Inflame (Explosive) (34 page)

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Authors: Tessa Teevan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Inflame (Explosive)
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“I don’t know if it was all of Mom’s home cooking or what, but I’m pretty sure I gained ten pounds just from being back home for Christmas.” I grin at her, knowing that I’m exaggerating. “I secretly love it though. I like being able to place my hand on my bump. It makes it all that much more real.”

“It’s adorable. Pregnancy looks so good on you, Lucy. And just wait ‘til he—or she—starts kicking. Then you’ll definitely know how real it feels. After all, his daddy is a mean fightin’ machine,” she reminds me.

Gathering up my luggage, I turn back towards her. “Oh gosh, did you have to remind me? With my luck, I’ll have the most active unborn baby thanks to Kale. That is until Knox decides to knock you up. That kid’ll have the most active legs in any womb with having you two as parents.”

She shakes her head at me. “Nope. Nuh uh. Don’t even start all that. It’s bad enough I had to deal with his mom at Christmas giving hints on grandchildren. Now that Branson’s divorce is underway, Knox is her next hope, and I swear to God, that woman is already knitting baby caps for us. I’m pretty sure Knox would pass out if I told him I was pregnant.”

As we make our way to her car, I playfully bump her shoulder with mine. “Oh come on. He’s head over heels for you. Wedding bells can’t really be that far off,” I tease.

Charlie goes pale. “Hey, just because you and Lexi are jumping on the wife and mommy train doesn’t mean that I’m in any hurry to move my future along.”

Eyeing her suspiciously, I’m not sure I believe my best friend, but I’ll play along. “You might say that, but I don’t believe for a second that Knox is going to waste any time putting a ring on it. Now that he has you, he’s never letting you get away. I give it six months—tops.”

“Okay, you have me there. Maybe he has hinted at it. I just don’t want to get my hopes up. I got all swoony and teary at Jace and Lexi’s wedding, and maybe I’m secretly hoping it’ll be in the cards for us. I can be patient. But probably only for six months tops,” she admits, causing me to giggle. “But enough about me. I feel like I’ve barely seen you since you and Kale started playing house. What’s going on there? Tell me everything.”

“First of all, we’re not playing house. We’re simply a couple who enjoys spending every night together but still lives in two separate places. It’s a lot of going back and forth, but I mean, you’ve seen Kale shirtless. Who wouldn’t want to sleep next to that?”

“A girl who gets to sleep with Knox Wellington every night, but I see your point. I don’t understand why you guys just don’t move in together. I mean, it’s not like you’re having a baby together,” she says sarcastically, and I sigh.

“Trust me. I know. In the beginning when Kale mentioned it, I thought it was way too soon. To be honest, I think a lot of my hesitation had to do with my dad. I was too scared that Kale wanted the baby and I just happened to be along for the ride.”

Charlie looks over at me with a sympathetic smile. “Oh, Luce, you know that’s not true. Now that you two are finally out of the closet, it’s clear as day to anyone that he’s crazy about you. In fact, I don’t know how I missed it all along.”

I grin to myself, remembering the night I finally got the courage to tell him I love him. Okay, maybe I can’t consider it brave since I said it to a drunk, sleepy Kale, but once he woke up and I was able to tell him my fears, he put me at ease completely.

“What? What’s with that smile?” Charlie asks perceptively.

“You’re right. I was kind of an idiot for thinking that Kale was only in this for one thing. I know him better than that, and in the end, it was just a silly fear. The thing is…” I pause and let out a deep breath, keeping her in suspense. “He loves me. And who the hell would’ve thought, but I love him, too.

A huge grin spreads over her face. “That didn’t take long.”

I shake my head, disagreeing with her. “Yeah, just a year and a half. Not long at all.”

“You know what I mean! I’m so happy for you, Lucy. For you both. I honestly couldn’t think of two people more perfect for each other.”

Leaning back in my seat, I can’t help but feel pure happiness. “I couldn’t agree more. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I don’t think I ever understood real love until now, until Kale. And now I feel bad for all those times I made fun of you and Knox.”

“I told you you’d get yours. When are you going to learn that I’m always right? Although I’m pretty sure this means Knox loses the bet and he’s gonna be pissed,” she says nonchalantly.

“What bet?” I ask slowly, not sure I want to know the answer.

