Indisputable (26 page)

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Authors: A. M. Wilson

BOOK: Indisputable
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A few minutes later I pull up beside the hotel and cut
the engine.  Tatum stirs beside me, lifting her shades onto her hair to
look around.  I take a minute to soak her in while she studies the
structure before us.  I told her to get ready before we left so we didn’t
have to waste any time in the hotel.  She’s wearing a pair of black
leggings with gray heeled boots that make her legs look lean and long. 
She has on a flowing, white top that just barely covers the curve of her ass
and a gray sweater on top of it.  Her outfit is such a contrast to her
normal jeans and tees.  She is walking perfection, and if we didn’t have
somewhere to be, I’d drag her into the hotel room and not come out until Sunday

On that thought, I tell her, my voice rough and quiet,
“Wait here.  I’ll be right back.”  She nods, and I climb out to check
us in and drop our bags in our room.  I don’t want to deal with our stuff
later.  Knowing what I have planned, when we get back, the only thing on
my mind will be how to get her into bed as quickly as possible.

I jog back to the car after unloading our things,
excited to get our evening started.

We drive another two miles up the road, and
surprisingly, Tatum keeps quiet.  I know she’s burning with eagerness, but
she knows I won’t spill.  I could guess this girl hasn’t had many
surprises of the positive variety in her life, so I’m not giving in until I can
give one to her. 

I manage to find a parking space in the full lot and
quickly climb out to open Tatum’s door for her. 

“What is this place?” she asks, as I take her hand and
lead her towards the door. 

“You’ll see,” I respond with a wink, and she lets out
the most adorable huff beside me.  She can pout all she wants, but the
anticipation radiating off of her is more than worth her little bit of

The lodge in front of us looks entirely unassuming. 
The outside is all old wood logs and frosted windows, and a chimney sits on the
roof releasing billowing plumes of smoke from the fireplace I know to be

I open the door and lead us both inside the warm
building.  We stop barely inside the door, and I smile over at the angel
beside me as her face transforms from one of confusion to one of pure

My chest swells with pride in the knowledge that
put that look on her face.  Life just handed me another gift.




Oh my God.  My heart beats so quickly, I’m sure
I’m about to keel over in cardiac arrest.  I move in a slow pirouette as
I’m mesmerized by the interior of the wood lodge we’ve stepped into.  It’s
not really a lodge at all, though.  The building is more of an upscale
restaurant and bar, and it has a dance floor! 

The ceiling is all exposed wood beams, which meet in
the corners of the unfinished walls.  The room is rustic and
beautiful.  To my left is the restaurant; tables with white table cloths
and single candles in the center, wait staff in pressed black slacks and crisp
white shirts.  On the right is the bar; a long, lacquered top running
along the length of the wall and lined with bar stools.  The perimeter has
small, two-top tables surrounding the dance floor.  Along the back wall, a
DJ uses his equipment to switch songs.  Between the two sides is a huge
glass encased fire place with a hearty fire roaring quietly inside. 

The place reminds me of a wedding reception. 
It’s warm and romantic and beautiful.  I have never, in my entire life,
been anywhere even remotely close to this.  I’m a bit overwhelmed.

“Are you ready for dinner, Sweetheart?” Jacoby
whispers in my ear, and I jolt at the feel of his warm breath feathering across
my exposed neck.  He chuckles, then grasps my hand, threading my fingers
through the curve of his elbow and leads me to the left.

“Y-yes.  Jacoby, this is, I mean, I’m
speechless.  Thank you for bringing me here.”

He chuckles again and presses his lips against my hair
as we stop in front of a hostess stand at the entrance to the restaurant. 

“You seem a bit shell shocked.  Relax,
love.  Enjoy yourself.” 

I simply nod as I ponder his words. 

When was the last time I really enjoyed myself? 
I could rack my brain for hours and probably wouldn’t come up with
anything.  Well, except one thing.  Him.

