowing you’ll be on your knees later with my dick in your mouth? I bet your pussy’s weeping right now, isn’t it?”

Reaching a hand down to her crotch, he found her jeans damp. “Yep.” Winking at her, he said, “We’ll fix you up later if you’re a good girl.” Reaching past her, Conner opened the door a little bit to peer out. “The coast is clear. Go.” He gave her a hard spank on the ass and she yelped. “Keep it down. People are gonna hear you.”

She threw him a nasty glare but left without a word. He waited a few minutes, checked to make sure the coast was clear, and sauntered out. When he arrived at Brady’s side, his friend looked at him. “Where the hell have you been? And why do you look like the cat who ate the canary?”

“I went to talk to Jessica.” He faced the arena and didn’t look at Brady. He didn’t want him to see too many emotions playing across his face. Brady was the only one who could read him, and he was worried Brady would see the pint-sized hellcat with the wicked mouth was taking down Conner “Never-Get-Involved” Raub.

Brady snickered. “And I take it you worked things out?”

“Yep. When are you ridin’?”

“Soon.” Brady accepted his change of subject and they began to strategize their rides for the evening.

* * * * *


Jessica couldn’t contain the butterflies in her belly as she thought about the upcoming night. She did her job by rote, keeping an eye on the arena so she could see Conner ride, and tried to ignore the increasing ache in her sex. She was wearing Conner down—she could feel it. As the evening wore on, she vowed to submit to him in every way, no matter what. She knew about limits, but hers were pretty minimal and hardly stuff he’d be getting into in a hotel room anyway—gun play, knife play. Stuff like that freaked her out. A lot of the rest of it intrigued her.

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