Read Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Tags: #erotic romance, #bdsm, #exhibitionism voyuerism, #club destiny, #public exhibitionism

Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel (9 page)

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Here, let me help.” Tag’s
voice caressed her nerve endings while his breath grazed her cheek.
He was leaning in closer, bending his head down so that his lips
were close to her ear, and from this proximity she could feel the
warmth of his body like an electric blanket set on high.

She didn’t want his help.
At least, not for reading the contract. She’d be happy to accept it
though, if he was offering to help her in other ways... namely to
sate the maelstrom of lust that was raging like a wildfire in her

She unfolded the paper, turning it right
side up and then glancing at the first line.

Her breath caught in her chest.

Is this even legal?” she
asked, her gaze darting to his as he moved back

Every word,” he assured
her, but she doubted it.

Length of contract is
seven days?”

That’s just for the
exclusive. There’s another clause at the bottom. Be sure to read

She wasn’t even close to
the bottom, and she could barely breathe, her body no longer
willing to hold herself up as she read all of the raunchy,
libidinous things that he intended to “introduce” her to. Nowhere
in the contract did it state that she would have to participate,
but she had a sneaking suspicion that part was assumed. The funny
thing, her body was totally onboard.

You have to be kidding.”
The words spilled out on the breath she managed to hold

Never.” Tag was even
closer than before, this time the hard plane of his chest brushing
against her fingers where she held the paper in front of her. “You
play by my rules for the next seven days, and I promise you won’t
be disappointed.”

A week? McKenna wasn’t so
sure she’d last seven minutes with this man, let alone seven days.
“I don’t understand.”

What’s not to
understand?” Tag took the paper from her hand, placing it on the
desk behind her, then tilted her chin up with the tips of his
fingers until their eyes met.

And held.

You want something that I
can give you, and in return, I want something from you,” he
explained, his voice low and calm, the opposite of everything
churning within her as he stood so very close.

And what do you want?”
McKenna asked, trying to eliminate the tremble in her


It was then that the room
faded, the only thing McKenna noticed was the warmth of Tag’s chest
against her breasts, the rigid length of his erection pressing
intimately between her thighs, the sultry, intoxicating scent that
was so unique to him, and the mesmerizing heat swirling in his
green eyes.

The answer should’ve been
easy. The exclusive would likely launch Sensations, Inc. into
another dimension, and the passion in Tag’s beautiful eyes promised
so many things McKenna wrote about for her readers benefit. Now she
had the opportunity to experience them with Tag.

Even with the experience
she had in the lifestyle, she was still hesitant.

Promiscuous, McKenna
wasn’t. Prone to heartache... that was more like it. In fact, she
knew that this wild ride Tag would take her on would likely result
in another devastating broken heart because she couldn’t resist
being pulled into his orbit.

There was no doubt about it – McKenna
wouldn’t survive this with her heart intact.



Tag had been hell bent on
walking into McKenna’s office, handing her the contract and all but
throwing her down on the desk and fucking her blind. But standing
here, so close to her, inhaling her sweet, fresh scent and watching
the confusion linger in her exotically beautiful eyes had him

For a woman who exuded such confidence, such
drive, he felt the tension course through her veins as easily as he
felt the warmth of her body pressed into his. She wasn’t pushing
him away, but she might as well have been by the way she looked at


That’s what he saw when he
looked at her. And that dark, possessive beast that lurked just
beneath the surface roared loudly, insisting that this was one
opportunity he’d been searching for. The chance he couldn’t let
pass him by. Because no matter what happened a week from now, Tag
had the next seven days to show this woman exactly how hot the fire
between them could be stoked.

Say yes, McKenna.” His
fingers lightly brushed down the soft, smooth skin of her jaw, then
trailing the long, sleek column of her neck, soaking up the baby
soft feel of her skin.

He wanted to put his mouth there; to kiss a
path over her warm, fragrant skin as he removed every stitch of her
clothing until she stood before him completely vulnerable.

One week, that’s all I
ask.” He couldn’t resist trying to persuade her. Honestly, he
thought convincing her would be the easy part, but Tag was
beginning to realize there wasn’t anything easy about McKenna

One week. It’s that
simple?” she asked, her eyes still locked with his.

Tag knew this would be anything but simple. Yet,
he needed her to say yes.

He slid his finger back up
the long, perfect column of her neck until he reached the bottom of
her chin, and he tilted her head just slightly, offering him better
access to those soft pink lips that beckoned him. Ensuring she knew
what he was after, Tag glanced down at her lips, then back to her
eyes. When her tongue darted out, swiping over her bottom lip
before she pulled it in between her teeth, he groaned.

And then he kissed her.

Only this wasn’t a
regular, run of the mill kiss. This was passion and fury laced with
carnal desires as their mouths met and sought everything the other
was willing to give.

McKenna’s arms came up to
circle around his neck and Tag pulled her closer, lifting her
easily off of the floor and sitting her gently on the desk behind
her. Cupping her cheeks, he held her mouth to his, ensuring she
wouldn’t get away, although she was kissing him back, seemingly
just as invested in this wild, uninhibited kiss as he

Her soft, sweet moans had
his cock jerking as he pressed between her thighs, his hips rocking
against hers causing that damn short skirt to ride up. In less than
five seconds, he’d been reduced to a horny teenager thanks to the
smoking hot woman in his arms.