My most joyous moments over the last two months have
all involved Jacoby.  Whether it was exchanging knowing glances and shy
grins, relaxing in his embrace, holding hands, cuddling, making love, hell,
even arguing, every moment spent with him has been life changing.  I went
from this bitter girl with a penchant for hurting herself to a vulnerable woman
who is falling in love.  I’ve started to shed the notion that the world is
out to get me.  I’m realizing that the pain, the heartache, the distress
of feeling unloved and unwanted my whole life was entirely worth it if I get to
have Jacoby by my side.


By the time dinner is over, I’m full of delicious food
and completely content with my life.  Jacoby and I shared small conversation
over mouthwatering filet mignon, creamy mashed potatoes, and a winter blend of
steamed vegetables.  We followed the meal with a shared slice of
cheesecake, topped with cherries, for dessert.  I told him about my goals
when I graduate.  He seemed quietly relieved when I mentioned moving away
from this town, maybe even this state.  I was too scared to bring it up
yet, but I’m quietly hoping if I decide to leave, he’ll follow.  

“Dance with me.”

I look up from where I was studying my lap to see Jacoby
standing in front of me, his hand outstretched in invitation.  I put my
hand in his, and he gives me a tight squeeze before leading me out to the dance

Jacoby curls a tendril of my hair around his finger,
seemingly lost in thought for a moment before he twirls us in a slow
spin.  The floor is crowded with people dancing and laughing
together.  Although it’s busy, the place isn’t rowdy, which I
appreciate.  This night is about us, and I’d rather not have it spoiled by
a bunch of drunks.

We move in slow circles, our bodies fluidly
reciprocating the moves of one another.  My fingers lightly play with the
long strands at the back of his neck.  With each spin, I relax more and
more until eventually, I’m floating on air.  The tension from the past few
weeks is suddenly gone.  I feel lighter than ever.  I rest my cheek
against the warm pectoral of Jacoby’s chest, listening to the gallop of his
heartbeat beneath my ear.  This is perfection. 

Jacoby’s hands softly caress my waist as we dance, and
I can’t help but hope that this is perfection for him, too. 

We’ve ridden the ride; a roller coaster of ups and
downs, twists and turns.  We’ve pushed each other away and grasped one
another as a life line.  We’ve fought for what was right and moral, and
when that became too much, we fought against it.  We fought for what was
right in our hearts.  We stopped battling the feelings of the rest of the
world and instead, held tighter to our feelings for each other.  Because
when it comes down to it, the rest of the world doesn’t matter.  Our
feelings are true and real.  We found something in one another we’ve both
been missing, and what can possibly be wrong with finding your other

The answer is: nothing.

When you spend your life living for everyone else, rising
to expectations, and trying not to disappoint, you aren’t living.  You’re
wasting.  Wasting the gift so many others have had tragically ripped away
and cut short.  Live for yourself.  Protect that gift.  Nurture
and cherish it so it can grow and have meaning.

Nearly two months ago I was hollow, with only the
sharp presence of my blade to remind me I was alive.  Jacoby took that
away from me but gave me a gift in return.  He taught me how to

As we gently sway wrapped up in each other’s arms, contained
in our own private bubble, the song dwindles down to the last few notes. 
Jacoby presses his lips to mine in a warm, inviting kiss.  My mind swirls
with a blissfully quiet mist as I feel and touch and taste my hopes and dreams
on his lips. 

He pulls away and rests his forehead against
mine.  We breathe our mingled breaths while gazing into each other’s

“Stay here.  I’ll be right back.”

I hold our spot near the middle of the dance floor
while Jacoby walks up to the DJ.  He speaks to him briefly before coming
back to me and scooping me in his arms.

“What was that about?” I ask as the melodic piano
chords float in the air around us.  Jacoby brings his mouth to my ear and
begins singing the lyrics to Rascal Flatts “I Won’t Let Go” in his deep, rich
voice.  I gasp when he sings the chorus, and his grip tightens around my
waist.  We stay like this, clinging to one another while the music plays.

