Ink Spots (4 page)

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Authors: Lissa Matthews

BOOK: Ink Spots
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When he pulled back, her eyes were dilated and her pulse was visibly throbbing in her neck. Reluctantly he nudged her back down and he sat, both frustrated and pleased 26

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with himself at the reactions he could cause in her. “Can’t very well do that here in the pancake place though.”

“Then I guess we need to go.”

Her words caused his dick to jerk in his jeans and Jaz couldn’t blame it for wanting at her as soon as possible. He looked around the very busy and full-for-one-thirty-in-the-morning restaurant and lifted his hand when he spotted their waitress. She nodded and would eventually make her way over to them.

Mandi picked up her fork again and was drawing designs in the syrup with it. He could think of a lot of things he would like to do with the syrup and her body. He cleared his throat and took a sip of his water. For not even trying, the woman had him so horny, so damn ready to fuck on the table. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had made him feel that way.

Every time he saw her at Katz, he was ready to throw down and fuck her. Right now, in the middle of a family restaurant, was no different. There weren’t really any families to speak of at the moment, but… Even he didn’t know what it was about her that had him so tied up in knots, but that was quite all right with him. He didn’t need to know. He just needed to make sure she never forgot him, never forgot anything he did to her earlier, or would do to her later. He wanted to imprint himself on her body, on her mind, eventually on her heart.

“You really don’t care about age?”

“Nope. It’s just a number.”

“Good. I have a confession to make then.”

“I’m all ears.”

“I’ve been crushing on you since my first night at Katz. I argued with Jackie when she wanted to seat you and your friends at one of my tables.”

“Why were you arguing?”


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“Lust at first sight, I think. I don’t know. I saw you walk in behind Vinter and Dallon and…” She shook her head and looked away. Hell if he wasn’t going to make her finish that statement.


“I can’t say it.”

“Oh yes you can. Spill it.”

“No, I can’t.”

He couldn’t tell if she was just being a tease or if she really was embarrassed because she still wasn’t looking at him. “What do you want to do after we leave here?”

That got her attention. She turned back to him. “Ummm…you.”

“Good. I wanna do you too. But we’re not leaving here until you tell me what comes after the ‘and’.”

Her mouth dropped open for a split second before she closed it. “That’s not nice.”

“I didn’t say anything about nice.”

“You make me wetter than any man I’ve ever known.”

“Is that what—”

“Yes. I creamed my panties when I saw you. Felt them get all wet as I watched you looking around. Every other guy paled in comparison. I told Jackie I couldn’t wait on you. That I couldn’t talk to you. She just smiled and said she understood.”

“So she was matchmaking from the very beginning.”


“We need to go. Now.” And lucky for them, their waitress chose that moment to stop and drop off the check. Jaz didn’t hesitate in picking it up. He tossed a few bills down for the tip and held his hand out for Mandi. When she took it, he pulled her up against him. “And we’re even too.”

“What do you mean?”

“You give me more hard-ons than any woman I’ve ever known.”


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The surprise in her eyes and the smile that crossed her lips tried his composure.

There was no doubt he was going to screw her, fuck her, make love to her for the rest of the night, but if she kept looking at him as though she’d just won a big prize, he was going to take her up against the wall right outside the restaurant.

“Stop it. Put that look away.” Jaz took her hand and tugged her along after him. He stopped at the front counter and waited as the cashier rang up the order and took his money.

Mandi put her hand on his shoulder and leaned up against his side. One of her nipples rubbed against his arm, and he had to bite back a groan. “Keep the change,” he ground out around a smile that probably scared the crap out of the poor woman and steered Mandi out the doors. “You’re such a tease.”

He pressed her against the trunk of his car, ground his cock against the V of her thighs and crushed his lips against hers. He worked at her mouth, which still tasted of syrup, and gripped her body in his hands, itching to get his dick inside her. He wasn’t going to be able to wait until they got back to… He didn’t even know where the hell they were going. He just knew he needed someplace close and private.

