Ink Spots

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Authors: Lissa Matthews

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Ink Spots

Lissa Matthews

By night, Mandi is a waitress in her best friend’s adult entertainment club, complete with long raven hair and bright blue eyes. By day, she’s a boutique jewelry maker with a flair for the occasional naughty design. She’s shy, quiet, a definitive Plain Jane—and completely in lust with the one man who wouldn’t ever be interested in her. He’s big, menacing, and inspires every one of her dirty girl desires. If birthday wishes came true, he would be hers.

Tattoo artist. Business owner. Lover of vintage cars. Drummer. Jaz is far from the average guy. Built like a brick wall and inked from head to toe, he can scare the faint of heart with just a look, but faint of heart isn’t what interests him, isn’t what fuels his fantasies and keeps him hard from dawn to dusk. It’s her—the waitress, his sister’s friend, the birthday girl.

Mandi is given the best present ever—Jaz. And she’s got one night to make every wicked thought and erotic dream she’s had about him come true.

An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

Ink Spots

ISBN 9781419932120


Ink Spots Copyright © 2010 Lissa Matthews

Edited by Mary Moran

Cover art by Syneca

Electronic book publication December 2010

The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


Lissa Matthews

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Dodge Charger: Chrysler, LLC

Ford Gran Torino: Ford Motor Company


Mustang: Ford Motor Company

Nickelback: Nickelback Productions Inc.

The Dukes of Hazzard
: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Lissa Matthews

Chapter One

“Where is she?”

Jackie turned surprised eyes up at him. “You came. I wasn’t sure you would.”

“I don’t know why not. You know how I feel about her.” Jaspar tried to keep the censure out of his tone, but he wasn’t sure he’d been all that successful. He was a mass of nervous excitement. “Her” was Mandi, the one woman who could make him harder than an aluminum softball bat and make his palms sweat with nothing more than the quirk of her lips.

“I know what you want with her doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with feelings.”

His gaze narrowed on her face. “Jesus, Jackie, you know me better than that.”

“I do, but since I hadn’t heard from you since earlier in the week…” She smiled up at him, linking her arm through his, giving it a warm squeeze of sentiment and support.

“She’s in the back.”


“She’s not expecting you.”

Jaspar winked. “Even better.”

He walked down the long, dark hallway toward the changing room of Katz. The multipurpose establishment of bar, grill and adult entertainment club was hopping tonight. There wasn’t an empty seat in the place. Jackie had done well for herself and he couldn’t have been more proud of her.

They’d grown up as foster siblings. She had been adopted and moved away, but they’d kept in touch. Even when she’d gone off to college and he got into trouble with the law, she still wrote to him, still believed in him. She’d been the one who met him 6

Ink Spots

when he got out, gave him a job at Katz and eventually introduced him to his business partners and best friends, Vinter and Dallon. She was the only family he had, and it was through her that he’d met the woman of his dreams.

Jaz laughed at his poetic thoughts. Woman of his dreams indeed, considering those dreams were wet ones, waking him up hard, horny and so goddamn hot for the raven-haired, blue-eyed minx. She was shy around him, never looking him in the eyes, barely speaking to him at all beyond asking what he wanted to eat or drink or to ask if he needed anything else after she’d brought it to him.

No, she’d given her open, beautiful smiles to his friends, to other customers, to everyone else except him. And it only made him want her more.

He stopped at the end of the hallway, in front of the black door with the single sign that stated
Kittyz Only
. He raised his hand to knock but then lowered it to the doorknob. He turned it and slipped inside the room, locking the door behind him.

The large space was empty in the middle, but along the walls were mirrors, tables, a set of moveable lockers and two clothes racks, each one filled with various types of lingerie. For a second, Jaz wasn’t sure the woman in question was even in the room until he then heard the humming from behind one of the clothes racks. She emerged a second later clad in a bra and the short denim skirt that Jackie insisted all her girls wear.

“Mandi.” Wide…green eyes flew up and locked with his. Green? No, she was supposed to have blue eyes. “Why do you have green eyes?” he asked, suspicious as he looked at the bright emerald color. He didn’t think it was possible, but damn if his internal temp hadn’t jacked up a few degrees.

“Jaz. What are you doing in here?”

