Inner Circle (28 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Inner Circle
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Startled, Gruber sat up staring at her.

Before he could speak, Kathy continued, “I’m a woman, an American woman, highly educated, wealthy, articulate, strong willed and independent. Women don’t copulate with dogs unless those women are terribly destitute or terribly retarded. As you well know, I am neither. Whatever I may have said yesterday was said under duress.” Gruber opened a drawer of his desk and placed the remote on the desktop. Kathy glanced at it and felt the hot draining rush down to her crotch. But looking up at Gruber she smiled, “Not this time, Doctor. Unless you drug me and hypnotize me as you did before…unless you turn me into a mindless robot which, as you surely realize, the precious members of your stupid Inner Circle won’t accept, I’ll wear the boots and these ridiculous heels, but I won’t even pet one of your damn dogs!”

Gruber’s eyes narrowed, “And Frederick?” he asked.

“I hate that crazy, skinny, pimple faced, impotent, obscenity. He’s a coward not worthy of being called a man.” She threw up her hands in disgust, her eyes flashing angrily, “You had the audacity to suggest that one day I’d kneel at his side like some craven imbecile waiting for permission to kiss his hand. Dream on, Doctor Gruber. That’s never going to happen!”

Gruber pressed the remote button. The brushes inside her clitoral cap spun rapidly. She suppressed a moan and tried to separate her mind from what her body desperately longed for. “No, doctor,” her voice rose. “My need to cum is strong. You understand that and use it against me, use it to control me, but my need to free myself from this madhouse is greater. I’m through obeying you every time you show me the damn remote.”

The brushes stopped. Gruber picked up a silver bell from his desk and rang it. Immediately Mona, Nora, and Mrs. Foster entered. He waved his hand at Nora and Mona, “Take her back to her room. Shackle her to the bed. Mrs. Foster, stay here for a few moments.” His face was red and his fists were clenched. As the two large black women led her from the room, Kathy smiled to herself. She’d won. She’d beaten the invincible Doctor Gruber!

She didn’t protest as the two women cuffed her hands to the iron headboard and her ankles to the footboard of the bed. She felt euphoric. She’d defied the powerful Doctor Gruber. She’d resisted the temptation to obey him in order to feel the brushes spin against her clitoris. Thinking about the brushes now caused her to long for them. She felt the warm wetness between her legs and knew that inside its metal cap her clitoris was swelling. It had been twelve hours since the injection. Gruber’s stimulants were kicking in. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying hard to think of other things, trying hard to call up days from the past when she and Jeff were together.

She didn’t hear the door open. Only when Mrs. Foster spoke to Nora and Mona did she open her eyes. “Spread her legs and hold them apart,” she said. Kathy saw the stern old woman putting on vinyl gloves and taking the cap off a jar of salve. She looked down at Kathy, “The good Doctor continually improves on his stimulating miracles. This, Mrs. Ryan, is the latest. He is confident it will serve the purpose for which he created it.” She scooped out a glob of the thick white cream and with a long finger shoved it far up into Kathy’s vagina. She then rubbed more on Kathy’s labial lips and along her ass crack. The two black women pushed Kathy’s legs back while Mrs. Foster inserted a coated finger into her anus. Finally, the older woman took the remote from her apron pocket. She clicked it to release the metal cap that covered Kathy’s clitoris. “Ah,” she permitted herself a thin smile, “just as I thought, wet and swollen already.” Carefully she spread the salve over Kathy’s clitoris. Kathy moaned at her touch and raised her hips. Quickly, Mrs. Foster replaced the cap and pressed the remote that secured it in place. “Oh, Mrs. Ryan,” she said, “when the new stimulant takes effect you are not only going to be a bitch in heat, you’re going to be a bitch on fire.” She gestured to Mona who held Kathy’s arm while Mrs. Foster injected her with a clear fluid.

Kathy awoke to the soft sound of Doctor Gruber’s voice. He was seated beside her bed. The cuffs had been removed and a sheet covered her. She was naked except for the shoes. She noticed Mona and Nora standing next to the door on the other side of the room. She remembered Mrs. Foster’s last words, “You’re going to be a bitch on fire.” Her nipples were swollen and hard. The waves of heat that started at her breasts and flowed down to her vagina were more intense than they’d ever been and more frequent. They washed over her body continually, like warm gentle waves. There was also a new sensation, a sort of electric feeling, intermittent, but pleasurable deep in her vagina and her anal passage. Inside the cap she could actually feel her engorged clitoris press against the ends of the brushes. Ignoring Gruber, she put both hands over the metal cap and pushed.

