Into The Fire (14 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #sex, #tattoo, #billionaire, #contemporary romance, #alpha male, #inked man

BOOK: Into The Fire
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Alessandra tried not to laugh. “I’ll have the
egg white omelet with a side of fruit.”

I stuck my tongue out. “What the hell is
that? That’s not breakfast.” I turned to the waiter. “Get her some
French toast too.”

“You got it.” The waiter walked away with our

I took a long drink of my mimosa. “Alcohol
for breakfast—sounds good to me.”

She sipped hers. “It’s a classy way to get

“Have you eaten here before?”

“No. I don’t usually go out for breakfast.
Just lunch and dinner.”

“So, you make breakfast at home?”

“I usually skip breakfast.”

“That’s terrible,” I blurted.

“Well, not everyone can look like you and eat
whatever the hell they want.”

“Just hit the gym. I go every day.”

“Well, I prefer sitting on my ass and not

“You do something,” I argued. “There’s no way
you’re that sexy without lifting a finger.”

“I jog but only a few times a week.”

“Ooh, I’d love to see you jog…your tits
bouncing up and down.”

She rolled her eyes. “You saw my tits bounce
up and down last night. I’m sure you’ve seen enough.”

“I’m always down to see more.”

She sipped her mimosa before she pressed her
lips tightly together. “So…I was thinking.”

That sounded serious.

“Are we going to keep doing this?”

“What?” I asked. “Breakfast?”

“Sex,” she corrected. “Or was that a one-time

I definitely didn’t want it to be a one-time
thing. She was sexy as hell. “I want to keep doing it if you do.

“Well, I do too. Honestly…” Her cheeks
blushed like she was embarrassed. “You don’t know how nice it is to
be with a man that knows what he’s doing. I realize I’ve missed out
on so much, and I’m learning things too.”

“More than happy to teach you, sweetheart.” I
winked at her.

“I don’t want this to end. But I have to end
something else if that’s the case.”


“Our contract. I can’t be your escort

“What?” I blurted. “But I need you. I can’t
just show up with a new girl—”

“Calm down,” she said. “I’ll still escort
you—for free. I just can’t risk getting in trouble.”

“Oh. You would do that?”

“Well, I’m not doing it totally for free…”
She gave me a meaningful look.

“What does that mean?”

“Well…you’d be paying me in other ways.” She
glanced at my chest then my face again.

My mouth broke into a smile. “Oh, I get
it…that sounds like a great compromise to me.”

“Good,” she said. “I’ll take care of it

“Done deal.” Now I was saving a shit ton of
money, and I was getting busy with a gorgeous woman. I grabbed my
glass and clanked it against hers. “To a beautiful day.”

She chuckled then knocked her glass against
mine. “To a new relationship.”

I tried not to flinch at her choice of

A few minutes later, the waiter returned with
the food.

“Oh yeah.” I rubbed my palms together. “Bring
it on.”

Alessandra chuckled from across the

“Let’s do this.” I dug into my French toast
then shoveled two pieces of bacon down my throat. I ate everything
placed in front of me, even the toast. I hadn’t had breakfast like
that in a long time, and I forgot how good it was.

When I looked up, Alessandra was staring at

“What?” I asked when I caught her look.


“Uh…why else would I want to go out and

She shook her head slightly then picked at
her food. She only ate a few bites, hardly touching anything she

I demolished my plate then released a loud
burp. “Yeah, that hit the spot.”

“Gross.” She waved the gas away. “Do you have
any manners?”

“Sorry…I got carried away.” I finished my
mimosa then moved onto the water.

“So, what’s this story about you going to

I froze at the mention of it. “Mom told

“She mentioned it in passing…something like
she wished you would go to jail again so you would straighten

“That weasel…”

“So, what’s the scoop?” She rested her elbows
on the table and leaned forward.

“Ugh! My past will always haunt me.”

