In the Boss's Bed (Harlequin Blaze) (12 page)

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“His name is Mr. Moose Ba-Goose,” she explained.

He held it up to his face and laughed. How could a laugh suck all of the life-giving oxygen out of her room? “He’s cute.”

“Thanks. Listen, Jamie, there is a reason I invited you up here.”

“Oh?” Jamie put her moose down and turned to her. “I assumed that you were hoping to take advantage of my hot body,” he joked.

She smiled when she realized that his shirt was buttoned incorrectly, and one side draped over the zipper of his pants while the other barely covered the dark trail of hair that disappeared behind it. He was smiling and looked adorably mussed, and she crossed her arms. “Well, that’s part of it, I guess. But I think we need to really talk about what’s going on here with us.”

Jamie sobered and nodded. “I’ll be honest. I thought we were just going to get busy. But you’re right. We do need to talk.”

Maya nodded, suddenly feeling awkward. “So, what are we doing here?”

Jamie sat on her bed and ran his hand through his hair. “Maya,” he exhaled as she sat next to him. He seemed to search for the right words to use. Maya held her breath. What was he trying to tell her?

“Maya,” he started again. “Since that night in the club, when you kissed me, before we’d even actually met really, I wanted you. When I saw you in Dr. C.’s class, I wanted you again. But I’ll reiterate, I didn’t hire you so I could sleep with you. But since then, I have had to use all of my restraint to not touch you.” He turned to her, reaching out to caress her cheek.

“And then Vegas happened. I thought that making love to you was something that needed to happen. As if I could somehow purge my desire for you from my system. But it just made it worse. And since then, I’ve wanted you every second of every day.”

“Jamie.” She sighed. “I want you, too.”

He pulled her to him and kissed her. “Maya, do you think we could make this work?”

“Make this work?”

“Us,” he said. “You and me. Now that I’ve had you, I can’t go back to us just being business associates.”

Maya’s mind raced. “Jamie, you want a relationship with me?”

His hands grasped her face, and he pulled her away slightly so he could look into her eyes. “Yes. I want to be with you, Maya. Is that what you want?”

“It is,” she admitted. “But there’s something I’m worried about.”

He looked at her with the obvious questions in his eyes.

She hesitated and took a deep breath. “If we’re in a relationship, and people know it, there’s no way that anyone would take me seriously. They would think I was just some little tart that you hired to help you relieve a little tension during your workday. And if I’m promoted or get another job, people will think that I just got it because of you and some connections, some strings you pulled.” Maya moved away from his grasp to sit up straight. “And my career, my future, is too important to me to mess up.”

Jamie sat back and looked at her. He nodded and frowned. “Maya, I would never want to do anything that would hurt you, personally or professionally. But this—” he gestured between the both of them “—is too important, too big for us to ignore. I’ve never craved another woman like I do you. We can be so good together.”

“God, Jamie, I want this, too,” she whispered.

“Why don’t we give us a chance, but we’ll keep it private. It’ll be just for us. That way, nobody will judge or come down hard on either of us. It won’t affect your career, and God knows I can’t afford any negative publicity right now.”

Maya nodded. “Okay. But do you think we can keep it secret?”

“We can do anything.” Jamie leaned into her. He kissed her softly and it took her breath away.

They were still sitting on her bed, and Jamie’s fingers were at the buttons of her blouse. He undid each one leisurely, torturously slow, until he reached the bottom and swept the shirt from her shoulders, and it fell to her mattress. Her room was cool and small bumps rose on her arms. Jamie must have noticed, because as his lips found hers once again, he put his hands on her shoulders and brought his palms down her arms until he reached her hands and held them tightly. It was such a sweet, romantic gesture that she could have cried, but his clever mouth was too busy distracting her.

Jamie lowered his attention to her neck and shoulders. His lips tracked delicate kisses across the hollows of her collarbone as she sighed. He had a delicious, magical mouth. His hands wandered freely, lightly brushing her bra straps aside. She reached back and unclasped it, allowing him access to her breasts. He took them into his hands and waiting mouth hungrily. He feasted on her sensitive nipples, taking each tip alternately between his lips. She moaned and arched her back so that her chest pushed into his face. She grasped the hair at the back of his head and held him in place, not wanting to be apart from him for even a moment.

He rose slightly, pushing her shoulders to the bed so that he lay on top of her. She bit her bottom lip in anticipation of what was to come when his lips, tongue and teeth dragged down her midsection, over her tight belly, until he reached the waist of her skirt. He flicked open the button, and she obediently raised her hips to help him slide the material down her thighs.

Maya lay on her bed, clad in only her filmy, lace panties. He looked over her appreciatively and then resumed his oral ministrations, as he hooked the lace at her hips with his fingers and slowly lowered them as well, until she was fully exposed to him. She bit back a moan as his lips met the apex of her thighs. She threw back her head, eyes closed, and let her body be completely overtaken by this man.

