Indulgence (Taking Chances #1) (14 page)

BOOK: Indulgence (Taking Chances #1)
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In our lull, a low hum started to grow, coming from the floors below.  I could barely make out the sounds, but I could guess what was happening.

Sebastian leaned up, cupping my face in his hands.  A tender smile caressed his sweet lips.  “Happy New Year, Red.”

I pushed up, pressing my lips to his.  “Happy New Year.”

Our kiss, slow and chaste, morphed into heat and hunger.  All of the tension released.  Below us, a celebration erupted, but in his bed I came to realize that Sebastian Hawk was like any other man.  Smart, intense, sensitive, and even a little insecure.  I saw the man behind the pages in a whole new light.  The way he wished for me to see him.  Beyond the celebrity to the person within.

Tender kisses lavished against swollen lips.  His sweet tongue slipped into my mouth, tangling with mine.  I pulled him closer, that intense desire igniting in me once again.  If he only realized how easy it was for me to lose control with him.  The thought frightened me to some degree.  This was
and much like Vegas; what happened here, stayed here.

“So beautiful,” he murmured.

Tingles raced up the length of my spine. His hand moved down my torso, leaving a trail of sensual heat in his wake.  Ghosting over my stomach, his fingers made a slow trek down my body.  I closed my eyes as I felt his hand cup between my legs.

There was no rush in his movements.  This was the act of a man on a mission.  He needed me to feel, to explore the depths of our desires.  And I was willing to do exactly that.

I lifted my hips, trying to push myself into his hand.  Using his free hand, his restrained me against the bed.  I was reminded of the torture I’d endured throughout the night every time he touched me but refused to cross the line.

“Sebastian,” I murmured.

He placed a soft kiss to my lips, grazing his knuckles over my clit.  I tried to buck against him, but his hand pressed down on my hipbone, holding me in place.  Wildfire ignited in my belly.

“Don’t think about anything.  Simply feel this,” he implored.

I nodded, my heart feeling like a jackhammer in my chest.  Sebastian lifted to his knees, looking down on me.  I struggled to lay still, my fingers curled into the soft blanket.  He pushed my legs open, lowering himself between my thighs.  My hips bucked of their own will at the first touch of his tongue.  Licking, tugging, sucking, nibbling—he tortured me, bringing me to the brink and back but never allowing me to fall over the edge.  

When I thought I might die from lack of release, he slammed his tongue into my depths.  Over and over again, he thrust his tongue inside me, never once using his fingers.  They weren’t necessary.  His tongue was pure magic.

I squeezed my eyes closed. My whole body lifted from the bed as I exploded in pure ecstasy.  Sebastian continued to lap at my need until I was shaking from head to toe.  Barely able to breathe, he lifted his eyes to mine and smiled, placing a sweet kiss against my pussy.

“Perfection,” his warm breath washed across my over sensitized nub.

Placing my fingers under his chin, I led him back up my body to meet my kiss.  The heady aroma and taste of myself on his tongue sent a wave of pleasure through me.  “Yes, you are,” I claimed.

A soft chuckle rumbled in Sebastian’s throat.  He reached over, confiscating another condom.  Once on, I rolled him onto his back and rode him—gentle at first, but increasing in speed when we both needed that release.  This was my simple way of thanking him for showing me how to indulge.

Hours later, I found myself wrapped in his arms, sated for the moment.  It was hard to sleep in a house that never rested.  Not that I wanted to.  Sleeping would keep me from Sebastian, and I wanted him for as long as I could.  His fingers combed through my hair, relaxing me.

“Red?” his voice broke the silence.


He propped his chin on my shoulder.  “Are you okay?”

I turned my head just enough to get a good look at his profile in my peripheral vision.  Sex hair, tired eyes, and a content smile made him more handsome than I thought possible.  “I was just thinking.”


The first thing that popped in my mind was the first thing that flew out of my mouth.  “What happens in the morning?”

“It is morning, Red.”

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.  “You know what I mean.”

His lips twitched, that mischievous grin returning.  “I’m afraid it’s time for you to spell it out for me.”

