Inner Circle (31 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Inner Circle
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Still not looking up, Kathy said, “I’m your bitch.”

The groom glanced at Gruber who nodded. He then grabbed Kathy hair and viciously yanked it back forcing her to look at him. “And what’s my bitch gonna do for me?”

Before Kathy could answer, Gruber let the brushes turn briefly. Her lips parted and she groaned. “I…I…I’m going to be yours,” she said. “Going to be your woman.” He twisted her hair causing her to cry out. “I…I mean I’ll be your bitch. I’ll do what you want.”

She continued to look up at him. Then Pesko turned to Gruber, “Thank you, Sir. You got me the prettiest bitch of all.” Turning back to Kathy, he slid his huge hand inside her robe and fondled her breast. Her nipples stiffened immediately. “I’m the only one that ain’t had his own bitch. Now I got mine, got me a damn fine bitch.” He pinched her nipple. She could feel the rough edges of his long fingernails. “You gonna suck my prick in front of them other grooms? You gonna spread your ass cheeks so they can watch me fuck your hole? That right?”

She was afraid he might cut her breast with his fingernails. “Yes, they can watch. I’ll do whatever you want.”

Again he glanced at Gruber who nodded. Pesko grinned at her. “Stay on your knees. Look up here and beg me for a kiss.”

Kathy felt nauseous. The heat of the room and the stench of this disgusting Cretan made her feel dizzy and weak. The thought of kissing him was unbearable. He leaned down toward her his lips wet with spittle. Suddenly Gruber let the brushes spin rapidly. Kathy drew in her breath and made a strange sound deep in her throat. Slowly, almost as if in a trance, she reached up, and holding the ugly face with both hands, pulled him to her. She pressed her parted lips against his and slid her tongue into his vile tasting mouth. She clung to him for several minutes feeling the brushes on her clitoris. She groaned again and moved her wet lips against his. Suddenly, he pushed her away. The brushes still turned, but very slowly. Her breath came in gasps. From the floor, she reached one hand out to him, “Please! Please!” she cried. “Please kiss me again.” She crawled to him and wrapped her arms around his legs, pressing her breasts against them. The brushes turned even slower. She knew that at any moment they would stop. “Oh, my God,” she whispered looking up at him, “I’m begging you, please kiss me!”

The brushes stopped. She slumped to the floor, her body trembling. “Tell us, Mrs. Ryan,” Gruber spoke softly, “are you a hot little bitch? Are you pleased that we have given you to Pesko?”

Kathy, her head buried in her arms, spoke with a muffled voice, “Yes, the stimulants… the brushes.” She raised her head to look directly at him. “Yes, Doctor, to both of your questions. I...I’m aroused, hot.” Her breathing was quick and heavy. “Oh God, I need…I need…please, Doctor. I’m glad you’ve given me to him.”

“After you’ve let Negra know that you’ve also become his bitch, and after you’ve been whipped by Mrs. Foster, ….well, what then, Mrs. Ryan? Would you prefer to go back to your neat clean room with its comfortable bed and crisp white sheets or would you rather spend the night with Master Pesko? Perhaps he will let you kiss him again…tongue kiss him…tongue kiss him all through the night. You seem to enjoy his kisses. Perhaps his long prick up your ass will give you the orgasm you obviously need. Your choice, Mrs. Ryan. You must understand I won’t be there with the remote. The brushes will be still. What’s it to be, my dear?”

Kathy couldn’t tell if Gruber’s offer was real. She wasn’t sure if she chose her own bed, he would accept her decision. She was tempted to look at the misshapen creature who had become her latest Master, but felt if she did she wouldn’t be able to tell Gruber what he wanted her to say. Gruber’s suggestion that the ugly groom’s cock in her ass might make her cum filled her mind. She needed to cum. She got to her knees and looked up at him, “I am his bitch. I belong to him. After I’m whipped, I want to go to him. I want to go to his bed.”

Gruber chuckled as he looked around at Frederick and Hummel. “Well said, Mrs. Ryan. I hope you won’t mind the stench. You will not only be his bitch but his lover, his hot lover, yes?”

Kathy bowed her head, “Yes, his lover. I’ll make love to him.”

“I’m sure you will beg for his kisses again, but I expect he will want to feel your soft wet lips on other parts of his body as well. Where on this night of lovemaking are you going to kiss our Pesko?”

Kathy thought of withdrawing her decision. Gruber was pushing her too far. Making her imagine what was to take place during the long night caused her to feel sick and dizzy again. She sat silent.

