In the Dark (11 page)

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Authors: Alana Sapphire

BOOK: In the Dark
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Eleven years later


Time is my enemy, absolution my craving.

Can I find redemption before there is no chance to turn back?


I glance at the world clocks lining the walls, their incessant ticking echoes through the building.

“Anything else I can help you with, Mrs. Marino?” The bank cashier secures the last stack of cash in my briefcase before pushing it over the counter toward me.

As I reach for the handle, I notice my five-and-a-half carat diamond wedding ring sparkling in the daylight.  It shines through the glass roof of the bank catching the cashier’s eye, distracting him momentarily.

My lips curve up into a perfected superficial smile. “No, thank you. That’ll be all.”

I step back from the counter and turn left toward the exit. The rhythmic click of my heels on the cream marble floor reminds me what little time I have left to pull this off.

Fifteen seconds.

Ten seconds.

Five seconds until he makes a call to an unsuspecting Mr. Marino.

The electronic doors to the bank open automatically and the cool city air welcomes me with relief. Chancing a last look at the bank cashier’s desk where I stood just a moment ago, I see the phone attached to his ear. His brows furrow as he speaks to the person on the other end of the line.

Two burly security guards appear in the corner of my vision and my adrenaline spikes, flowing through me so fast my heart thumps wildly in my chest. Their eyes undress me hungrily, their obvious interest in my appearance outweighing that of the bucket load of cash I’m carrying.

A rumbling exhaust sounds outside and I smile. A combination of relief swirls with excitement as I subtly hurry my ass into the passenger seat of the black Lamborghini, which pulled in. My door shuts with a loud thud and we’re off.

Oliver weaves in and out of the New York City traffic like a pro and finally, when we’re far enough away from the bank and stopped at a red light, I turn to him.

A forced smile graces his flawless face and his knuckles start to return to their normal color after holding the steering wheel in a death grip. “Mrs. Marino.”

I roll my eyes while pulling back the short bob-cut black wig off my head. Shaking out my hair, I throw the wig in the back seat and rip the ridiculous diamond off my finger. I drop it out the window of the car. “Thank God, that’s over.”

Reaching forward, I dial numbers into the keypad on the car’s dashboard and a dial tone sounds through the vehicle.

Picking up the line, a deep voice answers, “Talk to me.”

My hands tighten around the black case in my lap. “It’s done. Money’s been wired to the offshore account you have the details for. You’ll find all your millions there. I took the liberty of taking out my cut. But Enzo, you better get to those tapes. If he finds out–”

I’m cut off by his sharp voice piercing the air. “He won’t. It’s already taken care of. Nice job. You’re good. I’ll give you that,” he responds, his tone filtered with amusement.

A shudder ripples through me and I grit my teeth. “Get those charges dropped, Enzo. Or I’ll make sure you lose your mafia princess for good.”

I end the call, cutting Enzo off. Falling back into the comfortable leather of Oliver’s car, I exhale a long, slow breath.
Finally, we can put this life to rest.

Closing my eyes, I block everything out and revel in the silence I know won’t last.

“You were cutting it fine there, Linds. That was too close.”

I twist my neck in Olly’s direction to find him glancing at me, eyes tight and full of concern. I know what he’s thinking.

My heart slows to a relatively normal pace and I reach across to cover his hand with my own. I squeeze reassuringly. “I know. No more now, Olly. We’re done.”

“Yeah, babe, you said that last time, too.”

My insides twist with nausea, the noose around my neck tightening.

How long until the chair is pulled out from beneath me?



**End of excerpt**


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Release Date – February 4, 2016

Copyright © 2016 LeAnn Ashers







Looking around the clothing store, I can’t shake the feeling of someone watching me. Shrugging my bag up higher on my shoulder, I walk around the rack of clothes just as a loud bang comes from behind me. Startled, I jump and turn around. A man stands a few feet away from me. I give him a kind smile then make my way over to the next rack. I look through the shirts trying to find my size when I see movement in my peripheral and notice the man is lurking closely by. I scan the area nearby, taking notice of the tattoo that covers half of his face. It’s a gang symbol, one I recognize from the graffiti that marks up half of the buildings on the West side of town.  The look in his eyes is angry, hateful as he stares. Acknowledging his presence, I pass him an uneasy smile as I dip my head to my chest and set the shirt I was eyeing back on the rack. My senses are escalating, shouting DANGER! DANGER! DANGER! 