“Come on, spill it. You know I used to be a

“I wouldn’t mind watching you strip again.” I
wiggled my eyebrows at her.

“Don’t change the subject. I’ll either hear
it from you or your mom. The ball is in your court.”

. “I’ll tell you. Mom would
botch it anyway.”

She waited with an intrigued look in her

“I picked up this girl at a bar. She was
kinky, kinkier than most girls I know. We left the bar then waited
at the curb for a cab but there weren’t any out where we were. She
was super eager to get down to business…”

Alessandra rested her fingers on her

“So, we went into the next alley. She bent
over behind the dumpster and I came behind her and did my


“Apparently, there was a cop car right at the
curb. He came back from dinner and spotted us going at it. I was
arrested for public indecency and thrown into the slammer.”

She tried not to laugh. “Wow…that’s one heck
of a story.”

“Make fun of me all you want.”

“You really didn’t notice the cop?”

“It was dark and the streetlight was

“Then how did he notice you?”

“The girl I was with wouldn’t stop screaming.
Like I said, she was kinky.” I rolled my eyes at the memory. “So,
that’s the deal. Mom would have told it differently.”

“What’s jail like?” she asked.


She raised an eyebrow. “That’s it?

“Yep. I stayed in a holding cell for three
days. I peed in there because I didn’t have a choice but I didn’t
do the other thing. There were, like, ten other guys in there with
me. I was so pissed that my parents let me rot in there.”

“Did any of them check you out…?”

“I never made eye contact so I don’t know.”
And I would break their necks if they tried anything.

“Wow…I’ll make sure I never do it in a public

“Just don’t be stupid like me. Find a really
dark corner.”

She finished her mimosa just as the check

I snatched it and put the cash inside.

“Why don’t you let me pay for once?”


“Are you finished with the sentence?”

“Because I said so.”

Alessandra shook her head and decided not to
argue. “Well, thank you for breakfast.”



We left the table then headed to the
sidewalk. I walked with her toward her apartment because I assumed
that’s where we were going.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you around,” she
said. “Let me know next time you need me.”

“What?” I asked.


“You have plans or something?”

“No…I just figured you would go home.”

“Well, I don’t have anything to do. Can I
hang out with you?”

“Sure…” She still seemed confused.

“Besides, I want to get nasty again. That was

She smiled. “It really was.”


A few days had come and gone, and all I could
think about was that beautiful brunette. She had green eyes that
shined brighter than a street light. They lit up during sex, and
practically shot fireballs.

I’d had a lot of good sex in my life with
women I couldn’t even remember, but Alessandra was exceptional. She
wasn’t necessarily super experienced but she was so enthused. It
was like having sex with a porn star without all the diseases.

It totally rocked.

And she had nice tits. I loved watching them
shake when I pounded into her. And the way her pussy constricted
around my dick like it was trying to squeeze it. Then she was
wetter than a slip-and-slide.

It was awesome.

And she didn’t annoy me like most girls. When
the sex was done, I didn’t want to hit the road. I even spent the
night with her. Cuddling wasn’t my thing. It was for weird, clingy
people, not me. But it wasn’t bad with her.

I was lying in bed late at night with a hard
dick. It came to life any time I thought about Alessandra, so my
boner had come and gone all day. I thought about tit-fucking her
and eating her out. I thought about all the things I could do to
her to make her scream.

Jerking off was the most convenient solution,
but why would I do that if I could get the real thing? I texted her
even though it was midnight.
You awake?

The three dots lit up as she typed a
Now I am.

Well, since you’re awake…can I come

Right now?

No, tomorrow night…
I hoped my sarcasm
was read through the words.

I’m pretty tired.

I’ll do all the work. Come on, I’m so hard.
I’ll send you a dick pic.

She responded immediately.
I’ll take your
word for it. Yes, come over.

Sick. I’ll be there soon.


