Innocence of Love (29 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill

BOOK: Innocence of Love
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“Hello, mate, how did last night go?” He thought he would start there.

“Was nice, good food, shame you didn’t stick around to have yours,” Ross scoffed.

“Yeah sorry I had a million and one things on my mind and wished I hadn’t bothered. But I’m good, back safe and sound in the capital wishing I was anywhere else. Listen, I’m thinking about booking a holiday, women, sex, and booze, fancy it?” he thought to mention, tilting his head to the side liking the sound.

“Yeah, but minus the women, sex, and booze prefer, sun and beautiful women to gawp at.” He chuckled.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. Well, I’m going to have a search this evening, see if there is anything that takes my fancy, do you want to count yourself in?”

“When was you thinking, I have that case going on at the moment and need to give notice, I’m not as fortunate as you being the boss.”

“How about September? I can have a look about and see what is available,” he suggested, hoping that would give Ross plenty of time to tell his work.

“Yeah, sounds good to me. So what did you have on your mind last night, or is that a stupid question?” Ross mocked.

“Stupid question and don’t ask. Just me being a complete prat again. I’m getting really good at the moment at doing. Ross, have you ever regretted doing something?” he asked while he washed down his work surfaces having his mind drifting to his relationship with Sophie.

“No, not really. Life is full of mystery and we learn from those mistakes and move on.”

“What happens if you keep making mistakes and the hole gets bigger and you cannot climb out?” he asked inquisitive with Ross being a man full of wisdom.

“Then you have to work harder and climbing out and making the right decisions for you. Follow your own heart as that is what tells you the truth. Am I making sense?” He chuckled.

“Yes, you are. I will find away, just might take some time. I think I might head out to a few bars tonight, try and score,” he laughed.

“I don’t recommend that my good friend, you’re still on the rebound from Sophie. I’m guessing she has told you to get lost and wants nothing to do with you?” Ross yet again, guessing right, annoying Calvin greatly.

“Something like that,” he babbled while his stomach flipped. “Listen, I will sort something out for us and text you later, you tell me which week is better for you and we will go from there,” he announced excited about getting away from the fiasco that had become of his life.

He browsed the internet searching for a destination that stole his heart, finding some breath-taking places, only his thoughts floated to taking Sophie there. He shook his head, still there was no getting away from her.

That was it! He went to the drinks cabinet to find nothing, but whisky and he wasn’t in the mood for that. He decided he had no choice but to go out and get a bottle or three to blank out Sophie…bloody Richards. Just as he left his apartment his phone sounded with that damn tune
Deepest Blue,
he needed to get that changed. He saw Veronica calling him, maybe she was his option, maybe a night with her would remove Sophie.

“Hello there.”

“Well hello, my darling…you have been ignoring my calls,” she told him.

“Yeah, sorry about that I was meant to call you back, but…well got side-tracked,” he lied having no intentions of calling her back.

“Well, listen, I am home alone, and I bet you are in that apartment alone, so…why not come over gorgeous and have a night on me?” she teased, sounding like she loved herself.

“Sure, why not,” he replied. “I’m on my way now,” he agreed, while walking to the main door setting the alarm first.

“Wonderful, are you feeling all right?

“I’m fine.”

“Well I cannot wait, you know where I live?” she delightfully spoke.

“Yes, I do, how could I forget. Listen just give me thirty and I will be with you,” he replied debating to take his car, but then that would mean he couldn’t drink. He tutted, decisions, decisions. He longed for a stiff drink, anything to try and forget about his disastrous weekend.

“Okay, no problems, I have the wine already chilling,” she giggled.

“Great,” he added. He locked the front door to his apartment and made his way down the corridor to the main staircase. But stopped to think for a few seconds whether to drink to not. He wished he could make up his mind. Then thinking logically about it, he had work in the morning and heading there with a thick head wouldn’t be a good idea. He turned around and headed for the elevator. He pressed the bottom, scratching his head, wondering why on earth he agreed to go out with Veronica, he must need his head examining.