“Speak up, bitch!” the groom shouted, “and look at me!”

She flinched. There was an authority in his voice that she hadn’t recognized before and she could see the anger in his face. It was clear he understood that she now belonged to him.

On her knees, she turned to face him. “I…I’ll kiss you everywhere.” she said. Pesko took a step toward her, his hand raised. She backed away, “I mean…I mean I’ll kiss your mouth and…and your chest...and your face, your neck, eyes.” They waited.

“How about my balls?” he asked. “You kneel beside the bed naked and hold my balls in your hands and kiss them, tongue kiss them?”

“Yes, I’ll tongue kiss them. I’ll get to my knees next to your bed, naked, and…and kiss them, tongue kiss your testicles. “

“And lick. What you gonna lick?”

“Your cock. I’ll lick your cock.”

He grinned. She turned away squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip. Her hands were clenched into tight fists. Pesko frowned thinking perhaps he’d gone too far, but he was afraid of appearing weak in front of Gruber and Frederick. With his left hand he grabbed Kathy’s hair again and jerked her head up. With his right hand he slapped her hard across the face. Kathy cried out.

The imprint of his hand had reddened Kathy’s face. She was afraid he would strike her again.

But he finally let go of her and stepped back. “That ain’t all, bitch. My feet. You’ll suck my dirty feet, my toes?”

Kathy shook her head, “I…I I can’t. It’s too…too…” Gruber touched the remote. Kathy threw her head back and closed her eyes. “Yes,” she rasped, “yes, your toes. I...I’ll suck them…suck them clean.”

Gruber poked Lord Hummel in the arm, then said to Pesko, “Take off your boot and sock.” The groom sat down on a stool and began to unlace his worn boot.

Kathy felt she would retch. She started to rise up, but Gruber placed a firm hand on her shoulder forcing her to her knees again. He placed his hand on the back of her head gently pushing her forward and down. When her face was about twelve inches from the groom’s repulsive foot, he released her. She stayed as she was. Gruber turned toward his nephew and Lord Hummel. “We know, gentlemen, what a wealthy, highly educated, cultured, strong willed, and extremely beautiful woman would do in such a situation.” He gestured to the kneeling Kathy. “But what would a submissive bitch do who wished to please her Master?” He turned back toward Kathy who hadn’t moved. “Perhaps we will see,” he said.

For several moments nothing happened. It was as if they formed a silent tableaux. Then Kathy placed her hands flat on each side of the odious bare foot. “She would do this,” she whispered. Slowly, she lowered her head until she pressed her parted lips to Pesko’s dark, deformed toes. Lord Hummel turned away.

Gruber allowed the brushes to make several slow turns. Kathy’s body shuddered. “Thank him,” Gruber said, “look up, take the position, and repeat your promises.”

Kathy lifted her head and straightened her back. Kneeling before Pesko, she lifted both arms and interlaced her hands behind her neck. Her robe had come undone so that her bare breasts were thrust up toward him. “Thank you, Master, for letting me kiss your mouth and…and your feet. I ask you to please let me come to your bed tonight and make love to you.”

He looked around at the other men, grinning foolishly, “I fuckin’ got me a bitch in heat,” he said.

Even Gruber could not hide his surprise at Kathy’s response. He wasn’t at all certain whether she was putting on an act in the hope that he might let her have an orgasm with the brushes or if something else had happened, if perhaps, she had begun to recognize what he’d long suspected. “Yes,” he patted Pesko on the shoulder, “it certainly does appear as if you’ve found a lover, a beautiful and obedient lover. Is that what he’s found, Mrs. Ryan?”

Kathy was as unsure of her motives as Gruber. She couldn’t possibly be attracted to this grotesque monster. He was the antithesis of everything she admired in a man. He was ignorant, cruel, ugly beyond imagining, gross, filthy, not worthy enough to clean her toilet bowls, yet… She decided she was interested only in getting Gruber to press the button on the remote. His stimulants had not diminished and it seemed kissing Pesko intensified her need. She turned toward Gruber, “Yes, Doctor, I can’t begin to explain it even to myself. I will be his lover…his obedient bitch.” Her hands still behind her neck she turned back to Pesko and inched closer offering him her breasts.

Gruber let the brushes spin until she doubled over. Her body shook violently and she cried out as her orgasm built to the point of release. Gruber, who had been watching her closely, stopped the brushes. She lay at Pesko’s feet trembling and moaning.

