Inked (Tattoos and Leather) (3 page)

Read Inked (Tattoos and Leather) Online

Authors: Jaymie Holland

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Inked (Tattoos and Leather)
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They raised their glasses in a toast and as one said, “To Megan.”

Sean knocked back his drink, feeling the welcome warmth of the liquid as it went down. He lowered his glass to see that his twin had done the same. Sean had not expected anything different.

“We have a problem.” Nick idly looked at his empty glass then held it out to Sean who had already picked up the decanter.

Sean poured each of them two more fingers of brandy. “Yes. Megan’s situation is most certainly a problem.”

This time they drank the brandy more slowly, not overly conscious of mirroring each other as they put the glasses to their lips simultaneously.

Sean lowered his drink. “What do you propose we do with sweet and sexy Megan Faircloth?”

“Pay her next month’s rent.” Nick looked thoughtful as he swirled the amber liquid in his glass. “Find her a job through one of our contacts with a good salary as well as bonuses. We obviously can’t employ her due to our policy, but we can make sure she’s placed well.”

Sean gave a quick grin. “I know exactly what kind of bonus
will give her.”

“I’m of the same mind.” Nick was clearly amused. “Although a monetary bonus would likely be appreciated.”

“We’ll have Susan track down her vitals,” Sean said.

“Where she lives, how much her rent is, if she lives with anyone, etcetera, etcetera.” Nick withdrew his cellphone and pressed a single digit before putting the phone on speaker and setting it on the seat beside him.

“Yes, Mr. Dorian?” came the soft southern accent with steel behind every word.

On the surface Susan might look like a beautiful southern belle, but she could more than handle working for the Dorian brothers, which said a lot. They weren’t easy taskmasters yet she had proven to be indispensable. They couldn’t imagine running the business without her.

“Susan, we have something that needs to be attended to immediately,” Nick said without preamble.

“Yes, sir.” Her tone was brisk and Sean imagined her ready with her iPad to take notes.

Nick ran through the list of what they wanted their right-hand woman to take care of.

“Right away, sir,” Susan said in her deceptively soft southern drawl.

“Thank you, Susan.” Nick disconnected the call.

Jensen pulled the Rolls up to the building they had called home since they’d made their first fifty million dollars. After they exited the car, briefcases in hand, Nick and Sean entered the building as the doorman opened the door for them.

Sean and Nick nodded as one to the doorman and to the security guard before they went to the farthest elevator. Sean took out his keycard, waved it in front of the elevator’s sensor pad, and a car immediately opened. It was their private elevator and always ready to transport them to whichever floor they might wish to visit.

Nick pressed the button for the penthouse and the elevator doors swished closed before the car whisked them up to the top floor. They entered a lobby with an enormous fresh holiday bouquet at the center of a large granite table. Sean waved his keycard to allow them entrance to their home, and together they pushed open the double doors and entered the penthouse.

The doors opened up into a room of expansive white carpeting, floor-to-ceiling windows, glass, chrome, and black furnishings.

Their butler, Reginald, appeared and he bowed at the shoulders. “Good evening, sirs.”

“It is a very good evening,” Nick said with a smile.

Sean gave a nod of agreement. Indeed it was.

Reginald took their long coats and draped them over one arm. “What do you require of me this evening?”

Sean glanced at his watch. “Why don’t you put on the Knicks game?”

“Of course.” Reginald bowed again and retreated to hang their coats and turn on the TV in their movie room.

Nick and Sean walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and stood with their hands behind their backs. The view from their penthouse was astonishing, and the Christmas lights glowing along the streets and on the buildings added to the beauty of the evening.

The twins had always enjoyed this time of year and this Christmas looked to be a jolly one.

Nick’s phone rang. He drew it out of his pocket, looked at the caller ID, and pressed the speaker button. “Yes, Susan?”

“I have the information you requested, sir,” their assistant said.

Nick answered with, “Go ahead.”

Susan ran through the information they had requested and then some. Yes, their assistant was thorough, always going above and beyond what was required of her.

When she finished, Nick said, “Email the data to us.”

