In the Earth Abides the Flame (73 page)

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Authors: Russell Kirkpatrick

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Fuirfad (Foo-ir-fadd) aka Realm of Fire, Way of Fire: The lore and religion of the First Men, teachings which enabled them to follow the Most High. [FM fire path]

Furist (Few-rist): Arkhos (leader) of the House of Landam in exile, founder of Sarista. [FM to be admired] 

Furoman (Foo-row-man): personal secretary to the Appellant Division of the Council of Faltha, headed by Saraskar of Sarista. [ST right grasp]

Gap, the: Narrow pass between Aldhras Mountains and The Armatura, linking Faltha and Bhrudwo.

Geinor (Gay-nor): Adviser to the king of Nemohaim, one his oldest counsellors; father of Graig. [NM charity]

Ghadir Massab: City of the Sanusi, fabled city of gold, a trading centre and slave market on the shores of B'ir Birkat in the Deep Desert. [S oasis at the river mouth]

Ghellol: Capital city of Tabul and site of the largest gold mine in Faltha. [FM gold hole]

Qolden Arrow, Book of the: One of the Five Lost Books; a book of law.

Graig (Grayg): Soldier in the Nemohaimian army, son of Geinor the counsellor. [NM spear]

Great Harlot: Perjorative Escaignian name for Instruere.

Great South Road: The Straux section of the road between Instruere and Bewray, die major road to the south-western kingdoms.

Great Southern Mountains: Wide mountain chain separating southern Bhrudwo from unknown lands.

Grossbergen (Grohss-berr-gin): Range of the Jawbone Mountains, from which Styggesbreeen flows. [FM large mountains]

Haj Kahal (Harzh Kar-harl): The summer gathering of the Sanusi at Ghadir Massab; part trading, part fair, part sport. [S summer journey]

Hal Mahnumsen (Hell): Youth of Loulea, adopted older son of Mahnum and Indrett. A cripple whose name is seemingly ironic. [FI whole, hale]

Hamadabat (Har-mard-ah-bat): Northern province of the Sanusi, between B'ir Birkat and the Veridian Borders. [S desert mountain]

Hands, Book of the aka Book of the Clasped Hands: One of the Ten Books of Dhauria, lost soon after the Flood.

Haputa (Ha-poo-tah): Mythical warrior of the Mist, involved in many creation legends, including the story of the Watercarrier. [M the maker]

Haufuth (How-footh): Title of village headmen in northern Firanes. [FI head]

Haurn (Hown): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located north of Asgowan. Annexed by Sna Vaztha in 1006. [FM horn]

Hauthius (How-thee-yoos): Scholar of Dhauria, author of the Sayings of Hauthius. [FM head scholar]

Hawkshead: Mountain of southern Nemohaim, part of the Almucantaran Mountains; supposedly Kantara is to be found on its slopes.

Hayne (Haynn): Young man from Loulea Vale, training under Kurr to be a Watcher. [CT grain farmer]

Helig Holth (Hay-ligg Holth): Huge sinkhole on the edge of Clovenhill, on which the fortress of Adunlok is built. Venerated by the Widuz as the mouth of Mother Earth. [WZ holy mouth]

Hermesa (Her-may-sah): Girl of Loulea, friend of Stella. [FI interpreter]

Hermit, the: Man of Bandits' Cave, drawn south with the Company.

Herza (Her-zuh): Mother of Stella, wife of Pell, woman of Loulea Vale. [FI choice]

Hinerangi (Hi-nay-rang-ee): Daughter of the paramount chief of the Children of the Mist, brother of Te Tuahangata. [M skysong] 

Illyon (Ill-yon) aka Freckle: Escaignian woman who helps rescue the Company, and accompanies the Arkhimm southwards. [ST harbinger]

lmzad (imm-zhad): single-stringed violin favoured by Sanusi tribesmen; originally a Bhrudwan instrument. [S one string] 

Inch Chanter (Inch Charn-tuh): Treikan walled town, hunting and farming community in Old Deer. [OT small song] 

Indrett (Inn-dritt): Woman of Loulea, formerly of Rammr, married to Mahnum. [FI right hand]

Inmennost (In-men-ost): Capital city of Sna Vaztha and seat of the descendants of Raupa, Arkhos of Leuktom. Greatest of the northern cities of Faltha. [of uncertain origin] 

Inna (In-nuh): Northern of two villages founded on an island in the Aleinus River, coalescing into Instruere; also one of the three main gates to the Great City. [FM within]

Inner Chamber aka Chamber of Debate: Small meeting hall, an annexe of the Hall of Meeting, where the Council of Faltha meet. 

Instruere (In-strew-ear) aka Great City: Largest city in Faltha and seat of the Council of Faltha. [combination of Inna and Struere, together forming the OF word meaning to instruct]

Instruian Guard: Soldiers under the control of the Council of Faltha, charged with keeping the peace in Instruere.

Insusa (In-soo-suh): Girl of Loulea, friend of Stella. [FI warmth]

Inverell (Inn-vuh-rell): Town on the Westway in the Bannire, the unclaimed lands between Treika and Deuverre. [WZ distance between]

Iron Door: Door guarding the entrance to the Outer Chamber of the Hall of Meeting in Instruere, where the Council of Faltha meet.

