In the Life (2 page)

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Authors: Will Blue

BOOK: In the Life
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"Ummm… uh." Why am I lost for words again? The man ain’t doing nothing but shaking my hand… while looking at me with those damn green eyes. They are green like an open field of grass and gorgeousness. Shit, snap out of these men and say your name! "Tre. I am Tre."


"Oh aight." And then I shook Morris's hand as well. Okay, I admit it. Curtis was right. I lost all home training and vocal skills around these niggas. However, I will never say that to his damn ass. I refuse. He is not going to start taunting me saying how right he was and how helpless I am. No, sir. I was not going to hear that tune come out of his mouth. As they continued to play their game, I just sat there taking in all their fineness. And to think, I was going to be with them for a whole week. I don't know whether to be nervous or do back flips.


Not much was said while I was downstairs with Morris and Brent… well not with me anyway. They continued to play their game while Curtis and Jay were up there doing whatever. After about an hour and fifteen minutes, they came downstairs all hugged up.


"Hey guys!" Curtis said all chipper. "Tre, did you get to know Morris and Brent?"


"Yeah especially since someone left me to fend for myself for the better part of the day. But that's okay."


"Sorry." He said innocently as Jay held him from behind. "How about I take you somewhere to eat? It will be just you and me. Yeah?"


"Baby, I didn't give you enough to put in your mouth upstairs?" Jay said. Me, Brent, and Morris all sighed.


"You two can both go back upstairs with that shit, b." Morris stated.


"Yes please." Me and Brent said in unison.


"Haters! All of you ain’t nothing but haters. Ain’t that right, baby?" Curtis went for another kiss. Oh my God! Is this how this whole vacation is going to be because if so let me buy a vomit bucket and a blindfold.


"Wow, look at the time. My stomach is rumbling and I could sure use some food. I wish someone could take me get something to eat." My statement seemed to have fallen on deaf ears since Jay and Curtis was still going at it. Catching on to what I was trying to do, Morris chimed in.


"Brent, weren't we supposed to go play ball with Jay today? You know it's the best time of day to go now. Whew, I have been looking forward to some ball with the boys."


"Yeah, me too. What about you, Jay?" Brent said as we all looked expectantly at the couple.


"Baby boy, I think they are trying to tell us something. Go ahead and hang with your boy." Jay gave Curtis smack on the ass as he walked away. Curtis looked back and smiled. Yeah, his ass would like that.


"So what did you think of the fellas?" Curtis asked me as we walked back to the car.


"I will tell you once we get in the car. I said as I walked briskly to his Range Rover. I know Curtis knew what that meant because he started to walk fast too. For those who don't know, it meant I had a few testimonies and praise reports. Once we got to the car, I had to make a smart comment about Curtis' earlier activities. I just had too. "Be careful of how hard you jump up on that seat. From the looks of Jay, I bet he put a hurting on your ass."


"Ha ha." Curtis raised a middle finger in my direction. "It’s funny how people that ain’t getting any like to talk about the ones that get theirs on the regular. It’s almost even sad."


"Whatever. Just put this car into motion." Curtis and I both strapped ourselves in with the seat belts.


"So what did you think nigga?"


"I will tell you once we are down the street." I could see Curtis rolling his eyes at me, but he knew the routine. As soon as we got to the stop sign at the end of the block, I started screaming. "Oh my God, I hate you!"


"Why?" He looked at me laughing.


"You know why, nigga! You have three fine ass, model type men back there and you did not solicit my dating application complete with headshot and questionnaire. And I thought you were looking out for me?"


"Well, you are here now so why don't you do it yourself. However, don't try to set up any appointments with Jay because I will cancel you and the interview my damn self." We laughed and hung out that whole night. The next afternoon would kick off day one of the road trip and a new personal adventure for me.



Chapter 3


Captain's log: Day one of the trip. THIS SUCKS! We are riding in Jay's white Ford Excursion which, just like Curtis' Range Rover, has tinted windows and 22s. As I think about it, I can actually recall when Curtis had Jay's windows tinted for his birthday.


Well anyway, our first destination is Chicago, which isn't that far, I guess, but the seating arrangement in the car makes the ride seem long as hell. Jay drove most of the way and of course Curtis rode shotgun. Then stretching their long legs were Morris and Brent in the row of seats behind them. And finally, in the very back with the luggage and duffle bags, I was fighting for a space to get comfortable, while trying not to get knocked upside the head by a suitcase. Understandably, I am the smallest so me being back here made the most since, but damn! I would much rather be sandwiched in between those two sexy thugs in front of me. Oh if that wet dream could come true!


"Tre, how you doing back there?"
Jay yelled back from the driver's seat.


"Yeah, you have been a little bit quiet back there which is kinda scary." Curtis remarked.


"Oh damn, I forgot that he was back there." Morris went on to say.


"Yeah, I am still back here under the bag of tennis shoes." I was actually just chilling in the back writing. From time to time, I like to write songs, poetry, and short stories. Currently, I was on a story writing kick. I had just about filled up my notebook with ideas, revisions, and new chapters of my latest story.


"But you cool though, right?" Morris said turning back to look at me.


"Yeah. Everything is cool." I couldn't help the shy, goofy grin I probably had on my face when I was replying. If only y’all could see what I was seeing, you would understand and break out the lotion.