“No stuff it, I will get a bottle, I’ll go and get a bottle of wine and take it back to mine and have enough to just make me sleep,” he muttered to himself. “Yes, that sounds like a better plan,” he reached into his jeans pocket to produce his phone while waiting for the elevator and pressed re-dial to Veronica.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

“Look, I’m sorry, something has come up and I cannot make it, I’m really sorry,” he explained and before she had a chance to answer he rang off and turned his phone off knowing she would keep ringing him until he answered. The last thing he needed was someone pestering him.

He inhaled a deep breath and screwed up his nose. The elevator door chimed to be on his floor. He stepped closer, scratching his head while staring down at his feet, knowing he did the right thing about cancelling Veronica, as he knew what her capabilities were and she would no doubt manage after the extensive years of trying get him in her bed. He couldn’t risk that, especially when his heart remained repairing from Sophie.

The elevator doors opened hearing the sound of a baby crying, a young baby reminding him of the glorious sounds of Kacey. He lifted his head. He stood not believing who stood before him. Where his eyes deceiving him? He rubbed his eyes quickly to look again, seeing Sophie holding Kacey in a baby carrier on her chest.

“Sophie,” he bellowed, shocked.

They both stood surprised at seeing one another when the doors started closing. Calvin jumped in to place his foot between the steel doors preventing them from closing he forced them back open.

“What on earth…”

“Surprise,” she sang, holding her arms out smiling, while lifting her shoulders.

Calvin stood like a total fool, trying to get his head around the fact Sophie was here…in London and with Kacey. Surely there was a mistake!

Chapter Fifteen

Standing before Calvin with his mouth wide-open, his eyes staring at her like he had seen a ghost.

“Sorry have I caught you at a bad time?” she asked him now stood outside the elevator and the doors closed.

“No, I am just shocked, stunned, wondering how the hell, what and why?”

Kacey cried.

“Sorry she needs feeding, it’s been a long trip,” Sophie told him, his eyes still gazing at her.

“Sorry, yes, this way,” he quaked with puzzlement all over his face. She watched him scratch his brow. Suddenly he leaned forward to her taking the changing bag from her shoulder. “Right follow me.”

He turned around taking the lead making his way quickly down a large cream corridor with several doors off, the walls adorned with art paintings, a few wall tables with large vases and carpeted throughout making the area wide and bright, with no windows. Sophie galloped after him as he took off fast. Kacey cried there was nothing she could do to calm her daughter without giving her what she needed including a nappy change.

She followed him as he was already inside his apartment, the door left wide open. She could hear the sound of an alarm going off. She stood waiting for a few seconds at the door.

Sophie could not believe she was in the capital city and at Calvin’s.

The alarm was heard being de-activated. She took a few steps inside the apartment already seeing the elegance of his fortune, when she had found the building the name of the building the taxi driver had dropped her outside she couldn’t believe how extraordinary the building was.

“Are you sure this is the right place Albert Court?”

“Sure is, love,” the taxi driver replied.

She knew the place would be expensive and out of this world not forgetting costing him a small fortune. She stood staring at the magnificent grade II listed mansion building.

Calvin appeared suddenly feet away from her in the Galloway. “Please, follow me,” he commanded her. He turned around and walked down the Galloway disappearing into a room.

Sophie followed him, urgently needing to attend to her daughter. She took pursuit on Calvin.

She entered the room where he had vanished into to see it being an exquisite large lounge.

“Wow, this is gorgeous.”

“Hello,” a male voiced.

She observed Calvin hitching his brows.

“My pram has arrived,” she told him as she’d left it with the concierge while she tried to calm Kacey down, he said he would follow her up.

Calvin dashed out the room to see to the concierge. “Thank you very much, much appreciated,” Calvin voiced.

“You’re welcome, Mr. Edwards, if you require anything please just give me a call.”

“I’m sure we will be fine but thank you.”

Sophie made her way to the large cream sofa looking very comfy and inviting. The room was decorated in elegance, and she could see he had great taste with the cream walls and a large gold rug in the middle of the floor and saw all the latest technology.

She took Kacey out her carrier placing her carefully on her lap, she scrunched the pillows around her, wanting to be comfortable while feeding her daughter. Then discreetly she lifted her top, unhooked her bra and Kacey latched on, instantly.

“Oh, sorry,” he gravelly voice sounded. Sophie watched him turned his back on her.