As the last strains of the song play, and my eyes are
watering with tears, Jacoby sends me away from him in an elegant twirl that has
me giggling.  He pulls me back into his embrace and halts our slow
dancing.  Our eyes lock.  A burning fire of passion is reflected in
his gaze.  The deep brown reminds me of quicksand, and I’m stuck. 
Sinking.  Sinking.  Sinking.

“I wanted to give something to you.  Something
beautiful, something permanent,” he says.  I freeze; my mind a whirlwind
of promises and rings and futures.  What does he mean?  He quietly
laughs, breaking through my panic.

“Not what you’re thinking, Sweetheart.  Not yet,

“Okay, good,” I breathe.  “I mean…it’s

He silences me with his thumb against my lips while
his fingers caress my jaw.

“I know.  It’s too soon for that.  I need to
hear you say you love me first.”  Jacoby grins, and his smile cuts through
my tension.  “What I was going to say was that these past few weeks have
been difficult at times.  We’ve had some rough moments, but we’ve also had
some amazing ones as well.  And in the end, every second I’ve spent with
you has been entirely worth it.  This weekend is about us.  It’s
about showing you that you are loved, and that for as long as you’ll have me,
I’ll be by your side every step of the way.  I’ll fight for you, for
us.  The consequences be damned.  I wanted to give you a memory,
something you’ll keep in here,” he says as he places a hand over my pounding
heart.  He stares intently into my crying eyes as he professes, “I’m

I whimper as he places a soft kiss on the corner of my
mouth before wiping my tears with his thumbs.  “And I’m yours, Jacoby.”

He smiles a breathtaking grin at me and wraps me in
his arms.  “That’s all I’ll ever ask for.”




A dream.  That’s what my life feels like these
days.  The kind of dream that comes between sleep and awake, where you
know you’re dreaming but everything feels so damn real.  If someone were
to pinch me, I’m certain I’d wake up. 

But it’s not a dream.  The past two months have
definitely been real life.  I still can’t understand how I ended up lucky
enough to find someone as perfect as Tatum. 

Our relationship has been life changing; for the both
of us.  My past is still reflected around me when I remember why I moved
here, but the guilt doesn’t weigh as heavily as before.  Tatum has helped
me with that.  Her thoughtfulness, her words, her very essence has helped
guide me back to the light.  I still have my moments; a nightmare here or
there after we’ve talked about it.  But when I wake up from thrashing
around in my sleep, I have Tatum’s warm body there to comfort me.  Her
soothing whispers carry away my pain.

She’s been remarkably strong as well.  Only a
week and a half has passed since she told me she wanted to stop, and not once
has she needed to hurt herself.  I’ll catch her eyes drift to the bands
she still wears as shields on her wrists while we watch TV or lie in bed. 
I know she’s thinking about the marks there, possibly even remembering. 
But she’s strong.  I know she would come to me before she hurt herself
again.  She had her first counseling appointment on Monday, and I’m
confident with her newfound support system, she can beat the ghosts of her

Today is Wednesday, and I’m sitting in my classroom
first period correcting tests.  Or trying to.  My thoughts keep
drifting to the weekend we shared, to the way Tatum secured her place in my
heart by declaring she’s mine.  No sweeter words have ever been

After we left the lodge, we spent the rest of the
weekend in our hotel room wrapped up in bed.  It was pure bliss. 
Every day following seems to be more and more difficult to keep our
distance.  I know we’re pushing the limits, but we just can’t stop. 
It’s an addiction with the highest power to control our mind and our hearts.

The bell rings, and the hallway fills with sounds as
students leave first period to head to their second class.  As students
begin trickling in, I can’t help the pang of longing I get when Tatum’s face
doesn’t appear.  I miss the days she sat on her stool scowling at me, and
bickering, and defying me with her phone.  Mostly, I miss getting to see
her twice a day.  I think we need to have an impromptu lunch date. 

I quickly type out a text just as the warning bell rings. 
Meet me in my room for lunch.

