Inflame (Explosive) (5 page)

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Authors: Tessa Teevan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Inflame (Explosive)
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When I realized she thought I was Lily’s dad, my goddaughter did me proud by shutting that thought down immediately. Her beautiful green eyes glazed over, and she blinked twice, as if trying to erase a thought. I almost cheered when I saw the grin spread over her face as I explained who I was.

I replay the rest of the exchange in my head, and I have to slow my eager pace as I walk into the school, hoping she’s been waiting for this for a week, just like I have.

As I walk into the classroom, my heart slightly falls when I don’t see her. A young raven-haired woman is introducing a parent, and I slip into the back, not wanting to interrupt. I see Lily. She grins wide at me, waving, and I wave back. That girl. I’ve been fortunate enough to know her since she was a baby, having been right there alongside Xavier when her mom left town. We’ve been best friends, battle buddies, and brothers ever since, and I’m fortunate and proud to be Lily’s godfather.

“I thought military men were always on time,” a low whisper sounds from behind me. Turning, I see Ms. Dawson, and I don’t hide the fact that I’m checking her out.

She’s in a flowery dress, flowing down to her knees. The bare sleeves show off her tan arms, and she crosses them, effectively lifting her breasts in the process. I have to look away before she catches me staring. Instead, I’m drawn to her face. Since her hair is up in a clip, I’m given free rein to study her features. Her green eyes are even bolder than before, and I wonder if she spent extra time this morning on her makeup, knowing she was going to see me.

Hey, I grew up with sisters. I know way too much about this makeup shit, and I can tell when someone’s gone all out. Lord knows my sister Kalli always did.

Seeing the freckle on the tip of her nose causes me to grin, and she sucks in her bottom lip when I do. I know I shouldn’t be hot for teacher, but I can’t help it. I totally am.

“Got caught up in the line of duty, Ms. Dawson. Apologies. Won’t happen again, ma’am,” I say in a Southern drawl, almost wishing I had my beret on so I could tip it at her.

“I guess I’ll forgive you. Just this once. But next time, you’ll have to see me after school, Sergeant Montgomery,” she responds teasingly, and the sound of her sweet voice does something to me.

“No, ma’am. I’m more than willing to accept my punishment now. I guess I’ll see you at the end of the day,” I promise and grin when I see a pink flush spread over her face. She quickly walks away from me, moving to the front of the class so she can introduce dad after dad.

I don’t skip a beat when she introduces me, and my heart warms when Lily grabs my hand, eager to show me off to all her friends. My heart slightly breaks for Xavier, knowing he should be here, but I do my duty and stand in for him whenever I can. All this time spent with Lily has me reevaluating my whole not-wanting-to-settle-down stance, but seeing as how I’m leaving the country in the next few months, I have no room to be thinking that way. I’m just glad he’s going to be home not long after I have to leave Lily. After having helped raise her since she was just a baby, I know I’m going to miss her so damn much. I don’t know how the fuck parents in the Army leave their kids. Lily’s not even mine and I’m already dreading not seeing her a few times a week.

The kids ooh and aww over my war stories, and I don’t miss the way Ms. Dawson is clinging to every word. I may have made myself sound a little more badass than I actually am, but that’s what these kids like to hear. No one will ever know they’re little white lies, right?

By the end of the class, I’m reluctant to leave, but Ms. Dawson makes it clear that sharing time is over. Begrudgingly, I give Lily a hug and head out.

Fortunately, it’s the end of the day and I know school is about to be dismissed. I normally don’t stick around for a woman, but something about her has me waiting. I watch as the bell rings and kids pour out of the school. I spot Lily and she gives me a wave as Anna, her sweet-as-can-be grandmother, picks her up. I wave back then lean against my car to wait. For her.

When she walks about of the building, I grin as the wind makes the skirt of her dress flow. Loose strands of hair become detached from her clip, and I watch as the wind whips them around her face. She keeps trying to push them back behind her ear, but it’s no use. Too distracted to notice me, she almost walks by without giving me a second—or well, even a first—glance. I whistle and immediately feel like a tool. You know that lame high school jock who rests up against his muscle car, whistling at the cheerleaders? Yeah, that’s me right now, and I inwardly cringe. The damage is done, and I decide to just go with it. Maybe she’ll think of me more like Jake Ryan from Sixteen Candles.

“Excuse me, Ms. Dawson. I believe you owe me a punishment, and I’m here to take it like a man,” I tell her, watching as her eyes widen.

She swallows hard, and my dick is raging in anticipation of her response. “Sergeant Montgomery, I’m not sure you can handle the punishment I have in mind for you,” she says as she places a hand on her hip, her eyes challenging me.

“Oh, Ms. Dawson, you have no idea. What is it Rihanna says? ‘Chains and whips excite me’?” I know I’m probably going too far and making myself look like an ass by referencing a pop song, but I just can’t help it. The way she grins makes it all worth it, and I thank the Lord my sister loves to load ridiculous pop songs on my iPod whenever I’m at home visiting.

“Chains and whips? Amateur stuff, Montgomery. You learn what a Wartenberg wheel is and then we can talk,” she replies, and my interest is piqued. I have no fucking idea what a whar-whatever-wheel is, but I’m damn sure going to find out.

“You have a deal, Ms. Dawson.”

She looks me over, and I love the fact that she’s checking me out. I don’t know why I’m so drawn to her, but I am, and I want to get to know her better—at least where the bedroom’s concerned. Eventually, she extends her hand, and I give a firm handshake—the kind she wanted when we first met.

