Impact (6 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Impact
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“Oh hell. I want you,” he told her, sitting up and shucking his jeans, then rolling them both until she was on her back. He ignored the voice in the back of his head chanting relentlessly to claim her, to make her his. It couldn’t be. Even if she was submissive, the tour was no place for that kind of relationship. No. Better to enjoy what she could give him now and look for something more permanent once his riding career was over.

He nuzzled between her plump breasts, abrading soft skin with his whiskers. For some reason the thought of leaving his mark on her drove him wild. Licking up to her nipple, he ringed the soft, puckered skin with the very tip of his tongue. She moaned, guiding him to her other breast. After giving it the same treatment, he sucked it into his mouth and pushed it between his tongue and the roof of his mouth, drawing deeply on it. She writhed beneath him, muttering incoherent words of encouragement. He pushed her breast partway out of his mouth only to run his teeth over the sensitive skin and suck it all back in. He repeated the process a couple of times until he felt her nails digging into his scalp and then switched to her other breast.

He reached down and delved into her curls with his fingers, pushing the heel of his hand into her mound. He found her pussy and pushed two fingers inside. “You’re soaking wet for me.”

“Yes, God yes,” she panted.

He slowly thrust in and out of her pussy a few times, and then ran his thumb over her clit. She jerked. “And you’re close.”

“Yes. Conner, please.”

“Please what, darlin’?”

“Please fuck me. Make me come. I need—” The rest of her sentence was lost when he curled his fingers and found her G-spot. Her legs opened wider and she tried to push up and force his fingers deeper. He pushed her back down with a hand on her belly.

“Uh-uh, babe. I’m calling the shots.”

She let out an agitated moan and stamped her foot on the bed. Immediately he withdrew his fingers. Her eyes snapped open and she looked at him. “What are you doing?”

“You’re throwing a temper tantrum. I’m waiting for it to end.” He watched as the awareness of her actions dawned on her face.

“Conner… I’m, I’m sorry, I…” She turned her head away and bit her lip.

“Shhh. It’s all right, darlin’. I’ll take care of you, but you gotta let me.”

She looked at him and nodded. “I will.”

He debated on what to do next. What he wanted to do was order her to her knees to suck his cock again so there’d be no doubt about who was in control. But this wasn’t a BDSM relationship and no matter how beautifully she surrendered to him in the moment he couldn’t treat it as one. So he did the best thing he could think to—he talked to her.

“I’m gonna get you off, darlin’. I guarantee it. Hell, if I have my way you’ll come so many times you’ll pass out. But if you react like you just did every time I don’t do exactly what you want, we’re gonna have a problem.” A dark flush crept up her chest and onto her face, whether from arousal or embarrassment he didn’t know. “I am all about pleasing my woman in bed. Do you understand me, Jessie girl?”

“Yes, Conner, I’m sorry,” she repeated. When she made to bite her lip again he stuck his index finger in her mouth.

“I swear, you doing that makes me want to find somethin’ to put in your mouth. And I’ll tell you what—if you don’t stop doing it I’m gonna turn you over my knee and paddle your ass for driving me crazy.” Her eyes widened, but he watched as her nipples puckered further. Then he smelled the musky tang of her arousal. “That turns you on, doesn’t it, darlin’? Does the thought of being over my knee make you wet?” He plunged his fingers into her pussy. “You’re soaked. Dammit.”

Jumping up, he backed away. He knew he should’ve left well enough alone, but Jessica made him want things he had no right asking for.

“What?” She looked bewildered. Rising up to rest on her elbows, she studied him.

“Nothing.” How was he supposed to tell her knowing she got wet at the thought of him punishing her was making him hard enough to drive railroad spikes? If he was smart he’d get away from this woman who threatened to destroy his sanity with every breath, every submissive gesture. But no one had ever accused him of being smart. “Nothing,” Conner repeated. He approached the bed and lay down between her still-spread thighs. “I gotta taste this pussy.” Taking her ass in his hands, he lifted her to his mouth. She tasted of a drugging mix of heaven and hell, of delight and torture, and he knew no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn’t be able to stay away from Jessica.

He buried his face in her pussy and settled in for a feast. Separating her labia with his thumbs, he licked from the bottom to the top of her slit. “Mmmm, like candy.” She giggled, but when he blew on her clit and then pulled it into his mouth she stopped laughing, arching her back and reaching down to grab his head and pull him farther into the juncture of her thighs. He hummed around her clit and her legs shook. Pulling back a little, he released her. “Like that, darlin’?”

“Love it,” she gasped. He looked up her body. Her eyes were glazed over with desire. Her mouth was open and her breath was sawing in and out, making her luscious, sizable tits bounce. Unable to resist, he moved both hands up and palmed her breasts while he returned his attention to her pussy. Wiggling his tongue right into her channel, he pushed into her as far as he could and captured her sweet honey.

But he wanted more—he wanted to make this woman crazy with need. After grazing his teeth on her pussy lips, he took her clit into his mouth and sucked hard while pinching her nipples. Jessica responded beautifully, her clit pulsing and swelling and her nipples distending into hard points. She came apart all around him, thighs clenching to hold his head in place, back bending, breasts pushing farther into his hands. He heard a swift inhalation followed by a keening cry.

Pushing upright, he grabbed a condom from the duffel bag and was sheathed and back on top of her before she’d stopped writhing. Positioning the head of his cock at her entrance, he pushed into her silky wet heat. Urgency guided his movements and he buried himself to the hilt in one slide, throwing his head back and clenching his teeth as her pussy walls contracted around him with the final throes of her orgasm. “Fuck, baby, you’re killing me.”

“You killed me first,” she mumbled, smiling up at him lazily. Looking down to their joined bodies, she frowned. “When did that happen?”