“Of course,” Susan responded. “Have a good evening, sirs.”

“You, as well,” Sean said.

Nick disconnected the call and slid his phone into his pocket. “That’s all we need for now.”

Sean gave a nod. “For now.”

Yes, Megan was special. Even though they had barely spoken with her, Sean knew soul-deep that she was meant for them.

The sound of the game came from the movie room. Tonight was an away game, the New York Knicks versus the Memphis Grizzlies. Dorian International Imports had a full-season suite at the stadium and the twins frequented the games. Sometimes they entertained clients, other times they’d entertained a woman.

Nick and Sean never shared more than one woman at a time even though they could easily have as many women as they wished. Pleasuring one woman, dominating one woman was exactly what they wanted and how it had always been. They had shared women since their first sexual experience and it would always be that way.

Sean’s bedroom was on one side of the penthouse, Nick’s bedroom on the opposite side. When they shared a woman they had a very special room they used just for her.

Sean imagined having Megan with them in the suite. He thought about how soft her body had been against his and he grew hard again. He couldn’t wait to have her between them again…only next time it would be skin against skin, soft curves against hard flesh.

He smiled and Nick looked at him. “Soon,” Nick said, clearly knowing what his twin was thinking about.

Sean gave a nod as he echoed, “Soon.”

Chapter 4

“No need.” The super, Marty, held up his meaty hand, refusing the cash Megan and her roommate, Drew, had scraped together, including two rolls of quarters and one roll of nickels. “Rent’s paid, ladies.”

“What?” Megan’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding, right?”

Marty snorted. “You think I wouldn’t take your money if it wasn’t paid?”

“Who paid it?” Drew leaned closer to the service window, her ample bosom over the shelf in front of the window. Her dark hair fell in ringlets around her shoulders, and her breath fogged the window, blurring the view of the super’s round, red face before he turned away from them to poke around on his basement office tool shelf.

Marty shrugged, picked up a screwdriver, and shifted his attention to a motor on the other side of the counter. “Courier service brought it yesterday morning. It was in cash, the exact amount of your rent, with your apartment number and names on the card. Figured one of you sent it.”

Megan stood beside Drew, clutching the bills and coin rolls. No way somebody had paid their rent. No way.

She hadn’t stopped looking for a job for three solid days, but she hadn’t had any luck. They had decided to pay bills in order of importance, and then due date. The money for rent was all they had scraped up so far—and now—

Oh, wait
. Megan stared at the cash in her hands.
The twins

Let us make it up to you…


She had punched Nick, elbowed Sean, and stormed away from them without a backward glance. She wished she could say she hadn’t given either one of the men a second thought, but she had been thinking about them pretty much non-stop in the three days since she’d stalked out of DII.

“Any ideas?” Drew asked her when it became clear the super was through talking.

Megan had to force her attention away from the money and the twins yet again. “Somebody you know, maybe?” Megan said to Drew. “You have more admirers than I do. Mine equals zero, so that wouldn’t be too difficult.”

“Not admirers. Happy customers.” Drew grinned. “But not happy enough to spring for our rent. Has to be you, honey.”

There’s just no…way…
Hell, they didn’t even know where she lived. Unless they’d managed to get it from DII. But human resources wouldn’t give that info to a pair of consultants—would they?

It couldn’t be.

Megan had no idea what to say.

“I’ll deposit this at the bank in a few hours.” Drew took the cash out of her hands. “We’ll make the utilities now, no sweat.”

They left the basement and took the elevator back to their fifth floor apartment, and with each passing minute, Megan got a little more worried.

What if the twins
managed to get her information and had paid her rent?

What would they want from her in return?

Her body reacted to the thought, supplying a few juicy images to set her mind reeling, but she shut down those fantasies as quickly as she could.

She didn’t know those two men at all. They were just eye candy. Good-looking guys who had flirted with her. Then admitted they got her fired.

Damn it, she didn’t owe them anything.

Did she?

Two men. At the same time.

Megan’s cheeks got hot, and she didn’t know if it was because she was mad at Nick and Sean all over again, or because she was thinking about the ink on their necks.

