In the Earth Abides the Flame (74 page)

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Authors: Russell Kirkpatrick

Tags: #Fantasy, #Epic, #Suspense, #Fantasy Fiction, #Fiction

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Refiner, the: Nickname of the Arkhos of Favony and his father before him, ironically given for their ability to turn gold into dross. 

Rehtal clan (Ray-tal): Small clan of the House of Saiwiz, remained in the Vale after all others were exiled. [FM mouse-like]

Remparer Mountains (Remm-pa-rair) aka Ramparts of Faltha, Manu Irion, Man-Eaters: Continental mountain range dividing western from central Faltha. [FM the ramparts]

Reveller's Rest, The: A small inn in Kinnekin, set some distance off the main road.

Rhinn na Torridon (Rinn nar toh-rih-don) aka Tarradale Broads: Coastlands south of Remparer Mountains. [WZ rack of gentle valleys]

Rhynn (Rinn): Arkhos of Asgowan, one of the Council of Faltha. [FM rack]

Right Hand: Mysterious weapon, person or organisation mentioned in prophecy as overcoming the Destroyer. 

Rivals River aka Afon-yr-Eifl: River of central Nemohaim, with a small port at its mouth.

Rock, Book of the: One of the Ten Books of Dhauria, preserved in the School of the Prophets.

Roofed Road: Section of the Westway carved into the side of the Lower Clough of the Kljufa River.

Rubin (Roo-bin): Man of Escaigne, an elder, noted for his baldness. [ST bold]

Saiwiz, House of (Sigh-wizz): One of the four great houses of the First Men. [FM house of the sea]

Sanusi (Sar-noo-see): A desert people who dwell in Dessica, the Deep Desert. Scholars are unsure as to whether they are losian or have come west from Bhrudwo. [S sand men]

Saraskar (Sah-ra-scar): The Arkhos of Sarista, and head of the Appellant Division of the Council of Faltha. [FM sun child]

Sarista (Sah-ris-tah): Southernmost of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha and the last to be settled. Saristrians are dark-skinned. [FM sunlands]

Saumon (Sau-monn): Fishing village in Piskasia, on the eastern bank of the Aleinus River. [FM rainbow fish]

School of the Prophets: The University of Dhauria, in which young men are trained in magic and scholarly arts.

Scriveners, the: Group of copyists employed by the School of the Prophets to guarantee the integrity of the sacred texts; led by Dakru.

Sentinella: Twin peaks of the Almucantaran Mountains in southern Nemohaim, guardians of the Jugom Ark.

Sivera Alenskja (Siv-er-ah Al-enn-skyah): Steep-sided gorge of the upper Aleinus River, south of Sna Vaztha, west of The Gap. [OSV deep sky rapids]

Sivithar (Sih-vih-thar): City on the southern bank of the Aleinus River, in northern Straux, a river port. [AS silver thread]

Sna Vaztha (Snarr Vazz-thuh): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located to the north-east of Faltha. [FM frozen snow]

Song of Dawn: Morning birdsong in the land of the Mist, treated as a ritual of worship by the Children of the Mist.

Southbridge aka Straux Bridge: The bridge connecting Instruere with Straux. Its northern counterpart is Longbridge.

Southern Run: Southern fur trapping route across Withwestwa, the earliest that can be used after the spring thaw.

Steffi (Stef-fill) aka Meall Gorm: Active volcano in Withwestwa Wood, a well-known landmark by the Westway. Place where the Company rescued Leith and Hal's parents. [FM the hood]

Stella Pellwen (Stell-ah Pell-win): Youth of Loulea, daughter of Pell and Herza of Loulea. [CT from the stars]

Sthane (Sthayn): Leader of the smallest clan and member of the Council of Leaders in the Vale of Youth, opposes Kannwar. [FM spine]

Straux (Strouw): Most populous of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located south of Aleinus River on the central plains. [FM wheat field]

Struere (Strew-ear): Southern and larger of two villages founded on an island in the Aleinus River, coalescing into Instruere; also the name of the southern gate of Instruere. [FM instruct]

Sun, Book of the: One of the Five Lost Books; listing those translated into the presence of the Most High.

Tabul (Tah-bull): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, a southern inland kingdom with great mineral resources. [FM table land]

Tanghin (Tang-in): Man from Bhrudwo who joins the Ecclesia; rapidly promoted to one of the Blessed. QS torment] 

Taproot Hills: Mountain range of Redana'a; southern continuation of the Wodranian Mountains. Forms the southern part of Vulture's Craw.

Tapu (tar-poo): An object or activity designated as sacred and therefore forbidden. [M sacred]

Te Tuahangata (Tay Too-ah-hung-ar-tah): Man of The Mist, son of the paramount chief, accompanies the Arkhimm on their journey southward. [M man who journeys]

Ten Books of Dhauria: Ten volumes of philosophy, scholarship and moral argument concerning the Most High and his dealings with the First Men. Five books are known to be held in Dhauria; the location of the other five is not known. 

Teogothian (Tee-oh-go-thee-yin): A levy placed on Dhaurians by the School of the Prophets, designed to support the school. [FM harvest tithe]

Thousand Springs: A cliff-face below the Escarpment in southwestern Faltha, from which groundwater flows in many springs. 

Thunderfalls: waterfall on Aleinus River, near The Gap. Drains the river into the Sivera Alenskja gorge.