I make my way toward the exit, taking casual strides as not to draw attention to myself. But once my feet pass the threshold of the store, I pick up the pace, hurrying to my car. Reaching into my purse, I clutch my phone in my hand then glance over my shoulder quickly. Shit! He’s stepping off the sidewalk and heading in my direction.

Don’t panic, Sydney
. Calmly, I dial my brother’s number.

“Hello?” My brother picks up on the third ring.

“Ethan, I’m being followed.” I sound panicked even to my own ears.

“What? Where are you?” he shouts.

“Downtown at the new clothing store.” I peek over my shoulder cautiously and see that the tattooed man is still following.   Sucking in a sharp breath, I walk around my car and head back toward the store, knowing that stopping to get in my car isn’t a good idea.

“What do I do, Ethan?” I whisper.

Three rough taps peck at my shoulder. My body stiffens. Gripping my phone tighter, I slowly turn around to face the man. “Gotcha!”  He chuckles and makes a move toward me. His hands claw at me but I jump back and take off running. His heavy boots slap the ground behind me.

“Sydney!” Ethan yells into the phone just as fingers thread into my hair, and with a hard yank my head hits the concrete with a smack. My phone slips out of my hand from the impact and slides across the ground. Digging my heels into the asphalt, I attempt to push myself up to a standing position. He tightens his grip on my hair, dragging me across the ground between two cars.

I dig my nails into his large hands, tearing at his flesh as I squirm and pull with all my might. He grunts and loosens his hold on me for a split second before ripping my hair from his grip. Despite how painful it is, I’m loose. Tattered strands of hair fall to the ground.

Grabbing the handle of the car behind me, I lift myself up to my feet. Everything is a blur and dark spots cloud my vision. Chuckling brings me out of my stupor. My gaze shoots over to the man as he closes the distance between us.

“Feisty. I like it.” His voice is husky and dark. 

Fear rattles my chest and I try to take a step back, but his heavy fist lands across my face. Pain shoots up my jaw and through my mouth. My body sways. Stumbling, I fall to the ground, landing hard on my butt. His body lands on top of mine and pushes me down on my back. His legs go on either side of my waist, pinning me beneath him. His unforgiving knuckles pound at my chest, neck, and face. I pull my forearms up to protect myself instinctively, but it’s no use I’m a fragile doll compared to his strength. His assault is brutal and feels endless. Disoriented and helpless, I feel a deep lull from the blows to my head. He brings his fist back to deliver another ruthless blow, and bright crimson catches my eye. That’s when I feel it—the sensation of blood trailing down my cheek.

Snap into it, Sydney! Fight back!!
My inner strength shouts at me, gaining my attention. My fight or flight kicks in, and I inhale a painful breath and begin to kick, scratch, and punch anyway I can. I drill my fist into his junk then with all my might, I kick my knees up into his back. He falls to the side and shouts a slew of obscenities as he clutches himself, writhing in pain. His legs are still locked around my waist, but I’m free enough to lean forward. I jab my elbow into the side of his face then buck him off my body.

Quickly, I grip the hood of the car beside me and pull myself up off the ground, trying to catch my breath to call for help.
How the hell has nobody heard my attack?
   My body aches with every inhale of breath, each stretch of a limb.  His iron like hand clamps onto my calf, and in a panic I blindly kick my foot out. A loud crack followed by a husky scream pulls my attention down to my attacker. He releases my leg and cups his nose as blood flows freely between his knuckles. My escape within reach, I turn and run back towards the mall.

My adrenaline courses through me at lightning speed. I don’t watch for passing cars or bystanders as I approach safety. Rushing up to the sidewalk I take a backward glance to make sure my attacker isn’t behind me when I stumble forward and my face smashes against something hard. Strong hands grip my shoulders and pull me up to my feet. I thrash my small fists forward, hoping to connect with my attacker.
How did he close in on me so quickly?
My breathing is labored, and I dart my head around wildly looking for the man. He pops around the side of the car and starts toward me. Jerking back, I try to dislodge the hands from my arms.

