Incineration (Heart of Stone) (32 page)

BOOK: Incineration (Heart of Stone)
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We were guided round to the back of the house by an
attendant as we approached the sight of the garden/meadow it took my breath. It
was stunning; a real piece of heaven including a secluded brook.

The garden was decorated with tons of tables, a marque and
lots and lots of tiny fairy lights. There was an extra-long table set up as a
bar and at least three ginormous barbeques were smoking away, the aroma from
the food making my mouth water and my stomach grumble.

“Ava!” Liv shouted and came hobbling over to us “Hey” she
greeted and gave me a hug “Are you okay Ava? Nate told me about your baby, I’m
so sorry” she said softly and I smiled and nodded “Liv, this is my friend
Courtney” I introduced and they greeted each other “Come and get some food
before the guys demolish it all. What is it with men and meat” she whispered
and then she paused “In fact, what is it with women and men’s meat?” she winked
and we all laughed loudly, already relaxing.

She steered us to the bar and we grabbed a drink each and I
piled my plate with steak, coleslaw and salad and went in search of a table.
“So where’s Mason?” Liv asked between mouthfuls and I lowered my eyes “Mason
and I aren’t together anymore” I shrugged and I felt a hand rest on my
shoulder. I turned round to see Nate’s sad smile “I’m so sorry to hear that
Ava. You two seemed perfect for each other” I scoffed “He seemed to be perfect
with someone else too” I laughed bitterly and Livs expression softened and
Courtney huffed “Yeah, let’s just say the bastard tossed Ava’s love and trust
away painfully and horrifically!” Courtney slammed and Livs hand settled over
mine “Oh God Ava, you have really been through it a lately haven’t you” she

Nate reached over and kissed Livs forehead “Have you seen
Beth?” he asked her and she shook her head “She’s working late but she’ll be
coming later with the new boyfriend. I can’t wait to meet him, she seems
smitten” she grinned at Nate with a twinkle in her eye and then turned to me
“My best friend is the female version of a manwhore” she laughed “and at 41 I
thought she would never settle down but, fingers crossed, she finally seems
taken with this new guy” she revealed and we all laughed and then her face grew
a bit serious as her eyes focused on someone in the background

 “Ava sweetheart, I should warn you” she grimaced a little
“Kerrie, Mason’s sister is here tonight. Nate knows her husband so they were
invited. If I would have known I wouldn’t…you know” she apologised “Hey, Liv
its fine. I have a good relationship with Kerrie” she breathed a sigh of relief
“Thank god, I thought things were gonna get ugly” she giggled but I shook my
head, a little tremor running through me at the thought of Kade being here
“Anyway, I better go mingle” she said and heaved herself out of the chair, her
huge belly making the action difficult and Nate grabbed her hands, pulling her
out “Bloody hell big mama” he puffed and she swat his arm “Hey you did this to
me” she scowled  and he grinned and pulled her into a side hug “Oh God Yes! and
I thoroughly enjoyed it” he winked and we all laughed “Typical” Liv chuckled
“See you two later” she beamed and wobbled off.

“She’s lovely” Courtney said as we stood and made our way
over to the bar for refills and Courtney went to refill her plate.


I was stood waiting for the barman to prepare my vodka and
cranberry when hot breath brushed my cheek “Hello again Ava” Kade whispered
huskily and I was sure I could feel his erection against my thigh, my body lit
up in recognition and I clenched my fists. I turned and plastered a fake smile
on my face “Kade” I greeted and his eyes darkened as he took in my appearance.

The only item of Courtney’s clothes that I could squeeze my
large breasts into was a pale knee length green wrap around dress that gave my
cleavage a lot of airtime and knee high cream boots “You look…exquisite” he
licked his lips as his gaze settled on the swell of my chest and the darkness in
his eyes made my knickers wet with arousal. Don’t go there Ava, this man is
Kerries husband and the reminder suddenly filled me with rage

“Where’s Kerrie?” I narrowed my eyes on him in warning but
his lips curved and his smile was anything but chaste “She’s around here
somewhere” he said but didn’t let his eyes move from mine. I smiled tightly and
looked around until I spotted her “Kerrie” I shouted her over and the challenge
in Kades eyes fired my insides