She opened the door wearing a black
nightdress. Her hair was all over the place and she didn’t wear any
makeup but she still looked hot. In my opinion, if a girl had to
wear a lot of makeup, then she was trying to hide
something—ugliness. “Come in.” She shut the door behind me and
immediately walked to her bedroom. She looked tired like she could
fall right back asleep.

I followed her then stripped my clothes away.
My cock came out, long and ready. I wasn’t sure how I wanted her,
but I’d be happy any way I could get her.

She lay in bed then realized I was naked. Her
sleepiness immediately evaporated the second she looked at me. She
eyed my hard body and my broad chest. Desire was heavy in her eyes
and unmistakable.

I crawled into bed then kissed her neck. “I
like this nightgown.”

She exposed her throat then pulled her
panties off at the same time. “Now you’ll like it even more.”

I gave a quiet growl in her ear. “You’re

Her hands moved all over my body, feeling all
the muscle and strength. She pressed a kiss to my chest then licked
the skin.

My fingers moved between her legs and I
rubbed her clitoris the way she liked. As soon as we had sex the
first time, I learned everything she liked. I could read her like
an open book because she was vulnerable with me. Most women were
trying to hide their eagerness because of embarrassment, but not
her. My fingers grazed across her opening and felt the

She was ready for me.

“Wait.” She held me back before I could slip
inside her.

“What’s wrong?”

She grabbed my shoulders and rolled me to the
mattress. “I want to be on top.”

My mouth stretched from ear-to-ear. “Go for
it, sweetheart.” I scooted up the bed until my back was against the

She straddled my hips then balanced on the
balls of her feet. “Like this?” She seemed hesitant but confident
at the same time. She trusted me enough to tell me she was unsure
instead of fumbling around in the dark just to save face.

And I liked that
. “Yes.” My hands
moved underneath her thighs then I pointed my tip at her entrance.
“Now take it slow or you’ll hurt yourself.”

Her hands gripped my shoulders and she
lowered herself onto my length. Her face changed as she took more
in. First, she bit her lip at the initial stretching. Then she
panted like the pleasure was too good for her to handle. When she
finally took all of me, she released a loud groan. “Yes…”

My cock twitched inside her but was unable to
move because it was such a tight channel. The wetness was warm, and
her constriction was epic. Her pussy was better than any I’d ever
had before, and it was even better than a pocket pussy.
I’ve used one.

Her tits shook in my face as she slid up and
down, and her nails dug into my shoulders every time she used them
to lift herself. Instead of staring at my chest, she looked into my

I made eye contact every once in a while
during sex, but not like this.

She stared into my eyes like even those
turned her on. Then she bit her lip and moaned, using her legs to
take in my thickness.

Shit, she was going to make me come.

I wanted to kiss her for some inexplicable
reason. Kissing was juvenile and lame. It was the least arousing
thing you could possibly do. I simply didn’t like it. I preferred
other things, like sucking nipples and pussy. But I wanted to kiss

I leaned forward and sealed my mouth over
hers. The second we touched, she gave me her tongue. It was small
and sexy. It danced with mine before her lips took over. Sometimes
she stopped altogether and just breathed into my mouth because
sliding on my dick was too distracting. Then she kissed me again,
digging her nails deeper into my skin. There would be marks
tomorrow but I didn’t care. It would only remind me of this
passionate and satisfying night.

“Ash…” Whenever she said my name, it was in
such a sexy way. It was full of desperation even though she already
had me. She wanted more of me but I’d already given her

I gripped her hips then changed her motion,
moving her forward and backward while I was completely sheathed.
Her clitoris rubbed against my pelvic bone. “Like that…”

She breathed harder as she continued moving
her hips. Her hands moved down to my chest as she held on. She
continued to grind against me as she was completely full from my
thickness. Moving my dick in and out usually gave me more
satisfaction but feeling her constrict around me from pleasure was
just as good. She was enjoying me, and that made me enjoy
everything even more. “Oh my god…” She bit her lip as she rolled
her hips.

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