Into The Fire (17 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #sex, #tattoo, #billionaire, #contemporary romance, #alpha male, #inked man

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She smiled then faced forward again. She
lathered her hands with shampoo then massaged it into her scalp.
Her hair became full of soap bubbles and they floated inside the
shower. Then she turned around and leaned her head back as the
water rinsed the soap away.

I stared at her chest. “You really do have a
nice rack. It’s the first thing I thought when I saw you.”

“You don’t say?” She rolled her eyes but
smiled at the same time.

“And your pussy is really sweet.”

“You thought that when you first saw me?” she
asked incredulously.

“No, but I suspected it.” I grabbed the
shampoo then washed my hair.

“So…you had a double date last night?” she
asked without making eye contact with me.

“No, not really.”

“Her name was Irene?”

Damn, she could hear well.

“And she’s a model or something?” Her voice
trailed away.

“Yeah. Swimsuit.”

“She sounds like a catch.” Alessandra rubbed
the soap across her arms and chest.

“Actually, she was pretty annoying.” That was
the truth. She was too forward. I didn’t like it when girls sold
the farm too quickly.

“I thought that was exactly what you

“Not necessarily. A little work makes the end
worth it. If she just gives it away, it makes me wonder how good
the quality is.”

“You have an interesting perspective.”

“Like I said before, I was manipulated into
the date.”

“But you didn’t have to go…” Accusation was
in her tone.

“And I didn’t want to. But Sawyer guilted me
into it.”

“Did you…kiss her?”

Was she jealous? Why was she asking
all these questions?
“Why do you want to know all of this?”

She shrugged. “We’re friends, right? We talk
about everything.”

I never asked her about her personal life. I
didn’t realize it until now. “Are you seeing anyone? Dating?”

“Just you,” she answered. “I would have told
you if there was someone else in the picture. I’m not really a
two-guys-at-the-same-time kind of chick. It feels…wrong.”

“You’ve never dated two guys at once?” I

“I have,” she said. “But I wasn’t sleeping
with either one of them. That changes everything.”

I guess that made sense.

“If I find someone else, I’ll let you know.
But I don’t see that happening anytime soon.”

“You don’t go out often?”

“What gave me away?” she said with a laugh.
“Honestly, I hate dating and meeting new people. I don’t miss Tony
but I miss what we had. It’s nice being in a relationship and just
being yourself around someone. They’re your best friend but they’re
also your lover. I’m not sure if I’ll ever find that again.”

“You’ll find something better,” I said. “That
guy sounds like a total douchebag. I’d punch him in the face if I
ever saw him.”

“I’d pay good money to see that.” She grabbed
the soap then massaged it into my chest. The suds moved down my
skin and to my crotch. Every few minutes, she had to cough. But she
turned the other way and kept it away from me. “I can’t wait until
this cold goes away.”

“It’s not a cold. It’s pneumonia.”

“Whatever,” she said.

“How did you meet Tony anyway?”

“Mutual friends,” she answered. “I know he
acted like a hypocritical jerk near the end, but he really was a
good guy. He’s generous, passionate, and loyal. I always knew there
was a chance we would break up but I never expected that to be the

“Jackass.” I really hated that guy.
Alessandra was the coolest chick ever. Why would he fuck up
something like that? He wasn’t going to find a better woman.
Alessandra wasn’t fake or annoying. She was real—perfect. Who cares
if she was a stripper for a short period of time? I hated
judgmental people. They were the worst.

“What about you?”

“What about me?” I asked. “Am I a jackass?

“No,” she said with a laugh. “Was there ever
anyone special in your life?”

“I already told you I didn’t do the
girlfriend thing.”

“I know.” She rolled her eyes. “But someone
you really cared about. You know, the one who got away?”

I searched my mind but couldn’t come up with
a single name. I’d have particularly sexy women hit my sheets, and
I even had some sort of friendship with them, but I never felt
anything more than that. “Nope.”

“Never?” That seemed unbelievable to her.

