Into the Storm (48 page)

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Authors: Melanie Moreland

BOOK: Into the Storm
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Without question.”

I saw her deep breaths and how she seemed to steel herself, straightening her shoulders. “All right.”

I smiled. My brave girl.

Daniel stood up. “Let’s get started then.”





I sat beside Adam, nervously watching the door. Daniel’s office was in a relatively quiet part of the hospital but there were still a fair number of people around. Before I left the office, Dr. Woods came in and introduced herself to Lizzy and me. She was an older woman, tiny in stature, but with a firm handshake and kind, knowing eyes. I had left then to give them some privacy and when the doctor came out, she stopped and shook my hand saying she would see me when Lizzy came back next time. Her eyes had widened when she took in the appearance of Adam beside me. I did a quick introduction and her eyes narrowed as she stared up at him. “You’re going after the bastard who did all this?” she asked. He nodded silently. She handed him her card. “If you need something, let me know. Nail him.” She looked over at me and smiled. “I’ll take good care of her, Joshua.” She turned and walked away quickly. Adam looked at me. “I like her. Little fireball,” he chuckled. I agreed. Daniel had done well in choosing a doctor for Rabbit.

I was surprised a few minutes later to see Dave come around the corner talking with a tall woman. He headed directly for me with his hand outstretched. “Joshua!”

I stood up and shook his hand. He introduced the woman beside him as Trina, the new head of the psychiatry department in the hospital. We conversed briefly and it struck me that this part of the hospital was an unusual place for him to be. When I questioned him, he had the grace to look slightly embarrassed.

Did Daniel ask you to ‘bump’ into me?” I asked, feeling both slightly annoyed yet grateful.

Dave nodded. “Joshua, I would never have thought I would see you standing here in the hospital of your own volition. It’s an amazing breakthrough for you.”

It’s not that easy, Dave.”

He regarded me. “No, I don’t imagine it is. But perhaps a great stepping stone to continuing?”

Suddenly, it was all clear. I turned to Trina. “It would seem a meeting has been orchestrated here.”

She smiled, her dark eyes flashing with both humour and understanding. “I’m aware. When I heard your story, I really wanted to meet you. I asked Dave to ‘arrange’ an introduction.” She stepped forward. “I knew Maggie O’Donnell well. She was a great doctor and a mentor to me.”

I regarded her quietly for a minute and made a decision. It was time to try again. “Maybe we should sit down and talk later, get to know one another a little.”

Her smile was brilliant. Her card appeared in my hand with her private contact information, and after a few more pleasantries, she and Dave walked away.

I sat down heavily. Today was turning into a long roller coaster ride of emotion and I was starting to feel overwhelmed.

Beside me, Adam spoke up. “Big day, Joshua.”

I nodded silently.

It’s good to have friends that care enough about us that they are willing to risk our anger to help, isn’t it?” he stated mildly.

I looked over at him. I had done the same with Rabbit; bringing him in, hoping against hope she would let him help her. And, she had.

I smiled. “Yeah, Adam. It’s a very good thing.”





Adam looked down at his phone at an incoming text message and then exploded in sudden anger.

Motherfucker! I thought he was smarter than this. Goddamnit! What the fuck is he thinking?” His voice was low and furious as he stood up.

I looked at him in concern. “What happened?”

Brian fucking James. That’s what just happened.”

I stood up, immediately anxious. “What?”

Papers just arrived at the office. Divorce papers.”

Wow, that was fast.”

Charging Lizzy with adultery.”

My anger was as instant as his. “Fucker,” I swore. “What is he up to?”

I have no idea. But, I’m going to find out. I need to go somewhere private. Excuse me.”

I watched him walk down the hall and speak to a nurse who pointed to a door further down the hall. Adam disappeared through it, shutting the door loudly.

I sat down, my mind racing. What was he up to? Charging Lizzy with adultery? Still playing games? I shook my head. Why? To try and make himself look good?

I was distracted from my thoughts as the nurse who took Rabbit’s blood earlier appeared and went into Daniel’s office. A few minutes later, she came out and hurried away, reappearing shortly with some sort of machine. Not long after, I watched Dr. Woods enter the office. I stood up, growing concerned. Had there been problems with removing the chip? Was Rabbit okay? My anxiety grew to another level as I saw yet another doctor enter the office. I could feel my panic growing. Rabbit had been in there for almost an hour. Daniel had said it could be done very quickly. What was taking so long? Something had to be wrong.

