Inky (13 page)

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Authors: J.B. Hartnett

BOOK: Inky
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“Honey, I was just gonna ask if you wanted me to kick his ass a little bit for you.” It was nice to know Gus the Marine had my back.

“No, I can do it myself.” I saw Evan physically tense up.

“Well?” Aimes asked.

“Look, Lisa and I had a thing before I ever asked Ink if she wanted to get married. I was just trying the idea on for size. I thought that’s what I wanted at the time but so much shit has happened in the last few months, I just…”

“You just what, you stupid fuck?”

“Hey, watch it Aimes. It’s not his fault she’s bat-shit crazy.” I swear Aimes suddenly had super human strength. She flew over the counter and the sound of flesh and bone meeting horrified me. I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed, letting the events of my life play out. Gus pulled Aimes off of Lisa, taking a chunk of golden hair with her. Evan tried to place his body in front of Lisa.

“You fucking bitch! She thought you were her friend! Get the fuck out of this house, Lisa, you fucking whore!”

“You’re one to talk, Aimes. You’ve fucked half the United States Marine Corp!” She spat, holding her hand to where the hair had been ripped out, her perky breasts exposed. Aimes tried to throw herself at her again but Gus held her tight.

“Aimes!” Evan was yelling at her now. “Take it easy. Okay? We didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“Like fuck you didn’t!” She spat.

Gus still held her against him, her head resting just below his sternum. “Evan, I know this is not the ideal situation, but you better not raise your voice to my woman.”

“But it’s okay for her to call Lisa a whore?” Evan bit out.

“Like I said, don’t speak to her like that.”

“Get out! Both of you. Lisa I want your shit gone, you hear me? I don’t care where you go but you can’t stay here. I’m gonna be the bearer of bad news for both of you assholes. I thank fuck she didn’t have to see this.”

I decided now was my big moment.

I opened the door and appeared behind Evan and Lisa. Gus saw me first, then Aimes, whose eyes immediately welled up with tears. I saw Evan’s head drop, his entire body sinking with realization. Lisa stood there like a defiant child, never looking back.

“In all my life…” I said calmly, “I never imagined I would have a front row seat to my fiancé fucking one of my best friends in our kitchen, and then eating her out where we have coffee every morning. Aimes, get your keys and your toothbrush. I’m treating you to room service at the resort. If we can’t get a room there, we’ll go to that awesome dive motel I lived in for a while. Gus, you think you can handle a night away from your beloved?”

“I reckon I can, Inky. You look real pretty by the way.”

“Thanks, Gus.” It was then that Evan finally turned around. I saw the pain in his face and I did feel for him, but I was mostly numb at that moment. I just needed to get away from him. “Get your shit out of my room, Evan, and help Lisa pack and put it in your truck.”

“You know I’m standing right here, Ink. Oh, and my name’s on the lease too.” Lisa didn’t want to be ignored.

“Hang on. Don’t move…either of you.” Maybe it was my attire or my attitude but they didn’t budge.

I went into my room and opened the bottom dresser drawer and pulled it out completely. Wedged against the frame were stacks of bills bundled into thousand dollar bundles. I had over ten grand saved, not to mention the sale of the painting. I didn’t need to go to Rusty’s for a while. I put the drawer back and grabbed a backpack, shoving a few items I needed for an overnight stay and some other things I didn’t want Evan to take.

“Here.” I said to Lisa, handing her a stack of cash. “That’s first and last and your share of the security deposit. You’ve just been evicted. Have a nice life.”

I turned and walked right up to Evan who was still standing naked in the kitchen. I took a step back and looked at him, really looked at him. What was it about him that I just couldn’t resist all these years? I took one more step back, I looked down at my beautiful dress, recalling how all I wanted was to share this experience with the man I loved and without any more hesitation, I slapped him across the face, sending a stinging pain that shot up my arm and echoed through the kitchen. He looked at me, completely stunned. I looked at him, completely empowered.

He held his face with his hand, shock draining the color from his body, “I’m so sorry, Inky. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way.”

“Oh, is there a better way to break someone’s heart?” It could’ve been the slap, but his eyes were filled with tears. “Shouldn’t you be packing, Lisa?” I asked. She stomped away and still looked beautiful doing it. “Evan, you probably did me a big favor. You probably did us both a big favor but the worst part of this? You were one of my best friends. I let you in and you couldn’t handle it. I knew better but I did it anyway. So the joke’s on me. I’ll know better next time. If there is a next time.

