Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel (21 page)

Read Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Tags: #erotic romance, #bdsm, #exhibitionism voyuerism, #club destiny, #public exhibitionism

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The riding crop suddenly
appeared before her, back on the bed where it had been originally,
and she felt Tag’s big body shift behind her. His broad shoulders
maneuvered between her legs and when she looked down her body
toward the floor, she could see the top of his head moments before
her body was accosted by ethereal pleasure.

His tongue began stroking her clit fiercely,
showing absolutely no mercy until she was begging and pleading for
him to let her come.

Instinct had her holding back, mainly
because that was what she would’ve expected from her playmate had
the situation been reversed. Another jolt shook her body, making
her limbs weak as Tag thrust two fingers deep inside of her,
curling them until he was skillfully manipulating her G-spot.

Tag!” She wouldn’t be
able to hold on much longer, she knew that much. “Please Tag! Let
me come!”

Come for me, baby,” he
growled from between her thighs, his tongue quickly returning to
her clit, his fingers doing wondrous things to her until

Exploded. That’s exactly
what she did when her orgasm ripped its way through her, shaking
her to her very core. She was weak and barely able to keep her legs
beneath her as he slowed his manipulations, still keeping his
fingers deep in her pussy, his tongue gently stroking her clit.
With ease, he held her legs so she didn’t collapse, but he didn’t
stop the sexual torment.

So fucking sexy.” His
voice pierced her hazy brain as did his movements.

Before she knew what he was doing, her arms
were released from the restraints, as were her legs.

Put your hands on the
bed.” The insistence in his tone said he was hanging by a thread
and McKenna couldn’t help but smile. With ease, she massaged her
wrists before bending at the waist, and placing her palms flat on
the mattress, her legs still spread.

Tag wasted no time before sliding his cock
into her pussy from behind, gripping her hips firmly and giving
himself over to the same pleasure he’d given her just moments
before. McKenna somehow found the strength to stiffen her legs,
keeping her body rigid as he pounded inside of her, stroking each
nerve ending back to life instantly.

He wasn’t gentle, but McKenna didn’t want
gentle. She wanted to feel him inside of her, to make him lose
control the same way he made her without even trying.

McKenna. Baby,” Tag
groaned from behind her, his fingers digging painfully into the
tender skin at her hips as he thrust several more times. And as if
he knew exactly what it took to send her over, Tag stilled at the
same time another orgasm detonated inside of her, her release
apparently triggering his.


*** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

Article number three, as
approved by Luke McCoy (albeit reluctantly):


The Sinful in Seven Series:

Day Three: Putting Sex in Sexy


Did I hear you


I have to admit, it takes
a lot to intimidate me, yet Luke McCoy managed to do just that with
a look. During a very candid interview with the owner of Club
Destiny, I had a firsthand look into the infamous sex club owner’s
life – that’s right, we said it. Let me tell you, what I learned
today was not what I expected. I’ll say one thing: Luke McCoy put
the “sex” in sexy.


Although you’ll get to see
the full interview in the future, I’m happy to share some very
exciting news. Luke and the loves of his life, Sierra and Cole are
expecting a baby! That’s right. The threesome announced recently
that they are expecting their first child in just a few months, and
they have promised to keep us apprised when the blessed day


Congratulations Luke, Sierra, and Cole!


-McKenna Thorne


*** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

Article number four, as
approved by Luke McCoy:


The Sinful in Seven Series:

Day Four: Interesting is putting it


Be careful what you ask for...


After the first three
days, I find myself wondering what all of the fuss is about. I’ve
met Luke... I’ve met Logan... and as you know, I’ve spent countless
hours with my tour guide, Tag Murphy. I’ve met their significant
others, yet I’m still searching for all of the lewd and repulsive
acts that I keep hearing about. I’m
for lewd and repulsive
because that’s what you are looking for, right?


Well, I’m sorry to say
that up to this point, everything appears a little too normal for
my taste. I mean seriously, I’ve yet to find a single whip or
chain, much less a sinfully delicious orgy to get involved


But, I promise you... I will keep


-McKenna Thorne

Chapter Twenty

*** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

. Tag wasn’t sure he was going to last
three more minutes, much less three more full days. The sun was
just beginning to peak through the vertical blinds in his room,
wrapping McKenna’s naked body in a warm glow that mesmerized

They were exhausted from
the day before when they had both been working diligently to put
out the fires caused by Susan Toulmin. Of course, their frequent
breaks throughout the day in which they attempted to sate the
hunger that couldn’t seem to be alleviated probably didn’t help

McKenna had worked to get
Luke’s interview from Sunday into an article that would captivate
her audience as well as get some readers on his side, versus the
crazy interest in what Susan had to say. Based on what they saw on
her blog last night, it was working. Today she intended to speak to
Logan and get his article drawn up. Tag admired her persistence,
but he couldn’t help trying to distract her a little.

Like right now.

He was distracting himself as well, which
wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Considering all of the things that
continued to plague his mind, mainly where this woman was
concerned, he welcomed anything to sway his thoughts.

Mmmm,” McKenna moaned
sleepily when Tag moved her hair off of her neck so he could kiss
the sweet spot that always made her moan. He found that he really
liked to nuzzle against her pulse, and she seemed to enjoy it, as

When her hand slipped between them, gently
gripping his dick, Tag sucked in a breath. She was gentle, but her
soft fingers against the throbbing shaft sent a chill darting down
his spine.