McKenna.” Tag managed to
break the kiss, both of them panting, yet neither of them pulling
away. “If we keep this up, you’ll be naked in less than a

The seductive little smirk
that tipped her kiss swollen lips nearly pushed Tag to his limits.
Instead of sinking to his knees and burying his head between her
luscious thighs, he pulled away, taking two steps back. If he had
hair, he would’ve thrust his hands through it at that point.
Instead, he simply stood there, staring at the one woman who single
handedly stole every ounce of his common sense with just a

I’m in.” McKenna grinned,
standing up and adjusting her skirt, although it didn’t cover much
more when it was in place than it had when he’d pushed it up
farther up on her hips.

Seven days,” he reminded

I’m pretty sure I can
handle you, Tag,” she said with another cocky smile. “But I’ve got
a couple of amendments to the contract that I’ll be sending your
way this afternoon. If you’re still interested, call me and let me

Tag didn’t doubt for one
second that she could say anything that would change his mind. For
some reason, he had a feeling McKenna was way more experienced in
his world than he’d given her credit for, and he was beginning to
wonder whether or not he could handle

With a not so subtle adjustment, Tag
resituated himself before turning his back on her and heading to
the door.

Starting tomorrow
morning,” he informed her, “you’ll meet me at the club at eight
o’clock sharp. Be sure to finish reading the contract so you know
everything to expect.” It was his turn to smile. “And I’ll be
waiting for those amendments.”


*** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

McKenna was up with the
sun the following morning, eager and anxiously awaiting the
limousine that would be coming to pick her up. After she had
amended the contract to suit her better, she’d sent it to Tag and
received an email response. Not a phone call like she expected.
That had made her smile.

According to the
information in the contract, she would be taking a full leave of
absence for the next week and had to be prepared to do so. That
included packing her clothes and other necessities which she had
done the night before.

As soon as she’d received
Tag’s agreement to the additional terms, McKenna had called Whisper
into her office and shared the details that she was allowed, having
to make sure someone would handle Sensations, Inc. while she was
away. To her delight, Whisper was eager to be in charge, and since
McKenna trusted her with her life, there weren’t any

Well, except one tiny one.

The seven days she’d be
spending with Tag Murphy.

As soon as she read the
fine print in the documents he’d provided her, she knew he’d set
her up. But, little did he know, she was up for the challenge. Even
if it would be the biggest one of her life thus far.

Being under Tag’s thumb
for one whole week was going to be both exciting and nerve wracking
all at the same time. Considering the instructions he had included
in his email response, she didn’t doubt Tag was out to see how far
he would be able to push her.

As she stood in her
kitchen, sipping coffee and watching out the front windows, McKenna
let her mind drift back to the day before and the kiss they had
shared. The full on mating of mouths was more than any kiss she’d
ever experienced and the thought of it still left her

Lord, have mercy, the man
could kiss. The instant their mouths fused together, his exquisite
taste annihilated her brain cells, which only went to prove that
she was crazy for agreeing to do this. Considering the sheer
velocity of the chemical reaction that ignited when they were in
the same room together, McKenna knew it was only a matter of time
before they gave in to it.

McKenna knew she would’ve
given in to him yesterday had he just said the word. She knew she
should proceed with caution, but her body didn’t seem to understand
the limits her brain normally tried to implement. Having known what
his body felt like pressed against hers, the only thing she wanted
more was to see him naked while he rubbed up against

What McKenna didn’t understand was why these
feelings of intense lust and desire seemed to be morphing into
something else. Did she want something more? With Tag? Hell, with
anyone? She didn’t know how to answer the question because until
the day she came face to face with him, McKenna had been satisfied
with her life – lack of sex and all. She had a vibrator, what more
could she possibly need?

Ever since she met him,
McKenna found that the more she learned, the more she wanted him.
Her physical attraction to him was insane, she realized that. She
just couldn’t help but wonder whether this was more than just
merely physical. He made her hot, and he made her want things she
hadn’t wanted in a long time, that was clear.

Of course, most of the
things he made her ache for did relate to sex in some manner, but
there was something else too. She respected him. Of all the things
she had learned about Tag in recent months, not one of them was
anything that made her not like him that much more. And she got the
impression he respected her too.

With her coffee mug to her
lips, her attention was drawn to the long, sleek, black limo that
pulled down her street and up in front of her house. Maybe for the
next few minutes she would be able to distract herself from the
astonishing thoughts of Tag.

Dumping the rest of her
coffee in the sink, McKenna rinsed the cup and placed it in the
dishwasher. With her heels clicking on the hardwood floor, she made
a beeline for the front door, not wanting to keep the limo driver
waiting. She reached the door at the same time the doorbell rang,
and McKenna quickly pulled it open and smiled at the handsome man
before her.

Ms. Thorne?”

That’s me,” she greeted,
trying not to smile too much. It seemed the grin had been permanent
ever since her libido had awakened the day before and quite
frankly, she knew she looked like an idiot, but she couldn’t seem
to help it.

Taking a step back,
McKenna let the driver in so he could help with her things. When
she went to pick up one of the suitcases, he immediately stopped
her with a gentle hand on her arm.

No, ma’am. I’ll get

I’ll be happy to help,”
she insisted, reaching once again for the bag.

I’ve been informed not to
allow you to lift one pretty little finger.”

With that, the driver
easily moved all four of her bags onto the front porch, allowing
McKenna to lock the door behind her.

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