Inflame (Explosive) (2 page)

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Authors: Tessa Teevan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Inflame (Explosive)
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Lucy turned on her side, away from me, and I moved in behind her. When I wrapped an arm around her bare waist, my hand came up to rest on her flat stomach. Thoughts of how her belly would swell began to cross my mind, and surprisingly, excitement rushed through me.

There had been a time in my life when I wanted nothing more than a family and was thrilled at the idea of one, but that dream had been ripped away from me before I’d even begun to truly cherish the thought. Ever since then, I’d never let myself think about the prospects of my own family. That is, until now.

I pulled her into me, closer than usual when we slept in the same bed. I didn’t know why—if it was the sudden shift in our relationship or what—but I just wanted to be near her, to hold her, to comfort her even if I couldn’t find the words to do so.

Leaning in, I placed a kiss on her cheek before settling back in behind her.

“Everything’s going to be fine, Luce,” I told her, told myself, and prayed to God that I was right.


day, I woke up to a still sleeping Lucy in my arms, her legs tangled with mine. She must’ve turned in her sleep, and for once, I didn’t mind. We’d only actually done the whole cuddling thing once, so this was unusual for us. Taking a moment to look at her, I noticed how young and beautiful she looked while she was asleep, especially when she wasn’t all made up. Her dirty-blonde hair was falling around her shoulders, and a smile crossed my face when I noticed the freckles peppering her face. The bronze tan from the summer in the sun had barely faded.

When my eyes started traveling down her body, the memories of the night before came rushing back in. Pulling the sheet down, I took in the sight of her bare skin, covered only by a tiny bra and even tinier panties. Her breasts, small and perky, were rising and falling in rhythm with her breathing, and the thought of them growing had my morning wood getting even harder than usual. The idea of watching her body change as my child grew inside her was overwhelming. Before I could dwell on it, her eyes slowly opened and the green in them widened when she realized we were wrapped up in each other.

“Mornin’, babe,” I said, smiling at her as my hand rubbed small circles on her stomach. Her hand came up to mine and stilled my movements.

“Oh God,” she moaned, squeezing her eyes shut. Um, okay… Not exactly the response I’d been expecting.

“Lucy…” I started, but seconds later, she jumped out of bed, hand covering her mouth as she darted into the bathroom.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on, and even though the sight of puke makes me want to vomit myself, I got out of bed to make sure she was okay. She was hunched over the toilet when I walked in. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I sat down on the edge of the tub and replaced the hand she was using to hold her hair out of the way.

I’m not sure how long we spent in the bathroom, but eventually her stomach must’ve calmed down. That or she had nothing left to get rid of. Sitting up, she flushed and then looked at me, her face pale as she gave me a sheepish smile.

“I’m sorry you had to see that, Kale,” she said as she rose to her feet and went to brush her teeth.

Knowing I inadvertently helped contribute to the cause of what I was guessing was morning sickness, I shrugged it off. “Has it been like this the entire time?" I asked once she was finally done at the sink.

“Two weeks straight. I’m fine now though,” she replied as she walked back into her room.

As I followed her, I could almost feel the chill in the air as the vibe between us changed. Everything had always been so comfortable and easy with our friendship, relationship, whatever you want to call it. We never put a label on it. It’s fallen somewhere between friends with benefits and a little bit more than that, but neither of us had ever voiced that we wanted something exclusive. At least, not until last night when she told me she hadn’t been sleeping with anyone the whole time since I’d been back from Afghanistan.

The truth was, neither had I, and while the thought of her possibly being with someone else pissed me the fuck off, I wasn’t ready to make claims, and I didn’t think she was either. Now I’m wondering if I was wrong about that. In fact, I’m pretty damn sure I was, but last I knew, she was getting out of a relationship and wasn’t interested in another one. The way she was looking at me nervously when I walked back into her bedroom had me starting to worry. When I’d seen the test, I’d known that everything was about to change, but I guess I just hadn’t realized it would be this soon.

“Kale, I know we have a lot to discuss, and I really appreciate you being here and not running for the hills when you found out. But right now, I need some time alone to process all of this. To think about my options.”

Lucy’s words struck a chord, and I was reminded of the last time I’d heard someone say that very phrase to me. I could feel my face pale, and I hurried to think of what to say.

“Options? Can’t…can’t we discuss this together? After all, we made our baby together. We’re in this together, Lucy,” I emphasized, trying not to sound like I was panicking even though my heart was racing a hundred miles a second at the thought of what her options could be.

“Yes, of course. I just mean that I need time to think. That’s all. I won’t make any decisions without consulting you first. I promise,” she replied quickly before leading me to the living room, apparently desperate to get me out of her apartment. Placing her hand on my arm, she practically pushed me towards the couch, where the rest of my clothes were. “I just need time, Kale.”

Knowing it wasn’t going to go anywhere right then, I nodded and went about getting dressed. Lucy followed me to the door and went to give me an awkward side hug, but I wouldn’t let her. Instead, I turned into it and tightly wrapped my arms around her.

“Lucy Dawson, I promise you. We’re in this together, no matter what. You’re my best friend and so much more. Don’t forget it.”

I could feel her nodding against my chest, and when she pulled away, she gave me a wistful smile. “You’re mine, too. I just need some time.” Before I could respond, she gave me a small wave then closed the door in my face.

A short while later, I found myself back at her doorstep, but I didn’t let her know I was there. I had gone to the store and made a care package of sorts with crackers, Sprite, Gatorade, and her favorite vanilla almond bubble bath. If she wouldn’t let me be with her right now, then I felt like it was the least I could do. I set the box at her front door, knocked twice, and quickly walked away before she could see me.