“Get up, Mrs. Ryan,” Gruber commanded. “Fix your face. Prepare yourself to go to your new master.” Slowly she got stood and unsteadily crossed to the make-up table. Her face was streaked with tears, her mascara had run, and her lipstick smeared. She took a long time reapplying the cosmetics, a desperate plan forming in her head. Behind her, she heard Gruber send Mrs. Foster up to the kitchen for bottles of wine and glasses explaining to Lord Hummel that he’d given the two Negro women the night off.

When Kathy finished, she turned toward them for their approval. “Exquisite!” Lord Hummel exclaimed. Gruber nodded in agreement. Frederick said nothing.

Pesko lurched across to stand before her. “You gonna look just like that tonight when you come to my bed?”

Kathy bowed her head, “Yes, Master, I will.”

He grabbed his crotch and laughed, “You hot, ain’t you? You want what Pesko got for you?”

“Yes, I am. I’m in heat, as you said. I want you to take me. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.”

Gruber motioned for her to come to him. “It’s time, Mrs. Ryan, to let the dog know you wish to be his bitch.” They stood together by the door to the room that housed Negra’s cage. “Tell me once more how you’re to approach him and why.”

Kathy looked directly at Gruber, “I’m to crawl to him tonight and from now on. In his presence I’m always to be on my knees. He’s been trained to know that females who crawl to him are submissive bitches who have come to service him. In a short time he will understand that I am his. He will know that I belong to him.”

Gruber smiled, “Very good.”

Gruber opened the door, allowing Kathy to enter the room, then he closed it behind her just as Mrs. Foster entered with the wine and glasses. The three men went to help her set up the bar before turning back to the one-way glass.

Instead of crawling to Negra’s cage, Kathy walked quickly toward the animal, all the time saying his name. He recognized her immediately. By the time Gruber looked into the room, she was releasing the latch on his cage.

Negra bounded out of the cage and stood next to Kathy whimpering and wagging his tail as she petted his massive head. Fredrick was the first to notice what had happened. He immediately bolted into the room screaming at Negra and Kathy. The dog snarled showing his teeth and moved to intercept Fredrick.

For a moment, Kathy was aware of Gruber framed in the doorway pointing a rifle at the dog. But as he pulled the trigger, Fredrick stepped into the line of fire. The bullet sliced through the back of Fredrick’s head. With a great cry of anguish, Doctor Gruber ran forward waving the gun. As Fredrick crumpled at Kathy’s feet, Negra leaped forward to tear out Gruber’s throat. It all had taken less than ten seconds.

Lord Hummel stood behind the glass partition horrified. After seeing the carnage, Pesko crouched in a corner of the room wide eyed and trembling.

Kathy stepped over Gruber’s body and, with the dog beside her approached the anteroom. Lord Hummel stepped back. Negra growled and showed his fangs again, but Kathy kept hold of his collar and quieted him. In a calm, steady voice she said, “I believe, Lord Hummel, he would kill you too if you threaten me.”

Lord Hummel shook his head in agreement. “I mean you no harm, Mrs. Ryan. In fact, I have been wishing all evening that there might be a way to free you from all this insanity.”

From the corner Pesko pointed a boney finger at them. “I’m gonna tell the police you done it, gonna tell them you killed Fredrick and then put the dog on Doctor Gruber.”

Lord Hummel nodded at Kathy and smiled slightly as he took one of the revolvers from its bracket. Kathy tightened her grip on Negra’s collar. Pesko looked wildly around the room before Lord Hummel shot him. “That leaves Mrs. Foster,” Hummel said. “I expect she’s in the library. I expect she also has the combination to Gruber’s safe.” He took Kathy’s arm.

“Shall we join her?”

Kathy felt as if she’d been in a dream, as if she might awaken to find Mrs. Foster standing next to her bed with a coiled whip in her hand. “Yes,” she heard herself say, “let’s find Mrs. Foster.”

They rode up in the elevator. The door opened in the library startling Mrs. Foster who was kneeling before the safe stuffing tightly wrapped stacks of bills into a large briefcase. She whirled around, picking up a revolver that lay on the floor beside her. Without hesitating, Lord Hummel shot her between the eyes. She pitched forward, twitched once, and lay still. Lord Hummel took Kathy’s arm to steady her, “This one was self defense,” he said. He looked into the briefcase, then stuffed what remained in the safe into it.

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