INFECTED (Click Your Poison) (58 page)

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Authors: James Schannep

Tags: #zombie, #Adventure, #Fiction

BOOK: INFECTED (Click Your Poison)
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This isn’t just another fad, Mom. This is eternal life. You’ll like it, just let me show you. Feeding your child from your own body is natural, healthy, and has many benefits for both mother and offspring. You have your mother’s eyes.

Once you’ve finished, you rise, and your mind tells your body where to go. There are other people out there you know, but that memory has faded. Where are you now? What’s this house? Memory has given way completely to instinct. Your feet start moving, but where are they taking you?

To the hospital. I want to give back, share this gift, heal the sick.

I’m gonna keep rockin’ the suburbs.

Isn’t there a nursery or an old-folks’ home somewhere around here? I like slow prey.


The Morning After

or the first time in weeks, you’re refreshed. On an intellectual level, you know that sleeping in a prison cell on the same twin mattress that a convicted killer spent eighteen hours a day on shouldn’t be the most comfortable of conditions, but you slept like a babe. That prison cell was more of a safe and secure crib than anything else. It isn’t until the next morning that you realize your luxury suite is anything but.

You awoke with the buzzing of the cell doors. You were locked in? Must be to make sure you weren’t infected—you make a mental note to ask about that later. Rested and showered (again… and it still feels amazing!), you head to the chow hall for breakfast. Powdered eggs never tasted so good.

“Good morning! I trust you slept well?” You look up from your seat to see a smartly dressed woman carrying an attaché case. “May I join you?”

You nod your consent through crunches of bacon. Coffee and orange juice elate you all the more. “You’re welcome to furnish your cell however you like; that’s your personal space now. Think of it as an apartment. There should be plenty of time for that in the coming weeks.”

“An apartment that only locks from the outside?”

She smiles before answering. “Only on the first night; for our own safety. We find it’s less invasive than a strip-search, wouldn’t you agree? Now then, the Pastor has said—”

“The Colonel?” you ask.

“The very same,” she says with another smile, opening her case. “He’s said you can feel free to look around the grounds, but he’d like to see you in the command center at your earliest convenience. Here’s a map of Salvation, if you need anything—ask anyone. We’re a community of neighbors.” Then she’s gone, floating away on her gregarious personality.

Looks like it’s time to explore; after a second helping, that is. Where to?

The “Happy Room” sounds fun. I could use some more pampering after this ordeal.

“Fitness/Power Area”? Color me interested.

The “Armory.” Sold.

Straight to the “Command Post.” I bet Lucas and Rosie are already there.


My, What a View

ou’re on the rooftop; it’s bathed in the dark of night, but the moon is full and there’s enough starlight so you can see without fear of tripping or falling off the edge. It’s amazing how many more stars there are above the city now that the power’s out. Except in your school, oh yes, you have power now. As you look around, you see your building is the only one that does. This night keeps getting better.

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