“In the car. Get those jeans down to your ankles and spread those sexy legs when you get in. Now.”

“Jaz, I…”

“Oh hell no. Don’t pull that innocent shit with me. You’ve been doing it all night, one minute the hot-as-fuck vixen, the next the sweet girl next door. I’m on to you and I’m going to be in you.” He propelled her to the passenger side and opened the door for her. “Now, Mandi. I can’t hold on much longer, and I want that heat, that wetness on my fingers.”

“That’s likely not going to help you hold on.”

He was going to lose his mind. He popped the button on her jeans and slid the zipper down. “We’ll see, won’t we?”


Lissa Matthews

He ushered her into the seat for the second time that night and shut the door, watching as she lifted her hips and did exactly as he’d asked, except… Goddamn she pushed her panties down too. She spread those lush thighs apart as far as she could and turned her head to look up at him, that sexy smile on her mouth.

She was going to leak all over his brand-spanking-new vinyl seat.

His cock was going to leak all over the inside of his jeans.

He slid across the hood of the car in his best Bo Duke imitation and was behind the steering wheel within seconds. He slid the key home in the ignition at the same time he leaned over in Mandi’s direction. “Kiss me.”

And dear god did she. She ravished his mouth with the most blatant kiss, holding nothing back. She was having sex with him through it. Her tongue thrusting, her lips devouring. The scent of her arousal filled the car, and his hand found its way to her sex, to the juices that were going to make his fingers and his seat all slippery.

She raised up to his touch but didn’t stop kissing him. Instead, she filled his mouth with moans and whimpers and pleading. Her hips pumped into his hand as he explored her, the folds of her pussy opening for him, inviting him in. And explore was just what he intended to do.

He cupped her and his middle finger slid easily, effortlessly between her ass cheeks she was so wet. Pulling back from the kiss, she opened her eyes at the same moment she gripped his wrist and held his hand against her.

“Make me come again, Jaz.”

She breathed the words while her other hand grabbed the front of his t-shirt.

“We’re still in the parking lot, baby. You sure?”

“I’m sure. I don’t care. You say things that just turn me on so much that I can’t think straight, can’t want anything but to come apart with you. I don’t care, just please…”

As she talked, she kept up the motion of her hips. He felt her bear down, press against the pads of his fingers and he pressed back. She shuddered and whimpered but 30

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she never lost eye contact with him. He kept watching her eyes, her face, but his peripheral vision was sharp. Only a few people walking through the small lot had glanced their way, but it had been nothing more than cursory as far as he could tell.

Her hand on his wrist tightened. “Hold your fingers still. Let me…”

He did as she wanted, and it was the best hand job he’d ever received. It wasn’t her hand on his dick but it was a hand job just the same. His hand, her pussy, and the job of making her come.

She masturbated herself on his fingers and her own. She guided his hand where she wanted it, when she wanted different pressure in a different place. Through the soaking-wet lips, inside her tight cunt, onto her hot and hard clit, she used his whole hand to bring herself off with.


“I’m here, baby. Let go. I’m right here…” And he was. He wouldn’t miss it for the world.

She pushed into his fingers and together they got her off. She moaned and bucked and worked one of her fingers under his, rubbing for all she was worth.

“Put your fingers inside me. Fuck me with them.”

He’d had no damn idea she was this kind of woman. So utterly open and scorching in her sexuality.

Jaz dropped two digits inside her, and before he’d thrust them three times, she was coming on them. She literally dripped juices down his palm, his wrist, and likely to the seat below.

She didn’t scream or yell. She squealed a little, moaned, and the groan that left her throat was like that of a wild animal. In pain or in heat, he couldn’t tell, but the muscles that squeezed and pulsed and caged him inside her channel…

Then she kissed him. Through the last stages of her orgasm she kissed him. Just as hot as she had before but softer, more intense.


Lissa Matthews

“Damn, woman,” he whispered against her lips, flexing his fingers inside her.

“Damn, man,” she whispered back, pushing against his hand.