“Women are always looking for their Prince
Charming to sweep them off their feet. Guys are just looking
forward to the following day. Perhaps that’s why you and I are so

“Maybe.” She scrubbed my shoulders then my
arms. “I really like your tattoos…”

I grinned. “I picked up on that.”

“What made you get your first one?”

I shrugged. “Thought they looked cool. Still
do. You really should consider getting one. And if not that, at
least that clit piercing.”

“I don’t know… I can’t resist pain as well as
you can.”

“It’s really not that bad. It’s just a tiny
pinch and then it’s over.”

“And how would you know?” she challenged.

“You’ve seen my dick piercing.”

“Still…not the same thing.”

“Well, get it pierced and we’ll compare.”

“I don’t know… What if it got infected?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Are you not clean down
there or something?”

“Of course I am,” she said defensively. “But
piercings are really vulnerable.”

“Just wash it and you’ll be good.”

She turned off the water and the silence
echoed in the bathroom. “Thanks for helping me shower.”

“No problem,” I said. “I always love a wet,
naked woman.” I winked.

She rolled her eyes then stepped out with the
towel. She tossed one at me. “I feel a little better.”

“The humidity should help you breathe.”

After she dried her hair and pulled on her
pajamas, she immediately lay on the couch with a blanket over her
shoulders. She coughed into her tissues every few minutes, but she
did seem better than the night before.

I sat beside her on the couch. “What should
we watch?”

“Porn?” A teasing smile was on her lips.

“I’m always down with that.” I nudged her in
the side. “You know that.” I turned on the TV and changed the
channel. When I came across the Disney movie,
, she
gripped my wrist.

“Leave it here. I love this movie.”

I gave her an incredulous look. “It’s a

“So?” she challenged. “It’s amazing.”

“If it’s amazing, then you’ve already seen
it. So we shouldn’t watch it again.”

“Come on,” she said. “You’ve never seen

“You tell me.” I shot her a glare.

“You’d love it if you gave it a chance.”

“Whatever.” I let her get her way. “I’m only
doing this because you don’t feel well.”

“Thank you.” She clapped her hands in

I rolled my eyes and prepared to be bored to


The movie ended and the credits rolled.
“Thank god that shit is over.”

“You really didn’t like it?” she asked

“No.” A talking snowman and a princess just
wasn’t my thing.

“Not even the moose?” she asked. “So

“You act like a child sometimes.”

She glared at me. “You act like a child all
the time.”

“Whatever.” I left the couch. “Ready for some

“Yes, please.”

I grabbed the bottle off the counter and
poured her the dosage. “Let it go…let it go…can’t hold it back
anymore…” The words escaped under my breath as I put the lid back
on the bottle. I returned to her but stopped when I saw the wide
smile on her face and the gloating in her eyes. “Wow, you’re really
excited for this Nyquil, huh?”

“What were you singing?”


“I heard you, Ash.”

The realization came back to me and I tried
not to look guilty.

“You like that song, huh?” She was having the
time of her life right now.

“No…it’s just catchy.”

“Uh-huh. Sure…whatever.” She couldn’t stop

“Like you’ve never had a terrible song stuck
in your head,” I jabbed.

“Oh, I have,” she said. “But I don’t sing it
out loud.”

I didn’t hand her the Nyquil. “You know, I
can just keep this.”

“And I can wait a lifetime until you admit
that’s a good song.”

I set the Nyquil down. “Then I guess you’ll
be awake all night.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and
didn’t budge. “Fine by me.”

I changed the channel to ESPN.

“I’m telling your parents you like that

“You wouldn’t dare.” I narrowed my eyes on
her face.

“Just admit it and that secret will stay
between us.”

I sighed and shook my head slightly.

“Come on, Ash.”

“Fine…it’s not that bad.”

“That’s what I thought.” A triumphant look
was on her face.

“Let’s move on now.”

“If you can stop singing to yourself.”

“I’ll manage,” I said darkly.