“Okay, class.  I have your tests corrected. 
We’re going to review so I can answer any questions.”  Only two hours to




A soft knock sounds on the door five minutes into
lunch period, and a small smile tugs on my lips.  I’ve been desperate to
see her all morning. 

“Come in,” I yell.  The door clicks open, and
Tatum walks inside.  God, she’s a vision in her short jean skirt and
fitted black shirt.  The fabric hangs loose around her shoulders, falling
off one side to reveal a black bra strap.  There’s plenty of room to pull
the loose neck forward to reveal her perfectly round, firm breasts.  Her
hair is hanging around her shoulders in a mass of beautiful curls.  Just

I walk to the door, locking it and turning out the
lights.  My hands fit themselves into the slim curve of her waist, and she
melts into me, letting her book bag drop to the floor, and pressing soft kisses
along the column of my throat. 

“Did anyone see you come in?” I ask, my voice a deep,
husky rumble. 

“Mmm, nope.  Hallway was clear,” she replies
between kisses. 

“Mmm, indeed.”

Our lips meld together in a scorching kiss.  I
don’t think I’ll ever get enough of her sweet taste or the soft whimpers that
crawl up her throat.  Her hands fist in my hair as I deepen the kiss and
she rubs her soft body against mine.

I pull away from her mouth and rest my forehead
against hers.  If I don’t stop now, I’m going to devour her.

“I’ve missed you.”

Tatum giggles softly.  “It’s only been a few
hours,” she says.

I bury my face in the curve of her neck, inhaling the
sweet scent of apricots.  “True.  But it’s been too long.”

“I know,” she sighs.  Her eyes are closed, and
she rests her head against the wall behind her.  “Only a few more weeks
before we don’t have to do this anymore.”

“Then you’re off to college.”  I smile at her
before taking her hand and leading her to my desk.  I sit in the black
rolling chair and pull her into my lap.  My hand caresses the bare, silky
skin of her thigh. 

“Then I’m off to college,” she agrees. 

“Have you thought about what you want to do
next?  I know you want to get away from this place.”

Tatum stares across the room thoughtfully.  She
grabs my hand, the one drawing circles, and halts my movements.  “I think
I’m going to stay long enough to get my generals done.  I need to save up
more money before…I leave.”  Her beautiful face is etched with lines of
distress, and I want to take it away.

“Tatum,” I call, tilting her face back to mine with a
finger beneath her chin.  “If everything works between us, if you’ll still
have me, I’d follow you anywhere.”  Her eyes widen infinitesimally before
she looks away again. 

“I wouldn’t ask you to do that.  You already
uprooted your life once.  I wouldn’t want you to resent me.”

“Sweetheart, look at me.”  She does, and her eyes
are heartbreaking.  The hazel depths swirl with desire and longing. 
Christ, she’s undoing me.  “I uprooted myself because I didn’t have a life
left.  Now I do.”  I watch, transfixed, as the meaning seeps in, and
her eyes blaze with desire. 

“Do you mean that?” she whispers against my

“More than anything.”

I take her mouth again.  Her lips and teeth and
tongue fight with mine, but in the end, I win and her body surrenders to
me.  She rearranges herself on my lap so she’s straddling my hips, and I
can’t help thinking about how easy it’d be to unzip my fly, sink inside of her,
and let her ride me.

A shrill bell rings.

“Fuck.  You have to go,” I grit out as she
scrambles from my lap.  I have to adjust myself in my slacks.  We
rush to the door, and I rearrange a few wild strands of her hair. 

“You’re a bit flushed.”

“So are you,” I whisper against her lips, giving her
one last kiss.  “It’s a good look.”

I flick on the lights, praying nobody outside noticed
the darkness from beneath the door.  Unlocking the handle, I let Tatum
step out into the hallway first and breathe a sigh of relief when I realize it
was just the warning bell.  Only a few students are out here, and they
don’t spare more than a glance in our direction.

