In a Moon Smile (28 page)

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Authors: Sherri Coner

BOOK: In a Moon Smile
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Chesney’s self-esteem puddled around her ankles when Dalton placed his hand on Becca’s back to guide her toward the front door. They were laughing as if they had known each other for years. “Well Blossom, this should be a fun weekend,” Chesney grumbled to the dog. “In fact, it will rank right up there with the surprise visit from Jack Ass.” Without another word, she carried Becca’s luggage upstairs and unpacked her friend’s lovely assortment of clothing choices for tall, skinny women with confidence. She then forced herself to return to the first floor where she would give it her best shot to hide the pain when Becca and Dalton announced their plans to marry.

You’re crazy. You’re a walking wing nut. Grasp at reality. Grab it. And don’t open your mouth anymore. If they fall in love, you will accept it. You have no other choice. It’s just one more example of how spineless chicks finish last.

“We decided not to tear out the kitchen cabinets,” Dalton was saying in the kitchen when Chesney followed the deep velvet of his voice. “See? She painted the cabinets. They look great. Don't you agree?”

“I can't believe it's the same house,” Becca cried. “When I saw this place the first time since Chez and I were here as kids, I must admit that I was ready to sign commitment papers. I was fairly sure she was certifiable.” Becca stepped forward, more closely examining the cabinets. “I had no idea Chesney was so talented.”

Dalton laughed. “She knew what this place could be,” he said proudly. “And I know she won't stop working until everything is perfect inside and outside, too.”

To hear that wonderful warmth in Dalton’s voice while watching Becca’s response made Chesney’s chest puff with pride.

Hmm, it definitely sounds like Dalton Moore respects my vision for this house. He was definitely bragging about my abilities and accomplishments. Maybe there is a remote possibility that Dalton is actually interested in me instead of Queen Becca B.

“I'd really love some wine,” Becca walked over to the pantry. “But I don't see that Chesney has wine here.”

“I'd be happy to drive you into Nashville,” Dalton said too quickly. “I know a place there. They have wonderful wine.”

“Fabulous,” Becca said with a flirty smile.

When she heard their footsteps, Chesney pretended to busily dust the fireplace mantel.

“Dalton and I are driving to Nashville. Is that okay with you?” Becca asked as she grabbed her purse.

No, it’s not okay with me.
Get away from my man. He doesn’t even know he’s my man. But I can tell you that I don’t want him to be your man.

In her head she was screaming at Becca, but Chesney nodded dumbly and offered a fake smile. “Why do I care if you make a run to Nashville for wine?” she shrugged. “You guys take all the time you need.”

SHUT UP! You’re practically shoving Dalton and Becca into a sexual frenzy!

“See you in a while,” Becca winked at Chesney as she and Dalton left the house.

What did that damn wink mean? That Becca planned to seduce him? Oh shit, I need a backbone. I really do.

From the window, Chesney again heard Becca belt out, “Oh Dalton, that’s absolutely fabulous,” and she wanted to puke.

“Everything is just fabulous,” Chesney sarcastically mocked Becca as she watched them drive down the lane in Dalton’s truck. With Blossom scurrying along behind her, Chesney furiously threw the dust rag on the floor and stomped up the stairs. “They'll stop in a cornfield to make out like two teenagers,” Chesney said to the puppy. “Becca will come back here with hickies all over her neck. And I'll have to pretend that none of it bothers me. And you know why, Blossom? I'll tell you why, it's because I don't have enough self-esteem to blurt out that I'm interested in Dalton. As usual, I am the designated doormat.”

She angrily kicked at a wad of newspaper on the floor and her foot made contact with the bedroom door. Chesney yelped in pain and Blossom dove under the bed. “Come on out,” she coaxed while rubbing her throbbing foot. “Nothing to fear, Blossom, I don't have one single mean bone in my body. I'm not one bit dangerous either, damn it.”

While Dalton and Becca were gone, Chesney tried to stay busy. She ventured outside to clip fresh wild flowers for the vase in Becca’s room. She fluffed the towels in the bathroom. She swept the kitchen floor, fed Blossom and cleaned paint brushes. But she could not avoid the clock or the minutes ticking by. She couldn’t stop herself from imagining her best friend in Dalton’s arms. The thought made her crazy jealous and at least a tiny bit weepy. Chesney was very sure that she was losing her mind.

