In the Life (4 page)

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Authors: Will Blue

BOOK: In the Life
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He bent down and kissed me softly on the forehead. His lips then journeyed to my eyelids and next my cheek. His lips felt so good on my skin. I felt drunk off of him. After his lips had blessed my face, he gently kissed me. That had to be the best kiss. I thought they didn't get any better than that. But I was wrong. The next kiss was even better and I got the shivers. Our tongues danced together as our hands explored each other's body. My hand glided over his sculpted back and down to his plump ass. He started kissing my neck and he found spots that had been long forgotten. His mouth found its way all over my body. Everywhere from my nipples to my belly button was caressed with his tongue before he finally made it to my already rock hard dick. He pulled my shorts down to a little above my knees and went to work. I watched as his head bobbed up and down on my dick. Not only was he getting a gold star for the head game, he was turning me the hell on. Just looking at this thug and watching his rugged ass with my dick in his mouth. I was in ecstasy.


"Turn over, baby." He instructed me. Hell, you know I did not hesitate to do what this ebony prince instructed me to do. His tongue said hello to my ass and I started moaning and squirming. Oh my gosh, I was on cloud nine. My cheeks were so moist and open and I wanted more. I don't know when he came out of his underwear, but I felt his dick on me as he started to grind on top of me. I turned over and we started to kiss again. After all of the special attention he had shown me, it was my turn to show my skills. My body so needed everything that was taking place.


He took his time with me once we started having sex. I moaned and told him faster and that I was okay. And that was all that needed to be said. He started attacking my ass with delicious intensity. The feeling of him inside of me was heavenly and I became insatiable. We switched positions, kicked sheets off the bed, and cried out just about every expletive in the book.


When I woke up that morning, I didn't want to move from the bed and away from him. However, I knew that eventually I had to. My trying to get out of bed woke him up. After a few fevered kisses, we had round two in the shower. Talk about the best part of waking up!


When we joined the other's for the continental breakfast downstairs in the hotel, we tried to act as normal as possible. However, I don't know how Curtis picked up on something being different. Was it that I had a glow about me? Was I staring at Morris across the table? Did I still have Morris' dick print across my forehead? I don't know how Curtis knew.


"Tre, come with me to get some more fruit." Curtis said as he got up. I joined him and as soon as we got far away enough from the others, the interrogation began. "Why the hell do you and Morris both got those damn big ass smiles on yall faces? What happened last night?" Curtis looked at me with one eyebrow raised.


"Huh? What happened?" I said back. Although I was dying to tell Curtis, I didn't know if last night was a big deal yet. I mean, of course it's a big deal, but is this any inclination of something else happening between me and Morris? Was this a one-time thing or the beginning of something? I needed to get things sorted out my damn self.


Curtis looked at me with this all-knowing look on his face. I looked back at him, trying to be innocent. "Nothing. It was nothing."


"Then why are you walking funny?" Curtis asked, grinning from ear to ear.


"I am not!" I exclaimed. But, was I though? What I did know for certain was, I still felt that dick.


"Oh you're not, huh? Okay?" And then, BAM! That ass smacked me on the butt… HARD! A small yelp escaped my mouth and I saw the guys look over at us. "You still telling me you didn't get any last night." I couldn't even try to lie anymore. That damn bastard!


"See what had happened was that I was in the room… with Morris… and we were watching television… and… uh…"


"And what?" Curtis was about to crack up laughing.


"And then… then… my clothes fell off!" I held my head down as I started laughing. Curtis joined in with me. For some reason, we couldn't stop and the guys kept looking over at us.


"So, what’s going on between yall now? Are yall talking? What does he think?" Curtis finally grabbed the tongs for the fruit and got him some pineapple and a few grapes. I did the same and picked up a couple of strawberries as well.


"I don't know. I mean, I would like for us to be, but I don't know what is going through his head." Curtis grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back towards our table.


"Well, we are about to find out." I started saying no over and over again. This nigga was about to try and embarrass me. I wonder would they noticed if I just dropped my fruit and ran out the room.


"Morris, so you like my nigga?" I couldn't even look at Morris. Curtis was still holding on to my arm so I couldn't go anywhere. I could hear Brent and Jay start laughing.


"Huh? What happened?" Morris said. Damn, he sounded like me ten minutes ago.


"You heard me. Do you like Tre?"


"Baby boy, come on. You are embarrassing your friend." Jay said. Brent's hoeish ass started asking Morris questions too.


"So you two did something, nigga? When? Last night?" Oh my God, where is a rock for me to crawl under?! I was probably turning beet red. I could not believe what was going on.


"Yes, they did. Ain’t that right, Tre." And Curtis smacked my ass again. Note to self: find a new best friend because I am about to kill the one I got now. "But back to Morris, you like him."


"Yes, I do." Wait. Did I hear what I thought I just heard? I must have because the rest of the group was reacting. I spun around and look towards Morris and the guys. Curtis was still cheesing, Jay had a shocked look on his face, Brent was jabbing Jay in the side, and Morris was looking at me with this sexy grin on his face.


"Huh?" Of all the things I could have said, ‘huh’ was all that could come out my mouth?


"I said I do like you, Tre." I couldn't believe it.