“So, review that worksheet I gave you and that should
help you on your next test,” I say, trying to remove any possible
suspicion.  Tatum looks at me quizzically before the light dawns in her
eyes, and she smiles. 

“Sure, thanks for your help, Mr. Ryan.”

“Well, well, well.  Did you think I wouldn’t
figure out who you were?”  A cold sensation slithers along my spine when I
recognize that voice.  Wyatt.  Fuck.

“What are you doing here, Wyatt?” Tatum asks in a low
voice, taking a step towards him.  I have to quell the urge to push her
behind me.  I don’t want her anywhere near this fucker. 

“You’ve been avoiding me, baby.  I thought you
needed a little reminder of where you belong.”

“And where is that?  Because it sure as hell
isn’t with you!” she spits.  My blood fucking boils.  I need to get
him out of here before he ruins everything we’ve worked so hard to keep a

“You need to leave.  You’re trespassing.” 
My voice comes out calm and steady but inside, I’m enraged.  I can see
Tatum trembling out of the corner of my eye, and I wish I could do something
more to protect what’s mine.  My arms ache with the need to take her and
comfort her from this prick. 

“Funny you say that.  I’m actually here to meet
with the principal.  I’ll be on my way.  Don’t want to keep him
waiting.  You two have a nice day.”  The fucker has the audacity to
wink before he starts to turn away.

“Wait!” Tatum calls out.  Fuck!

“Yeah, baby?”

“Please, please leave, Wyatt.  Don’t do this,”
she pleads.

“Tatum—“.  I start, but that fucker cuts me off.

“God, I love it when you beg,” he groans. 

“Don’t you fucking talk to her,” I snarl under my
breath.  The hall is starting to fill up, and if we aren’t careful, we’ll
have an extremely judgmental audience. 

“Wyatt,” Tatum starts again.  “Please.  You
know nothing good will come out of this, for either of us.  If you walk down
to his office, that’s it.  I’ll report your assault to the police.”

And ugly look crosses Wyatt’s face, and I brace. 
If I have to take him down, I will.  My control is only so strong. 

“Nobody will believe you.  We’ve fucked plenty of
times.  I can say it was all your idea,” he sneers. 

“Don’t forget we had a witness.”  She gestures to
me with a nod of her head.  “Sure, we might get into some trouble, but you
can’t deny what you did.  I had bruises for days.  My friends saw
them, too.  You’ll never get away with this.  You’ll go to jail.”

Wyatt seems to contemplate her words before he looks
at us with his own mask of anger.  “Fuck.  Fine,” he spits. 
“But this shit isn’t done.  You belong to me.”

I’ve had enough.  This ends.  Now.  “It
is done.  Finished.  You don’t leave her alone, you say one word to
anyone, and we’re going down to the police station and making a report. 
I’m not fucking around.”

“You can have her.  Who knows where that cunt as
been.  I’m out of here.”  Wyatt pushes past a group of students near
the mouth of the hall, but from the looks of it, we didn’t gather anyone’s

“You okay?” I ask, because Tatum is unnaturally silent
beside me.  I can only imagine what’s running through her head right
now.  God, I want to pull her into my arms and hold her tight enough to
make her worries fade.      

She looks up at me and smiles, but it seems
uncertain.  “Yeah.  I just really hope this is the end of him.” 

“It is,” I vow.  “He’s not going to hurt you
again.  I wish I could do something right now to ease your worries, but
you have to get to class, Sweetheart.  I’ll see you in calculus.”

“It’s okay.  I’ll see you later.” 

I watch as Tatum walks away, and I greet the students
entering my class.  There’s a cloud of unease swirling in my gut that
won’t go away.  Wyatt better leave us alone after this, because I meant
what I said.  I will make him pay.

As I turn to go into class, my cell vibrates from my
pocket.  I forgot it was in there and not in my brief case where I usually
leave it.  When I answer the call, my whole world tilts.  A new
change is coming, and it effectively cuts me off at the knees.  My mind
turns into a single track.  I’m out of time. 

I need to get out of here.

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