Jasweyah (Jarss-way-uh): Mountainous kingdom in southern Bhrudwo. [OB look over]

Jawbone Mountains aka Tanthussa: Main mountain chain of Firanes (rare form Tanthussa derived from FM teeth).

Jethart (Jeh-thirt): Heroic figure of western Treika, hated foe of the Widuz, now an old man. [OT bright hunter]

Joram Basin (Jaw-im): Deep cirque-like basin set between the Sentinella at the head of the Vale of Neume. [FM jewel]

Jugom Ark (Yu-gum Ark) aka Arrow of Yoke: Flaming arrow loosed by Most High at Kannwar, severing his right hand and sealing his doom. Symbol of unity for Faltha. Name derives from 'yoking together' like oxen. [FM yoke arrow]

Kanabar (Can-a-barr): Wide inland steppes in southern Birinjh, a province of Bhrudwo. [OB sulphur brown]

Kannwar (Cann-wah) aka the Destroyer: Original name of Destroyer, means Guardian of Knowledge. [FM hen-ward]

Kantara (Can-tah-ruh): Legendary castle in the sky which comes down to earth once in a thousand years. [FM thousand]

Kaskyne (Kass-kine): Capital and largest city of Redana'a. One of the Sixteen Kingdoms; situated on a hill above the southern banks of the Aleinus River at the head of Vulture's Craw. [FM short rapids]

Kinnekin (Kin-ee-kin): Largest town of southern Westrau, five days' walk south of Instruere. [ST connection]

Kroptur (Crop-tuh): Seer and Watcher of the seventh rank, lives on Watch Hill near Vapnatak. [FM spell'Caster]

Kurr (Cur) aka Kurnath: Man of Loulea, formerly from the south. Reflects ironic naming practices of Straux. [OF ill-bred dog, perh. from FM grumbler]

Landam, House of (Lan-dam): One of the four great houses of the First Men. [FM house of earth]

Lanka (Lan-kuh): Tall, thin youth from Brookside. Nickname. [CT lanky]

Leith Mahnumsen (Leeth): Younger son of Mahnum of Loulea and Indrett of Rammr. Name carries sense of putting aside the past. [CT forgetful, lethargic]

Lennan: (Len-nin): A young thief of Instruere, imprisoned in The Pinion. [ST cheeky]

Lifeblood River: River of southern Faltha whose headwaters are the Thousand Springs. Flows through the Deep Desert and into Saris ta.

Longbridge: The mile-long bridge connecting Instruere with Deuverre. Its southern counterpart is Southbridge.

Long-hair: Nickname for Wiusago, Prince of Deruys.

Lonie (Low-nee): Youth of Loulea, girl who is friend of Hermesa. [FI a gift]

Lore, Hall of: Centre of learning in Dona Mihst; latterly a major building in Instruere.

Lornath (Lorr-narth): Man of Sivithar in northern Straux, father of Kurr. [ST loremaster]

Losian (low-si-yin): Properly those who left the Vale of Youth before the fall, forsaking the Most High; popularly, all those races of Faltha who are not First Men. [FM the lost]

Losian, Song of (Low-si-yin): Ancient document recording all those who left the Vale of Youth before the fall of the First Men. [FM the lost]

Loulea, village, Vale (Low-lee) aka Louleij: Small coastal village in North March of Firanes, set in vale of same name. [CT low lea]

Ma Clothier: A thief and vagabond, she stole from the markets of Instruere and ran a gang of young thiefs who stole to order.

Maghdi Dasht (Marg-dee Darshht) aka Lords of Fear: One hundred and sixty-nine feared Bhrudwan warrior-wizards. [OB Heart of the Desert]

Mahnum (Marr-num): Trader of Loulea, son of Modahl, married to Indrett. [FI man, human]

Maendraga (man-drag-uh): A middle-aged man of the Vale of Neume, the Guardian of the Arrow; his name follows the tradition of naming guardians after species of plants found in the Vale. [FM holy man]

Marabout (mar-ah-boo): Sanusi holy man, whose words must be obeyed in Ghadir Massab and other cities. [S holy man] 

Maremma (Muh-rem-muh): A vast low-lying area in the Centre Plains of Faltha, in the countries of Straux, Deuverre and Asgowan. [FM death swamps]

Mariswan (marr-ih-swan): Huge birds now extinct. The Jugom Ark is fletched with mariswan feathers. [FM majestic fowl] 

Mariswan, Book of the: One of the Five Lost Books; listing those rejecting the Most High; also known as the Book of Losian. 

Meeting, Hall of: Largest building in Faltha, the place of public gatherings in Instruere; latterly the home of the Council of Faltha. 

Mercium (Merr-see-um): Capital city of Straux, the second-largest city in Faltha, on the inland edge of the Aleinus Delta. [AS merchant]

Midwinters' Day: Midwinter celebations, held in northern Faltha, asserting the coming of spring.