I began pacing then walked over to the door, trying the handle. It was locked. I could see the swipe card box beside the door, which was how the staff was entering the room, but I had no access. I knocked, but no one came to the door. I walked down the hall, planning on asking someone to call Daniel, but the desk was now empty. Across the hall, I could hear Adam’s muted voice still talking in short angry sentences. I paced a while longer, keeping my eye on Daniel’s door, occasionally pulling on my hair in frustration. I had just about reached my limit and, as I stood unsure what to do next, I heard footsteps and saw Dr. Woods and the other doctor walking down the hall. I hurried towards them. “What’s wrong? Is Rab … Lizzy okay?”

Dr. Woods put a comforting hand on my arm. “She’s fine, Joshua. Dr. Tate just had a few things to discuss with me and my colleague. He’ll be out to collect you in a minute.” Her fingers found my pulse and she frowned. “I think maybe you need to sit down, Joshua. Your pulse is racing.”

Is it out? Is the chip out?” I asked, shrugging off her concern.

Ah, almost.”

I looked at her, stunned. “What’s going on?”

She took me by the arm and led me back to the waiting area which was still deserted, thankfully.

Everything is fine, Joshua. Daniel will be out in a minute. Calm down. Lizzy is fine. I assure you.”

I searched her eyes, desperately looking for a sign she was lying to me, but her gaze reflected nothing but calm assurance. I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding in and my head sank into my hands in relief. For one awful moment I thought something had happened and I had lost Rabbit.

You care very deeply for her, don’t you?”

I lifted my head and nodded. “More than I can express.”

She smiled. “That is a precious gift. Always treasure it. Ah, here is Daniel.” She stood up. “Take care of her, Joshua.” She went over, speaking quietly to him and then continued down the hallway. I watched Daniel approach. His face was calm but serious. Every instinct was telling me something was wrong, despite what Dr. Woods had said. Why hadn’t the chip been removed yet?

Come into my office, Joshua.”

Wordlessly, I followed him, my heart in my throat. I sat down at his desk, noticing Rabbit wasn’t in the room. “Daniel?”

She’s fine, Joshua. She is still in the examination room. You can go see her in a minute.”

Why isn’t the chip out?”

It is now.” He leaned over and held up a small vial. “I assume her lawyer will want this.”

I took the vial and placed it in my pocket. “Why the delay then?”

He leaned back. “There was a … surprise with one of the test results. I had to do some follow-up tests to check on it.”

What sort of surprise?”

He shook his head. “That is private and up to Lizzy to share.” His hand indicated the door. “Go and see her. I’ll be right here.” He smiled at me widely. “I’m sure you’ll have … questions.”

I looked at him, confused. I needed to see for myself that Rabbit was okay.

I pushed the door open and went in. Rabbit was seated on the table, wearing a gown, her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head. I could see she had been crying and I went over, immediately wrapping her in my arms. She was trembling slightly. I could see the small bandage on the back of her neck, a bruise already forming on the area. I gritted my teeth together in anger. The fucker had caused yet another mark on her. I pulled away and kissed her. “Are you in pain?” I asked gently.

She shook her head, but the tears in her eyes were fresh. “What is it, Rabbit?”

I looked down and saw she was clutching something in her hands. Reaching down, I tugged on the small piece of paper, but she refused to relinquish it. I couldn’t tell what it was but I knew it had something to do with why she was upset. I looked in her eyes and was confused at her expression. She wasn’t upset as much as almost hopeful and yet nervous looking. “Rabbit?”

Her voice was shaking. “Joshua … I’m pregnant.”

My entire body locked down. The room faded away as I struggled to remain calm.

Rabbit was pregnant.

Visions and thoughts flew through my head.

So thin. She had been so thin when I found her. She couldn’t have been pregnant then. Could she?

That meant she was very newly pregnant.

My eyes shut as I realized what it meant.

Brian James had forced himself on her while she was there.

When I had sent her back to him. He had done this to her. Because of me.

I felt the bile rise in my throat and felt my hands clench at my sides. My breath was coming out in small angry gasps. I felt Rabbit’s free hand cup my face and her voice pleading with me. “Joshua, please.”

Instantly, I was ashamed. She needed me. I needed to be strong for her.

I opened my eyes and looked into her now frightened gaze. Everything else faded away except for one thing. Rabbit needed me. I loved her. I made a decision.

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