All of a sudden, I’m pulled from my thoughts as a sharp pain bursts through me when a hard kick lands on my stomach. Before I can catch my bearings, Charlie takes my legs out, and she’s soon straddling me on the mat.

Grinning down at me, she gives a small cheer. “You almost had me a minute ago, Montgomery. Where’d you go?” she asks, looking at me suspiciously. Thoughts of Lucy cross my mind and I shake my head, not knowing what, if anything, Lucy has told her.

“Sorry, Davenport. I’ve just got a lot of things on my mind right now.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh my God. You know?” A hand comes up to clamp over her mouth and she gets up quickly. “Shit. My big freaking mouth. Umm, forget it, Kale.”

I watch as she paces the ring, and I get up, walking towards her. My hands grip her shoulders, stilling her movements.

“It’s fine, Charlie. I know. It’s just that she’s been avoiding me ever since.” I launch into a quick retelling of the night and what happened after, when Lucy practically shoved me out of her place. “She hasn’t talked to me since. She won’t answer my calls or my texts. Hell, I even tried Facebook messaging her, and she didn’t reply. And I know she saw it. I’m just worried about her,” I tell her sincerely, and her face softens at my words.

“Kale, this is kind of a big deal for her. Well, for both of you. She may need time and space, but she probably needs reassurance and support, too. And if she’s not answering her phone, well, you know where she lives.” Charlie slaps a hand on my back. “You two have a lot to figure out. But I’m rooting for you.”

“Yeah, I guess we do. Thanks, Charlie,” I agree, and I know she’s right.

Lucy may be trying to avoid me, but one thing she’ll have to learn is that I can be persistent as hell.


of the doorbell wakes me from my sleep, and when I look at the clock, I see that I’ve been napping for at least two hours on my couch. Inhaling deeply, I can almost smell the pinewood scent of Kale’s cologne still lingering from when we had sex right here just two nights ago. Two freaking nights ago, when every single thing in my life changed with one plastic, digital stick. Charlie once told me that Kale looked like walking, talking sex on a stick. Now I’m wishing she’d kept her damn mouth shut.

Ever since I so rudely pushed Kale out my door the other day, I’ve done nothing but sleep, watch T.V. and work on lesson plans when I have the energy. The whole thinking and processing things? Yeah, so didn’t happen. All I wanted to do when Kale left was make lists, just like I do to plan out my school days, but then he left a package at my door—an extremely sweet gesture I hadn’t been expecting. My mind was reeling from the thoughtfulness, even though it shouldn’t have.

Regardless of the lack of label on our relationship, he’s always been attentive—in and out of bed. That’s probably the confusing part of our relationship. Behind closed doors, we act as if we’re together, but we’re not, and in public, we’re nothing but friends. In all reality, he’s become one of my best friends over the past year and a half, and we just so happen to sleep together. And I just so happen to be in deep lust with him. Secretly, of course. The night I met Kale Montgomery, I knew I was in trouble. I just didn’t know how much.

Not long after he’d left, I heard a quick knock. I opened my door and saw no one there, almost missing the package at my feet. When I opened it, my silly little heart swelled. I took the box to the kitchen and unpacked it. Smiling at the contents, which were perfect for my queasy stomach, I set the drinks in the refrigerator. I grabbed the bubble bath and settled into the most relaxing bath I’d had in a really long time, courtesy of Kale.

The doorbell rings again, tearing me out of my thoughts. I go to answer it, surprised that it took him two whole days before showing up again. I feel bad for having ignored his phones calls all weekend, but I just couldn’t figure out what to say.

“Hold your freaking horses. In seven months, I’ll be waddling and you’ll have to wait even longer for me to get to the door,” I huff, swinging it open wide, but instead of Kale, Charlie’s on the other side, frowning as she looks me up and down.

“Sorry, no sweet and sexy, dimpled playboy here. Just me, your annoying best friend, wondering why in the hell your baby daddy was the one to tell me you do, indeed, have a baby daddy,” Charlie says, narrowing her eyes at me.

I told her on Friday night that I thought I was expecting, but after Kale came over and we confirmed it, I didn’t know what to do or what to think. Plus, I figured Charlie and Knox were in post-coital bliss from Knox’s public declaration of love, and the last thing they needed was morning-sickness-ridden, hormonal, bum-looking me hanging out on their doorstep, lamenting the errors of my faulty-birth-control ways, all the while painting a nursery in my head.

I’m feeling extremely bipolar when it comes to this pregnancy. I wasn’t lying when I told Charlie I was secretly excited about the possibility of being pregnant. My own childhood wasn’t the greatest, to say the least, and I looked forward to being the best mother I could be, regardless of the situation. But the moment I realized I had to include Kale in the equation, I panicked and burrowed into my couch, ignoring my phone and mindlessly watching Top Chef marathons for hours all while trying, and failing, to make lesson plans.

“Lucy!” Charlie snaps in my face, getting my attention. She waves her hands up and down my body. “What is this? When was the last time you showered?”

Looking down, I cringe at myself. I’m in my most comfortable sweats—synonymous for my oldest and rattiest sweats, complete with holes and all. The thin cotton tank top I’m wearing is practically see-through. My usual blonde curls are in a messy bun on the top of my head. I don’t even want to know what my face looks like right now. Probably puffy, with swollen eyes and swollen cheeks. Just a sign of what’s to come in the months ahead.

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