In Darkness We Must Abide: The Complete Second Season: Episodes 6-10 (22 page)

BOOK: In Darkness We Must Abide: The Complete Second Season: Episodes 6-10
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“I’m over you,” Vanora said defiantly.

“No, you’re not.”

Vanora found it increasingly hard to take a breath.

“No more than I’m over you,” Armando finished.

“We’re doomed, you know,” Vanora said sadly.

“Yes.” Armando drew closer to her. “We are.”

Every step he took made her heart beat faster. The vampire was almost to her, when he paused. Appearing a bit uncomfortable, he took a step away from her.


“I need to go. I need to feed.” He quickly opened one of her windows and perched on the ledge. “I’ll be back soon.”

“There is pig’s blood here.”  Fear flitted through her. Despite all the tension between them, Armando did make her feel safe. The thought of facing her siblings without him made her very uneasy.

“I have to drink human blood, Vanora,” Armando said simply. “I need to be at my most powerful to defend you.”

“You said we were going to talk!”

“We will. When I return.” Armando lashed out, gripped her hand, and drew her close. “I won’t be long. Speak to Roman. Stay close to the other vampires. Don’t leave the house.”

As always, his touch did wonderful, yet terrible things to her nerves.

Then he was gone in the blink of an eye.

Closing the window, Vanora took a deep breath.

It was time to face the vampires.


* * *


After a hot shower, Vanora dressed in a long, wine-colored velvet skirt, black angora sweater, and black ankle boots. She wasn’t exactly sure how she should dress for a party she hadn’t even expected to attend, but she had found something suitable in her closet.

The house was strangely quiet when she emerged from her bedroom and hurried downstairs. Tonight, her body was tingling all over for the night was charged with danger.  There was an ominous presence in the gloom that lay beyond the sanctuary of the house.  In the kitchen she found Miss Robbins.

“Oh, you look so pretty!”

“You’re still here?”

“I don’t fear the vampires, darling.” Miss Robbins gave her a broad smile.

“A lot has changed.” Vanora admitted.

Ryan entered the kitchen, freshly scrubbed up after working hard outside all day.  “Hey, Miss Vanora, you’re home safe and sound I see.”

It was strange being back in the world she had run away from and seeing how much had changed. Ryan had more white hair and was a little craggier in the face, yet his smile was the same. “Hi, Ryan.  It’s been a long time.”

Ryan clasped her hand in his heavily callused one and shook it firmly. “It’s good to see you back.”

Miss Robbins set crystal goblets on two silver trays then centered crystal pitchers on them.  Vanora observed with some discomfort as Miss Robbins poured the warmed blood into the pitchers. Ryan picked up one tray, and Miss Robbins the other. 

“Time to serve their breakfast,” she proclaimed.

Curious, Vanora followed them up the back stairs to the second floor.  Ryan set down his tray outside of Alisha’s room and Miss Robbins laid hers at Roman’s door.

“Now, we need to wait downstairs for them,” Miss Robbins said. 

“Aren’t they already awake?” Vanora asked.

“They sleep in. Armando blames the pig’s blood. Doesn’t have the same kick as ours, he says.” Ryan explained.

Miss Robbins nodded, then cast a wary glance at one bedroom door. “Alisha wakes up first.  She is always testy when she first climbs out of bed.”

Stifling a shiver, Vanora trotted down the stairs after the two servants. Miss Robbins and her husband hurried back to their tasks, leaving her to her own devices until her siblings appeared.

Already the house was becoming engulfed in shadows.  Turning on lights as she moved through the house, she wandered about until finally coming to Roman’s study.  It was bittersweet to step into the old familiarity of the room.  Only a new computer and a large file cabinet had been added since her departure.  Vanora impulsively opened one of the drawers of the file cabinet and discovered it was filled with letters.  She skimmed over one that was gushing with adoration while praising Roman for his revolutionary ideas.  Vanora flipped through a few more, all addressed to Mr. R. Law at a post office box.  Curiosity gripping her, Vanora opened another drawer and found a large black binder full of names and addresses. 