I’ll stay away from Rusty’s for a while. If you forgot anything, I’ll take it there. Don’t call me. Don’t contact me. Stay away from me. I walked out of the kitchen and opened the front door. “Tell Aimes I’ll be waiting in the car.”

“Inky?” Evan said, “I do love you. I just can’t do forever with you. I don’t want to lose your friendship.”

I closed the door. I wasn’t going to start crying there in the kitchen. I had so many conflicting emotions going on all at once. I just needed to get out of there. Aimes was out the door a minute later. We started to drive and she said nothing for a long time, her eyes wide with fury.

“Aimes, can you please pull over for a minute?” I had my seatbelt off before the car stopped. I opened the door, leaned out and started to throw up. The alcohol, the adrenaline, my fiancé fucking Lisa in the kitchen, Cole. It all took its toll.

Cole. I should’ve kissed him. Aimes pulled my beautiful dress out of the line of fire and rubbed my back. When I was done, she handed me a bottle of water.

I rinsed my mouth and spit into the gutter, “How’s my hair? Does it still look good?”

“You want to know how your hair looks?”


“Well, Ink, it looks surprisingly great. Uh, did you have too much to drink tonight?” She asked cautiously.

“It was spread out over several hours. No, I think shock and the fact my heart is trying to jump out of my body is what made me puke. Not to mention, even before I got home, I had a pretty eventful night.”

“Where do you want to go?”

“Vegas? Just kidding. Can you ask Gus to call us when they’re gone?”

“Of course, honey. You seem oddly okay.”

“Like I said, I’m in shock I think. It’s strange but I thought I’d be more upset than this.” I stared out the window as she started driving again. “Such a strange night. It was amazing. The first three quarters of it anyway, were absolutely amazing. On second thought, let’s just go hang out at Denny’s and drink vast amounts of coffee. Is that okay?”

“Awesome.” Any time was a good time for Denny’s.



“It was pretty kick ass how you laid into Lisa and Evan. Thanks.”

“Anytime, Ink. Any time.”

Chapter 14

“Fuck, my head is killing me.” Gus, the morning coffee fairy handed me a fresh cup. “Gus, maybe we could just pay you to be our house boy. You can cook and make coffee. You don’t have to do laundry or clean, just supply us with delicious food and fresh coffee.”

“I think we can work something out.” He laughed shyly.

“How ya feeling there, Ink? Here, have some make-it-ache-less pills.” She handed me two orange tablets.

“For which part? My head or my heart?” Ah, yes. I was single again, wasn’t I?

“Even hung over, you’re creative. Well, at least the smell of whore and cock sucker is gone.” This is why it’s great to have a friend like Aimes.

“I can still kick his ass if you want me to, Inky. Aimes won’t let me but you say the word and I’m your man.” I noticed that just about all of Lisa’s things were gone when we got back. I’m sure Gus must’ve helped but they worked quickly.

“I appreciate the enthusiasm, both of you. I don’t want to hate either one of them. I need to call Rusty and tell him I’m taking some time off though. I just need some distance from them right now. I also need to run up to the gallery today and talk to Alicia, the owner and... ” I was actually thinking out loud at that point.

“That reminds me, Ink. I have a great idea and I wanted to run it by you.” Aimes looked like she was about to burst with excitement.

“Uh, okay, but don’t make it a loud idea for at least another hour, maybe longer.” Someone was jumping up and down in my frontal lobe.

“How’s this?” She asked in a sarcastic stage whisper.

“Maybe somewhere in the middle. Okay, more talking on your part now. Me coffee. You talkie.” They both laughed at me. Bastards.

“Well, so, originally I thought you’d be moving out with a certain, shall we say, fucking A-hole at some point and thought that Gus could move in then if a certain whore-monger-slut-face agreed to it but since that has all changed, here’s my idea: Gus and I move into her room because it has its own bathroom and it’s bigger, you take my room and your room can be a studio for you. That was Gus’s idea. He said your room has the best light.”