Gruber signaled to Nora who moved quickly to the bed with a thick leather belt. Mona helped her buckle it tightly around Kathy’s waist. The belt was fitted with wrist cuffs. They forced Kathy’s hands into them and tightened the straps. Kathy lay naked on the bed under Gruber’s steady gaze. Her breath came quickly. She squirmed and moaned. Gruber took the remote from his pocket and held it up in front of her.

“Oh, please,” she gasped, “please, I beg you, Doctor…please let me cum.”

Gruber placed the remote on the little table beside his chair. “Not just yet, Mrs. Ryan.” He smiled at her. “Tell me when you were at the Facility did you ever insult your masters? Did you ever disobey them?”

Kathy lifted her hips from the bed, “Please, doctor…I need….I need…” He shook his head and wagged a finger at her. “Yes,” she said. “Yes once or twice I insulted Abul and disobeyed him.”

“And what was the consequence of your arrogant behavior?”

“I was whipped.”

“This morning you insulted my nephew and then you disobeyed me. Don’t you think you should be punished?”

“Yes,” Kathy said desperately, “I was wrong. I forgot my place. I should be whipped only please…”

He cut her off, “Then later this evening you will ask Mrs. Foster to whip you, to punish you severely?”

“I will, Doctor. I’ll ask her to whip me hard, very hard. I’ll beg Frederick to forgive me. I’ll do what you ask….but…but my God…I want…I want…”

“Of course, you want to have an orgasm. You want a big prick in your mouth. You want a big prick in your cunt. You want a big prick in your ass. That’s all you can think about, all you can imagine: a huge prick sliding in and out of your mouth, sliding in and out of your cunt and ass, am I not right?’

“Yes, yes, you’re right…but the brushes…please let the brushes spin just for a minute. That would be enough.”

“What if the prick belonged to Negra. Think of it, Mrs. Ryan.”

Kathy shook her head violently, “No! I couldn’t.”

Gruber frowned. He didn’t speak for several minutes. “Well,” he sighed, “perhaps it’s a bit too soon for that. Tell me, Mrs. Ryan, except for the stimulant and the injection to help you to sleep, have you been drugged?”

“No, not drugged. No bells. No hypnosis. Just the stimulant.”

“I’m not in the habit of bargaining with women like you, but you must agree to visit Negra…not give yourself to him, but visit him in the way I will describe…in the way that will say to him that you are his bitch. Then you must beg Frederick to forgive you and show him that you are both contrite and submissive. Finally, I require that you ask Mrs. Foster to punish you.” He picked up the remote, “After having done those things to my satisfaction, then perhaps I’ll permit you to have the orgasm you so much desire.”

“I’m not to give myself to the dog?” Kathy asked.

“Not just yet. I think a time will come very soon when you will do so quite willingly, but that time is not now.”

He leaned down close to her and pressed the remote button but let the brushes spin for less than five seconds. Kathy’s body twisted violently and she screamed, “Aggggh!” When the brushes stopped she writhed on the bed moaning.

The sight of the often defiant but always astonishingly beautiful Katherine Ryan now naked and twisting and turning on the bed in front of him caused Gruber to smile to himself. “It pleases me to see you like this, Mrs. Ryan. It pleases me to hear you groan and beg.”

Gruber looked across at Mona and Nora and nodded, “The new ointment seems to be working even better than I’d anticipated.” From a small leather case on the bedside table he took a syringe and needle.

“This will act as a mild antidote to the stimulant, but rest assured it lasts for no more than two hours, just enough time for you to prepare to meet your new master. I assure you that in two hours you will be in as much heat as you are now.” Kathy began to shake her head. Gruber held up his hand, “If I am to give you what you most desire, Mrs. Ryan, you must do exactly what I order you to do and you must say exactly what you believe I wish to hear. Do you understand? I wish to hear you speak of your desire for Negra. I want to hear you speak of him as your master. I want to see you behave as if he is, indeed, your master and you are his submissive bitch. Anything less than that will cause the brushes inside your metal cap to remain as they are. In addition, more stimulant will be applied at frequent intervals.”