He did that shit on purpose.  I knew he did.  Sebastian liked making me tell him rather than assuming.  I was sure it gave him a sense of power.

“Fine.  When we leave here, what happens then?”

His smile faltered.  A small sigh drifted from his lips.  Closing his eyes, he placed a tender kiss to my temple.  “We go home.”

My heart sank in my chest.  One night of passion.  That’s all this would ever be.  I knew it when I walked into the house, but I never expected it to really be with Sebastian.  I rolled onto my back, placing my hands on his face.  “Then let’s not waste another minute.”

Our lips met and I lost myself in the man who was only ever meant to be a fantasy.


Chapter Thirteen

Dawn came, and I woke to an empty bed.  When I’d fallen asleep was a mystery, because as much as I needed Sebastian, he seemed to need me more.  For the longest time, it felt as if sleep wasn’t an option.   A stolen kiss ignited into a flame of passion.  Innocent touches led to salacious entanglements.  Sebastian had given me a night that surpassed any book I could ever read.  

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stretched my aching limbs.  Every part of my body was stiff or sore in some fashion.  Yet I wouldn’t change a thing.  The pain was worth it, which was yet another lesson Sebastian had taught me through the course of the evening.  

My heart fluttered as I considered how the moment I left his bed, the world would once again become real.  I would have to return to reality with only the memories of Sebastian and the incredible night we’d shared.  I would never be able to divulge to anyone, not even Amber, what I’d experienced.  This was my little secret.

At the foot of the bed rested my clothes and purse.  A single rose lay on top of them.  There was no note, not that I’d expected one.  A twinge of sorrow constricted my chest, but I pushed the pain away.  Whoever claimed sex could ever be casual really had a warped sense of reality.  People could fool themselves into believing that sex meant nothing, but no matter what, a mark was always left behind.  A memory of one night that could never be erased.

I sat up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.  Wiggling my toes, I chuckled at the realization that even they hurt a little.  I scanned the room for any sign that Sebastian had been there and this wasn’t somehow all a dream.  Much to my surprise, I found one.  Peeking from underneath the bed lay Sebastian’s bowtie.  I leaned over, hanging from the end, and retrieved it from the cold floor.  A flutter of happiness filled me when I brought it to my nose, inhaling deeply.  It carried the scent of his cologne, a simple reminder of our amazing night.

I folded the tie and slipped it into my tiny clutch.  There was no sense lingering in this room any longer.  My feet hit the floor as I reached for the rose, bringing it to my nose.  A deep whiff and a sigh later, I was out of bed, dressed and making my way back down the stairs, determined not to look back.

As I departed the room, I saw no sign of Sebastian.  Not even Gable graced me with his appearance.  So much for not looking back.

I teetered down the stairs, attempting to appear inconspicuous.  No one needed to know where I spent my night, and I was worried if they witnessed me coming from the fifth floor they might think it was okay to enter Sebastian’s sanctuary.

My concerns were for naught.  The house was full of life.  People everywhere were getting dressed, too busy with saying their goodbyes and making their exits to even notice I existed.  

By the time I reached the third floor, I felt heavy hearted.  Partner cards were being passed around, completed for last minute conquest.

Partner cards!

I gripped my wrist.  It wasn’t there.  In the throes of passion, I’d forgotten Sebastian removed it and tossed it aside.  I raced back up the stairs, shoving past droves of people heading down to the lobby.  

Frantic, I searched his room, but couldn’t find the blasted card.  The only thing that remained of me was the rose Sebastian had left.  I picked it up and twisted it between my fingertips before tenderly laying it back on his pillow, hoping he’d realize I wanted him to have a reminder of me, and that I wasn’t throwing his sweet gift back in his face.  

Disheartened, I slipped out of the room and back down the stairs.  Heaven only knew where’d we tossed that thing, and without it, I was pretty sure scary blonde lady was going to have me for breakfast.

As I stepped off the last stair, a familiar voice called over the thrum of the crowd, “Addison!”  I whipped around to find a very smiley Amber darting toward me.  She flung herself into my arms and hugged me tight.  That pain in my chest practically choked me as my best friend rocked me back and forth.  “I thought I’d never find you in this mess.”

