Inner Circle (3 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Inner Circle
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Kathy flung the photographs to the floor, “Lies!” she cried, “lies on top of lies!” Hot tears formed and trickled down her cheeks.

“Yes,” Ruben began calmly, “you and Shelia and I know they are lies. There are more lies to come, Mrs. Ryan, lies that you will say are the truth, just as you will say those photographs are the truth. You’ve told me that you are here to apologize, well, Mrs. Ryan, an apology will not do, not do at all.”

He handed her a binder that contained several typed pages. “A few days from this evening there’s to be a gala dance at the Country Club. You will accompany me to it. All of your friends will be there, those who supported you when you and your husband denied Sheila’s accusations. The folder contains your instructions. Read them carefully, memorize them. Know that if you deviate even by a fraction, your sister-in-law will be whipped until she’s unconscious and brought to her senses and whipped again. Know also that your bedmates will be a half-dozen hungry rats. These are not idle threats, Mrs. Ryan.” He waited while Kathy read. She groaned several times and bit her lip as the tears continued to stream down her face.

When she closed the binder, she looked across at him, the hatred blazing in her eyes. “These lies will destroy my good husband’s reputation, absolutely destroy it.”

“That’s precisely the point, Mrs. Ryan. Your splendid upright husband coldly rebuffed my niece, just as you publicly insulted me. Those are the facts. But facts can be altered. Lies can become the truth.” He chuckled. “Besides, Mrs. Ryan, your husband is dead. Your best interests would be served by thinking about his sister and also by imagining what might await you in the cage upstairs.”

Kathy bowed her head. They sat in silence for several minutes. Finally, she looked up, defeated. “I’ll do what you say,” she said.

“And you will be convincing.” His voice rose, “I insist that you be convincing. If you are not, it will be the same as refusing and the consequences will be the same. When we attend the Club Dance there must not be a doubt in the mind of anyone present. In the meantime, I intend to let it be known that you’ve recanted and are anxious to be forgiven for your slanders of the past.”

“I will do what I can to make your lies seem like the truth,” she said.

“See that you do.” He leaned back and folded his thick fingers over his belly. “While we are on the subject of the Country Club celebration, there is another important thing that will be required of you. Can you guess what that might be?”

Kathy’s voice was flat, “You want me to appear to be attracted to you.”

“More than attracted, Mrs. Ryan. I want you to demonstrate in every way possible that for some unexplainable reason you have become, not attracted, but absolutely devoted to me. In the things you say and do it should be apparent that you’ve fallen in love with me. Make your friends see that you wish only to please me, that you are quick to anticipate my desires and ready to fulfill them, that you are grateful for any small attention I pay to you.” He folded his hands over his belly and chuckled. “Let them see that you’ve chosen, freely chosen, to live with me. I want to see affection in word and deed, Mrs. Ryan, public affection that borders on lust. Everyone must be aware that you have given yourself to me, completely and gratefully. They are to know that I’ve had you and you liked it and want more. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“You must also be attentive to Sheila. Not only attentive but subservient, submissive, anxious now to rectify old wrongs not only by admitting to your husband’s seduction of a minor, but also by demonstrating your devotion to the young woman he seduced.”

“You mean Sheila is to be there?”

“Of course. It is her reputation that has been in question. You will admit that you and your husband lied. You will testify to the truth of Shelia’s account of their yearlong affair. In the Country Club among your friends, you will support everything Sheila says. You will debase your husband for abusing my young niece and for his unfaithfulness to you.” Kathy felt the tears well up in her eyes. “Finally,” Rosen continued, “before your friends and mine, you will beg Sheila to forgive you.”

“You demand too much of me,” Kathy said. How could she pretend that Jeff could possibly have even considered touching that skinny, arrogant, loud-mouthed tart? How could she say that their lies were the truth? How could she possibly demean herself before that disgusting little bitch?

“No, Mrs. Ryan, I don’t ask too much. You are to do exactly what you’re told because to do otherwise would cause unbearable suffering to someone you love. I also remind you that there are no windows in your room here. The walls are quite thick. Your screams will not be heard. During a long night trying to fight off the starving rats, you will scream, Mrs. Ryan...scream until you have no voice left to scream with.”