“I’m sorry, Doctor.” She rolled on her side so that he could inject her arm. Immediately the intensity of the stimulant diminished.

“How are you to meet your new master?” he asked.

“On my knees. I’m to let him know that I wish to…to be his bitch by crawling to him. I’m never to stand in his presence.” She glanced at the remote.

“That’s correct.”

Mrs. Foster had entered and stood grimly beside the Doctor. Gruber acknowledged her and said to Kathy, “Get up now and stand before us naked.”

Embarrassed, Kathy did as he instructed. Both Gruber and Mrs. Foster appraised her carefully. “She is a remarkably lovely woman, isn’t she, Mrs. Foster?” he asked. The older woman nodded, but said nothing. Gruber continued, “Her breasts are a bit small but perfectly shaped. They stand high and firm. The nipples are exquisite.” He stepped closer leaning over her breasts. “Absolutely smooth nipples and unusually long. See how they come to points and how easily they stiffen.” He stepped back. “Yes, truly a fine specimen: such a lovely face, intelligent, sophisticated; such flawless white skin, delicate hands and feet. I want her exercised even more intensely than she was at the Facility. I want her body to be as well formed as the bodies of the animals she will serve.

Kathy bowed her head. Her legs had begun to tremble and she felt the tears form and spill down her cheeks. The determination to escape that she’d felt earlier had all but disappeared. Gruber took Mrs. Foster aside but spoke loud enough for Kathy to hear. “See to her preparations,” he said. “We are having a guest. I want her delivered to my study at seven o’clock. After her enema, she’s to be bathed. Lubricate her anus as our guest may wish to have her there. I suggest a light rouge on her lovely nipples. Bright red for her mouth. Make her lips shine. Our guest may wish instead to have her suck his prick. Dress her in a shear white gown, the dog collar and, of course, the heels.” Without looking back at Kathy, he left the room.

At precisely seven o’clock Kathy stood next to Mrs. Foster just inside the door to the study. The room was dimly lit. A fire blazed in the great stone fireplace. The wall sconces were also blazing with fire. Three men sat in leather armchairs facing it, their backs to the two women. “Go,” Mrs. Foster said, “stand in front of them.”

The antidote for the stimulant was rapidly wearing off. Kathy once more felt the burning waves of desire flow down to her vagina, the electric pulses, the swelling of her clitoris, and the tingling heat in her anal passage. She crossed the room and stood, head bowed, facing the men, her back to the fire.

A deep voice with a decided English accent said, “Ah, even more beautiful than I’d remembered.” She raised her head. Seated directly in front of her was Lord Hummel.

Gruber smiled, “I see you recognize our distinguished guest. I recall an evening in your own house when you begged Lord Hummel to whip you.”

Kathy’s face turned scarlet, “But,” she began to protest, “Abul forced me to...”

“Poor Abul,” the Englishman cut her off. “I understand he died an extremely painful death. The reason, I believe, was that he disobeyed Mr. Satomi’s rule that you, Mrs. Ryan, were not to be violated, at least not in your cunt. Is that correct?”

Kathy lowered her eyes, “Yes.”

Gruber spoke up, “In order to avoid being sent to me, our Mrs. Ryan even married the ignorant Afghani or whatever he was. But look, here she is standing demurely before us.”

“How did you come by her?” Lord Hummel asked.

“After her second husband, Abul, was disposed of, her contract was sold to a wealthy but quite sadistic man from her own community. He threatened to have rats eat her splendid tits. Unfortunately, the old sadist who held her contract intended to violate its terms. Mr. Satomi, who knows everything even before it happens caused her master to disappear along with, I believe, his niece. At about that time I had devised a way of directing her attention to us, to Frederick and me. She came to us freely.

“So, for an astronomical amount of money, Mr. Satomi permitted me to buy the contract. So far she’s pleased to be with us. You’re delighted to be Master Fredrick’s pet, aren’t you, my dear?”

“Yes, I’m glad to be Master Fredrick’s pet.”


She felt a rush of heat, “And Negra’s bitch,” she whispered.

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