“Please!” my sob is broken and breathless.

I feel his warm breath against the shell of my ear as his grip tightens around me. “Sydney!”

Suddenly my feet are placed against the ground. When my eyes meet his, all the air seizes from my chest. His eyes are hard and devious, but not at me. I know this man. He’s my brother’s friend. He gently grabs my waist and thrusts me behind his body then charges at my attacker, forcing him to the ground. The attacker’s head smashes against the pavement as his foot comes back and kicks against his skull.

The man makes a garbled sound as his body stills, but Kane’s kicks continue. I know if Kane doesn’t stop, he’ll kill him.

“Stop!” I scream.

Much to my surprise, he stops mid-swing. Sucking in a much needed breath, I crumble to the ground as shock consumes me. My whole entire body shakes uncontrollably, harsh sobs wracking through my chest. Clasping my hands together and wring them tightly in an effort to control them.
Did that really just happen?
To me
? Resting my elbows on my legs, I hold my head between my hands and try to comprehend what the hell just happened to me. Did I really just almost get kidnapped? Raped? Worse? Shaking my head in disbelief, I look over at my attacker lying on the ground. 

“Are you okay?” a deep voice asks.

Looking up, I see Kane kneeling beside me. I nod yes then hug my arms to my chest to hide my trembling hands.
I’m not okay, not at all.

His hands tug at my chin until I’m looking up at him. His eyes are full of concern and I know he doesn’t believe me. He takes off his shirt and presses it to the cut on my head and brushes the hair out of my face. His gentle care and concern snaps all the control I have left. A sob escapes and the dam breaks.

A second later I’m hit with his warmth. His arms wrap around me, and my face is pressed hard against his chest. He lifts me onto his lap with both arms wrapped around me tightly.

“Shhh, it’s going to be okay. I got you,” his deep voice sooths. Relief washes over me knowing I’ve been saved, still the tears continue to fall. 

The moment is interrupted by the sound of sirens blasting in the wind and tires screeching to a halt.

“Sydney!”  My head shoots up at the sound of Ethan’s voice. Climbing from Kane’s lap, I run straight toward my brother and slam into his chest. He lifts me off the ground and holds me tight.  I whimper in pain, and he places me back on the ground.

“You took a couple years off my life, Sydney! Don’t ever fucking do that again, you hear me?” His stern voice makes me choke out a strangled laugh.
Delirious, obviously.

He studies my face as he takes in my injuries, and suddenly his demeanor shifts and his eyes grow dark.

“What did that fucker do? He. Is. Dead,” he grounds out between his teeth.

I look over at the man lying on the ground being handcuffed by an officer, and Ethan charges toward him. 

“Stop, man!” Kane rushes over and pulls Ethan back.

“Kane?” my brother asks in shock as he shoves Kane’s hand off his shoulder.

“Ethan, stop! He saved me!” I shout.

Kane confirms my words with a quick nod toward Ethan. He looks down at the attacker then back to me then to Kane, and he suddenly connects the dots. He pulls Kane into a one armed hug.

“Thank you, brother.”

A hand clasps over my shoulder, and I shout as I jump back.

“Woah, Sydney! It’s Chase.” Chase thrusts his hands up, palm out. “It’s just me! Calm down. You’re safe now.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just a little jumpy,” I tell Chase guiltily.

“It’s okay, baby girl.” He gives me a sympathetic smile. “We need to get you checked out by the EMT.” He motions over his shoulder to the two paramedics pulling a gurney from the back of their ambulance.

I nod my head slowly, then look up at Kane who is watching me intently. My adrenaline washes away like the sands on the shore. Suddenly the ground shifts and everything blurs. Gripping my head that feels two tons, I fall to the ground not able to support my weight. “Sydney!” Ethan’s voice sounds distant as it echoes through my mind. Heavy footfalls and shouting surround me, then hands wrap around my arms and legs, lifting me up off the ground. The pitch black solace of my mind pulls me deeper and deeper as the darkness cloaks me. 


**End of excerpt**





LeAnn Ashers Sweethearts (Street Team)




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