“It’s fine, I’m only feeding her, is that okay? Sorry, I should have asked, but she is so hungry,” she said embarrassed and not thinking, feeling bad now for not checking.

“Of course it’s fine, I just wasn’t sure if you wanted me to see,” he voiced.

“It’s fine you cannot see anything, and not only that weren’t you in the hospital with me the first time they tried her to latch on?” she mocked, feeling he might have been embarrassed.

Calvin turned slowly around to face her. “Yes I was, sorry, I did try not to look,” he stammered, dismayed. “Can I get you anything?” he asked, keeping well back from her clearly trying not to look at Kacey. Sophie smiled. She bet he had a million questions to ask and one being why on earth was she in London.

“Could I have a glass of water, and a cup of tea, milk and no sugar?”

“Of course you can.”

He dashed across the room to the far side where there was another door to then pause but without turning around asked, “Have you eaten?”

“No, I haven’t had a chance everything had been such a mad rush,” she informed him.

“No problem, I’ll order a take-out?”

“Sounds good,” she added.

“I’ll get the menus and your water and tea.” He laughed.

She could hear Calvin pottering around in the next room, assuming that was the kitchen, but she couldn’t move to explore. She gazed at the large screen on the wall opposite her, to see the remote on a coffee table not far from her, but didn’t wish to disturb Kacey suckling.

“Here you go, and I got the menus. Whatever you fancy. I haven’t eaten much,” he told her handing her the water.

“Thank you,” she said taking the glass from him. Sophie watched him move the coffee table closer to her to reach her tea. She immediately took a sip of the ice cold water and scrunched up her nose to the taste, tasting very different from up north more bitter.

“Sorry, do you want me to go out and get some fresh water?” he asked.

“No, this will be fine, it’s just while she’s feeding,” she told him.

“So, what do you fancy and I will pop out and get it?” he asked rubbing his neck.

“I don’t mind, Chinese would be great, the last time I had that was with you in hospital,” she scoffed while gazing at him. He gave a crooked smile.

“Which one? The one in your accommodation or the time I antagonised your mum when she was being funny with me?” He chuckled.

“Yes, I remember that, was so funny, you really played her.” She laughed.

They chose what they fancied with Calvin wrote it all down. “Right I’ll ring it through and get them to bring it to the front door, and leave you to feed little princess. Is there anything you need me to do before I leave?” He grinned at her.

“Would you mind just making sure the pram is neatly ready to place my daughter in?”

“Of course. I would be delighted.”

He stood leaving the room bringing back the pram, with the covers all over the place as Kacey had kicked them about. She gave him a few instructions, but really there was nothing to it.

“Thank you.”

“Anytime, right I’ll go and get the food.” He wagged his brows.

He left her. She smiled, betting he had so many questions to ask her about her visit to the capital, but first things were first, she needed to get slightly settled. Her stomach growled aware now she was starving. It had been a weird day totally. Once Kacey was fed, changed, and content she placed her into her pram.

She decided to stretch her legs and take a walk around the luxurious apartment. She found a small kitchen-diner, just big enough for one person or a couple. She carried on and walked back into the entrance hall finding a door to her right. Sophie opened the door to find a black and white bedroom. She walked over to the window to look out seeing below passers-bys, betting it would be more lively tomorrow with the Monday morning rush.

There was a far door to the right that she wished to investigate and walked over, finding a small en-suite. She smiled guessing somehow this wasn’t Calvin’s room.

Out the room, she walked to the far end of the entrance hall passing the kitchen and lounge seeing the pram. She walked to the last door, grabbed the silver handle to open the door and found a stunning bedroom, guessing this was his.
Oh wow, Mr. Edwards, you do live the glamorous lifestyle.
She froze, not wishing to step any further into his private space room, although tempted to do so. Her heart raced to the thought of him sleeping in the large bed naked and...those thoughts had to stop!

Then there came the sound of the main door heard clicking. She turned to see if Calvin had returned. It was him. She smiled at him lifting the corner of her mouth, knowing what he’d be thinking about her being near his bedroom door, she couldn’t blame him, it looked terribly suspicious!

Calvin stared at her. “Everything okay?” he asked, walking toward her and turned to go into the kitchen.