He smirked. “When your eyes were rolling into the back of your head.”

“All right then,” she answered, pulling her legs up to wrap around his waist.

He dropped onto his forearms and attacked her mouth, keeping his weight pressed dominantly over her. Every part of their bodies touched in some way—her breasts were crushed into his chest, her lips were fused to his, her legs were wrapped around his middle. He gave her measured, relentless strokes of his cock, dragging his cock head over her G-spot time and time again, until he felt the telltale contractions of her walls signaling an impending climax. Then he reared back, threw her legs up onto his shoulders, grabbed her hips and pounded into her. He thrust deep, his cock stretching her.

And all the while, he watched her face, watched the play of emotions across it and wondered idly if she knew how much of her emotions were reflected on her face. He saw lust, excitement and, as he drove harder and harder into her body, submission. That drove him over the edge, and his own release started at the base of his spine, shooting through his balls and up his cock. He came with a roar, continuing to thrust through the orgasm and sending her into another climax. When he was finally spent, he collapsed on top of her, tucking his head in the crook of her neck.

“Fuck,” he whispered.

Jessica laid her hand on his head. “Yeah.”

Once he caught his breath he reluctantly rolled off her and onto his side. Reaching out, he stroked a finger down the soft cushion of her cheek. She smiled, though her eyes never opened. “Be right back, sugar.” After disposing of the condom, he came back to the bedroom to find her sound asleep, a dreamy smile on her face.

He wasn’t sure what to do. He’d brought a change of clothes with him, but should he stay? Normally he didn’t spend the night with a woman after fucking her, but he had a feeling if Jessica woke up alone tomorrow she’d be hurt and insulted. Besides, she wasn’t some buckle bunny he’d used to slake his lust for one night—oh no. He knew for damn sure he was gonna need more than one night with Jessica to get her out of his system.

Resigning himself to sleeping with her, he got into bed and pulled the covers up and over both of them. He expected to lie there and stare at the ceiling, but as soon as she cocooned into his body he fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter Four


Jessica opened her eyes to find her face pressed into a hard male chest and a pair of strong arms enveloping her. A momentary panic seized and she began to push at the corded muscle and sinew trapping her. Then she heard a “shhhh” and felt a reassuring hand filter through her hair. She looked up and found Conner smiling at her. Her brows knit in confusion. “You stayed here?”

“I figured you’d be kinda pissed if I fucked and ran.”

She nodded slowly, her sluggish brain trying to comprehend that she was in bed, naked, with Conner Raub. She was very aware of her own nakedness, and of his, especially considering the sizable erection making itself known by pressing into her thigh. Jessica moved said thigh and discovered it was sore—for all the right reasons. Conner had given her a workout last night, and she’d loved every minute of it. Now it was time to offer herself to him. Could she do it?

“What did I tell you about playing with your mouth like that?” he asked her in a sharp tone.


“Didn’t I say I was gonna put you over my knees and paddle your ass if you kept biting your lip?”

Her eyes shot to his. Was he serious?

Only one way to find out.

“So do it.”

“What did you say?”

She sat up and faced him. “So paddle my ass.”

“You don’t know what you’re saying, Jessie girl,” he warned her, his voice dark and silky. He got out of bed and threw on his jeans.

“Yes I do.” She looked up at him.

Confession time.

“Conner, I know what you are.”

He went absolutely still. “What’re you talkin’ about?”

“I know you’re a Dom. I saw you at Decadence.”


“I saw you. I was there that night you got into that fight and I saw you.”

He spun to face her. “What the fuck were
doing there?”

He hadn’t denied it, and she soldiered on. “I’m…curious about BDSM. I was checking it out. I didn’t know it was you until your hood got knocked off.” He swore soundly and Jessica shrank back. She’d been around men her entire life—on the ranch and now on the tour, but he’d just added an impressive litany of swear words to her vocabulary. “Calm down, Conner. I don’t think anyone else recognized you. The only reason I did is because I work for the tour.”

“You don’t know that. You don’t know no one else saw me.” His hands went to his head and he groaned.

“Truly, Conner, it’s all right.”

“How is it all right?” he shouted. “This could end my career!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh come on, Jess, you’re not that naïve, are you? The NBT isn’t exactly liberal. You think they want it getting out one of their stars likes to spank women’s asses bright red and then fuck them in the middle of a room full of people?” Stalking to the window, he clasped his hands behind his neck. “I knew there was a possibility someone recognized me, but to actually hear it…”

Jessica rose, taking the top sheet with her, and cautiously approached him from the side as she would a skittish calf. “If you haven’t heard anything by now most likely I was the only one who recognized you. Like I said, the only reason I did is because I work for the tour.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “Plus, I was already watching you.”

He pinned his gaze on her. “Why?”

“Because you have a presence, Conner. You were turning me on,” she whispered. “Even before anything happened you were the only Dom in the room I was paying any attention to.”

“So this thing between us… Was it a setup?”

She cocked her head “You pursued me, Conner, not the other way around.” He acknowledged her statement with a slight nod. “But now that you have pursued me, now that we’ve slept together…”

“What?” He sounded suspicious, and she couldn’t blame him, but if she didn’t ask now it would seem even weirder later on.

“I told you I was interested in BDSM. I think it’s pretty obvious it’s not from a domination perspective. I… I want you to teach me to submit.” The last words had come in a rush and she felt her skin heating in embarrassment.

“No. No fucking way.” His eyes were stormy and dark. He looked angry. But why?

“Why not?”

“Because it isn’t something you can give a few lessons on. It’s a lifestyle, and it doesn’t work here on the tour. If you wanna keep seeing me, having a little fun, that sounds great. But anything else is out, Jess. I mean it.” His eyes bored into hers. “You aren’t planning to tell anyone about me, are ya? You haven’t already told anybody, right?”

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