“I know where we parked, silly.  I would’ve found you eventually.”

Amber kissed my cheek, rubbing her fresh lipstick off my skin with her thumb.  “So?”

“So?” I parroted.

She linked her arm in mine and moved me toward the exit.  “What’d you think?  Did you get you some action?”

I laughed, stealing my arm from her grasp and patting her on the ass.  

Amber squeaked, glancing over her shoulder in shock.  “Who are you and what did you do with Addison George?”

“Oh, hush.”  I popped my hip against hers, setting her off balance for a moment.  She steadied herself and came to an abrupt stop, pulling me back with her.  

“Holy fuck.  You got laid!”

Heat crept up my neck, burning behind my cheeks.  “Isn’t that why you brought me here?”

“Well, yeah.”  Amber sounded incredulous.  “I just never expected you to actually do it.”  She ruffled my hair.  “Fucking-A.  I’m proud of you.”

I smacked her hands away, laughing.  “Oh good grief.  It’s not like I did what you did last night.”

Amber linked her hand through mine and we started walking again.  “How do you know what I did last night?”

“Because I saw you, bitch.”

Amber snorted, waving her hand in front of her face.  “Yeah right.  Like you would’ve gone into the BDSM room.  Now that’s a lark.”

If she only knew.  I’d seen and experienced more last night than she probably had in her life.  Okay, that was exaggerating quite a bit, but it was more than I’d ever experienced.  All I knew is that I never wanted to forget Sebastian, and reading any of his new works would carry a different perspective for me.

“So, what happened with David?” I inquired, sidestepping into the corridor to bypass a group of people who’d nested in front of the door.  So many people were pushing into the foyer that I almost pitied Sebastian’s employees for having to deal with the near hysteria of the crowd.

Amber prattled on about how she and David had a chance to talk in between sexy times.  They’d made arrangements to meet outside of
even though it was supposed to be forbidden.  Yet another one of Sebastian’s stupid rules.  I found myself envying her excitement, though.  This had been as much a night of magic for her as it had been me.  At least one of us would get a happily ever after.

When we finally reached the helpdesk, scary blonde lady looked at me with a freaky twinkle in her eyes.  “Ms. George, a pleasure to see you again.  Did you enjoy your evening?”  She attempted a smile that sent chill bumps exploding over my skin.

“Um, yes.  Thank you.”

She shuffled through her box, pulling out my paperwork.  Already attached was my missing partner card.  She laid it flat on the table, almost as if she were giving me permission to see it.  I glanced down, and there, written in the most beautiful penmanship, read the word
 “Your card was discovered this morning and returned to the front desk,” she explained.  Her eyes met mine and I knew she knew.

“It must’ve slipped off,” I deflected, rubbing my wrist.

“Yes,” scary blonde lady drew the word out, making it sound like ten syllables instead of one.

“You’re lucky, Addy.  Losing your card could’ve caused you some major issues,” Amber declared, slapping me on the back with a haughty laugh.

“Yes, lucky.”

My mind whirled with confusion.  So many questions and so few answers.  Sebastian could’ve left the card with my clothes, but instead, he took it and wrote that silly, little word on it.  I wanted to scream over the aggravation I felt.  This man was a mystery wrapped in an enigma, as they say.  And for one night, I got to see inside the puzzle, only catching a glimpse of the big picture.  

Wearing a fake smile, I signed whatever forms scary lady gave me to complete.  All the while, I wanted to ask her what
meant.  If I wasn’t afraid of piquing Amber’s interest, I probably would’ve.

Moments later, we pushed our way out of the building.  A nice coat of white covered the ground.

“Snow!” Amber exclaimed.

I hugged my wrap around my arms and trudge to her car.  The snow crunched under my feet with each step.  The sight of the fresh powder reminded me of Sebastian—the way his mood could go from cold to hot in a matter of seconds.  It made me wonder how many others had met his Luke persona. Or was I the only one lucky enough to see that side of him?  I chose to believe the latter.  Another little secret to carry with me.  