Ah, that Gus. It does have the best light. That’s why I chose it. Lisa put more in each month for her own bathroom but I didn’t care either way. This idea was great though.

“Are you sure you guys want a room-mate?”

“That’s a stupid question, Inky. I’m living with you until I have to come up with fifty pieces of gold and two goats for your dowry.”

I answered her with a smile.


Four Advil, a shower and a gallon of coffee later and I was on my way to meet with Alicia Emerson. Aimes let me borrow her car which was awesome. Gus drove her everywhere anyway so I knew she wouldn’t miss it.

I called Rusty and explained I needed some time off and if he needed to replace me, I totally understood. I didn’t want to explain all my drama. I felt like everyone was probably all full up on Inky’s drama for the time being. He was very sweet as usual and said my job would be waiting for me.

When I pulled up behind the gallery, I saw my painting was carefully being loaded into a delivery truck. The two men were throwing large quilted moving blankets over it, followed by thick straps that were bolted to the floor. My heart began jumping in my chest and my hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly. I checked myself in the mirror. I looked okay for having a crying-induced hangover. Fighting against my nerves, I went into the back entrance of the gallery. Abe pulled me into the office and quickly closed the door.

“I’ve been dying to talk to you. You look like hell! Rough night?”

You have no idea.

“Something like that.”

“Did you leave with him last night?” He asked with his eyebrows raised.

“Yes.” I blushed slightly.

“And?” he inquired.

“And nothing, Abe. We talked, he drove me home, that’s it.”

“He asked if you had any other work, Inky. They’re expecting you. Go, go, go, hop like the beautiful bunny you are.” He smiled wide.

I reached for the door handle and hesitated, “You sure?”

“Positive. Be strong. Wait! Lipstick. Put on some lipstick. They’re in negotiations over your work. Your work!”

Well, if I wasn’t nervous before, I was now. I pulled the silver tube out of my purse, applied the light color and left my bag in the office. I approached them slowly and watched in complete awe as Alicia and Cole discussed various paintings. Apparently Abe had taken everything from the little studio, whether they were finished or not, and laid them against the walls. Alicia and Cole walked back and forth but he kept stopping at one group in particular.

“This one. This one is different. The color, the technique... wouldn’t think it was the same artist. The others in the group are similar but this one... ”

“I know. When Abe told me our little employee here had some amazing talent, I had to see it for myself. He was right. She has more than exceeded my expectations.” Although a professional, she sounded proud just like Abe.

“She’s a conjurer.” He said. She turned her head to look at him.

“How do you mean? As in one who casts spells?”

“No.” he laughed, “She conjures emotions out of you, whether you want her to or not.”

“Of course.” She smiled, lips closed. “Is there anything else that catches your eye, Mr. Carlyle?”

He winced, “Please call me Cole. I’d like to speak to her first. She may not want to part with them quite yet.”

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to draw breath at this point. The whole thing was so surreal. Every canvas that I’d put a brush to in the last few years was on display. Some I started but hadn’t finished, thinking I’d come back to them when I was feeling more passionate. Some were so depressing, he must’ve wondered if I’d forgotten to have my Prozac refilled. The one of the woods, that was my darkest creation. I’d only touched on the subject previously but this one…I knew he would want to know about it. He’d already tried to get under my skin, so sneaky, so sensual, so seductive, so... ”

“There you are!” Alicia’s voice echoed through the room. “You know, Mr Car... , I mean Cole. I’ve had some wonderful feedback regarding your work, Ms. Redding.”

“Inky, please.” I smiled sheepishly.

“I forgot. Of course, Inky. Well, I’m going to leave you while I discuss business with Abe. Let me know if I can assist you, Cole. I’ll have Abe check on the delivery. They should have it loaded by now.”

Her lemon yellow high heels clicked throughout the gallery as she left us alone. I tried to look casual and glance around at my art scattered throughout the place. This only made me more anxious. I looked up to see he’d been staring at me.

“You look terrified, Anika. Please, don’t be nervous around me.” His smile was warm and made me want to run into his arms and cry. “Have you eaten?”

Could I keep any food down? My nausea had nothing to do with my crying hangover and everything to do with my nerves and the acidic coffee bath that was now my stomach, “Um, I could eat…something.”

“Wait here a second, I’ll let them know I’m stealing you for a while.”

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