“Damn straight.”

He was still fondling her. As he drove to wherever it was he was taking her, he was still fondling her. Soft flicks of his fingertips over her clit, long, slow slides through her labia then dips inside her to draw out more of her wetness and moans.

Nothing was said in the car. Nothing needed to be said. She said it all with her legs spread and his hand between them, cupping her, holding her, tempting and teasing her.

She didn’t feel a stitch of embarrassment or shame either. All she felt was heat flowing through her, lust, need unlike anything before. Never wanted it to stop or go away. She wanted to always feel this hunger, this tension right on the edge of her nerves, simmering, waiting for just the right moment, for just the right touch.

Jaz pulled into a parking spot in front his tattoo shop. She’d never been in it, but she’d known what he did for a living. She knew a lot about him from Jackie.

Jackie. She was the absolute best,
friend a girl could ask for. Mandi would have never gone after Jaz on her own, and she had to thank Jackie for knowing that.

Mandi looked over at him when he turned the car off. “You really are turning out to be the best birthday present I could have ever wished for.”

His brows quirked up and he waggled them. He smiled and leaned over, kissing just under her earlobe. “Good. I plan to keep showing you that for the rest of the night and day. I plan to be the best fucking present you’ve ever gotten.”

Fire curled in her belly at his words, at his breath fanning her skin. For the first time since they’d gotten in the car at the restaurant, he removed his hand from between her thighs. She didn’t like it. She wanted him back.

“I’ll let you unwrap me when we get inside. Kick off your flip-flops and shuck your jeans and panties, sweater and bra too.”


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“No. You can strip inside the car here then you can scurry your sexy little ass across the sidewalk to the door.”

“You want me to walk across the sidewalk naked?”

“I do.”

“Jaz…” she started to protest, but he wagged a finger in her face that had her biting back a laugh.

“Oh no. Don’t even, Mandi. Not with the way you got off a little while ago. Don’t even think about pulling that shy act with me again.”

“But that was different.”

He had her. He knew he had her.
knew he had her. She’d strip naked and walk proudly from the car into his shop so long as he walked with her. She’d had all sorts of naughty fantasies about him since meeting him at Katz. She hadn’t known what kind of woman he was attracted to, but she knew
wanted him. He had tattoos, and the most interesting and amazing blue glass tunnels in his earlobes in which the holes had been stretched to accommodate them. His head was shaved and he usually came in wearing baggy shorts to the knees or cargo pants and high-top Converse. Each time she saw him, he wore a different color and she didn’t think she’d seen him wearing the same pair twice. His t-shirts were always just as colorful as his shoes too. But it was his bright eyes that drew her in, his full mouth, easy laugh. His big muscles didn’t hurt either. He had the size that would make a girl feel safe, protected, adored.

He was the kind of fantasy she’d always hoped for but who never looked her way.

Now he was, thanks to Jackie bringing them together all those months ago and right now, tonight.

And he wanted her to walk about thirty feet. Naked.

“Do it, Mandi. Be even naughtier and get naked for me.”


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For him. Anything at all for him. She slid her feet free of her shoes and then worked them free of her jeans and panties. The sweater and bra were next, and though she probably should feel a little self-conscious about being naked with him, she didn’t. He wanted her. Curves, pudge and extra padding. He wanted her. His eyes said it. His mouth said it. His actions said it.

Right then, in the way his breath stopped and his gaze raked her body from head to toe, stopping at different points, like her breasts. The longer he stared at them, the harder her nipples became, as though reaching out for him. Every part of her was reaching out for him, wanting him, wanting his touch again.

“Ready?” He didn’t say anything, just kept looking at her.


Slowly those brilliant eyes looked up into her face. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than a woman so open and willing.”

“It’s my birthday. I can be and do anything on this one day.”

“More than this one day, Mandi.”

She wasn’t going to ask what he meant by that. She was afraid to. She just wanted to enjoy him for as long as she was allowed. “I’m ready to open my present, Jaz.”

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