Timmis-zao (Tih-mees-zah-oh): Sanusi name for the escarpment running through southwestern Faltha. [S wall of death] 

Tinei (Tin-ay): Wife to Kurr of Loulea. [OF twist]

Torrelstrommen River, valley (Torr-ill-strom-in): Deep river valley in northern Firanes, draining much of Breidhan Moor. [FI torrent stream]

Treika (Tree-kuh): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located between Widuz lands and the Remparer Mountains. [FM forest land] 

Tructa (Truk-tuh): Town in southern Piskasia, on the west bank of the Aleinus River. [FM grey fish]

Truthspell: aspect of spoken magic allowing the speaker to trap anyone who responds to the truth woven into the words. 

Tupuna (too-poo-nuh): Exalted and honoured ancestor of the Mist. [M ancestor]

Tussoci (tuss-sock-ee): Narrow-leaf grass which forms waist-high clumps; suited to semi-arid climates. [FM sharp grass] 

Vale, Book of the: One of the Ten Books of Dhauria, preserved in the School of the Prophets.

Vale of Youth aka Vale of the Chosen: Vale in the south of Faltha to which the First Men were drawn by the Most High. 

Valley of a Thousand Fires: long, narrow land between the mountains of south-western Faltha and the Deep Desert; hot, arid and filled with volcanic activity.

Vaniyo (Var-nee-yoh): Bhrudwan Trader. [MB subtle hands] 

Vapnatak (Vapp-nuh-tack): Largest town in the North March of Firanes. Named after the annual weapontake that took place here in the years of the Halvoyan incursions. [OF weapontake] 

Varec Beach: Fishing village on the coast of North March, Firanes. [FI sea squid]

Vartal (Varr-tahl): Aldannin (head trainer) of the Maghdi Dasht and leader of the four Bhrudwan warriors. [OB sunlight] 

Vassilian (Vass-ill-ee-yin): Town on the Plains of Amare where a battle was fought between Nemohaim and Pei-ra; neither side claimed victory. [NM valiant struggle]

Veridian Borders: Mountain range on the southern border of Straux, separating the fertile Central Plains from the arid lands to the south.

Vertensia (Nee-moh-haym): One of the southern Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, a land of coastal gardens and severe highlands. [FM garden land]

Vindstrop House (Vinnd-strop): Main town of the Fodhram, a trading post on the Mossbank River. [MT wind drop] 

Vinkullen Hills (Vinn-cull-in): Hills to the north of Mjolkbridge, Firanes. [FI shield hills]

Vitulian Way (Vih-too-lee-in): Main street in Instruere, connects the Inna (northern) Gate and Struere (southern) Gate. [ST straightway]

Voicemaster: Bhrudwan adept at Wordweave, someone who teaches others.

Voiceskill aka Wordweave: The magical ability to weave different meanings into the words one speaks, thereby affecting the behaviour of others.

Vulture's Craw: Central gorge of the Aleinus River through the Wodranian Mountains, dividing Piskasia and Redana'a. Wainui (Why-noo-ee): Waterfall in the land of the Mist. [M bigwater] 

Wambakalven (Wumm-buh-cal-vin) aka Womb Cavern: Large cave directly below Adunlok, part of Adunlok cave system. [WZ womb cavern]

Watchers, the: Secret organisation dedicated to protecting Faltha from invasion.

Water-carrier, the: One of the Landstories of the Children of the Mist, concerning Haputa and the formation of the Valley of a Thousand Fires.

Water Chamber: Large reservoir in the Docks area of Instruere, designed to hold Instruian waste until it can be flushed out by the high tide of the Aleinus River.

Wave, Book of the: One of the Five Lost Books; recording the destruction of the Vale.

Wenta, House of (Wen-tuh): One of the four great houses of the First Men. [FM house of wind]

Westrau (Wesst-rouw): One of the two large provinces of Straux, the westernmost and most populous. [AS west wheat field] 

Westway, the: Former main highway east from Firanes to Instruere, now superseded.

Whanau (far-now): Family group amongst the Children of the Mist, can include grandparents and other relations. [M family]

White Palace: Palace of the king of Nemohaim, set on a hill in Bewray.

Widuz (Vi-dooz): Small mountain fastness in north-western Faltha, remnant of a far larger civilisation. [WZ the people] 

Wira Storrsen (Wee-rah Store-sin): Younger son of Storr of Vinkullen, a solid, blond-haired man. [FI wiry] 

Wisent (Wih-sent): Name of the Fenni clan chief's own aurochs. [FN bison]

Wisula (Wih-shill-uh): Senior courtier at the Firanese Court. [FI careful answer]

Witenagemot (Vit-a-narj-mot): Dynastic name of the Raving King of Deruys and his house. [OD soul of the dark sea] 

Withwestwa Wood (With-west-wuh): Extensive boreal forest of northern Plonya; part of the forest that extends across northern Faltha. The name was originally given to the whole continent. [FM westwood, backform of Falthwaite and Faltha]

Wiusago, Prince (Ar-lay-ee-niss) aka Long-hair: Prince of Deruys, younger but only remaining son of the Raving King of Deruys, companion to the Arkhimm. [OD wiseacre]

Wodhaitic Sea (Woe-day-it-ick): Western sea bordering Faltha, specifically that ocean partly enclosed by northwestern and south-western Faltha. [FM hot water]

Wodranian Mountains (Woe-drain-ee-an): Large mountainous area in east central Faltha, home of the Wodrani. [FM water men] 

Wordweave aka Voiceskill: One of the word-based powers wielded by an adept in the Fuirfad. The Wordweave allows the user to weave another meaning into her or his words. 

Workless Day, the: A day of religious observance held once a month in Dhauria, in which the Most High is honoured by people resting from their labours.

Worship, House of: Tall tower of Instruere, a monument based on the Tower of Worship in Dona Mihst.

Yawl (yoll): Small dinghy-like boat used by the fishermen of Firanes. [FI jolly-boat]

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