“Ava” Kerrie walked over to us just as Courtney reappeared
with a loaded plate of baked potato “You look familiar” Courtney said to Kade
and pursed her lips but Kade just shrugged “Sorry, I don’t think we’ve met” he
said to her and she pursed her lips, still regarding him…
Oh Shit!!!
caught the humour in Kades eyes as he winked at me and I turned my attention
back to Kerrie as she said something “Sorry, what?” I told her and she smiled
“I asked where Mason was” and I froze immediately and looked away “Ava?” she
narrowed her eyes and I sighed “Me and Mason aren’t together now Kerrie” I said
frankly and she cocked her head and held my hand “Ava, I’m sorry about the baby”
she whispered and I nodded “is that the reason you broke up? Because grief can
bring out a whole load shit in somebody” she said softly as though to make
excuses for Masons behaviour I scoffed resentfully “Oooh no, nothing a simple
as that” I shook my head in disgust “That I could deal with, what I can’t deal
with is your brothers constant need to smash my fucking heart to smithereens” I
snapped angrily and I saw the question in her eyes “What the fuck has he done
now?” she asked sharply and I shook my head “You better ask him Kerrie” I
sighed and Courtney’s hand settled on my arm “Come on Ava, we’re here to have
fun and get slaughtered” she urged and I put on a false smile.

I could feel Kades eyes on me and I gave him a quick stern
glance but his expression shocked me; gone was the lust and desire, and it was replaced
by anger and sympathy “Does that fucking man have to bollocks up everything he
touches” he growled and everyone’s head snapped around to stare at him and he
seemed miles away, but he suddenly shook his head to clear it and shrugged “Well
he does Kerrie, it’s about time he stopped being so damn selfish and thought
about other people’s feelings for a change” he argued and my eyes widened at
his anger and hatred for Mason “Kade please” Kerrie sighed as though it was an
on-going argument between them.

Kade turned to me sharply, his gaze burning into me “What
did he do Ava?” he demanded and I cowered slightly and looked away, my eyes
filling with tears and I bit my lip harshly to stop them from flowing “Ava!” he
insisted and I gulped as I lifted my eyes but refused to look at Kade, so I
locked onto Kerrie’s sympathetic ones “He…he’s” I took a deep breath “He’s
Erm…Damn it!” I raged at myself “Ava, do you want me to tell them?” Courtney
asked gently and I shook my head biting my lip harder and piercing the skin. I
could feel Kades intense gaze on me and I saw his fists clench through the
corner of my eye.

Taking a deep breath I persevered “He’s back on the coke” I
stated and Kerrie groaned and Kade sighed heavily “And Rebecca is having his
baby” I finished to Kerrie’s shocked face and Kades loud growl, luckily nobody
else heard it as the band that was entertaining had set up the sound system and
the speakers squealed loudly. I glanced at Kade and couldn’t read his
expression but his eyes were dark and wild as they pierced me.

“Fuck Ava!” Kerrie breathed “I am so sorry sweetie. I’m
gonna fucking kill him” she puffed “Hey at least you’re gonna make an aunt this
time” I laughed cynically and choked at the same time “Oh Ava” she cried sadly
and I held my hands up, refusing her pity “No! Don’t Kerrie…I’m sorry, I
can’t…I just…” I turned sharply and fled to the house, the need to be alone
filling me up.


I rounded the corner of the house and ran across a lawn, I
found myself in an empty and secluded summerhouse. Plonking my backside on a
futon I sobbed and pulled at my hair in frustration “Why me you bastard” I
screamed into nothing “Why me all the fucking time” I wept into my hands as I
felt an arm snake round my shoulder and pull me in. I gasped when I recognised
Kades scent; the spice and muskiness of it familiar to my senses.

“No!” I snapped and pulled away put he was strong and
refused to let me free and he pushed my head against his chest “Let it out Ava”
he said softly and I pushed at him again “No” I choked but he just held me
tighter “Let me Ava” he pleaded and I choked out a sob and buried my face into
his chest and cried as he drew lazy circles on my back and rested his chin on
the top of my head “Hush Ava, I’m here” he whispered and I gasped as he pulled
me further into him and onto his lap. I shook my head rapidly and tried to
climb off “No Ava” he ordered sharply and his dominance made me stop and he
drew me closer.

He pushed my head into his chest again and we sat in silence
for a long time, I could hear his heavy breathing, inhaling the smell of my
hair as I breathed in his scent.