Once in Chicago, we stopped at the first hotel that was suitable to everyone's particular taste. Hell, Curtis was paying for me so I didn't care. As long as I didn't have to worry about roaches, rats, or robbers, I was fine. We ended up getting three rooms. Brent and Morris occupied a double bedroom, Jay and Curtis was shacked up in a single, and I had a room to myself. Should I feel alienated here? I mean, don't get me wrong. I actually prefer having my own room to myself, but when everyone pairs off for this trip, I will most likely always be the odd man out.


As soon as we put our stuff down in the rooms, we decided to go get something to eat. We were close to a Chili's so we decided to go there. I guess after a long drive everyone wanted something strong and alcoholic to drink so everyone ordered a cocktail from the bar, well except for me. I was just fine with my water.


"Come on, Tre." Morris commented after the waiter brought all of the drinks to the table.

"You aint getting nothing from the bar?"


"Naw, I am cool." I replied as I looked over to Curtis. He knew where this conversation was going just like I did and his ass was next to me chuckling.


"You are not a drinker, huh?" That is when Curtis could no longer hold in his amusement. He bust out in laughter. Everyone looked around at us with confused smiles on their faces.


"BB, what’s so funny?" Brent asked. "Tre, what’s up? You can’t hold your liquor or something? What's going on?"


"Ummm, I can hold it just fine, but…"


"He is an alcoholic!" Curtis finally managed to say as he tried to catch his breath from all his
laughter. "Baby, you remember when I told you about my friend who drank a whole bottle of tequila and still managed to drive us both back to our apartments?"


"No, you can't mean that was Tre." Jay said looking at me. I guess they think since I am so little, I wouldn't be able to do that. What Curtis didn't know was that as soon as I got home, I passed out on top of the kitchen table. Don't ask me what I was doing on the table in the first place because I don't remember. As the dinner continued, we all chowed down on our courses, but Brent saw something else worth tasting… our waiter. We all had watched them doing this whole flirting game the whole night. It was funny especially when the waiter passed him a note that caused him to excuse himself from the table for about fifteen minutes.


We got back to the hotel after our dining experience and split off into our separate rooms. I would have followed Curtis into his room, but knowing him, he had a little sexual dessert awaiting Jay in their room. I changed out of my clothes and just put on some sleep pants and called it a night. I tried flipping through the television stations, but nothing really seemed interesting. I watched this special on Christina Aguilera, but turned off the television as soon as it was done. Since I was feeling a bit inspired at the moment, I broke out my notebook to finish with my story. I had written maybe a paragraph when there was a knock on the door. When I answered the door, I found Morris on the other end bare chested wearing only a pair of basketball shorts.


"Wassup?" I hope he didn't notice me staring at his abs and pecs. I just wanted to run my tongue all over his body.


"Can I sleep in here with you tonight?"


Picture it. Here I am in my solitude when in steps a chocolate Adonis in my room wanting to spend the night with me. Hell, I ain’t no fool. I didn't ask any questions. I damn near shoved him in the room and tucked him under the covers with a bedtime story and a warm glass of milk! I guess prayer does work after all. Note to self: pray for Will Smith's hand in marriage. And back to the scene at hand!


Morris walked in and laid back on my bed. Once again, I would like to remind the reading audience that the last time I had a nigga in, on, or around my bed, Mariah Carey was fully clothed and Michael Jackson was working on nose job number three. There are Buddhist monks who have seen more action than me lately. Oh, I live a sad, sad life.


"I am sorry to intrude upon your space like this." Hell, intrude me. Intrude me! "Brent is kind of using our room right now." I started laughing.


"With who?"


"The waiter from earlier. My nigga in there right now probably pounding it out. I think that dude wished I could stay and make it a threesome, but I don't get down like that."


Now, if that wouldn't have been a Kodak moment, I don't know what would be. Three sexy, muscle bound men all sweating, humping away on top of tussled sheets. Carnal juices exploding everywhere while they rear back their heads and scream out obscenities. Woo, sorry. I might need a moment. I kinda got this mental picture in my head that I don't want to let go of. And… I'M BACK!


There were a few minutes a small talk and then Morris cut the television back on. He turned to Sports Center on ESPN and I am definitely not a sports person so I went back to my notebook and pen. I had lost my creative flow and was having a little writer's block. Plus, Morris' chest, stomach, and sculpted arms were getting my full attention.


"What you writing up there?" Morris scooted closer to my position at the head of the bed. "Is that a journal?"


"Actually, it's a story that I am writing, but I am kind of at stand still with it."


"Oh really? Well, what is it about? Maybe I can provide you with some inspiration."

Morris licked his sexy full lips. Oooh, that was so sexy.


"I mean, it's just a story." I tried to find a way to describe what the story was without going too much into it. "It's about a bunch of college students that go to a HBCU and their lives. I could explain it, but I don‘t know if I can exactly."


"So can I read what you got so far since you won't tell me anymore?" By now, Morris and I were both side by side with our backs against the headboard.


"Sure if you want. But it’s not finished yet nor do I know if it is any good or not." I looked over at Morris and his beautiful brown eyes were staring right back at me.


"I will be the judge of that." Morris licked his lips again. "So what is your story called?"

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