“Yes…yes, everything is fine,” she added and swiftly moved from the door to follow him.


“That smells delicious.” She heard the sound of her tummy rumbling.

“It sure does.” He grinned at her.

She watched Calvin plate the dinner up with the delicious food.

“Please take a seat,” he indicated to her, hitching his brows while she glanced at the glass table.

Sophie did not say a word. She made her way to the table. She lifted the chair not to scrape the laminate white flooring. The aroma of the Chinese was setting her tummy off, making loud grumbles. He walked to the table placing her plate in front of her along with a knife and fork. They both tucked in without saying a word. Wow she was ravenous. Sophie enjoyed the textures and flavors while having Kacey close in the lounge where she could see her.

Once the meal was finished Calvin cleaned the dishes which he insisted on. Sophie walked back into the lounge to check on her daughter who remained sleeping.

Sophie turned around catching Calvin standing and staring at her while leaning on the doorframe. “I need to ask, Sophie.”

“Why I’m here?” It was the obvious question and was surprised he hadn’t asked earlier.


“Well.” She turned to face him. “I went to the hall, and I found I had missed you by forty minutes. I had a bad night previous due to having much to consider due to a certain man and well I fell asleep and when I went to check my phone it was dead.” She told him standing tall, watching his facial expression unable to read at this point. “I pottered around for a while waiting for my phone to get some charge when I discovered the time, and my phone has been dead ever since, so I charged to the hall. Well, Dad, did,” she explained.

“Oh…I see.”

He walked into the room standing closer to her. “And why did you go to the hall?”

“I erm…well, I needed to talk to you,” she told him truthfully.

“And you travelled all this way to talk with a small baby?” he teased, stepping even nearer to her.

“Yes, you gave me plenty to think about and I needed to know how serious you were,” she added.

“I see! Well, I’m serious and meant every word I said to you. You’re my life, Sophie,” he reminded her, reaching to take hold of her hand. “I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. I cannot tell you enough what you mean to me. I love you and it isn’t just words I use easily,” he said sincere and wonderful. “If I have to tell you every time I see you I will, there is no-one on this planet that fills my heart the way you do…I mean, look at me for God sake,” he stipulated as she glanced down at him briefly. “I’m turning into a soppy freak.” He chuckled.

She belly laughed with him.

“Yes, but getting married, isn’t it too soon? Don’t you think you need to learn more about me?” she asked.

“Like what? Don’t you think I have heard and learned enough? I have been with you through thick and thin remember. I’m the one who helped and guided you and got Ross helping you sort a house out. I was the one who put you in the cottage to give you somewhere nice to stay. I’m the one who took you to the hospital, I’m the one who sat by yours and Kacey’s side…”

“Okay…okay, I get it,” she agreed, placing her hands up needing him to stop. “Yes, you have seen my darkest days.”

“And you have told me almost everything there is to know about you. I know life has been tough for you, and you don’t need to experience anymore. Please, Sophie, allow me in and allow me to share good and bad times with you. We can deal with all the pain together, but I promise you there will be no more pain. I love you and when I asked you to marry me last night, I meant it. I would sacrifice everything if it meant being with you,” he indicated, frowning while cocking his head to the side. She could see by his eyes that he meant every single word.

“What about here?” she asked, knowing she had mentioned it last night.

“I would move up north. I’m not having you or Kacey living here, not a place for a small child, instead I would find us a nice home with a large back garden with stunning views for me and you to sit in the summers and enjoy, while eating ice-cream.” He scrunched up his nose, so adorable. “And watching Kacey playing.”

She liked what she heard, however, one slight possible problem. “What will your dad say?”

“Not bothered. I have found true love and if he doesn’t like it, I will leave the company,” he told her.

Sophie stood shocked at his suggestion.

“You cannot be serious…why would you want to do that?” she asked mortified.

“Because, Sophie,” he exclaimed, holding her hands tighter. “I love you and I would make whatever changes were needed to be with you.”


Calvin hoped she got the message, there was nothing else he could say or do to prove to her how much he loved her. He wants nothing more than to be a part of her life and be a family. He admitted he was, being a douche bag, soppy and acting like a fool, but he had nothing to lose, he needed Sophie more than anything.

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