His words sent a shudder through Kathy’s body. “I have no choice,” she said.

“That’s correct. You have no choice. I see that the original photographs are on your lap. Take them to the fireplace and burn them.”

Reluctantly, Kathy crossed to the blazing logs. After looking once more at the pictures, she dropped them into the fire. “Now, the only true photographs are those you threw to the floor. Pick them up. Return to your seat and tell me when and where you discovered them.”

When Kathy was seated, she thought for a moment before speaking. “I found these shortly after Jeff died. They were hidden under other papers in his desk drawer.”

“And love letters from Sheila,” Ruben added. “She also has a packet that she will say were sent to her by your husband. You will testify that the handwriting is his. Perhaps Sheila will require you to read one?” It was a question.

Kathy wanted to kill him, kill him and his hateful niece. She didn’t answer.

“I remind you of the sadistic dwarf at a place called the Facility. Perhaps you would like to join me if she is whipped again tonight? We could watch together,” he said.

Kathy glared across at him, “I’ll say the handwriting is Jeff’s. I’ll read what Sheila asks me to read.”

Ruben nodded, “Yes, that will do nicely. Sheila and I will ask you other questions most of which are listed in folder I gave you. Be prepared to give the expected answers. Be prepared to fully support Sheila’s account of the passionate affair your husband lured her into when she was little more than a child.” Kathy’s anger turned to despair. The tears welled up and rolled down her cheeks.

“Enough of that!” he said sharply. He crooked a finger at her, “Come over here and kneel between my legs.” The thought of kneeling before this filthy, foul smelling old man sickened her. The fact that he could see her breasts through the thin blouse and that he knew she was naked under the short skirt, caused her to blush profusely. She rose unsteadily and crossed to him. He pointed to the floor. When she was on her knees before him, he said, “Now, unzip me and take out my prick.” Despising herself, Kathy tugged down his zipper and reached inside his shorts for his limp cock. The odor of his crotch turned her stomach. His pale flaccid penis was both long and thick. She looked up into his evil face, “Kiss it,” he hissed. “But first tell me that you have always longed to get down on your knees before Simon Ruben and press your lips to his prick. Tell me that it’s been a secret desire of yours since you were in your teens. Make me believe it.”

She raised her head hating the sight of him, “I...I...I’ve always longed to kneel before Simon Ruben and…and…kiss his …his penis,” she said.


Kathy thought for a moment. “Even when I was in high school and you would be at the country club pool, I thought about it. I’ve always been attracted to older powerful men.” She paused. He seemed to want more. “I would watch you when you weren’t looking and…and imagine what you were like…imagine what you would make me do.” Kathy suddenly realized with sickening dread her words were not far from the truth.

He seemed satisfied. “I want you to repeat that story to both my friends and yours.” He glared at her waiting for a response. She nodded. He leaned back appraising her. “You have lovely lips, Mrs. Ryan, soft and warm. I suggest you part them each time you do what you are about to do. Before long, your lips will be well acquainted with my prick. Right now, I want to feel your tongue on my cockhead.”

Obediently Kathy lowered her head to his revolting penis and pressed her parted lips to it. She touched the tip of her tongue to his fat white prick. Then she looked up at him again. He finished his wine before speaking, “You like that don’t you, Mrs. Ryan? You’ve learned to desire the smell and taste of cock...the smell and taste of any cock?”

“Yes, I’ve learned to like it,” she said, her voice flat, her eyes dull.

“Before this month is over, the thought of sucking the prick of Simon Ruben will fill you with desire. You will come crawling to me and beg me to fuck your mouth. That’s no longer just a fantasy of the man you once humiliated, is it, Mrs. Ryan?’ He leaned toward her. “Put your hands around my prick. Take several minutes to examine it closely. Imagine how it will fill your mouth. Imagine the taste of the hot cum you will draw from it.” He pushed her head close to his cock as she held it between her hands. She stared at it as he had instructed. Under the white skin were thick purple veins. It begin to swell in her hands. Her training at the Facility had been effective. She felt the saliva fill her mouth. She swallowed. He grinned at her, “What are you thinking, Mrs. Ryan? Are you thinking my prediction is correct? I’d like a complete answer.”