“Those are all the vampires who follow Roman.  He insists on keeping a record of all of them.  I told him it was foolhardy, but he doesn’t listen to me anymore,” Armando’s voice said from behind her.

Vanora whirled about, relief filling her.  Armando stood in the doorway, elegant all in black.  He stepped into the room with vampire gracefulness. His curls were tamed and swept back from his face. His complexion appeared more human than usual. She would have described it as being flushed with life. Then Vanora realized why and her stomach clenched.

He had fed on humans.

“Who does he listen to?”  Vanora asked, shutting the drawer.

Armando lifted an eyebrow, then shrugged.  “I really don’t think he listens to anyone anymore.  I’m hoping he’ll listen to you.”

Wary all at once as her old fear unfurled inside her, she moved behind Roman’s large desk, her finger nervously tapping the hard wood.  “You fed on humans, Armando. How does Roman feel about that?”

“He doesn’t know.”  Armando swiftly crossed the room to her side.  “I have to be at full strength, Vanora.  Roman is being a fool and won’t listen to me. Therefore I have to be prepared to protect you and the others. Tonight, you can’t falter in your task. You must get him to leave Houston this very night if possible.”

“Have you tried talking to Carlotta? He’s marrying her. Or the vampire equivalent.” Vanora dreaded speaking to Roman. If she failed, she didn’t want to consider the outcome.

“He can’t trust Carlotta.  No one can.”“

Uneasy with his declaration, Vanora said, “You’re saying we can’t trust Carlotta but you brought her here that first night.  She was your friend.  Why did you bring her here if she was so dangerous?”

Armando ran a hand through his hair and leaned against the bookshelves, his eyes resting wearily on Vanora.  “I was a fool.  She wanted to meet Roman and I was gullible enough to think that maybe he could influence her in a positive way.”

As usual, she felt like Armando was only giving her tidbits of the entire truth. It angered her, especially when so much was on the line. Even if he did make her weak in the knees, even if he was ungodly handsome, even if he was most likely the love of her life, he was pissing her off. Vanora stood with her arms folded, her gaze accusing, her posture defiant.  “In just what way is she dangerous to us, Armando?”

Armando stared at her for a long moment, his expression vague and unreadable.  Finally, he simply shrugged.  “It’s just a feeling.”

“A feeling? You said we’re in danger.”

“You are! I killed two vampires last night that were trying to kill you.”

The intensity in his amber eyes frightened Vanora, and she took a step back. “You killed two vampires?”

“Yes. Defending you.” 

Vanora was speechless. On the heels of Rhonda’s death, this was almost too much to process. Finally, she managed to say, “Because I’m Roman’s sister?”

“Something like that,” Armando answered vaguely.

“Do you know who is trying to kill Roman?” Vanora stepped closer to Armando, her voice tense, her gaze demanding.

Armando hesitated, then shook his head. “I don’t know who is going to try to kill Roman, but I know he’s in danger.”

“I want details.”

“I can’t give you details.”

“You’re asking me to convince my brother to uproot his life and run off to who knows where and you can’t give me details.”



Armando’s eyes flashed dangerously. “I would tell you if I could.”

“What’s holding you back?” Vanora demanded to know.

“Snow Pea!”  Alisha rushed across the study in a blur to embrace her sister, completely startling the younger Socoli.

Vanora forced her fears aside as her older sister held her close.  She felt Alisha’s love engulfing her and penetrating through her panic and anxiety. Tears filled her eyes as she realized just how much she had missed her sister’s embrace.  “I missed you so much, Alisha.” It was the truth. She had longed for her sister, not the monster that wore her face the night she had fled.

“I missed you, too! It’s so good to have you home after all this time!” Pulling away, Alisha regarded Vanora with glittering eyes. “Oh, Vanora, you’re gorgeous!  You’re so grown up!  My little Snow Pea is all grown up!”