“Please, Kale, call me Lucy.”

Looking her up and down, I say it out loud. “Lucy. I like it.”

“That’s fortunate since I’m stuck with it. Okay, Montgomery. As much as I love flirting with a hot-ass soldier in the parking lot of an elementary school, I’ve got to get going. Maybe I’ll see you around?”

She starts to walk away, but I grab her hand, reeling her back in. I’m not ready for her to go, yet I don’t want to seem like some crazy stalker guy.

“Can I see you again? You know, outside of an elementary school?” I ask, my eyes bearing down into hers, begging for her to say yes.

She hesitates, and I’m afraid she’s about to say no when she finally responds. “I don’t date. I’m not looking for anything serious, so if that’s what you’re looking for, I’m the wrong girl.”

My cock practically sings at her words. A no-strings-attached relationship with a hot teacher right before I deploy? I couldn’t have asked for better luck.

“I don’t do relationships either, Lucy. I just want to get to know you and to have some fun. No feelings, no strings, no nothing,” I tell her and watch as a look of relief washes over her.

She starts digging in her purse, and then she scribbles something on a piece of paper before handing it to me. “Number’s right there. Call me when you’re feeling adventurous,” she says.

Before I can say anything, she spins around and swiftly walks away, leaving me to wonder just how adventurous she can be.


approximately thirty-seven minutes before putting that number to use. Kalli’s always complaining about the three-day rule, but truth be told, I think women made that whole thing up. I don’t need to wait three days to make a woman want me more. I start locking that shit down the moment they look my way. Playing a waiting game is just that—a game—and I have no interest in those. So instead, I have my own three-day rule: Give her the best lay of her life so that she can’t stop thinking about for the next three days and at least the next three lays. Let’s just say I’ve never had any complaints. Well, at least not any after my first summer of experimenting the year I turned eighteen.

I’m walking into my place when I hear her answer the phone, her voice sounding rushed. “Yeah?” she asks, and I immediately grin at her less than pleasant greeting.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Dawson. Am I interrupting something?” I ask, trying to sound serious, and I wonder if she can recognize my voice.

She’s breathless when she answers me. “Yes, you are, in fact, interrupting something, Sergeant Montgomery.” Apparently two interactions were enough to leave an impression, and I make a manly wish that those two times were also enough to have reeled her in.

“Ahh, Ms. Dawson, anything I can assist you with?” I ask, hoping she’ll say yes.

I can hear her muttering under her breath before she answers. “First of all, cool it with the Ms. Dawson crap. You know my name. Use it. And second, unless you want to come over and shake your hips with Beto, then no, you can’t help me. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get back to my workout.”

Umm, did she just invite me over to hang out with her and a dude named Beto? No, thank you. “You have fun with him all on your own. Although, it’s apparently not a very good ‘workout’ if you’re answering the phone right in the middle of it,” I tease her, hoping that once she’s done she’ll toss this one to the curb.

“Christ, you’re an idiot. Workout was not a euphemism for anything, Montgomery. I’m doing Zumba in my living room if you really must know, and Beto’s the lead instructor. I swear, you men… Always thinking with your little guy downstairs.”

I’m relieved to know that I didn’t just interrupt her mid-coitus with a Latin lover. “Um, excuse me, but there’s nothing ‘little’ about him,” I tell her. “Plus, if you get to keep calling me by my last name, then Ms. Dawson is most certainly not off-limits.”

She sighs into the phone then responds after a few silent seconds. “Okay,
” she says, emphasizing my name. “Is there a point to this phone call? My heart rate’s already lowering too much.”

Somehow I avoid making a promise about increasing her heart rate in the bedroom. “Go out with me tonight.”

“I’m busy,” she says, not skipping a beat.

I don’t skip one either. “With what?”

“Grading papers.”

“Do it tomorrow.”

“Busy then, too.”

“Doing what?”

And it happens in just a split second, but the moment she hesitates, I jump on it.

“Ah-ha! See, you are free tomorrow, meaning you can grade homework then and go out with me tonight.”

“If I agree, will you let me finish my work out?” she asks, and I know I have her. Hook, line, motherfreaking sinker.

“I’ll even let you shower afterwards,” I offer, grinning.

She laughs into the phone. “You’re so kind. All right, fine. Tell me when, where, and I’ll meet you there.”

I contemplate on it a little bit before answering her. “My place. Seven p.m. I’ll text you directions.”

“Umm, no way, Kale. I’m not meeting you at your place. I’ve seen you all of two times in my life. I don’t care how right Lily might be about how awesome and protective you are, but you’re pretty much a stranger, and well, that’s just a horror flick in the making.”

“Lucy, meet me in my driveway. If you’re uncomfortable, we’ll go out. If you’re not, we’ll stay in. Simple as that. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

I can practically hear the wheels turning in her head as she thinks on it. Finally, after what feels like a million years she answers me. “Fine, Kale. I have nothing better to do anyway.”

Ouch. The girl pulls no punches. I think Ms. Lucy Dawson and I are definitely going to get along.

“Neither, do I, Lucy. Neither do I.”

We finalize our plans and then hang up, and I realize I’m looking more forward to the evening than most of my random lays.


called, I’d just barely had enough time to get home, change, and start in on my Zumba DVD. I wasn’t exactly surprised when I heard his voice on the other line. The heated, albeit surprised, look in his eyes when I’d said I wasn’t looking for a relationship hadn’t gone without notice, and I figured I’d be hearing from him sooner or later.

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