Chuckling, she shakes her head as she pulls into my parking lot. She shuts off the car engine and turns to look at me, amusement in her eyes. “Apparently my man is more perceptive than I am. A couple of months ago, one night when we were all out, Knox guaranteed Kale was next, and Jace concurred. I guess they saw what the rest of us didn’t. Jace, however, was the smartest. He gave Kale until Christmas. Knox thought he’d last at least another six months. I thought they both were insane, but it seems Kale proved us all wrong and barely made it past Thanksgiving.”

“You guys are assholes,” I tell her jokingly. “I’ll have to tell Jace to use that money towards an exceptionally good baby shower gift.”

As I get out of the car, I thank Charlie for the ride and then close the door, quick to grab my luggage from the backseat. I’m about to walk away when I hear her say my name, and I bend down to look through the now open window.

“Happy and in love looks good on you. You deserve it.”

A swell of pure elation flows through me, and I know she’s right. “Looks good on you, too. We both deserve it. Love ya, girl.”

She gives me a warm smile and a quick wave. “Love ya, too!”

With that, she drives away. I then turn back towards my apartment, wishing Kale were here to greet me.


doing three loads of laundry, and putting away the ridiculous amount of Christmas gifts from Mom and Steve, I decide that I can’t sit around the apartment anymore. Kale was only able to get a couple of days off for Christmas, and I wanted to stay at least a week at Mom’s, so we made the painstaking decision to spend the holiday apart. We decided we’d do our own Christmas when we both got back. He’s not due to return until tomorrow, and as it’s been over a week since I’ve seen him, I’m feeling restless and, well, lonely. I have no idea when exactly I came to count on him being part of my daily life, but now that I’ve had a taste of life without him, I’m certain that I’m ready to move in with him.

It’s been nearly a month since that night I found him pretty much passed out drunk. Any time I’ve tried asking about what happened, he changes the subject. I realized quickly that he didn’t want to talk about it and I tried to let it go. All that matters now is that that night was one for revelations, and after one hell of a hangover—for him—things finally seemed like they were falling into place.

Quickly slipping on my shoes, I gather up my purse, figuring I can go to school and at least get my classroom ready for when the students come back. I’m too antsy to stick around my apartment, and I’m ready to kill some time as I wish this day away so I can be back with Kale.

I’m not surprised to see a few cars in the parking lot. Work never really ends for a teacher, not even on winter break, and I’m kind of glad I’m not the only one spending a day of my vacation here.

After unlocking my room, I place my phone on the speaker dock and throw on my latest ‘favorites’ playlist. The sound of Best Day of My Life by American Authors fills the room. It brings a smile to my face as it reminds me of Kale. Happily dancing along to the beat, I set about taking down all the holiday decorations, ready to transform my room from a Christmas classic to a winter wonderland.

I’m at the back of my supply closet when I hear my door open and close, surprising me. One of the other teachers here must need a break, and after spending a couple of hours rearranging the classroom, I could probably use one, too.

“I’m back here! Be out in a sec,” I shout to whoever’s waiting.

Stretching up on my tiptoes, I’m trying to get one last box off the top shelf, but it’s no use. I’m too damn short. I curse myself for not bringing my stepstool back. I try one last attempt, and just as my fingers graze the cardboard, I feel a firm, solid chest pressing against my back and strong arms circling my waist. The scent of him gives him away, and a shiver runs down my spine as I feel his warm breath on my ear. I wonder if he’ll always affect me this way.

“Excuse me, ma’am, but in your condition, I don’t think it’s wise to be lifting all these boxes without any assistance. It’s a damn good thing I came along when I did,” he drawls in my ear, and it’s sexy as hell.

Taking in a deep breath, I close my eyes, happy to savor his closeness after what felt like the longest week ever. When I turn in his arms, pure giddiness runs through me as I take in his features. Dark brown stubble covers his face, and it’s a look I’ve never seen on him. Immediately I imagine his face between my legs and wonder just how he’ll feel against my soft skin. Without thinking, I lick my lips. His eyes widen in amusement.

“Why, Ms. Dawson, we’ve got to stop meeting like this,” he whispers seductively as he leans in, nuzzling against my neck.

“Mmmm. I disagree. Let’s keep meeting like this,” I respond as I wrap my arms around him, sinking into his warm embrace. “I missed you.”