On our way home, I sank into the plush seat of Amber’s car, watching the snowdrifts go by.  There was so much I needed to do when I got home—like call Jacoby and clear the air.  He had the right to be happy.  Eddie was good for him—that much I knew—and if he made Jacoby feel even the slightest bit of what I felt last night in Sebastian’s arms, then I couldn’t begrudge him that.  I’d even accept his request to be his maid of honor.  It really was a sweet offer. Twisted, but sweet.

“Did you hear the rumors flying about last night?” Amber’s melodic tone echoed in my mind.

I turned my head, raising my eyebrows.  “Which ones?”

“The one that Sebastian Hawk was stalking about the party.”

With a wave of my hand, I dismissed the remark and returned my gaze to the snowdrifts forming outside my window.  “That’s nothing new.”

Amber shrugged one shoulder and turned down my street.  “True, but the interesting twist was,” she lowered her voice for dramatic effect, “there was a beautiful woman on his arm all night long.”  I jerked my head in her direction and caught the wiry expression on her face.  “Some even claim that the woman was a gorgeous redhead.”

“You don’t say,” I croaked.

Amber pulled the car into the driveway and put it in park.  “I know.  It’s probably a farce, but you wouldn’t happen to be…”

I gripped the door handle and flung it open before she could finish her question.  “You know better,” I interjected.  Pulling her into a quick hug, I kissed her cheek.  “Thank you for last night.  I owe you.”

Amber patted me on the back, returning my kiss.  “I’m just happy you didn’t sit there bugging that poor bartender all night.  No matter how cute he was.”  She looked from me to the house.  “Um, you want some company?  I could come in for a while.  Have some coffee.  Chat for a few minutes.”

I smiled and slipped out of the car.  “You need sleep and so do I.  We’ll catch up later.”

“We better.  I want all the crude details.”

I laughed and closed the car door.  Amber waited until I reached my front door and opened it before pulling out of the drive.

Inside, I kicked off my shoes and plopped down on the couch.  I opened my purse and extracted my cell phone, along with Sebastian’s bowtie, and laid them on the sofa.  My finger swiped over the screen, indicating countless missed calls and several text messages.  I clicked on the voicemail app and hit the play button.  

As expected, all of the messages were from Jacoby.  Listening to him plead and worry, I picked up Sebastian’s bowtie and brought it to my nose, breathing in his scent.  I closed my eyes and allowed the memories of the night replay in my mind.  His hands, the sound of his voice, the way he kissed me, the way he consumed me.  

Ding dong!

My heart lurched in my chest at the chime of the doorbell.  I scrambled from my seat, shutting off Jacoby’s wails for forgiveness.  Still aching to be close to Sebastian, I draped his tie around my neck and trotted to the door.  The bell rang again.

Up on my tiptoes, I peeked into the peephole.  A huge bouquet of flowers blocked the view of my visitor.  I threw open the door, clutching my phone in my hand.  Standing on my porch, the poor delivery driver shivered.

“Addison George?”  His teeth clattered.

“That’s me.”

He thrust the flowers at me.  “Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year,” I replied to the driver, who was already darting back to his truck.

The huge vase filled with an assortment of different colored roses was heavier than I would’ve imagined.  I nearly dropped it trying to balance it, close the door, and keep hold of my cell phone.  I teetered to the living room and placed the vase on my coffee table, tossing my phone on the sofa.  The sweet scent of the flowers filled the air, bringing a smile to my lips.

A card with my name on it stuck out from the top of the bouquet.  I plucked the note from its holder, turning it over in my hand.  At recognition of the handwriting, my heart skipped a beat.



Some rules are meant to be broken.  Please have dinner with me tonight.  No intrusions.  No kinky stuff…unless you want to.  Just you and me.

Text me your answer.  My number is programmed in your phone.  You’ll recognize it when you see it.




I stared at the card, my hand over my mouth.  Was this real?  To prove to myself I was in fact awake and not dreaming, I pinched my arm.

“Ow!” I yelped.  

Yep, I was awake.  As quick as a flash, I grabbed my phone from the couch and started scrolling through my contacts.  Every character name from every book he’d ever written scrolled through my mind as I spun through the list.   It didn’t take long for me to find him.

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