Mist, The, aka Hinepukohurangi: Forested lands between Deruys and the Valley of a Thousand Fires, often cloaked in mist; home to the Children of the Mist, considered losian by the First Men. 

Mjolkbridge (Myoulk-bridge): Town in inland Firanes, on the southern bank of Mjolk River. Site of the last bridge across the river. [OF milk]

Modahl (Mow-darl): Legendary Trader of Firanes, father of Mahnum and grandfather of Leith and Hal. 

Mossbank Cadence: Complex set of rapids on the Mossbank River, part of the Southern Run; considered to be impassable by canoe.

Mossbank River aka Fenbeck River: Tributary of the Sagon River, drains most of eastern Withwestwa Wood. Most High: Supreme god of the First Men.

Mulct (Mullkt): Town of southern Nemohaim, on the banks of the Neume River; home for a time of Bewray. [FM broken ground]

Myrvidda (Mire-vid-duh): Vast interior moors of northern Firanes. [FN swampy moor]

Nagorj (Nah-gorge): Southern upland province of Sna Vaztha immediately west of The Gap. [OSV north gorge]

Namakhzar (Nar-mark-zar): Town and province of the Sanusi, on the Lifeblood River near the border with Sarista. [S spice array]

Nemohaim (Nee-moh-haym): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, set on the southern Bay of Bewray. Once home to Bewray, guardian of the Jugom Ark. [FM new home]

Nena (Nen-ya): Wife of Maendraga the Guardian, originally an Aslaman but was exiled. [P blossom]

Nentachfci (Nenn-tach-key): Unit of currency used by the Sanusi; roughly equivalent to a month's wages. [S cold month]

Neume, Vale of (Noome): Valley in the Almucantaran Mountains, in southern Nemohaim; supposed location of Kantara. [FM numinous]

New Age: Calendar of Faltha, the first year of which was the Destroyer's supposed defeat by Conal Greatheart.

Nimanek (Nim-uh-neck): Vartal's lieutanant and one of the four Bhrudwan warriors. [OB auspicious]

Nordviken (Nord-vie-kin): Southern port of Firanes, at mouth of Kljufa River. [FI northern raider]

North March: Area of Firanes bounded by Iskelsee to the north, Wodhaitic Sea to the west, the Fells to the east and the Innerlie Plains to the south.

Otane-atua (oh-tar-nay-ar-too-ah) aka Giantwood: Forest near the border between the Mist and Deruys, scene of a battle between them; also a village. [M god forest]

Outer Chamber: Main meeting hall in the Hall of Meeting, site of public gatherings in Instruere.

Parlevaag (Parl-ih-vagg): Fenni woman captured by Bhrudwans, slain by Widuz warriors. [FN storyteller]

Pei-ra, the (Pav-rah): A losian race from the mountains of southwestern Faltha, driven out of their home of Astraea by the First Men. [P the people]

Perdu (Purr-do): Mjolkbridge hunter rescued from death by the Fenni, now serving them as interpreter. [FI in hiding] Phemanderac (Fee-man-duh-rack): Scholar of Dhauria who leaves his homeland to learn the whereabouts of the Right Hand. [FM the mandate]

Philosophers, the: The senior members of the School of the Prophets in Dhauria.

Pinion, The: Longhouse in Instruere, houses the Instruian Guard. Notorious for its dungeon, known ironically as the Pinion Inn. 

Piskasia (Pisk-ay-zha): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located south of Sna Vaztha along the banks of the Aleinus. [FM fish land]

Plafond (Pluh-fonnd): Capital city of Deuverre, at the western end of the basin formed by the Central Plains of Faltha. [FM plate lip]

Plonya (Plonn-yuh): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located between Firanes and the wild Widuz country. [FM floodplain] 

Pohaturoa (Poh-hart-oo-row-ah): Sacred mound on which the reconciliation between Deruvian and the Mist-Children was foretold. [M sacred hill]

Porveiir, Mount (Pour-vay-er): Huge volcanic dome, intermittently active, on the western margins of the Wodranian Mountains in Favony. [FA pourer]

Presiding Elder: The head Elder and ruler of Escaigne; formerly a high-ranking Watcher. The current Presiding Elder is named Feerik.

Prosala I (Proh-sar-lah) Firanese king, gained the throne on the death of his father in 1020, died in 1030. [FI procession] 

Pyrinius (Pie-rinn-ee-yoos): Dominie (teacher) of Phemanderac, expert harpist and scholar of Dhauria. [FM fire servant] 

Qali (Karl-ee): A type of snow, dry and light, and by association the name of the northern god of winter. [FN dry snow] 

Rammr (Ram-ir): Capital city of Firanes and seat of the King. [FI straight]

Raupa (Rau-puh): Arkhos of the House of Leuktom in exile, founder of Sna Vaztha. [FM royal one]

Raving King of Deruys: Nickname by which the King of Deruys is widely known, attributed to his cryptic speech. 

Redana'a (Re-dar-na-ah): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, an inland country on the southern bank of the Aleinus River, hemmed in by the Taproot Hills. [FM red roots] 

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