And as the road trip went on, we got closer. We were always together. We started sharing a room on all of our stops and let Brent have the room to himself so he could continue to be the hoe that he is. By the time that we got to California, we were just as sickening as Jay and Curtis were. Poor Brent really got sick. The five of us were on the beach and everyone starting making out and rolling around on the sand.


"Oh, hell no." Brent got up. "I cannot take all of you doing this shit. Hell, I am flying back home." We just all cracked up laughing.


When we got back to Philadelphia, I became so sad. I don't think either one of us had thought about me going back home. This week had been so great and I didn't want it to end. When we pulled up to Morris' apartment to drop him off, I wanted to cry because I was going to leave him soon. My flight back to Alabama was scheduled for the next day. Morris gave me a kiss and a tight hug.


"Babe, I was thinking. Why do you have to go? I mean, you don't have to go quite yet." He stroked my hands as he talked to me.


"But I gotta…" Lord, knows I wanted to stay.


"No, check this out. You can stay here with me. I know you don't have money like that now, but I got you. I will take care of you. Maybe you can even move up here. I know its kinda quick and all, but I can see myself falling for you. And I know you are feeling me too." I nodded as he continued. "Look, you can find a job up here. You said before about how boring Alabama was sometimes. This is your perfect opportunity to get away from it. You would be up here with BB so it's not like you wouldn't have any friends up here. And most importantly, you would be here with me. Don't that sound good, babe?" I nodded my head again. "Just think about it tonight, okay?"


"Okay." I gave him a hug before he got out the car. As he walked away he kept looking back at me and smiling. I made up my mind then that Philly was the place for me.


Chapter 5


Oh, these last few weeks have been so wonderful. Now I know that in all these stories you hear about the most romantic of times and you think to yourself "yeah right", but I am telling you the truth. I am completely happy and Morris is the reason. Every morning, I roll over in bed and look into my soul mate's eyes. That is a powerful thing. You know the idea of meeting your soul mate. That means that you have met the only person in the world that can possibly bring out every emotion in you, whether good or bad. They can take you to the highest of highs where you feel like everything is right and in the world and your every desire is obtainable. And the only thing that they have to do to tap into that power is to look you in your eyes. Oooh, that's some deep shit I am talking about. But yall niggas don't hear me. Yall just want me to tell about how my nigga lays down the pipe. Perhaps like when he came in from playing ball this one time, bent me over the sofa, and snatched off my pants. Then he dove his… naw, you don't want to know that. Do you? Well, back to what really matters.


I stayed with Morris for three days after we got back from the road trip. He had more than sold me on the notion of moving up here to the city of brotherly love, especially since this brotha was getting more love than he had in a while. When I finally did make it back to Alabama, I immediately started packing my stuff. I went to the leasing office and found out what I had to do to break my lease. Since I had only one month left in it, I would have to pay this month's and next month's rent before I moved out plus some other fee. It was no problem though because Morris gave me the money to do it. And yes, I said gave and not loaned me. He gave me close to a thousand dollars. He had won more than a couple of dollars in the casinos that we had hit up in Vegas. And that wasn't the only jackpot he busted. Every now and again we went into the casino's restrooms and did the damn thing. From then on, every time I saw a handicap stall, I couldn't keep my legs together.


I was home only a week while trying to tie up all the loose ends. When it was time for me to come back, Morris flew to Alabama to help me with the drive. I was grateful for that because it was a long one. Well, it would have been a shorter trip if we didn't keep pulling over and having sex. Huh? Yes, I am rubbing the shit in. I am getting some and it feels damn good! My back is getting blown OUT! The dick got me wide open, I tell ya. WIDE OPEN!


So here I am with my baby in the apartment that we now share. He was watching the game as I tried to do some writing. The house phone rang and since it was by me, I handed it to him.


"You know, you can answer that," he said as he looked back with a smile. "You live here now." I smiled back as he took the call. It most have been an important call because Morris lowered the volume on the television and sat up straight. I heard him say a couple "uh huhs" with two spoonfuls of "you're lying" and a dash of "I can't believe it." He had this big grin on his face and he seemed excited. My ass was curious as hell. I tried to listen closely to see if I could piece together what was going on, but there was no such luck.


"Oh my God, babe." He said once he hung up the phone.




"Babe!" He repeated. I could see him shaking a little bit like a child going through a sugar rush.


"What?" I said while I hit him with my notebook.


"Ouch. Okay, okay, okay. Babe, guess what?" A) I don't feel like guessing. B) If he calls me babe one more time without telling me the news…


"I don't know. What?"


"That was my agent calling. He said that I got the part I went for in Cali! Tre, I got it! I got it!" He jumped up and pulled me to my feet. He hugged me tightly as he jumped up and down. I was speechless. Now I was the one who was repeating "Oh my God" over and over again.


"Congratulations, baby. I am so happy for you. I mean, wow! When do you start shooting it? Do you have to go back there right away?"


"I don't know. My agent will call me back with all that information." Morris grabbed the discarded phone and began dialing. "Oh, wait till my folks hear this!" I sat back down on the sofa still stunned. I watched him dance around the room and call everyone he knew. He was happy and I was happy for him.


To celebrate, we went to dinner that night at this Italian restaurant. The mood was so romantic. The lights were low and candles were lit everywhere. Morris hadn't stopped smiling all day. I know his face had to hurt by now. We had come to the end of our meal and decided to split a delicious cheesecake topped with the sweetest strawberries that you’d ever want to taste.

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