Nearly two hours later, the two of them giggled their way into the house. Chesney pretended to be deeply engrossed in polishing the hardwood in the foyer. All along though, she sniffed until her nostrils stuck together. She was sniffing for the tell-tale signs of sex. Did they look messy-haired and sexually satisfied? Did she see a rosy, orgasmic glow on Becca’s pretty, porcelain skin? Could she identify the slightest whiff of sex sweat on Dalton’s lovely face?

“Bean Blossom is an adorable little town,” Becca smiled as she walked in. “But I also loved Nashville. Do you go there often, Chez? Hey, how about a glass of wine?”

Dalton and Becca disappeared into the kitchen. Chesney held her breath, waiting to hear them kiss and moan in a passionate embrace. If they had sex on top of her new kitchen table, she would definitely have to speak up. Maybe she would squirt them with the water hose, like Grace aimed the hose at dogs in heat. Dalton and Becca talked and chuckled together as they returned to the parlor with wine glasses.

When Dalton offered Chesney a glass of wine, she tried to pretend that she was a thousand times happier than she actually felt at that moment. While Becca chatted about her ever-growing accounting firm and Dalton discussed horses, especially Rose and Stormy, the new colt, Chesney felt that she was slowly melting into the couch cushions. Neither of her so-called friends seemed to remember that she was in the room. Feeling pouty, Chesney sneaked away so she could tear wallpaper from the wall in a secret, jealous, undetected rage. As she climbed the stairs, it was nearly impossible not to stomp. She was pissed that Dalton and Becca had forgotten her
existence. She drained the wine and climbed to the top of the ladder to rip and tear at the faded, yellowed wallpaper.

“More wine?” Becca hollered up the stairs.

“No thanks,” Chesney responded in a fake, cheerful voice. “I’m trying to finish this project.”

Nearly an hour later, Dalton and Becca moved the party outdoors. He was hammering a weak board into place near the porch railing while Becca sat near him, blabbing.

“How’s it goin, boss?” Dalton smiled up at her and Chesney’s heart melted. “Because of the heat, I decided to finish the roof work tomorrow morning,” Dalton said. “I’m not too excited about roofing during the heat of the day.”

“Sure,” Chesney nodded. “I understand that.”

“I feel like a lazy lard ass,” Becca said as she stretched her legs. “That’s such a long drive from the airport in Indianapolis to tiny little Bean Blossom. I’m really tired, Chez, not only from the travel but also because I had to burn bunches of midnight oil in order to leave the office.”

You sure didn’t seem so damn exhausted earlier when you were flirting around with my man. And by the way, why do you need to seat yourself so close to the handyman when he is obviously trying to work?

“Tomorrow, I will be your personal work mule,” Becca grinned as she ruffled Chesney’s already tousled curls. “I am still in awe, Chez. To see your talents, your vision, what you and Dalton have done together is truly amazing. I’m so proud of you.” Her long arm encircled her best friend and she planted a kiss on the top of Chesney’s head. “I can’t wait for your family to see the place. They will be speechless.”

“God, I hope so,” Chesney sighed. “I can’t imagine my perfect mother being completely speechless, but wow, what an incredible fantasy.”

They both laughed and Chesney temporarily forgot about being pissed off that Becca was flirting with Dalton. When Becca disappeared inside the house to pour sweet tea for everyone, Dalton looked at Chesney and smiled. “Your friend is very loyal to you, isn’t she?”

Weird comment, Dalton, what’s that supposed to mean? Are you trying to tell me that Becca won’t date you until she knows whether I have an interest in you?

“What do you mean?” Chesney asked cautiously. “Aren’t all best friends loyal to one another?”

“Sure,” he nodded. “I just see a deeper kind of commitment between you and Becca. She seems to genuinely wish nothing but happiness for you.”

“Like I only want wonderful things for her,” Chesney said, still unsure of what Dalton was getting at. She was not in the mood for a riddle so Chesney smiled and said, “If you are already in love with Bec, you’d better grab a number. All men fall in love with Becca Bartlett. I’m sure you can understand why. She’s gorgeous, ambitious and intelligent. She’s one of the most amazing women I have ever known. So if you, you know, feel yourself falling for her, don’t be embarrassed.”