We watched TV for another hour and Alessandra
started to doze off. Quiet sighs escaped her lips every few
minutes, and a cough erupted here and there. I turned off the TV
then scooped her into my arms and carried her into the bedroom. She
stirred slightly and released a yawn.

I tucked her in the sheets then put the
Nyquil by her bedside.

“Thanks for taking care of me…” Her eyes were

“No problem.” I moved my fingers through her
hair and watched her relaxed features.

“I guess I’ll see you later.” She pulled the
sheets further over her shoulder.

“I assumed I was sleeping here.”

“Really?” She cracked her eyes open. “And
sleep in a bed with a sick person?”

“I’m immune to everything.”

“I still have a bad cough.”

“It doesn’t bother me.”

“You aren’t a germaphobe?”

“Nope,” I said. “Believe me, I’ve seen worse.
And you might need me for something later.”

“I feel like I have a nanny…a hot one.”

“Butler is a more appropriate name. And thank

“Wow…you were humble for once.”

“Shut the hell up.” I stripped my clothes off
and got into bed beside her. She was warm from her fever but I
didn’t mind being close to her. I pressed my chest to her back and
felt her body struggle to breathe normally. I kissed the back of
her neck before I wrapped my arm around her waist.

“Good night, Ash…”

“Good night, baby.”

She didn’t protest to the nickname for once,
but I wasn’t sure if it was because she didn’t mind or because she
was already asleep.




I was paying bills at the kitchen table when
Ash walked inside.

“Yo.” He immediately headed to the fridge and
grabbed a beer.

I looked up from my checkbook and glared at
him. “Uh…come in?”

He downed half his beer in a single drink.
“There’s nothing better than cold beer.”

“Did you forget how to knock?”

“I didn’t see the need.”

“Well, I could have been walking around naked
or something…”

“Like I haven’t seen that before.”

“Or doing something else private.”

He grinned. “Like masturbating? I would have
loved to walk in on that. But I doubt you touch yourself now that
you have me around.”

I chucked my pen at him. “God, you’re

“Me?” he asked innocently. “It doesn’t seem
like you’re annoyed when I’m thrusting inside you.”

“Because you aren’t talking.”

He sat in the chair across from me and
continued to drink his beer. “What’s up?”

“Paying my bills.”


“Can I help you with something?” My pneumonia
was gone and I felt a lot better.

“Are you free tomorrow night?”


“My parents want to have dinner. I need you
to play the perfect woman.”

“You better rock my world when we get

He grinned. “When have I ever disappointed

I rolled my eyes.

“Thanks for helping me out.”

“Thanks for making me come.” I grabbed my
cable bill and wrote a check.

“I don’t mind in the least,” he said. “My
dick loves that tight pussy.”

I shoved everything inside the envelope. “Do
you need to be so crude all the time?”

He shrugged. “I’m just honest. My dick really
does love your pussy. It’s a fact.”

I moved on to the next bill.

“Do you have plans for the evening?”


“So, I can chill?”

“You already make yourself welcome so do
whatever you want.”

He finished his beer then left the bottle on
the table. “Does that include anal?”

I flinched then stared at him. “What?”

“You’ve never done it?” he asked. “It’s when
I stick my dick in your asshole—”

“I know what it is,” I snapped. “My pussy
isn’t good enough for you?”

“No, it’s great,” he said. “But I’m always
open to new things.”

“Well, I’m not.”

He gave me puppy eyes. “Come on. You know
they always say to go for the new experience.”

“Who are

He shrugged. “Society?”

I turned back to my work and tried to ignore

“So…is that a yes?”

“A yes to what?”


Fire came out of my eyes. “I said no.”

“No…you asked if your pussy wasn’t good

“Well, I’m saying no now.”

His shoulders slouched in disappointment. “I
bet you would really enjoy it. I know what I’m doing.”

I held up my hand. “Can you be quiet for five
minutes so I can finish this?”

“Why can’t I just talk and you do that

“You aren’t the center of my universe, in
case you haven’t noticed.”

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