Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC) (22 page)

BOOK: Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)
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next to no time the party is in full swing and everyone is enjoying
themselves The liquor is flowing freely and although I don

drink, I

m soon drunk from the fumes
on Inferno

s breath as he drowns me
in Jack Daniels flavored kisses. I lick his lip, tasting the fine
blend of whiskey.


girl plays dirty. For the last week, my brothers and I have had to
put up with chick shit, while they turned our perfect masculine
clubhouse in to a fucking Christmas card scene with a tree and all.

days I
had to listen to the brothers’
grumble, they have not been happy campers, and I
had to make promises left right and fucking centre, so
that my girl can have a festive party. Dam, when the brothers had
found out that the girls had interfered with the juke box and laden
it down with fucking Christmas songs I thought I wasn

ever going to hear the end of it. Nearly every one of them had
threatened to quit or join another charter. Fuck I had been ready to
quit, I love my girl but hell this is a fucking motorcycle club not
the boy scouts.

my baby had walked through the door and seeing her in that outfit, I
was about to cum in my pants. My dick had gotten hard so quick it
was painful, watching her as she stood at the door, waiting for my
reaction, I decided there and then to make my baby girl pay for the
hell that I

d been through.

my sweet time to reach her, all I had wanted to do was fuck her
against the door and to hell with the audience, but that was not on
my agenda at that moment. I
the master
of torture and that
just what I was
going to do to Baby Blu. When I finally reached her, I took in the
full impact of what she was wearing, or should that be, what she was
not wearing. Fuck, when her back was to me, I had had to bite my lip
hard to stop myself from bending her over. Moreover, I bet most of
the men in the fucking club could see the fleshy curve of her ass
cheeks. The shorts had been that tiny and tight. Finally, when she
was facing me, I swung her up on to my hips. This action has several

It covered my hard cock, which was about to spring free from it


I could feel Baby Blu

s pussy rubbing
against said cock, (Not sure if that was a good idea, as I felt the
pre-cum leaking out of the top)

I get to support Baby Blu by gripping her ass. Which I covered, with
my large hands, from the preying eyes of my brothers. No one, but me
sees that delectable part of her autonomy. Yeah, having Baby Blu in
this position is a win/lose situation, but I was loving it.

do not return to the pool table, but make my way over to Dec, Linc
and Cassie are following us closely, Cassie is giggling at something
Linc is whispering to her.

down into a chair, I do not let go of Baby Blu, who has her head
buried into my shoulder and is nibbling on my neck. That girl

bum is going to be red come morning, giving her a little warning of
what is to come; I squeeze her ass cheeks with both hands. Feeling
her tensing her cheeks it reminds me that even though Baby Blu has
finger fucked my ass hole, I have not returned the pleasure yet, but
I will be doing.

returns from the bar with a couple of bottles of JD and glasses,
Seating himself down, he bends over to Baby Blu to say something,
what ever it was, it caused her whole body to tense up and a short
gasp escaped from her mouth before she relaxed again. With Baby

s body being against mine the way
it was, I could feel every tremor that was cruising through her.
Idly stroking her back, I reach for the JD and survey what
going on round the room. Seeing how everyone is enjoying
themselves and that the jukebox has not stopped, I have to admit it
was worth it.

and Crabby are dancing with one of the club whores. Twiggy has three
of the girls surrounding him, all of them rubbing their bodies
against his front, back and side.

much has happened in the last six months, all for the better, and all
down to Baby Blu. I do not have any desire, or need to look or touch
any other female. Placing my hands, on either side of her face, I
turn her head to me taking her lips in a whiskey laden kiss, softly
sucking on her lower lip, bringing it in to my mouth and suckling on
it, tasting her sweetness, I let go of her lip, deepening the kiss.
In the months that we
been together,
been a change to Baby Blu,
kisses; yet, sometimes she still manages to kiss me with innocents
and hesitancy that makes my stomach quiver.

leaps off Linc

s knee and makes a
grab for my girl, levering her up off my lap. Gliding over to the
jukebox the sound of

Baby its Cold
Out Side

Starts to play.

the girls are moving to the music, rubbing their bodies against each
other, back to back, one wiggles her body up the other goes down,
then switching movements, then smoothly, gracefully they face each
other, Cassie slips her leg between Baby Blu

and they move their hips gracefully in harmony with each other. Fuck
its hot watching my girl dance with another female. Turning to look
at Linc, I wonder if my face has the same look on it, one of pure

the time I finish with Baby Blu tonight, she will not be able to walk
for a month. Time to call it a night and extract payment,
interrupting her dance with Cassie; I lead Baby Blu to my room
upstairs. Time for Inferno
s’ little helper,
to pay her dues.