He slides his arms under my ass, picking me up. My legs instantly clasp around his waist, my arms circling his neck. His dark eyes gaze into mine then slowly move down to my lips. Leaning in, he captures them with his own, giving me a sensual kiss that begins slowly and then builds rapidly, as if we’re trying to make up for all the lost time.

My hands slide up and my fingers tangle in his hair as I try to pull him even closer. His lips devour mine as need and want pour out from both of us, mixing together in a heated passion that’s not exactly appropriate for a classroom, but in this moment, I don’t exactly care. It’s been far too long since I’ve been able to feel him, to taste him, and I’m going to soak in every single sensation. A fire starts to grow within my belly and seeps down quickly until I’m unwittingly grinding myself against him, causing him to groan. He slows our kisses, and although I try to speed things back up, he pulls away from me.

“I missed you, too, baby,” he says as he peppers my jawline with light, little kisses. “So. Damn. Much.”

With just a few steps, he moves to the back of the closet, where I’m silently thankful that a tall table sits. When he places me down on it, I’m still perfectly aligned with the erection that’s causing his jeans to bulge. As I continue to rub myself against him, I tilt my head back, and he takes the opportunity to nibble at my neck, causing me to shiver.

“You came home early,” I say, practically panting, desperately aching with need.

“Mmm hmm,” is all I get in return as he bunches up my t-shirt, exposing my bra. He pushes it to the side and captures a soft nipple in his mouth.

My breasts are ultra-sensitive, an unexpected perk to this pregnancy, and my body shivers at the contact. His tongue darts back and forth until it hardens under his touch, and I let out a small yelp when he bites down on the swollen tip. I can feel the smile forming on his lips as he moves to the next breast, giving it the same care. A hand reaches up and cups it before sliding down my body to where my now protruding belly rests. Kale’s mouth lets go of my nipple with a loud pop as he steps back to take a look at me. Slowly, I remove my t-shirt and sit up straight as I watch his eyes widen in pure wonderment. He sinks to his knees in front of me so that he’s on the same level of my belly, and his hand connects with my skin as he caresses my bump.

“How? I just saw you a week ago and there was barely a pouch. Now I can actually see a pretty damn pronounced bump.” He grips my waist and shifts me so he can get a side view. “Seriously, Luce, that’s amazing.”

Shrugging, I give him a sheepish smile. “I don’t know. I think he just kind of snuck up on me, and then all of a sudden, bam! He was ready to make an appearance. I’ve learned this one has a thing for timing. Plus, I may have had way too much home cooking when I was home. Mom said I needed fattening up. Now I don’t know about all that, but it looks like she did a damn good job,” I tell him, echoing the excuse I gave to Charlie.

“I’ll have to send her a thank-you card. You look amazing, baby.” His eyes travel up my naked torso and they stop on my breasts as he inhales sharply. He rises back to his feet, standing directly in front of me, his hand resting on my belly. “I love the way your body’s changing.”

Scooting to the edge of the table, I wrap my legs around him and groan when the thin material between my legs presses up against his groin. I grin at him wickedly. “It seems like he does, too. That or he just missed me a lot.”

A lone finger begins to trail from my belly down to the waistband of my stretchy yoga pants, and I’m glad I decided to dress down, especially since it means he’ll have easy access. As he slides his hand beneath the hemline, I shiver in anticipation of his touch. I’m not disappointed as his finger descends on my clit, where he presses down gently. His mouth crashes against mine and his tongue invades my mouth, moving it in slow, methodical circles that match the rhythm of his thumb. A heightened wave of pleasure grows between my legs, and I almost forget where I am in the midst of it all.

Somewhere along the corridor, a door slams, and I jump, pulling back.

Breathing heavily, I glance up at his hooded eyes. “Kale, we have to stop,” I protest. It sounds lame even to my own ears. “Let’s go home where I can ride you six ways from Sunday. And then once more for added measure.”

“Come on, baby. You know I’ve always fantasized about a classroom quickie. And since I knew I wouldn’t be able to get my hands off you until I was buried deep inside you, I already locked your door.” He gives me a devilish smile, and I realize that this is what he intended all along. The thought of doing this here feels taboo, and strangely, it’s such a turn-on that my protest is long forgotten.

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