“Jamie,” she gasped when his mouth opened over her and his tongue and fingers spread her folds and delved inside. His touch was magic. Under his masterful skill, she felt as though she was floating above the bed, as if she’d come out of her body. With each breath against her skin, each swipe of his tongue, she felt herself go higher and higher. She pictured herself looking down at the image that they must have presented. Her naked on her bed with Jamie’s dark head between her legs, driving her insane.

She felt her orgasm build, one hand gripping his hair and the other twisting the bedsheet in her fist. She simultaneously attempted to get closer to his mouth and to desperately break free of the delicious torture. Her eyes were closed and she heard, and felt, Jamie’s growl echo throughout her body, as he roughly clasped his hands on her hips to keep her with him. His strength was all she needed, as she cried out and shook with the tremors of her orgasm. Jamie stayed with her until the quakes subsided and he slowly slipped up her body, showering her still quaking body with light kisses until he reached her lips. She kissed fiercely. His taste mingled with her own, making for a heady experience. Exhaustion overtook her and her eyes fluttered shut, despite her attempts to keep them open. She reached for the front of his slacks to the hard length of him and she stroked him. She could barely keep her eyes open but she wanted to return the favor. He chuckled and removed her hands and he pulled the blankets over her.

“Not tonight,” he whispered, standing. She grew cold in his absence and pulled her blanket to her chin.


“Don’t argue, you can get me next time,” he laughed.

“Where are you going?” she asked, her eyes closed.

“I’m not going anywhere, just getting undressed.” She heard the rustle of his clothing hitting the floor as he joined her in bed. “I’m staying right here.”


incessant buzz of Maya’s cell phone alarm clock. He rolled over and buried his face in her hair. “Time?”

“Six.” She yawned, turning and curling into his side.

He felt her warmth and pulled her closer. They had only been asleep for a few hours, yet he’d slept better than he had in a long time. They slept close, which was the only way her smallish bed would allow them.

Jamie groaned. “Why don’t you call in sick?”

“Oh, I would.” She turned in his arms to face him, not caring about him seeing her bed head or smelling her morning breath. “But my boss is a tyrant. Do you know he had me working till about one o’clock this morning?”

Jamie chuckled into her hair. “That guy sounds like a real despot.”

“Yeah, but he makes up for it by having a really sexy body, and a devious mouth.”

He pulled her hips closer to him. She could feel the length of his hard erection against her hip. He groaned and took another look at the clock. “We don’t have time to do this, do we?”

“No, but we’ll probably do it anyway.” She laughed.

“You’re quite right. But, hey, I’m the boss. I can come in a little later if I want,” he said, rolling her under him and kissing her again. “You’re the one who will have to kiss ass to make up for being late.”

* * *

his office about ninety minutes later than normal. It didn’t escape Mary’s careful eye.

“You’re late.”

“I’m the boss, Mary. I’m allowed,” he said curtly. “Especially after the hours I’ve been putting in. I guess I needed a little extra sleep this morning.”

“Yes, of course you did. Although, Maya was also late this morning. I guess she needed a little sleep, as well,” she finished with a side-eye glance.

“Well, she’s been here with me every night, working the same hours as me. I think we can give her a little leeway on that minor infraction, don’t you think?”

“We sure can, Jamie. Here are your messages.” She handed off a small stack of paper. “And you’ve got that meeting with the board in an hour.”

“Thanks,” he said, pushing through the door to his office. He saw Maya sitting at her desk. He smiled, recalling the emptiness he’d felt leaving her bed. He practically had to force himself out of her room in order to head to his own apartment to shower and change before work. He had wanted to stay. He had wanted to wrap himself up in her, cocooned in her tiny bed, in her tiny room. But she insisted he leave so they would actually get to work.

Maya looked up and met him with a bright smile of her own. He strode over to her and without a word he pulled her into a kiss. He once again felt himself harden. How could he want her again? It was then that he realized that if he could somehow manage to be away from her, he should arrange for her to have her own office. How would he get anything done otherwise?

As if she could read his thoughts, Maya pulled away. “Come on, we’re already late getting started. We’ve got too much to do today.”

“Fine,” he said, wrenching himself away from her with a grimace. “Let’s get to work.”


with the way work had been progressing on the hotels in both Montreal and Las Vegas, and he and Maya had become a powerful team in both the boardroom and in bed. They had managed to keep their relationship a secret, and if anyone suspected that something was up, thankfully, it was never voiced. But as far as he could tell no one was the wiser.

While the Las Vegas property was still in progress, the Montreal hotel was nearing completion, and it was time for Jamie to begin forming a management team to run it, and he hadn’t any doubts about who should be in charge of it. He knew that Maya would be perfect in the role, but he hadn’t had a chance to discuss it with her yet, but he figured that he would wait until they got closer to the opening date, before the press conference they would use to announce the grand opening.