“A few years tends to do that to you.” Relief filled her as she realized that time had done more than age her. The terror of the last night she had spent in the house was gone and in its place was the comforting presence of the sister she loved almost like a mother.

Alisha’s appearance was basically the same, except that she had lopped off her long blond hair to her shoulders. She looked angelic in a long white jersey dress. Startled, Vanora realized that they looked almost the same age.

“Vanora,” Roman said with delight.

When she spun about to see her brother, she covered her mouth with her hands. He was so handsome in his black trousers and white dress shirt. She instantly went into the arms that had held her and comforted her throughout her life. Overwhelmed by emotion, she clung to him.  The thought that she could lose him flashed through her, and her throat tightened at the thought. 

“It’s so good to have you home, Vanora.” Roman kissed her forehead, cuddling her close.

Closing her eyes, Vanora leaned into his embrace. Regret filled her. How could she have taken so long to come home? “It’s good to be here.” It was the truth. Her brother and sister didn’t resemble the monstrous creatures she had seen that fateful night. She had allowed that image to mar her memories and now she wished she had been stronger.

“Armando, I’m so glad you came tonight. We’ve missed you!”  Roman released Vanora from his grasp to greet his friend. 

“Roman, we need to talk,” Vanora started before Alisha gave her another tight hug, nearly cutting off all feeling to her limbs.

“There’s plenty of time to talk,” Roman said, winking at her.

Armando was very still and silent throughout the entire scene, but Vanora felt his golden gaze urging her on.

“It’s important.” Vanora drew a deep breath.

“Here you are, darling!” 

Carlotta’s presence flooded the room as she grandly entered dressed in a red crushed velvet gown that clung to her sensuous curves.  As she sauntered toward Roman, a long red chiffon sash trailed behind her, wavering like a flame.  Her jet black hair was skimmed from her face and twisted into a chignon, revealing her dark, lovely eyes. 

Roman ardently kissed Carlotta, then turned her about, his arms about her waist.  “Look, my sister Vanora has arrived.”

Carlotta made a great show of kissing Vanora on both cheeks, much to Vanora’s discomfort.  One elegant hand gently caressed Vanora’s face as the vampire smiled her sly, yet charming smile.  “I’ve heard so much about you from Roman and Alisha.  You fled before we could become friends. And now here you are!”

Vanora didn’t like the seductive creature touching her and deliberately stepped away.  Forcing her lips to spread into what she hoped would look like a friendly smile, she said, “I’m pleased to meet you again.”

“Of course you are!”  Carlotta leaned against Roman, staring up at him adoringly.  “We’re family.”

Roman affectionately kissed Carlotta’s cheek while, behind Roman, Alisha rolled her eyes.

“Vanora, we’re having a party tonight. Carlotta and I are going to announce that we plan to live as man and wife from this night forward. “ Roman was positively beaming with happiness.

“That’s just great,” Vanora managed to say, glancing quickly at Armando. The vampire appeared annoyed by the whole conversation.

Carlotta’s gaze captured Vanora’s, drawing the girl into their luminous darkness.  “Tonight is a night no one will ever forget,” she said smoothly.  “I can promise you that.”


* *


The rest of the conversation had been small talk and meaningless. It had been very apparent that Armando and Alisha did not want to speak of the impending threat against Roman in front of Carlotta, so Vanora was forced to wait.

When at last Carlotta and Roman departed to oversee the final party preparations, Vanora frowned at how wrapped up in each other the couple appeared to be. Roman was madly in love with Carlotta and that fact annoyed Vanora. It complicated everything.

“Can I trip her into the pool?” Alisha rolled her eyes.

“I’ll help,” Vanora offered.

“Both of you...behave.” Armando admonishment was filled with annoyance.

The sisters glared at him.

Armando glowered back.

“We have a purpose for being here that has nothing to do with the party,” Armando reminded them.

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