“Answer me. Why are your eyes green?”

She visibly swallowed and took a step back. He silently cursed himself for the harsh demand and for startling her. He was a big man, standing six foot four, and within about six inches on either side of being as wide in the shoulders as a standard doorway, 7

Lissa Matthews

and Mandi, well, she was a small woman, at least in stature. The curves she had though…her hips, that ass, those tits were anything but.

“Contacts. They made my eyes blue.”

“Why did you wear them?”

“Jackie,” she quickly blurted. “It’s her club. She dictates how her girls are going to look. She already had a girl with black hair and green eyes. She wanted a girl with black hair and blue eyes.”

Jaz nodded his understanding and let his gaze travel her body from head to toe.

The black bra stood stark against her pretty pale skin. The slight, rounded softness of her torso, the flare of her hips inside her skirt, the strong legs that were encased in knee-high platform boots… God, what else did she have on? Was there a thong under the denim? Satin? Lace?


His dick was about to push itself out of his jeans. His hands fisted at his sides and he pressed himself hard against the door at his back. He closed his eyes, tried to think of something else beyond her half-nakedness just a few feet in front of him. He needed to get himself under control, but now that he was here, in private with her, all he could think about was…

“Jaz? Are you all right?”

She was closer. He hadn’t heard her move, couldn’t hear anything but the echo of her voice inside his head and the blood pounding in his ears.

He took a few deep breaths to calm his racing heart but it didn’t do any good. He wouldn’t be able to think clearly or function normally until he sated the lust thrumming through him. She smelled of flowers, of spice, of sweet innocence and sins.


She was even closer now, and her hand… Fuckin’ A, her hand was on his arm and that was just too much. He opened his eyes a split second before he grabbed for her, 8

Ink Spots

hauling her up into his body, lifting her off the floor with his arms and taking her shocked mouth with his tongue.

She was a heavy weight against him, a big girl, but shit, he loved it. He was a big man, hard-muscled, strong. She was all womanly give when she melted. And, man, did she ever melt.

Her tongue met his, tangled, dueled, tagged and finally sucked until he groaned and shifted her. One large hand gripped her ass tightly. The other fisted in her hair to hold her head steady. She wrapped her legs around his hips and wiggled her pussy against his denim-covered dick. He could have come right then had her hair not distracted him by coming off in his palm.

Ripping his mouth from hers, he all but dropped her. Again, she’d shocked him by not being what she appeared to be on the outside.

“A wig?” Her mouth was red and swollen from their kiss, and when she licked her lips, he had to try to rein in his unruly lust and not kiss her again just yet.


“Take the pins out of your hair. Let me see what it looks like.”

She made a push at his shoulders, but he wasn’t about to give. “Put me down.”

“No. I had you secure when we were kissing, I can keep hold of you while you take your hair down.” She stared at him and he stared right back, daring her to deny his request, though he supposed it came out more as an order. He didn’t care. Her outward appearance so far wasn’t altogether truthful, and he wasn’t in the mood to debate if he’d asked nicely or not.

His want of her, however, hadn’t diminished one iota. He still wanted her, and he was still going to have her. If she let him. In that, she would say yes or no, and he’d abide by it. But, god, he hoped she said yes. Too many months without a woman was taking its toll on his sanity, because all his body wanted was this one particular woman.

“I’m not gonna drop you,” he offered gently.


Lissa Matthews

He tossed the black wig over to one of the tables and angled his arm along her back, giving her more steady support. For added measure, she tightened her legs at his hips.

How many nights had he thought of her like this, with her legs wrapped around his body, clad in those boots?

She lifted her arms. For a moment, he couldn’t take his eyes off the way the move raised her breasts a scant few inches. The shadowed V between them tempted his tongue to slide down and taste her skin, but that would have to wait. One by one, the pins dropped from her fingers as she loosened her hair. Blonde curls touched her shoulders in some places, in others, the curls stood out at odd angles from having been held down.

She shook it out and finally leveled her gaze at him. Innocent. That was the first word that came to mind looking at her up close. Behind the somewhat heavy makeup she still wore, the natural color of her hair and eyes gave her such an innocent look that Jaz couldn’t stop the growl in his throat.

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