“She’s all those things,” Dalton smiled. “I certainly respect her for all that she has accomplished. But I’ll have to shock you, I suppose, and admit that she isn’t my type.”

“Hmm,” Chesney cocked her head. “Mr. Moore, you’re the first man I have ever come across who didn’t want to immediately run into the sunset with my best friend.”

“For a long time, I have known what I want,” he said quietly. “Becca is a great person. But she’s not the one for me.”

At that moment, Becca burst through the screen door with a tray. She carefully placed it on the top porch step and handed glasses of sweet tea to Chesney and Dalton.  “I brought cheese and crackers too,” Becca offered. “Anybody hungry?”

Her voice was nearly drowned out by the loud roar of Deke’s Harley as he rumbled up the lane toward the house

This is awesome timing! Come on over here, Deke. Show Dalton that you would love to claim me as your official Harley hottie. Maybe some good old jealousy would grab his attention. Maybe when he sees you flirt around with me, he will suddenly realize that I am his perfect match.

“Hey, there!” Dalton threw up his hand at Deke while Chesney quickly stepped back inside. She hurried upstairs to remove the ball cap and brush her crazy curls into a submissive knot at the nape of her neck. Just as she stepped back out on the porch to flirt around with the hardware store artist, Chesney saw that Deke was lusting all over Becca.

Wow, can’t think of day better than this one, in regard to getting my self-esteem kicked down my throat. I wish the porch would rot under my feet and allow me to disappear into a massive black hole for losers.

“Hey Chez,” Deke grinned. “I promised you another ride before the end of summer. You didn’t forget, did you?”

“Oh Deke,” Chesney smiled playfully. “That sounds great but I can’t go today.”

Even though Dalton just announced that he wasn’t interested in my best friend, there is no way I’m leaving Becca alone with my handyman
But Deke, you don’t need to know that.

“Chez, you’re all work and no play,” Deke whined. “Are you sure you can’t sneak away for an hour?”

“I’d love to go in Chesney’s place,” Becca piped up. “Would that, would that be okay?” She looked first at Chesney and then at Deke.

“Do you mind taking Becca for a ride?” Chesney asked even though she knew it was a stupid, unnecessary question. Deke was likely sporting a hard-on. Since Becca’s teen years, her beauty had that erect-penis effect on the other gender.

“Sounds great,” Deke thoughtfully stroked that rather wild looking fu Manchu, which ended at a shaggy point near the faded graphic on his tee shirt. Chesney saw him sneak glances at Becca. In fact, he could not take his eyes off her.

“I’ll just change my clothes,” Becca grinned happily. “Be right back.”

While Becca bounced across the porch and up the stairs, Deke sat down on the porch step. “Hot one, huh Dalton?”

“It sure is,” Dalton nodded. “I was just saying to Chesney that I’ll work on the roof tomorrow morning before the heat sets in.”

Then Deke turned his attention to Chesney. “I thought you were the only beautiful woman in Bean Blossom.”

“Oh Deke, you don’t have to compliment me. Becca’s my best friend from Chicago. We’ve known each other for years so I’m always the consolation prize when she’s around,” Chesney laughed though she didn’t really find humor in the statement. “I had no idea Becca was coming to town. She surprised me today.”

“She surprised me, too,” Deke grinned. “She’s gorgeous.”

“Yes,” Chesney nodded, feeling like she might as well be a wart-covered blimp. “Bec is beautiful, inside and out.”

Wearing tight, faded jeans and a halter top, Becca reappeared and Chesney feared that Deke might actually step on his tongue. She slid her eyes sideways, watching for Dalton’s reaction to Becca’s perfect body. But he never looked up. A sweet wave of relief washed over Chesney as Becca climbed on the bike behind Deke and rode away. Dalton didn’t look at Becca. Not once. So Chesney decided that she was immediately back in love with him.

“Consolation prize, huh?” Dalton sighed as he stepped close to Chesney on the porch. She grinned and shrugged, suddenly embarrassed by his attention.

“Aw, well, it’s important to know where you stand,” she grinned.

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