She looked up at him. His prick continued to swell in her hands. She knew he had seen her swallow and her nipples stiffen. Hating herself she said, “I...I...don’t know how or why…but…but you may be right. Before another month has passed, it’s possible that I will…that I will come to you on my knees and...and beg you to fuck my mouth.” Her face had turned fiery red. She had to swallow again. She let go of his cock, which quickly subsided.

He sat back in his chair, “Yes, I’m told you’ve been conditioned to need a cock in your mouth from time to time.” He stared at her until she bowed her head. “But, I believe, Mrs. Ryan, that in short order you will come to feel differently about my cock. It will not be the conditioning that causes you to beg to suck it. You need to satisfy a dark desire you’ve felt long before your marriage, long before your training at the facility. It’s a desire, a consuming one, you’ve tried hard to deny. But you can’t, can you? It began years ago and over time has become stronger. Am I not correct?” She didn’t answer. He watched her closely and saw a shiver course through her body. He smiled to himself.

“Now, to other matters. In private you are to refer to me as Master Ruben. In public among others you will call me Simon and add endearments such as “dear,” “my love,” “darling,” and whatever terms of affection seem appropriate.” She nodded. “I expect, Mrs. Ryan,” he continued, “that you are now anxious to strip for me? You want to tease me with your lovely young body?”

She’d known she would be required to take off her clothes before this vicious old lecher but to actually do it, to expose herself to him made her blush with shame and seethe with anger. “Yes, Master Ruben, I would like to undress...would like to be naked for you.” She stood up and began to unbutton her blouse. Her fingers trembled, and she could feel the color once more rise to her face.

Ruben fondled his cock. “Ah, Mrs. Ryan, do you know how often I’ve imagined this scene? How often I’ve thought about the beautiful but haughty Mrs. Ryan standing before me slowly removing her garments, gradually revealing to me her splendid body and then, naked, asking me to feel her.” Her cheeks burned. She shrugged off her blouse, then pushed down her skirt and stepped out of it. She stood before him bare except for the collar and heels. She lowered her head. “Come closer and ask,” Ruben ordered. “You may call me ‘Simon’ and add a term of affection.”

She moved up to stand between his legs. “Please, Master Ruben, I mean please...dear Simon touch me,” she said. He placed his large hands on her hips and felt along her body until he cupped her breasts and pinched her long nipples between this thumb and index fingers. Kathy gasped and looked away. Her nipples were swollen and hard.

He chuckled, “I knew back then, on the night you humiliated me, that you were not what you seemed. I knew that the aristocratic Mrs. Ryan wanted me to grab her precious tit, wanted me to whisper obscenities in her pretty pink ear, wanted to feel my cock through her thin gown. Am I right? Isn’t that what you really wanted?” He rolled her nipples between his fingers.

Kathy avoided looking at him by concentrating on a painting behind him. She had to say what she knew he wanted to hear, “Yes, what you say is true. That night I was excited when you asked me to dance. The memories of seeing you at the pool came flooding back. The things you said to me were exactly what I imagined you would say. I hoped you would touch my breast just as you are doing now. I wanted to feel feel your cock against me.” For a terrible moment she wasn’t sure if she was telling him what she knew he wanted to hear or if her words held some truth.

Ruben twisted her nipples, “I knew then what you would become. What have you become, Mrs. Ryan?”

“I…I’ve become the possession of any man Mr. Satomi gives me to.”

“He’s given you to me.”

“Then I belong to you.”

“Tell me and show me you mean it.” He slid his hands down to her hips.

His thick fingers dug into her skin. Only last year she had slapped him in public for presuming to place his hand near her breast. Now, she stood, naked and submissive before this disgusting old man. His sweaty hands were hot. They kneaded and caressed her bare ass. His ugly face leered up at her. “Whose woman are you?” he asked.

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