My turn,” she whispered
as she turned over to face him and Tag rolled onto his back,
allowing her to move closer.

Your turn to

To play with

Brilliant idea.” He
grinned as she peeked at him through lowered lids.

Her body was warm from sleep as she
continued to stroke him with her hand while pressing her perky tits
against his chest. Trailing his hand up and down her spine as she
began teasing his nipple with her sharp little teeth, Tag closed
his eyes and let himself get lost in the pleasure.

What’s this one for?”
McKenna’s words broke his sensual trance and Tag opened his eyes to
see her placing small kisses over the tattoo just beneath his
collar bone.

It’s a symbol,” he
answered, unsure whether he really wanted to get into the why’s and
how’s of his body art. Yes, he had numerous tattoos, and yes, they
meant something to him. Or at least the majority of them did. A few
were just art for the sake of art.

A symbol for

Tag met her eyes, detecting only interest
from her. And it wasn’t because she wanted to share his story with
the world, he could tell. She was genuinely interested in him.


Her eyes widened at his
admission, and he wondered what her immediate assumption

Did you get it because of

When she turned her
attention back to kissing his chest, teasing his nipple, he could
tell she was trying to appear disinterested. She wanted to know,
but it was obvious she was fearful of what his answer was going to
be. That spoke volumes about this woman, the one he found himself
drawn to more than any woman from his past.

Truthfully, none of his tattoos were in any
way related to a woman from his past.

No.” His simple answer
had the result he thought it would. McKenna stilled, just briefly,
before returning to her quest to make him crazy with

By the time she made her
way to the one place he wanted her right then, Tag was damn near
sweating and shaking from the need consuming him. She didn’t ask
any more questions, and for that he was grateful. Explaining his
tattoos wasn’t something he enjoyed doing, mainly because they were
his and his alone as far as he was concerned. To others it was art,
to him, it was his life mapped out on his body.

Oh, hell yes,” he hissed
when McKenna’s sweet mouth enveloped his cock, her tongue curling
around the hard shaft. Closing his eyes again, Tag got lost in the

Gripping the sheets in his
hands, he fought the urge to grip her head, hold her to him. He
didn’t need to because she wasn’t going anywhere, but fuck, he
wasn’t sure he could take much more. Without the control, he was
nothing and this woman stripped him bare, with just a look, and her
touch reduced him to nothing.

McKenna.” Fuck, he was
going to come, there was no holding back. “If you don’t stop, I’m
going to come in your mouth,” he warned her, in case she expected
more from him.

She didn’t move, just
began sucking and stroking that much faster, that much harder,
until Tag couldn’t hold on any longer.




What did you think of the
article on Luke?” Tag asked Cole several hours later when they met
for lunch.

I’m impressed, I’ve got
to say. That woman managed to make him seem much nicer than he
really is.” Cole laughed, but Tag saw the love reflected in his
step-brothers eyes.

That’s for damn sure.”
Tag had been quite impressed himself after reading McKenna’s
article before she gave it to Luke for his blessing. After reading
it, Tag knew damn well there was no way this couldn’t at least help
their cause.

How is she doing anyway?”
Cole asked.

With what?”

The exclusive. Luke told
me that she figured you guys out and insisted she be given the real

That she did. And although
Tag wasn’t keen on the idea, he knew he had no choice. She was
correct to assume there was something more than the brief
introduction she’d received to the private quarters of Club
Destiny. And that’s all they really were. The real action was, in
fact, in the second club that still had never been mentioned in the

Luke and Logan had been
brilliant to come up with a general admission club that would
receive the interest of the general public, and they had never
denied the additional area sanctioned off for members only above
the club. However, the second club, the one without a
distinguishable entrance, had never been mentioned.

Until now.

McKenna Thorne was too smart for her own
good as far as he was concerned. While the issue wasn’t showing her
the second club, subjecting her to what went on there was something
he wasn’t quite comfortable with. Yet. Not to mention, Samantha,
Sierra and Ashleigh didn’t even know about the second club and the
men they were with had worked diligently to keep it from them.

The men weren’t prone to
keeping secrets, but there was a sense of possessiveness that came
along with their relationships, and from what Tag knew, Luke,
Logan, Cole and Alex weren’t interested in sharing them the way it
would be expected if they were to show up there.

Now Tag had been backed into a corner.

I’m not sure how I’m
going to work that one out yet,” Tag told Cole as they waited for
their food.

Well, you better come up
with something soon.”

How’s Sierra doing?” Tag
redirected the conversation.

Amazing as

Again, Tag saw the love in Cole’s eyes when
he talked about his lover. “I know you aren’t sharing it with
anyone, but do you actually know who the baby’s father is?”

He wasn’t sure why he asked the question,
but he had wondered about it ever since Luke and Sierra announced
the pregnancy at dinner with the Walker brothers not too long

Cole didn’t look happy with the question,
but to Tag’s surprise, he answered. “We do.”

Unsure where to go from
there Tag glanced around trying to think of something that would be
neutral ground for both of them. To his surprise, Cole

Do you think Sierra
should marry the baby’s father?”

Tag noticed that his
brother wasn’t sharing exactly who the father was.

Why?” Tag didn’t
understand what the benefit would be, but he understood Cole’s

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