He and Maya were having lunch when he decided to tell her. He looked across the table at her. They kept a professional distance, while under the tablecloth he felt Maya’s foot begin a slow glide up his leg. That was one of the things he enjoyed about her, her sexy impulsiveness. It wasn’t a side of herself that she promoted or exhibited in public, but in private she was a dynamo. When she wasn’t 100 percent focused on work, that is. She was saucy with a highly erotic side.

“Maya,” he started. “I’ve got something I want to propose.”

“Oh?” she asked with a small, but wicked, smile. “What’s on your mind?”

He reluctantly removed her foot from his groin. “Maya, this is serious.”

Her smile disappeared, and she sat up straight in her chair. “Okay, what’s up?”

“Maya, you know we’re looking into staffing the local hotel now. The manager needs to know the ins and the outs of the industry, J. Sellers Holdings and how we do business.”

“Makes sense.”

“And, Maya, I can’t think of anyone more capable of running the hotel than you.”

Maya paused, speechless for several beats. “Jamie, I don’t know. I’ve got no experience in that type of role.”

“Hear me out,” he pleaded. “You have the education, the skills, the connections, the intuition and the fortitude to do this. If there’s anything you need, I’ll be right there with you. This is a great opportunity for you.”

Maya was silent as she looked everywhere in the restaurant but at him. Jamie felt the tension rise. “Say yes.”

“Jamie.” Maya’s voice lowered to a dangerous whisper, and she leaned across the table. “This is exactly what I was afraid would happen. You’re offering me this position, to run your flagship hotel—”

“That’s right,” Jamie said, unwavering.

“This is a job I want someday, but it isn’t one I’m qualified for right now. What would people say? How am I supposed to know if it’s because I’m actually qualified, or because I’m sleeping with you?”

Jamie saw red. Did she really think that he would risk his business reputation and his integrity to put a person in charge just because he was seeing her? He also leaned forward, but kept his voice even and low. It still appeared as if they were having a pleasant business lunch. “How dare you, Maya. How dare you question my integrity like that. You should know that I do not conduct business with my cock. That’s a dangerous and irresponsible way to run a company. I want you to run the hotel because I know you’re right for the job, not because I’ve been inside of you. Are we clear?” he asked her after a beat.

Maya was speechless for a moment. “Jamie, I’m sorry. I panicked.” She picked up her fork and fiddled with the tablecloth a little. He could almost see the gears turning in her head. Obviously, she was debating the repercussions of what he had asked her. “Do you really think I can do the job?”

He reached across the table in a risky display of affection to put his hand over hers. “I wouldn’t have offered it to you if I didn’t.”

With a large exhale, she nodded. “All right,” she said quietly. “All right, I’ll do it.”

* * *

changed between them when they returned to the office. Maya was more distant. More serious. Would she halt their relationship in light of her promotion? Jamie hoped to hell not. He wouldn’t be able to be near her if he couldn’t have her. When he closed the office door behind them, however, his fears were allayed.

He felt her hand on his behind, giving a firm squeeze. “Hey,” he chuckled, about to turn to her.

“Stop talking,” she commanded, putting her hands on his shoulders as she pushed Jamie down in his desk chair and straddled his lap. His hands ran down her back and cupped her behind. She extricated herself and stood. Her eyes transmitted fire into his. He had never seen such exquisite beauty before him, and he groaned in appreciation of her.

He watched her smile as her saucy pink tongue swept her bottom lip. He wanted that tongue in his mouth, which watered with the desire to kiss her. His eyes dropped from her mouth to her perfect body as she reached behind her back to slowly lower the zipper on her dress. She pushed the cap sleeves from her shoulders and let the dress fall to pool around her stilletto-clad feet.

She stood before him, wearing nothing but a blue bra, matching lacy panties and black heels. The sunlight from the wall-sized window behind the desk lit her skin. She walked toward him and dropped to her knees between his spread legs. Her fingers made quick work of his belt, and she unfastened his pants.

“Maya, you don’t have to do this,” he rasped.

“I’m doing this because I want to. Not because you offered me a job.” She paused for a beat. “Are we clear?” She looked up at him from under her long eyelashes as she repeated his earlier words.

“As crystal.” He nodded.

“And I don’t ever want you to think that. Anything we do on this side of our relationship is because we want to, right?” She tugged on his waistband, and he lifted his hips in compliance so she could bring his pants lower. “And not because of business.”

When his boxers reached his thighs, his cock sprang free. She licked her lips and pressed a chaste kiss to the head. Not taking his eye off her, he breathed out quickly, and when her lips parted over the crown, taking him into her mouth, he couldn’t stop the shudder that captured his entire body.

“God, Maya,” he groaned, wrapping a fist in her hair, and was torn between letting her set the pace and taking complete control to force himself deeper.

She hummed as she went lower, taking all of him in her mouth. The vibration racked through his body. As she continued her work in his lap, Jamie realized as he watched her, that he was in trouble. He had never felt this way about a woman before. He was falling in love with her.

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