She really, really wondered what the rest of those tattoos looked like. And why they were wearing high-end business suits, but smelled like leather.

Oh, God. She had to stop thinking about those two before she went out of her mind.

* * * * *

By the time Megan was done looking for a job for the day, she was ready for a long hot bath. It had not gone well—in a city this big
had to be hiring, right?

She strode down the sidewalk with her hands in her long coat and her briefcase swinging from its strap over her shoulder. The number of résumés in the briefcase had dwindled and she was going to have to print more.

Fog hung in the air when she blew out her breath. It was late in the afternoon on a Friday, and anyone who might be hiring was probably cutting out early. By now she was looking pretty bedraggled, so her best bet was to get home, rest up, and find a job on Monday.

Damn those twins for going automated and letting her go from DII. So what if it was a business decision? The least they could have done was move her to a different department.

Images of the two gorgeous men caused flutters in her belly. The thought of being between them again caused her throat to tighten. They’d been so close to her, caging her in between them—

She smacked hard into someone who caught her by the shoulders.

For one instant she imagined that she had run into one of the two men her brain had conjured up. Instead she saw the smiling face of one of her closest friends, Faith Thomas.

“Faith.” Megan adjusted her strap on her briefcase and smiled. “What are you doing out here in the cold? Don’t you work Friday evenings?”

“Usually.” Faith smiled as she adjusted the cap over her dark curls. “Someone booked a private party at Spirits and I have the evening off. Paid no less. So I’m going out with Joey.” She cocked her head to the side. “Something’s up. What is it?”

“I lost my job.” Megan sighed. “So I’ve been hitting it hard, trying to find

“I’m sorry, honey.” Faith squeezed Megan’s upper arms. “Spirits is hiring. Why don’t you come work with me?”

Megan shook her head. “Really, that’s the last thing I want to do.”

“You worked as a server in a bar in college,” Faith pointed out. “Listen, I’ll put in a good word for you. The pay is good and the tips are fantastic. Especially this time of year.” Faith mentioned how much she was making a week, and Megan’s eyes nearly popped out of her head.

Maybe she
do it?

“You could start right away,” Faith said.

Megan tried to imagine herself in one of the ultra-sexy and revealing outfits the women wore at Spirits. The women had their boobs pushed up to their faces and their ass cheeks peeking out from beneath the tiny skirts. Nope, she couldn’t picture herself in that getup at all. She’d have to find something more up her alley.

She shook her head again. “I’m not cut out for a tits-and-ass place. I’d die of embarrassment.”

Faith smiled. “Our uniforms are nicer now and our holiday suits are fun. You might like them.” She opened up her coat and revealed a red and green elf suit, with lots of velvet and lace and green fishnet stockings. The bustier pushed her boobs up so that they looked like they were on platters and the skirt was wickedly short.

Megan put her hands up in a “stop” motion. “You call that better? I mean it’s pretty and all, but me? No.”

Faith flashed a grin as she pulled out an elf hat from her coat pocket. “With your curves and hourglass figure, you’d look great in the outfit.” She waggled the hat. “Plus you get to wear this adorable hat.”

“Well now that I see the hat,” Megan acted like she was pretending to consider it, “still

“Call me if you change your mind.” Faith gave her a hug before tucking the hat back into her pocket and wrapping her coat around herself. “I’ve got to get home to get ready before Joey arrives.”

After they parted ways, Megan made it the rest of the way home. Dejected after yet another fruitless day, she made it upstairs to her and Drew’s apartment and let herself in.

“Hey.” Drew smiled as Megan walked in. “Any luck?”

Megan sighed as she leaned her back against the door. “Not a bit.”

Drew pushed long dark strands of hair over her shoulder. “You ready to stop pounding the pavement yet?”

Megan banged the back of her head on the closed door, her eyes shut. “I am not signing up to be a consultant for Sweet Sensations.”

“You’ll make a fortune, and best off all you’ll have me for a boss.” Drew made kissy noises. “I’d never fire you at Christmas.”

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