Inner Circle (32 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Inner Circle
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Smoke began to drift up through the elevator shaft. Carrying the heavy briefcase, Lord Hummel grabbed Kathy’s hand and pulled her down the hall. He paused at the foot of the circular staircase, “You’ll need your clothes,” he said.

Kathy had regained some of her composure, “They’re packed,” she said. “Up in my room.”

Lord Hummel looked back into the study. Flames had shot up through the elevator shaft and were spreading toward the heavy drapery covering the windows. “Hurry!” he said.

With Negra at her heels, Kathy raced up the stairs to her room, took the suitcase and ran back to where Lord Hummel stood beside the open door. A black Lexus SUV stood in the driveway. “It’s not Gruber’s,” Lord Hummel explained. “I rented it at the airport.”

As they sped away, Kathy looked back. Vivid orange flames now lit up all of the windows of the Chateau and in places had begun to shoot through the roof. Lord Hummel glanced in the rearview mirror, “By the time the fire department gets all the way out here there will be nothing left but smoldering ashes.” He patted her arm, “No evidence of evil deeds. Just what remains of Gruber, his nephew, and two servants who unfortunately never made it out.”

“What about…the….the…Inner Circle? Won’t they want to….”

Lord Hummel chuckled, “As you may have noticed, my dear, we are a selfish lot. I am certain that among our members it will be as if the good Doctor Gruber never existed.” He gestured toward Kathy’s suitcase, “My personal jet is parked at the Rhinebeck Airport. I’ll phone ahead to the pilot and have it ready to go. I suggest you dress for travel.”

“Oh my God, yes!” Kathy exclaimed. “I’d almost forgotten.” Quickly she changed from the shear gown into the slacks and sweater she’d worn on her trip to the Chateau. She slid her bare feet into loafers. “There, that’s better.” She smiled. “And what of me, Lord Hummel?” she asked.

“Choices,” he said. I think you have two. “You can fly back to London with me and become a respected full fledged member of the infamous Inner Circle and in time, if you wish, my wife, Lady Hummel.” He glanced at her and was surprised to see she was blushing.

“That’s tempting,” she said, “and I’m honored. What’s the second option?”

“You can, at last be free. Take what’s in the briefcase. There should be about half a million in cash and at least twenty million in negotiable bonds that can’t be traced. Leave me off at the airport and drive on home to Pittsburgh. I’m sure you can buy back your contract from Satomi and perhaps your sister-in-laws as well. Then, I would suggest you start life over far away.” He laughed out loud, “Confess your sins, Mrs. Ryan, repent, and with your sister open a bakery in Montana.”

Kathy laughed along with him. “And what of Negra?” The dog’s ears perked up at the mention of his name. He whined and pushed his nose against Kathy’s neck. “By all means keep him with you,” Lord Hummel said.

Kathy squeezed Lord Hummel’s arm. “You are very kind, but I think we both know what I need to do.”

He nodded, “Yes, we both know. But you must promise when the day comes that you can’t look another cherry pie or cupcake in the eye you’ll dial my private number and say, “Lord Hummel, would you very much mind sending your jet for Negra and me.”

Kathy leaned across the seat and kissed him softly on the cheek, “I promise, Lord Hummel, truly I promise.” She paused smiling to herself. “You never know, that might very well be what will happen,” she said.

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