“Are you okay?” he asked quietly and I nodded “Yes, thank
you” I sighed. His finger rested under my chin and he tipped my head back until
I was looking up at him. His eyes were wild and intense as they dropped to my
mouth and he slid his thumb across my bottom lip as he cocked his head “You’re
bleeding” he scowled as he regarded the blood smeared across his thumb. He
placed his thumb in his mouth and I gasped at the intense arousal that surged
through me, his eyes snapped to mine and his lips parted “Your fucking
beautiful” he rasped “I want you Ava” he whispered as his face edged closer to
mine “I want to feel you writhing in ecstasy underneath me, sweating and
moaning hard as I bury myself in you” he breathed and I groaned and tipped my
head back as his lips settled on my neck working their way up to my chin, his
hot mouth and tongue pressing into my chilled skin “You taste so good Ava, I
knew you would the moment I laid my eyes on you” his mouth was now at the
corner of mine as he planted little kisses and I groaned again, swept away in
the heat of his passion “God Ava” he breathed between kisses as his hand slid
from my waist up to my breast and his fingers traced along the edge of my dress
along the swell of my breast “You have such delicate skin, so pale and soft” he
murmured and then he held his mouth over mine, his eyes penetrating mine.

I could feel the heat of his breath whispering over my lips
and they parted involuntary as my eyes locked onto his. He brushed against my
mouth and then a low growl rumbled through him as his mouth settled over mine.

I had imaged the kiss would be rough and needy and it
shocked me that it was tender and soft, but demanding and controlling at the
same time and he tasted so good that as soon as his fingers slid inside my bra
and brushed my nipple I writhed against the swell of his erection in his
trousers, which made his kiss more intense and insistent, his tongue sliding in
and claiming mine in absolute expertise as he ruled me. He pinched my nipple
and tugged it hard and I groaned loudly “You like that Ava?” he panted against
my lips “Yes” I breathed and my eyes closed as he pulled my dress aside and
clamped his mouth over my nipple through my lacy bra “
 I hissed as
his teeth grazed the rigid peaks “God, you’re so fucking hot” he murmured in
between suckles and his hand rested on the exposed flesh of my thigh, my dress
bunched high and he trailed them softly up my skin as he lifted his face to
mine and kissed me again.

My eyes closed again as his fingers nudged my knickers aside
and slid into me “Oh Fuck Yeah” I groaned and pushed myself into his hand, he
moaned with me as he felt how wet I was “Fuck, you feel good, I can’t wait to
taste you” he rasped.

Kerrie’s face swan into my vision.
  I gasped and flung myself up “What the hell are we doing?”
I cried and he groaned and slid his hands over his face “Calm down” he grated
and stood to rearrange his erection, grimacing slightly at the pain of being so
hard “No Kade, your fucking married. We shouldn’t be doing this” I slammed and
quickly rearranged my dress “Jesus” I yelled, disgusted with myself “Your wife
has fucking cancer and we are making out in a fucking summerhouse. That’s a
little bit sick, wouldn’t you say?” I shouted and he sighed heavily and nodded,
resting his face in his hands “Yeah” was all he said as he walked over to me.

His hand cupped my face gently “I’m sorry Ava. You just…you
do something to me, you know. I can’t get you out of my head” he said softly
“But you’re right, we can’t” he whispered as he kissed my forehead and left,
calmly closing the door behind him.

I slumped back down and steadied my breathing “You are a
fucking bitch Ava” I snarled to myself and rubbed at my neck and taking a deep
breath I left the summerhouse and returned to the crowd.



I strolled slowly back to the party, still disgusted by my
behaviour. The raw sexual attraction between me and Kade was potent but it was
something that we had to bury and never act on. Kerrie meant a lot to me, not
just because she was Mason’s sister but I actually liked her, she was sweet,
honest and genuine and didn’t deserve a cheating husband and an untrustworthy
friend along with the torture of chemotherapy.

I refused to look around for Kade as I spotted Courtney
stood with Liv, Nate and another group of people. 

I wandered over and Courtney turned to me and she smiled
“Feeling better?” she asked with a sly smile as I reached her and I nodded
“Yeah, I’m good” I smiled back and she side huddled me. Liv turned to me
smiling “Hey Ava, let me introduce my friend” she grinned and stood back to
reveal a tall blond haired girl “Beth, this is Ava” she said and Beth smiled
happily to me “Hey Ava, nice to meet you” she grinned and I noticed Kade appear
at Nates side “You too Beth” I smiled back “This is my boyfriend Dean” she said
as she moved aside to reveal a tall brown haired man and my heart stopped.

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