Indulgence (Taking Chances #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Indulgence (Taking Chances #1)
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A sort of gurgled laugh bubbled in my throat when I found what I was looking for.

Clark Kent

My eyes went back and forth between the card and phone.  Every memory, every touch, everything I felt for this one man wasn’t for naught after all.  Luke...
...didn’t realize how right he was when he told me I came to
in search of something.  I thought it was to run away from the past, but in reality, I was running toward my future.  

This wasn’t the end.  It was only the beginning.

meant to be broken, especially in matters of the heart.   

My thumb slid over his number, bringing up the texting screen.  I was a mass of conflicting emotions.  What if this was a bad idea?  I was opening myself up for so many things, so many uncertainties.  

Leaning forward, I tapped out the message that would change everything.  As I pressed send, I breathed a deep sigh of contentment.  Gone was the heaviness that had ailed me since I woke to find Sebastian gone.  In its place resided the thrill of possibilities.  It was possible I was setting myself up to be hurt, but it didn’t matter.  Life was about taking chances, and I was doing exactly that.

Staring at my phone, I mouthed the single word that changed everything.




Let me start off by saying thank you to my sexy husband.  That man has put up with my shit for nearly seventeen years now, and let me tell you, folks, that’s no easy feat.  I walk around with my head in the clouds, but thankfully he’s my anchor to this world.  I love you, baby.

A big, HUGE thank you to my editor, Jo Matthews.  Not only am I honored to work along side of you, but I’m blessed to call you my friend.  Your strength and devotion know no bounds.  *whispers* By the way, my guess…it’s a girl.  I suppose we’ll know in a few days, won’t we?  But now the world knows what my money’s on.

Thank you to my developmental editor, Mary Devereaux. Your imagination and flair for seeing beyond the words…gah…is magical.  Your creative drive and your immense knowledge make you invaluable.  And while all of that means the world to me, what I treasure most about you is your friendship.  Thank you for being there for me when I felt most alone.  You truly are amazing.

When an author finds someone they trust to give them honest feedback, it’s a miracle.  But when she finds two, well, that right there is a sign from God to latch on to them and never let go.  I have been so lucky with Sarah C. and B.L. Wilde.  Both of their tastes are flawless, and I know without a doubt they’ll tell me when I’ve screwed up.  Thank you, ladies for keeping me in line.

No author is worth their salt without an amazing team.  Sarah C., Amber S., Natasha C., and all of the ladies on my street team, thank you.  Every time I see my name pop up on a social media thread, my heart leaps.  To have such a wonderful group of people working together on my behalf, well, I never expected to be so lucky.  Thank you a million times over.

People tend to come and go in our lives, but I want to take a moment and say thank you to everyone who’s touched mine.  Friends grow apart.  People change.  But no matter the distance or the changes, my memories will remain.  Thank you for the memories.

Most of all, I wish to thank you, my readers, for your continued support of me and this endeavor into the wonderful world of writing.  Every message, email, note, tweet, etc., I receive keeps me going.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I look forward to what the future has in store.

About the Author

Jeanne McDonald began telling stories at the ripe young age of five, when her mother considered the truth to be a lie due to her extensive embellishment to the retelling of an event.  She wrote her first short story when she was twelve years old, and at the age of sixteen she tried her hand at poetry.  She reconnected with her love for writing in 2010 thanks to the encouragement of a dear friend.

Her passions include a "mild" Starbucks addiction, music, reading, quotes, movies, and romance.  When she's not spending time with her family, she can be found reading, writing, chatting with her friends or diligently working toward her bachelor's degree in English Literature.  A proud Texan, Jeanne currently resides in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with her family.


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Other Works


A Ray of Hope

The Truth in Lies
(The Truth in Lies Saga 1)

The Certainty of Deception
(The Truth in Lies Saga 2)

Renegade as part of
A Bad Boys Anthology: Branded

A Hot Mess
(The Certainty of Deception Outtake)



The Truth Be Told (The Truth in Lies Saga 3)

The Secrets We Keep (The Truth in Lies Saga 3.5)

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