and the New Year soon pass, and still there has not been any decision
made about Tommy and Baby Blu, who is still refusing to move in
permanently, apart from this, our relationship was growing stronger.

was brought, to the club’s attention midway through January
that Black County Stewards were encroaching into our town, selling
their shit. Over the last few nights, there have been several
skirmishes between both territories and clubs. So far, we have been
lucky, and there have been no serious casualties on either side.

we swept the south side of Comfort Springs and cleared out the shit,
which has been making its way back in. I don’t give a fuck,
what people do to themselves or in their own homes, as long as it

t effect me, my family, my
brothers or my club.

shit supplied by The Black County Stewards, is affecting Comfort
Springs and its occupants, there have been a couple of narrow
escapes, where a couple junkies have nearly died from overdoses. For
s Comfort and Comfort Springs that is a
couple too many.

sheriffs department has been sniffing round, asking questions and
snooping. This is something that we could do without, as we have a
specialist shipment arriving this week and need it to go smoothly and
under the radar. With this in mind, Dec has arranged a sit-down
between Black County Stewards and Devils Comfort, which is to take
place on neutral ground.

find that I

m on edge for this
meeting and send a text to Baby Blu, letting her know that I

not sure what time I

ll be back

Blu: That

s ok, I

arrange to visit Cassie and see you tomorrow

Baby I want to see you tonight

Blu: I have to leave early in the morning, there

no point in me coming over if you

not there

If you were living in my house, we would not be having this problem

Blu: I don

t live there, and it’s
not a problem. Hey baby I

ll miss
you too


Blu: Tomorrow


the phone from my pocket for about the hundredth time, I realize that
Baby Blu is not going to answer.

I do not have the time to go round and visit before the meetings, the
club and I have things to get into place.

Trax as he makes his way across the yard

you seen Fudge?


s in the basement

the fuck is he doing in there?

man, if I know, I

m not his fucking


a fucking prospect, go and fucking find him, and tell him I need to
see him urgently”

pulls himself up to his full height, giving me both a dirty look and
the finger; he ambles off to find Fudge

after the confrontation with Trax, I realize that with the
combination of the meetings and not seeing baby Blu tonight, my
temper is not fully under control and that I need to let off some

when Fudge appears send him to the ring

Busy or not, I need to work of my frustration and Fudge will make a
good opponent


does not take it easy on me in the ring and I end up flat on my back
a few times and so does he. Linc calls it after about fifteen
minutes, reminding us that we do not have time for this shit.
Climbing out of the ring, Fudge, with a roll of his shoulders, starts
laughing and slapping everyone on the back. Neither of us won the
battle, but we both have disposed of the nervous energy that was
buzzing round our bodies and we can now go in to the meetings with a
clear head.

warehouse where the meeting is been held at, has been derelict for
years and is an ideal meeting spot. It
set back by about five miles down a dirt track road once you leave
the high way.

the President of Black County Stewards, is not a young man; he
in his late forties, to early fifties. Saying that I still
would not want to meet him down an alley, he is about five ten,
steel-cropped hair and pure solid muscle.


I do not know his real name, and would be surprised at anyone who


he greets climbing off his bike, shaking my hand.

am not in the mood for pleasantries and get straight down to

warned you once about selling your crap in my territory, I

not warning you again. I or the citizens of Comfort Springs don

need or want your shit so KEEP IT OUT

I say into his face

back on his heals he mocks, with a small shake of his head

looks like to me that the citizens of Comfort Springs took a vote and
want our merchandise the way they

coming over to us and looking for it. I
a businessman, and where there
demand we
supply. So we

re just going to go
ahead and sell it

thinking, I swing for his condescending head and connect with his
nose with a beautiful sound of breaking bone. As I send my punch
flying, the rest of my brothers have drawn their guns and have them
pointing at the opposition. There is blood pouring from Boris

face and I produce a smile that is all teeth.

night I find one of your deadbeat drug dealers on my property, he’ll
be sent home in a body bag” To make sure that Boris understands
what I am telling him.


I order and without hesitation, Linc shots one of the Black County
Stewards without any hesitation. As the rest of his brothers start
to draw their weapons on us and start firing back, we climb on to our
bikes and fire a few rounds at them, making our escape without any
injuries or casualties.

our return to the clubhouse, we reload are weapons with ammo in
preparation for our meeting with the Scarlet Runners. They may be
our allies and we may respect them and have a good personal
relationship as well as business, this however does not mean we go in

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